
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

The Second Half of the Day

The first class after the lunch period was physical training. The quartet entered the changing room and just stood their. "Why did we come in here" said Mack

"Because im mortal and need to change my clothes like regular mortals. I can't make my clothes disappear like you guys" said Landon as he chose a locker and began to undress. Mack, Vorick and Alex just looked at each other and the other boys in the changing area and grinned before snapping their fingers in unison. The snap was loud and gained the attention of everyone in the room including the instructor that was in his office. He jumped hearing the snap and exited his office only to see the three boys clothed vanish revealing their diapers only to be replaced by a special shirt and shorts combo. The twins clothes were white in colour while Alex's was, of course, black.

Paxton was seething. "How dare they show off in front of not just the boys in our class but all the boys in the other five classes that are joining us for physical education. They could have just did that outside away from prying eyes. But no they had to show off." He mumbled under his breath. A few others shared in paxtons view on the situation Including the instructor. Who Immediately called the boys out.

"That was unnecessary boys. Their is to be no use of affinities or magic in my class" he said with an angry tone "from now on if you want to come in here you will change like us mortals. Piece by piece. Otherwise change outside. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth." The trio just nodded in response. "As for you" he said pointing at Landon "last I heard it was your job to keep an eye on them and make sure they didn't break any of the rules that the headmaster set for them. He may have lessened the rules a bit but they are still not allowed to use their powers without prior approval by the headmaster himself. As punishment for your epic failure you will come in this Saturday and run drills all day. Maybe then you'll keep a better eye on them." He finished and looked at the other kids. He noticed a smug smile on Paxtons face. "wipe that smug smile off your face number two or you'll join number one here in detention. Don't think that because your in the elite ranks of your class that I'll be giving you special treatment. On the contrary, ill be expecting more from you then the lower ranks. I sincerely hope that you don't disappoint me. Now hurry up and finish getting dressed boys and meet me out on the training field." He said as he walked out of the room.

It was silent for a minute until Jax spoke up. "Well that escalated quickly. What an asshole." He said as he pulled his pants down and changed into his shorts "I think you guys are damn cool. Wish I could do it. If I was a god I'd just strip outside. Screw that grown up."

"I'm not worried about it. I'm not the least bit modest. I'll run around this joint in nothing but my diaper. Heck I'd run around naked if I could" giggled Mack

"You would" said Vorick "you frequently did when we were at our normal age. Drove the castle staff crazy" they both started giggling.

"Please don't" said Paxton "nobody wants to see a ten year old in a diaper or naked. Even if you do look like a boy half that age"

"Are you crazy" said Alex "we're already public enemy number one and we didn't even really do anything"

"I beg to differ" said a boy they hadn't met yet named Charley. "My parents rent the furniture shop across from your house. I happen to be running the store yesterday during your episode. Was that you that roared?"

Alex sighed "yep, didn't think it was going to be that powerful." He replied

"Why did it sound like a dragon" said the boy

"How do you know it was a dragons roar" asked Alex with a raised eyebrow "because theirs not a single human alive today that's heard the roar of a dragon. The last dragon returned to the god realm over 250,000 years ago"

"That's what the adults are saying. Why are you so worried about it" he asked as everyone began to leave the room to head out to the field before the instructor came back in and tore into everyone.

"No reason" he replied "I just found it odd that people would call it a dragons roar when nobody has ever seen a dragon let alone hear one roar."

They walked out to the field together once Landon had gotten his shoes tied. "How do you know that about dragons." Asked Charley

"They're gods" said owletta "they have access to a vast amount of knowledge. They just have to ask the right questions"

"Your owl can talk?" Said Charley with wide eyes.

"It's getting her to not talk that's the challenge" said Paxton "she talked more than the instructor did this morning"

" since you guys have access to vast amounts of knowledge, maybe you can answer a question for me. What exactly are you guys? First we're told you guys are angelics. now we're being told that your gods. So which is it?" Asked Charley

" that's a really good question and I can answer that for you." Said owletta

"Of course she can" said Paxton

The instructor was a bit annoyed at this but didn't intervene because like everyone else he was curious. "They are currently at the angelic/shadowlock stage of their evolution's. The more they evolve the less human-like they will become. So like I said The angelic is just an evolutionary stage they need to pass through in order to achieve their True form." Said owletta

"gods don't evolve" said the instructor "only beasts evolve"

" The primordial gods do" she responded " or at least did when they were in this realm. They created this realm as a type breading ground you know."

" you're not making sense bird" said Paxton " humans can't evolve. Even if they pass into the god realm."

"who said the primordial gods were human" she said "Mr. Charley, what would you describe Alex's roar yesterday as sounding like"

"A….a dragon" he said with a stutter. Realising what the owl was trying to say.

