

[From Author point of view]

Jaeii is touring around her future husband company because Jaehyun left her alone and go to discuss about some stuff with Mark.Also Jena excuse Jaeii to get some tea for her so Jaeii just walk around but suddenly someone approach her...

"Hey,Miss!Who are you?"The unknown girl grab Jaeii shoulder and ask with her face look so angry.

That make Jaeii confuse...Jaeii just stare at the unknown girl with her question face but she manages to bow her as a greet.

"Hi,I'm Jaeii!"Jaeii bow and smile at the unknown girl.

"What is your business to come here?"

The unknown girl has a bad manner toward Jaeii.

Ehhh-She is soon to be your boss!She is the Vice President's fiancée,Unknown girl.Be careful with your manner toward her,miss.Or you will get.....by the Vice President.

"Mrs.Jung,Where are you?"Jena comes back from being Jaeii's tea and try to find jaeii because Jaeii is touring around the company.

"Mrs.Jung?"The unknown girl raise her voice after hearing Jena call Jaeii Mrs.Jung.

"Mrs.Jung,Here is your tea....Oh...Good morning,Lady Hana!"After seeing Hana she bow to Hana.

"How dare you is Jaehyun oppa wife?"Hana said

"Why?What wrong with that?"Jaeii shout back

The two start having a fight...Jena don't know how to stop them so she runs to Jaehyun office to tell him.

The two girl still fighting,grabbing each other hair slap each other.Jaeii couldn't control because Hana is being rude to her since the beginning.

The tea that Jena serve for Jaeii,have place on the small table.because of their fight Hana hand touch the table and make the cup fall down.They push each other.Jaeii push Hana and Hana push Jaeii.In the end both of them fall.Jaeii is the one who get a serious injured because her hand step on the pieces of glasses that Hana broke it.Hana just fall down.

Seeing Jaehyun Taeyong and Yuta come to them.

Both of them start acting. Especially Hana but Jaeii doesn't want to lose her so she is acting. Actually Jaeii hands seriously hurt and bleed a lot.

"Jaeii,Are you okay?"Taeyong seeing Jaeii hand bleed a lot so he rushes to Jaeii.Yuta rush to see Hana wether if she is okay or not.Jaehyun is calling his private doctor.While Jena is trying to clean the broken cup.Jaehyun stare at Jaeii and Taeyong.

"How dare is he touch my wife so easy?"Jaehyun mumble to him self as he finishes calling his private doctor.Because it's take the doctor so long Jaehyun call again.

"Where the fuck are you?"He shout though the phone.Everyone look at him with a shocked expression.Especially Jaeii...But Taeyong try to clam Jaehyun down.Stop touching his wife maybe he can clam down,Author guess?

"Hyung,You can do your work!I can take care of my own wife!"Jaehyun said after seeing his private doctor come and he knelt down and carry Jaeii to his office.The word 'Wife' make Hana shocked.

"Hey,Put me down!"Jaeii take her other hand and hit Jaehyun to put her down.It's so embarrassed for her.Jena opens the door for her boss and Jaehyun suddenly drop Jaeii on the couch.


Jaeii exclaims loudly when Jaehyun drops her on the couch so hard.Even the doctor is shocked.Why does he drop his wife so hard?

"Boss,The cut is a bit deeper I guess we need to..."

The doctor said and Jaehyun nodded his head.Doctor takes out a injection kit that include

"Ahhh-No!"Jaeii is afraid of that.She can cry even harder.It's hurt even Author admit it. "Dummy I don't want it!" Jaeii looks up to Jaehyun who is standing and watching her scared of it. He didn't say anything at all. She stares at him with a pity eyes ever,She doesn't want that.

Jaehyun doesn't even respond to her but go out side and slams the door hard. Doctor deal with Jaeii and Jaeii screams so loud.Almost the worker there come and check up. She cry even louder.

"Boss!" After done the doctor come out and see Jaehyun is standing in front of the door putting his hand together in the pocket. "Imm done!" The doctor bow to him and Jaehyun goes in his office.

"Hey,Jena!"The doctor is left alone because Jaehyun goes in side but he spots Jina is walking so he call her.

"Yep!" Jena reply with a cute voice while looking at the doctor.

"Boss cry?"

[In side Jaehyun's Office]

"Stop crying!"Jaehyun said and give Jaeii some tissues. Jaeii is still crying like a baby. It's hurt!

"I told you to stop crying!It's loud!"Hearing what Jaehyun said she cry even more and more louder.Jaehyun kneels in front of her and wipe her tear.

"Stop crying!"Jaehyun repeat his words. "I don't like repeating my words,So stop crying!"Jaehyun said and stand back up.

Jaeii slowly stop crying because Jaehyun face looks so serious.Jaeii wipe her tear and stop crying.

"Can you buy me something too eat?"Jaeii said make Jaehyun wanna laugh but he hold it because he never want to laugh before.

"I'll let Jena buy it!"Jaehyun said and left her alone again.

"Jena!Jena!Jena!Is she your mom?"