
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The second Half of the Day 2

"Why are they allowed to wear their own gear, uniforms, and clothes Instructor? it's not fair. and its flashy" Said Paxton "I thought you guys weren't going to give special treatment to people based on their status outside the academy"

"we aren't giving them special treatment Mr. Lott" Said Tyler "we just don't have training armor that can accommodate wings"

"I mean absolutely no disrespect by this" said Gil as he looked at the trio "but it is a textbook case of special treatment. It's no secret that you yourself made their black and gold uniforms. you could have also modified a set of PT Gear and Training armor but didn't." 

"I suppose your right" said Tyler "it was not my intention to give off the impression of special treatment. However, modifying a uniform is out of the question due to the fact that we just don't carry armor small enough to fit individuals of their stature. It would cost way too much to have them made when they will only be used for a little while. It's more cost effective to let them wear their own armor."

"sorry instructor" said Mack "we keep screwing up at every turn" 

"No need to apologize" said tyler as he patted Mack on the shoulder "you three were told that you could wear your own stuff for these classes. It's not your fault folks are jealous, heck i'm a little jealous. That's really nice armor"

"would you believe this is just training armor." said Vorick "it'll protect us from a blow with a training weapon but not from an actual weapon. It's just hardened leather with a cool dragon like pattern"

"didn't you say your mama and daddy ran some sort of store or were wealthy merchants or something of the sort" Alex asked Paxton

"yeah so, what does that have to do with you guys showing off your nice things when we aren't allowed. Even when we start missions we have to wear the academies armor" Said Paxton 

"so....you can't tell me you don't have nice things. Tell you what, if the school can provide the required gear then we will gladly wear them. Does that satisfy you your majesty" Said Mack with a smirk. 

Everyone in the class giggled at Paxtons expense which only proved to anger the boy that much more. Tyler could tell the boy was nearing his limit and if he didnt do something to defuse the situation quickly who knows what would happen. "That's enough guys, no need to make the situation worse. Let's get started. The first weapon that we will be training with will be the most popular one. Can someone tell me what the most popular weapon is? Tyler asked the class.

"the sword" said a random kid.

"yes, very good it's the sword and its many variations, their are short swords, and long swords, to name a few. Today and for the next three months we will be learning the art of the sword starting with the short sword. In the cart behind you is enough training swords for everyone. We will not be learning dule weapon techniques for a while so please only pick one" said Tyler

The children did as asked and grabbed a wooden sword from the cart and returned to where they were before. Tyler knew that this was not the first time these kids had held a weapon so he felt like going over blade safety was a bit stupid so he jumped right in to learning how to defend oneself against attacks. After being shown a few defencive techniques Tyler paired the students together based on their rank so as not to have someone with a lot of strength lunging or swinging at someone who wouldn't be able to defend themselves properly. Mack was paired with Alex and Vorick had to switch in since they currently only had the three of them. 

This continued for the rest of class. Most of the kids were absolutely exhausted. Especially the nobel children who were not used to putting forth so much effort. Even the trio was tired using nearly seventy five percent of their energy. Eventually the end of the day came and they were free for the rest of the night. Tyler instructed the trio to stay and for Landon to to meet them back here once he was done changing his clothes. "ok Owlet i need to know all the kids that are unawakened godlings." he asked 

"Its Owletta sweety" she corrected 

"oh, my apologies" said Tyler

"No worries, But if you don't mind me asking...why?" said Owletta "your not planning to tell them before we are ready are you" 

"no, but the headmaster wants them to be isolated like you three" Said Tyler "He just wants to get ahead of the panic it's going to cause if they just all of a sudden grow wings" 

"wouldn't isolating them cause rumors and speculations to spread anyway. people will talk if cadets in the top ten are isolated and then disqualified" said Mack 

"I told him all of my concerns and he's still unwilling to just let you guys have your freedoms" he said