"Are you saying that the primordial gods are dragons" said Paxton "and that dragons formed this realm"

"boy, nothing gets past you does it." she said "yes, you are correct"

"But.....they are offspring of the primordial goddesses" said the instructor as he pointed towards the boys.

"Go on" said Owletta as she tried to get the mortals to work it out on their own.

"Wouldn't that make them dragons as well" said the instructor.

"Very good, yes they are technically primordial dragon god spawn. The first dragons to grace this realm in 250,000 years" she chuckled "However they are a new species of dragon. One that will look like a human with dragon like features. One that will remain a young child while in their human form."

"Will they be able to take on a dragons form." Asked Jax?

"That is their true form. Unfortunately, they will be unable to maintain that form in this realm." Said owletta "It would require a lot of power to maintain. i'm not gonna go into the details of how all that works because it's confusing and I don't think it would really help you guys grasp all of this"

"Typical of a Creature made of magic" said the instructor "calling us stupid"

"Tell me instructor, is this theory class or physical training class" said Mack

"Why ask a question you already know the answer too" said Paxton

"Theirs not enough time to go into detail about our origins. And she isn't calling you stupid. It took god level intelligence of the highest order to create us. Am I right owletta?"

"Very much so sweetheart" she responded

"A mortals mind even at the Demi-god rank is incapable of comprehending our origins. All you need to know is that we are going to go through multiple evolution's. One of which is the angelic stage. Our race will change during each evolution. We will gain access to more of our power the more we evolve. We will not hurt you as long as you stay out of our way. Want to get to know us a bit instead of being pansies, great, we need friends. We don't have a lot of those due to fear.

Paxton wasn't trying to hide the fact that he didn't like the four boys in front of him. Shawna just thought that maybe he was jealous. She could tell that the instructor didn't like them either which was not good news. She heard that Landon already had detention for not keeping an eye on the godlings and that happened before the class even started. She could tell that the boys were starting to get annoyed and felt the need to intervene before things got out of hand. But before she could Paxton asked a question that intrigued even her.

"Is it true that their are more of you in this academy. Ten more to be precise" asked Paxton with a smirk. He wanted people to fear them and had decided to do everything in his power to make their lives as heard as possible.

"Their is one that I know of for sure" said Alex "Owletta here thinks she may have found two more of our siblings but shes not one hundred percent sure without doing a through inspection"

"who are they" asked Paxton with an authoritative tone "are they in this class right now"

"Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. I don't think you need to know that" said Vorick

"I think we need to cool things off a bit" said Shawna "before you guys do something else you're going to regret" The boys and landon were very much aware of the situation that the girl was talking about. 

"you are perfectly right sweetheart" said Owletta "instructor, i think it would be a good idea to proceed with the class" 

The instructor wasn't blind to what the meat head was trying to do and even silently encouraged him to continue by not stopping him. "hmmm, yes well....as interesting as all this is we really need to get into the fundamentals of what to expect in my class." said the instructor. "I am instructor Bixby and I will be your physical training instructor. Lets first go over the class rules. 

I already told the boys this one but 1). there is no reason as to why you need to use your affinity or magic in this class. Use of such things will be deemed as cheating and you will get a detention. Trust me when I say you will not enjoy it. We are here to train your bodies, not your abilities.

2). You will wear only the PT uniform, thats short for physical training for you slow people, given to you by the academy. wearing anything else is prohibited unless authorized by the appropriate people. 

3) You are to address me as Instructor or instructor Bixby. I will not respond to any nickname whatsoever. 

4) I will accept only your absolute best. Failure will result in negative marks.

Any Questions?" 

"I have one" said Paxton "why do the dragon wannabe's get to wear their own PT gear? And why does it have to be so flashy?"

"They are not ranked therefore they cannot wear the normal uniform of a cadet, however, I do agree that the chosen attire is way to flashy for PT." Said Bixby 

"Who needs PT clothes that glisten with golden light when exposed to the sun? What's the purpose? Are they trying to make us all look bad. We look like giant pickles with these green uniforms." Said Paxton

"did you perhaps forget they're members of the royle family. They don't exactly have commoner clothing" said Shawna "who cares what they wear. what are you going to do next Paxton, diaper shame them." she shook her head in disgust "can we please just get on with it? Both your piss poor attitudes are getting old real quick." 

The instructors eyes about popped out of his head. "you better not be talking about me cadet. addressing any staff member the way you did is insubordination. now, the first thing we are going to do is some warm up drills so get into five ranks of twenty" everyone did as told and began to get into formation "come on guys it's not that hard. we don't have all day. ok before we get into the warmups i want to go over the commands necessary to get you into the proper PT formation. 

There are five positions of the halt: Attention, parade rest, stand at ease, at ease and rest in that order. The position of attention is the one you are currently in. I can take you down to at ease from attention but i cannot take up the ladder to parade rest. I must first take you back to the position of attention then go down to parade rest. does that make sense? 

