
Doyoung is in danger

[From Author Point Of View]

"Jena?"Jaehyun who is walking around the floor that is his office floor trying to find Jena. "Ehh-Where is she?" "Dead yet?" Jaehyun said to him self as he is trying to look around for Jena. "Bruh!Don't tell me that I need to make it!" Jaehyun said to him self also point to him self. He hates kitchen.

"Ramen?Ramen would be great!"Jaehyun said and grab a ramen and make it. "OMG!It's hot!" He grabs a hot water without wear any protection to his hand and it's burn his hand. Pouring the hot water to the ramen the water spill on his hand. "F**K!" Jaehyun shout but no one hear it since Je a isn't here.

"Jena!I'll kill you!"Jaehyun said and hold his ramen to his office while his hand is burning. He need to put some medicine on it.

Entering his office*

"Hey!Idiot!"Jaehyun is looking for Jaeii but seem like she isn't here anymore. He holds his cup of ramen and walk to his desk seeing a note on it.

You,Big ghost head!

I need to go to my work! Sorry for not telling you I have a meetup with my friends about something important. Come home early! Bye!


Jaehyun throw the ramen he made away make his office full of the water and ramen. Everything on his desk drop to the floor just a minute.

"Hyung,Burglar?" Mark come in without knocking the door because of worried about his Hyung. Seeing all the mess Mark know exactly. "Jena!Come to the office now!" Mark phone Jena. "Hyung!Where are you going?" Mark follow Jaehyun when he sees Jaehyun walk away.

"To 127!"Jaehyun short cut answers.Mark follows him to where the handsome detective 127 are staying at.

[127's Company]

•Jaehyun other office•

"Where is Doyoung?"As soon as Jaehyun enter he is looking for Doyoung. "Hyung,Where is Doyoung?"

Jaehyun ask Johnny who is working on his work.

"Did you forget?That we haven't find him yet!"Johnny said and Jaehyun eyes become bigger.

"We must find him!"Haechan coming from no where shouting like an idiot. "There is another accident nearly the same as the first accident!We need to find Doyoung Hyung as fast as it's possible!"Haechan said

"Haechan!Jungwoo!Mark!Go and clear the accident."Jaehyun said and the three rush to the accident place. "We will go together to get my hyung back!Let's go!"Jaehyun said and all the Older boy follow him.


A scary place which is full of the scary stuff...Knife...Gun...And some weird some that you won't imagine.

The place was found by Taeyong.He found out that Doyoung is here.The place is dark...Really dark...If the maknae were here they will run.but the pool...

Why there is a big pool there?

But anyway...The boy saperate to find Doyoung after having some fight with some Black Boys . Jaehyun got hurt on his hand and his head. His forehead is bleeding but he still looking for his Hyung.

Taeyong and Johnny are staring at the pool. They keep thinking why the pool is there? The water is like a new water. Like you can drink it if you are thirty.

Mean while Yuta and Taeil are finding something.They spot some knife with blood on it and some dangerous stuff.

"Hyung!Is this the poison,isn't it?"Yuta ask Taeil and Taeil pick it up and agree that is a poison.

Meanwhile Jaehyun find Doyoung is laying down.

The woods drop on Doyoung and he didn't even move. He can't move.

"Hyung,Are you okay?"Jaehyun pull the wood away and carry his hyung.

"HYUNG!"Jaehyun call the other to gather here. As soon as they hear Jaehyun they rush to Jaehyun and see Doyoung only have a little breath. Doyoung face full of blood...His forehead...His face...His hand and the thing is...His leg...He can't even move his leg.

"OMG!" A loud voice that isn't the boys voice at all appear. Johnny and Yuta take out their gun...

"Where is this voice come from?"Taeil ask while trying to turn on the flash light since it's so dark. They have been here since 5:00pm and now it's 10:00pm already...

"Hyung,Are you okay?"Jaehyun ask while trying to get answer from Doyoung.

"OMG!WHAT THE?AHHH!"The same voice appear... again...Is that ghost?

"F**K!" Johnny and Yuta trying to see who is that because it's dark and they can't even see the one who shout clearly. Meanwhiel Taeyong is just sighing.

"Donghyuk come out!"Taeyong said make Johnny and Yuta look at him.The two turn in the flashlight and spot Donghyuk is standing like a ghost.

"Omg!Donghyuk!I also shot you!"Johnny said

"It's scary...Hyung!"Donghyuk said and run to his Hyung,Taeil. Taeil is speechless...

"Omg...Hyung!"Donghyuk spot Doyoung is laying with Jaehyun beside him and Donghyuk goes and cry.

"Hyung...I know you can't bet me with anything...I'll let you win me once!Please don't die!"Donghyuk words make Jaehyun kick his ass.

"He doesn't die yet!Why are you crying?"Jaehyun said after pushing Donghyuk's Head away.

"Donghyuk,Why are you here?"Taeyong ask as he is looking on to his phone. Johnny and Yuta trying time take a photo of the strange place.

"Oh...I forgot!Let's go...Mark and Jungwoo wait for us!"Donghyuk said and help Jaehyun carry Doyoung.

"Who send you the the location?"Yuta ask as he is helping Doyoung out.

"Taeil Hyung!"Donghyuk and everyone make their way out.

"Jungwoo!Faster...Doyoung Lose a lot of blood!"

Jaehyun is the one who sit with and carry Doyoung at the back of the car shout from the back!

"Okay,Khap!"Jungwoo speed up...even more faster until they reach other hospital.Donghyuk got a demand to carry Doyoung.Mark and Jungwoo need to stay with Doyoung and Donghyuk.

The older are going back to the company to find and get more information about the place that Doyoung has been kidnapped.

"Omg,Doyoung Hyung!You are heavy!"