"Theirs one that I know of for sure and that's Landon he's the son of the primordial earth goddess. The others I'm not one hundred percent sure about until i can inspect them properly and to that they'd have to spend time in the mist. Those are Hawk, Jax, and Shawna"

"Hawk huh....he doesn't strike me as the god type" said tyler 

"That's because he's timid like an animal" said Owletta "are you familiar with a goddess by the name of Echidna" 

"isn't she supposed to be the mother of all monsters" Asked Tyler 

"yes, and if i'm correct then he is her son" she said

This concerned Tyler because he had heard horror stories of this particular Goddess and the fact she is a dragon is the cherry on top "what about the other two" asked Tyler

"Again if i'm correct then Jax is the Fire goddess offspring and Shawna is the goddess of medicines offspring" she said

"interesting, a little birdie said you wanted to use the arena to do a type of awakening thing with them to kind of introduce them to the pubic am I right" he asked 

"I think that would be the safest place to do it plus I feel like the public would be more accepting of us if they could watch it happen" said Said Mack

"let me talk to my father and see what he thinks of your plan and i will let you know tomorrow. We may be able to make this a big event." he said

"I have another question" asked Mack "well, three actually, when are they going to be put into isolation and be disqualified. what are we to do about sleeping arrangements because there's only one more bedroom unoccupied in the house. How are we supposed to break the news to them because they may not take it well" 

"you don't think they will take the news that they are baby gods well?" asked Tyler "i would be happy as a lark" 

"not that part" said Vorick "the disqualification and isolation part" 

"Honestly, there's no real easy way to break the news. You just have to rip off the bandaid so to speak. To answer your other questions they will be moved tonight but won't be disqualified until your one hundred percent sure they are godlings. again the reason for this is to level the playing field. as for sleeping arrangements that's up to you."

"Why don't we turn the play room back into a bedroom, we don't need it or play with toys anymore. Alex can move into our room that will open his old room for Landon and Hawk. That leaves one boy with his own room and shawna with her own room for now. And obviously georgie will have the suite" 

"that sounds reasonable" said Tyler "I will also have them paint over the walls in your room and the playroom." 

"will they be doing that tonight or tomorrow" asked Vorick

"tomorrow" he replied "It's too late for anyone to really do anything today" 

"so if they are coming today and the one room isn't going to be ready then that means alex's old room is going to be cramped with three people in one bed. If I were Jax I wouldn't want to sleep with two ten year olds" 

"he'll be fine" said Tyler "I was twelve years old once and he'll survive at least one night without privacy"

This statement confused the boys but they shrugged off the confusion and changed their clothes back to their black and gold uniforms. They were told to go meet Georgie at the admin building so they could head home. They were also told that the other three would be brought around after dinner. Once Landon returned, the four of them headed to the meeting spot. 

"it's about time you guys got here geez" complained Georgie "I thought that you went home without me"

"well, I guess i'll see you guys tomorrow then" said Landon as he started to walk.

"where do you think you're going" said Georgie 

"what" said Landon in confusion "your the new number one in charge of these guys. I'm not allowed to be. So i was going to find where my quarters is at" 

"your quarters is the royal residence" said the older boy "and im to not let you out of my site" 

"but.....I don't understand" he asked "am I in trouble" 

Mack walked up to the boy and stood in front of him "its ok bubby. Just breathe, your not in any trouble. Everything will be explained in time" he hugged the boy who was on the verge of hyperventilating. This calmed him a bit "let's head home i'm starting to get hungry" 

They started the walk back to the house. People were still giving the boys a wide birth. Because it was dark and the street lamps only provided so much light people had a hard time see them. One lady started to Berate them for sneaking up on her when they were just walking. Another younger woman screamed and ran back the other way.

"Wow, is this what you guys have to deal with" said Georgie with raised eyebrows.

"Well, it's only been one day but yeah more or less" said Mack

"Hopefully that doesn't happen every day or else it will get really old quickly" he responded as they rounded the corner into the garden of the royal residence.

