
Chapter 1

This year I'll be twenty-three years old,I'm about fifty-nine kilograms, I'm basically 5'3. I know, I'm a plain Jane, I was never really attractive.

Having been raised in a conservative, household, my mom has lectured me so much about virtue and purity. I haven't even had my first kiss yet. For a long time now it's been only my mom and I, my dad died when a was still young, about 17 years ago, I can't really remember his face anymore.

I have a degree in business administration, and I plan to open an office sometime in the future. I've always liked to work in corporate, I'd like to be my own boss to at a point. I've got big plans for my life, but it seems life has got it's own plans for me too.

I've been job hunting for about six months now and I haven't even been called back after an interview yet, I really need to find a job, and soon because I have to help my mom. She's been the one taking care of me ever since the death of my father, and I owe it to her to be successful.


After sitting at home for a while, I decided to go to my friend,Diane 's cafe. Diane and I have been friends since high school so she knows everything about me. When I got to her cafe, I saw her at the counter where she likes to be as always.

"Rora!! I've got news for you!" She said excited, waving a magazine in the air.

"Hey dee, what've you got there" I said not really interested.

"I saw an ad for a job for you, it's a really nice offer. Go on check it out" she said passing the magazine to me.

"Page 7" she told me.

I gulped, opening the page in question:

"The main branch of Elite Inc. is recruiting for various private assistant positions! Are you capable? And most of all, are you up for such a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE? Interested applicants should check our website for more information."


"Wow! This is really great! Thank you so much dee for this, you made my day." I said hugging her

"Yeah, I've got you."

I'm going to make sure I get this job!


Back home, I went to my room and flipped my laptop open, turned it on and quickly searched for the website for the job application. Luckily it wasn't that hard to find, and that was expected, considering it was one of the leading companies in this country.

After some hours, I got all the information I needed. The interview was tomorrow at ten in the morning, and it just noon now so I have sometime to prepare. The interview is in Sydney, which is not so far from where I stay. I hope things are easy tomorrow.

Suddenly I heard the sound of a vehicle entering the driveway of the house next to mine, that house has been empty since the man who owned it moved out about 2 years ago when he traveled with his family. Looking through the window, I saw a moving vehicle pull up in the driveway.

Huh, I guess someone else is moving in. I'd better go and say hi. I opened the doors to my room, walked down the stairs and went outside to meet my new neighbor. When I got there I saw some men in blue overalls taking the boxes inside the house. In their midst was a very gorgeous brunette lady who's about my age in a blue chiffon crop top and high waist jean with a black wedge.

"Hey there! I'm Rora, I live next door, are you the one moving in?"

"Hi Rora, I'm Claire, yeah I'm the one moving in." She replied

" That's great welcome to the neighborhood" I beamed

"Thanks Rora I feel welcomed"

"Oh no problem, you're welcome. Do you perhaps need any help in carrying your stuff in?" I asked

"Thanks so much Rora, it's just this boxes that are remaining" she said pointing at a small pile.

After we packed everything in, she offered me tea and then we sat down and talked. She told me about how she was tired of her previous place saying it's too noisy and all, and that she's always wanted to live in the suburbs. I told her about my interview tomorrow at Elite Inc., she seemed happy for me and wished me luck. By the time we finished talking it was already evening and I had to go home to prepare for my interview.

When I entered my house, I realized that my mom was back from work. I looked around for her and I saw her in the kitchen, so I helped her out and we talked about our day. I told her about my interview and our nice new neighbor. After dinner we both went to our rooms.

I hung my outfit for tomorrow and placed all my necessities in my bag in preparation for tomorrow

I hope things are easy for me tomorrow