The formation you are in is a standard formation known as a block formation. we need to be in the PT formation but to get their we need to call out commands. these commands have two parts, the preparatory command and the command of execution. for example the first command i will call will double the space between you and the person next to you. the call is, at double arm intervals move. at double arm interval is the preparatory command and move is the command of execution. the command of execution will always be a movement type. do not anticipate the command wait till i am finished with the command of execution then move. here we go." he called out the command and every moved to the position described.

"very good...." he said "the next command is a facing movement. your going to pivot on the toes of your right foot and the heel of your left foot like so' he demonstrated the movement. "call for this movement is right face. right being the preparatory command and face being the command of execution. I don't expect you lot to be experts at the facing movements the very first day. Your homework for tonight will be to practice the right and left facing movements." he called out the command and everyone moved to face the right as a group. he then called out the first command again to create the double spacing between the cadets. he called left face to move them back to a front facing position. "from front to rear count off" each row shouted out their number "the final call is even numbers uncover. What that means is rows two and four are going to take a step to their left" he called out the command and the even rows moved into position. "congratulations, you got into your first ever PT formation" 

The class continued with them doing pushups, situps, jumping jacks, stretches, and other warm up type exercises. after that they were instructed to jog around the field six times. some of the kids groaned at this because they were not used to running that much. Mack, Vorick and Alex were not worried about this part as all three of them had purchased a special type of diaper that prevented chafing and the waddle that they had with their regular diapers or pull ups in alex's case. It was the cheapest of the magic diapers that was in the shop function. It was designed to be cool during hot days and warm during the cold ones. It also didn't matter how much they used the diaper. It would never need changed. Which was good if you were on a mission or hunting. They might not have time to stop and have their diapers changed not to mention the sent would attract unwanted attention during hunts. 

They were at the front of the pack as well as Paxton and the other top rankers. The boys decided not to run at their full speed so as not to cause any more trouble. Paxton already had it out for them and they didn't want to give him any more fuel. They could tell by his actions so far that he was extremely jealous. The twins knew that jealousy could make people do thing they normally wouldn't. Everyone ran as one big group for the first lap but half way through the second lap the weaker members started to slow down. This continued until eventually the folks in the top five as well as the three godlings had laped them. It was a reminder that they had a lot of work to do if they wanted to climb the rankings. 

"once you are done continue to walk until everyone is done" yelled Bixby as the kids finished their final lap. once everyone was finished he said it was the end of his class and they could use the restroom and change into their armor and prepare for instructor Tyler. With that everyone started to head for the changing room to get their armor. 

Landon, Mack, Vorick, and Alex sat on a bench looking out towards the field. They really didn't want to go back into the changing room with Paxton. So they were going to put it off as long as they possibly could. that is until instructor Tyler saw them and approached.

"so....how's things so far" he asked 

"it was great" said Mack "we got to see Max at lunch and asked about how Tony was doing. Then once we got here things kind of took a turn. We used our magic to change into our PT clothes without thinking and you would of thought that we blew up the moon with how the instructor reacted. He blamed Landon for it and gave him detention. He's been quite ever since"

"Paxton has been a real piece of work also" said Vorick

"he's fishing for information" said Owletta "information that he can use against the boys" 

"I can't really say anything on that front right yet. What I will say is be very careful with what you reveal in front of him. Like the identities of your siblings for example. You never know when he or one of his followers might be listening. Like the conversation you had this morning with instructor washum. He was eavesdropping outside the door and now knows the identity of at least one of your siblings." 

"you don't think he'll tell anyone do you" asked Alex

"he's already told the headmaster so i would not be surprised if he did" Tyler responded "is he the reason why your still out here instead of getting ready for my class?"

"I guess so" said Vorick "are you going to make us change our clothes one piece at a time or can we use our magic to do it" 

"instructor Bixby apparently didn't get the mimo" said Tyler "you just cant use your powers on anyone. if you want to use your powers to change your clothes you can. Once Paxton comes out you can go in and change. It would probably be a good idea if you avoid Paxton as much as possible." he said to Landon. He walked over to the boy and lifted his chin so he had to look at him. "it's not your fault son. I'll talk to Bixby and see if he would be willing to let you off this time but don't get used to this."

"thank you sir" said Landon "i really appreciate it" 

The boys had already changed into their armor. The twins armor was white in colour and looked like it was made out of scales. Each scale was accented in gold. Alex's armor was the same only black. every inch of skin was covered except their head. their shoulder guards were flared like that of dragons wings.

"Again with the flashy stuff" said Paxton "why can't you wear regular stuff"


here is your daily chapter. I hope you enjoy it. As always if you like it add it to your library.

DC_Daviscreators' thoughts