"Did they warn you at all about the mist" asked Alex

"They said it's all over the house" he responded

"Is that it" asked Alex "well, nothing we can do about that now"

"Why?" Asked Georgie

"The mist can be a bit…..invading" said Alex "theirs someone inside that's not supposed to be"

"How so"

"You'll see" said Mack "who is it do you know"

"It's Dillon" he said

"Tyler told me he wasn't supposed to be here. He to young" said Landon

"Don't tell him that" said Georgie "he will be as mad as a dog in a cage"

"don't tell me a big 12-year-old such as yourself is scared of a little seven-year-old boy" smirked Vorick

"Has nothing to do with being scared of him" he chuckled "I just don't want to here him wine about it"

The boys reached the front door and upon entering they were assaulted by the sound of a small boy sobbing. "Wow it's like a nightmare in here….cool" said Georgie. That's when he seen that the werewolf had cornered Dillon and the boy was sobbing in absolute terror.

"Please….stop….ill be….a good…boy…I p..promise" he said between sobs.

"I think he's had enough wolfy" said Alex

"I think now would be an appropriate time to go comfort your brother"

Georgie was at a loss for words. He had never seen his older brother act his physical age before. It was just proof of what the trio said that morning about him being only seven. He walked over to the boy that was curled up in a ball on the floor, crying. He bent down and placed a had on Dillon's back which caused the boy to scream "Dillion it's ok…it ok" he said trying to calm the screaming kid. Eventually Dillon calmed down and looked through tear filled eyes and noticed who it was.

"B…b….bubby" he said as he buried his face in his hands and began sobbing again. But this time he was not sobbing out of fear. He wrapped himself around the bigger boy and held on with a death grip. "I'm sorry" he sobbed out as he then buried his face in his brother's neck.

Georgie was still at a loss for words. This was uncharacteristic for Dillion. He was used to his older brother being very domineering and hard to be around. He rubbed the boys on the back as a way to try and sooth him. "What's got you so upset Dillion"

"You're going to leave me" he sobbed "I'm sorry for acting like a brat."

"Your sobbing because you think I'm going to leave you" said Georgie as they entered the sitting room. "Who told you this"

"The mystics showed me a vision of every one of you leaving me and never coming back. Is it true?" He said trying to pull himself together.

"Me, James and Lexie joined the Knights School Dillon spending your first five-seven years of service after graduating at a base outside the capital is compulsory for all new graduates. But our returning is dependent on you and how you treat us going forward" said Georgie

Dillon sat up and looked into his brothers eyes "please don't leave me forever. I love you so much bubby. I'm so sorry I treated you badly. I'll do anything to make it up to you. If you want me to be younger I'll do it I'll be as young as you want me to be just please don't leave me all alone. You're all I have left" he began to cry again unable to control his emotions.

Georgie's heart broke listening to his brother begging him not to leave. "Oh Dillon" he sighed "you really know how to butter up a person. I promise I will come back as much as I can to see you"

"Thank you" he sobbed in happiness "I promise I'll be a good little brother but who's going to take care of me, Johnny and Albert if I stop working.

"Tyler is interested in adopting you….all of you" said Landon "so you won't have to worry about anything but having fun with your brothers and Kyle"

Dillon smiled "I'm sorry for treating you like dirt. Can you forgive me" he said to Landon

"Of course I can" he said

Dillon was exhausted from crying so much so he layed his head on his brothers shoulder and quickly fell asleep.

"Alright guys I'm going to go get dinner going before the others get here" said Landon as he went to the kitchen.

"So what are your rules going to be" asked Mack

here is another chapter. I’m currently working on another book. it is due to start posting two chapters a day starting August first. it takes place on 2024 earth. it should be pretty good. better then this one. I’ll still be writing this one till it’s finished but the new one will be my focus for a while since this one’s not doing so hot. as alway if you like it add it to your library.

DC_Daviscreators' thoughts