
Forever, Jagiya. (Moonjo x Jongwoo)

Jongwoo was only meant to be his masterpiece. He was special. But Moonjo couldn't help but feel something more- a bit more excitement in the pit of his stomach every time he watched him take his clothes off. Moonjo was the weirdest of them all. Not to mention being the scariest. But why did Jongwoo keep poking at every small difference between the neighbor and Jieun? The difference in how they treat him? He knew about the flutter in his heart every time he heard the word coming out of his mouth. "Jagiya"

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7 Chs

Unusual Response

Jongwoo left a bit of dust on his laptop before shutting it down and leaving. The last time he opened his laptop, it was already on. He was sure to turn it off before leaving the day before. As a last resort, he decided to take the matters into his own hands and get some evidence himself. The pervert in the residence probably turned it on, but there was no proof. He took pictures of the dust on his laptop and a few more pictures of his room and left for work.

As he was walking back after a long, tiring day of work, his mind went back to it. The senior in his work was of no help and took every chance to belittle him.

Once he even thought of breaking the keyboard on his head in order to shut him up.

But violence shouldn't be an option, right?

Walking down the road, he heard some familiar voices and looked to the road turning to the right. The twins appeared to be dragging something heavy – something wrapped in a huge sack. Jongwoo slowly crawled and hid behind a wall, observing them. It felt like something insignificant to him. Well, he should really be minding his own business instead of spying on two dumb twins.

As he got up to leave, he heard the sound of glass sliding down. Quick on his actions, he turned back and picked up the empty beer bottle that was sliding down from the garbage bags kept nearby. He didn't want to get caught. It was too much of a hassle.

"What are you looking at?"

Another familiar voice behind him broke the anxiety bubbling inside of him.

"They're the twins," Moonjo said, staring at the direction Jongwoo was looking at before.

"I just saw them while passing by," Jongwoo said.

"Mr. Byun," Moonjo called out, walking towards the twins, "What are you doing here?"

"Ms. Um told us to take out the garbage," one of the twins answered.

"We help her out instead of paying rent," the other twin explained.

"I see. I thought you were throwing out a dead body or something," Moonjo turned back to look at Jongwoo, "Isn't that so?"

"What?" Jongwoo asked. He was hoping he wouldn't mention him to the twins. The sense of comfort that came to him even for a little bit, disappeared completely when Moonjo called him out.

"Oh, a little," Jongwoo said and walked slowly towards them. Moonjo found the sight quite adorable, noticing how big Jongwoo's eyes were out of curiosity.

"Why are you throwing out the garbage here?" Moonjo asked. He just needed to ask the twins questions that his subject felt curious about until he was confident enough to ask it himself. He was already taking the right steps to make the perfect gift for his masterpiece. He was sure it would be complete after some time. The gangster in the residence very generously helped him progress with his work by offering his teeth.

"Ms. Um told us to throw it out where there aren't any cameras around," the slightly normal twin answered.

"But that black stain. What's that? It looks like blood," Moonjo said. Sure, it was for his subject. But it was more important to make these duffers realize the mistake they made. How stupid it was of them to do something like this out in the open. And going by the look on their faces, they probably pissed their pants by now.

"It's the water that came out from food. Filthy water came out," the twin answered, giggling.

"Goodness, she doesn't separate regular garbage from food garbage?" He turned to look at Jongwoo's face, "It's pretty bad, isn't it?"

"Well..." Jongwoo went silent after the word. He was still thinking about it. He wanted to make sure.

"Okay, I'll talk to Ms. Um and-"

"You can just open it. Can't we open it, and see?" Jongwoo interrupted Moonjo before he completed his sentence, "Let's just see what's inside so that we wouldn't get the wrong idea."

And there it was. Just what he was waiting for. He didn't know Jongwoo would be so fast. A small smile slowly crept up to his face as he watched his subject- no, jagiya, feeling impressed. "The man from room 303 is right. Open it," he said turning to the twins.

Moonjo watched as Jongwoo cut the rope tied around the sack. He felt curious about his reaction. So far, Jongwoo was predictable but still made him feel excited instead of bored. He wanted to know how he would react to seeing what was inside the sack. Would he as an author of a crime novel react as most humans would?

He did.

Well, it's okay. Jongwoo didn't realize his talent yet. All he needed was a bit of his help and he would become the perfect artwork.

"Mr. Byun you can't throw dead cats out here," Moonjo said checking inside the sack. Jongwoo looked out of breath as he stared at the little bit of blood smeared on his fingers.

The twins tried to explain the cause of its death but he wasn't interested. He needed to make sure jagiya was alright. He walked towards him and asked, "Are you alright?"

Jongwoo stumbled on his feet and walked past him saying, "Goodness, I'm leaving."

"Wait for me," Moonjo said, a small smirk on his face.

As they walked towards the residence, Jongwoo still had the same startled expression on his face. He probably didn't realize how long Moonjo was staring at him. He felt good to know there was still an atmosphere of comfort when it was just the two of them. Knowing the time of his return, Jongwoo probably didn't get to see his girlfriend.

He can't miss this chance to spend some more time with him. "You must've been shocked," Moonjo said.

"No. No, I'm fine," Jongwoo said.

Oh, but it was obvious he found it weird how Moonjo wasn't scared. He can make it easy for him to understand. "My father is a vet, so I'm used to seeing dead animals." He said, "I guess you didn't get to see your girlfriend today."

"No," Jongwoo confirmed.

"Do you want to go in and grab some refreshing beer?" Moonjo asked. Surely, jagiya won't turn him down today. "It gets lonely to be in the room all alone after a long day. Don't you feel that way too?"

Jongwoo nodded his head like an obedient child. Just then, hearing the sound of bikes speeding up behind them, he looked behind, and before he could brace himself, he fell down.

The vehicles went away as they turned to another road, loud screams of drunk bikers came to his ears. He felt a hard surface on his back and looked behind.

Gasping, he quickly got up. "Ah, I'm sorry and uh.." he offered his hand to Moonjo and helped him get up, "thank you."

Moonjo just smiled politely in return. Although, his happiness reached a new level inside. It was thrilling to watch the scene unfold as he expected. Of course, he waited the last moment to pull Jongwoo towards himself to make him get away from the bikes. He could've handled his weight, really, but why waste such a golden opportunity to feel his skin against himself. Jongwoo was built perfectly. His back was hard, and his butt was plump and soft.

Moonjo stared at the man the whole way while strolling towards the residence. Either Jongwoo was too busy thinking about his day, or he was deliberately not meeting his eyes or making any conversation. He could also see how red his jagiya's ears were out of embarrassment.

It was way more exciting than he anticipated. It was the first time that Moonjo got such a different response than all his previous subjects.

Almost like Jongwoo was trying to suppress the excitement he felt too.