
Forest Child

We are all born from the earth, and we will all return to the earth one day. Yet, it seems that in recent times some have forgotten even this basic fact. From the dirt something rises, something pure and possessed of boundless curiosity. His name is Enkidu, child of the forest, voice of the trees. A Highschool DxD/Fate crossover, with some multicross elements added in.

Matin_ · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The citizens of Kyoto were woken early in the morning by the sound of many footsteps upon the pavement. Throwing open the windows and looking outside, they bore witness to a sight almost stranger than fiction. Hundreds of animals, coming in all shapes and sizes, walked along the road outside their homes, carrying on their backs dozens of bodies. On a closer inspection, some of the animals seemed less like flesh and blood beings, and more reminiscent of clay sculptures. This didn't seem to impede them in any way though, for they too hauled along their humanoid cargo with little effort.

In the middle of this procession sat a green-haired boy, riding on the back of a large bear. His smile was dazzling and radiant, which was in sharp contrast to the grumpy expression that belonged to the gold-clad woman walking beside him.

The residents could do nothing more than gape in awe as they made their way through winding streets, until they finally reached a blockade of crow-headed guards.

They walked up with stoic purpose, through the throngs of animals, until they finally reached the centre. What looked to be the leader, denoted by the red accents added to his uniform, stepped forward first and spoke with impressive calm, as if what he was seeing was a daily occurrence.

"I presume these are the perpetrators."

Beady eyes narrowed in distaste as he eyed the menagerie of fallen angels.

"Sure are! We found them doing something along the outskirts, although I couldn't get much more than that out of them. They weren't very co-operative."

The slightest sliver of a wry smile seemed to appear on Tengu's features, before it was gone in an instant.

"I can imagine. Leave the bodies to us, and we will escort you to Lady Yasaka."

With but a thought, the animals perked up, shucking off bodies from their furred backs. A steady stream of Tengu came forward to inspect each one, before loading up the dead and the unconscious in separate carts.

Gilgamesh watched the proceedings with critical eye, before turning to the head Tengu.

"Lead the way then. We don't have all day."


"I thank you for your prompt work. I had my suspicions, of course, but the sheer amount of fallen you found is deeply concerning. Such numbers never bode well for anyone, so please know that your actions today may have prevented a disaster."

"No worries, Miss! It really isn't that big of a deal, y'know, there's nothing wrong with helping people out! And besides, it wasn't exactly a difficult request either."

A shiver ran up the fox-woman's spine. It was easy to forget that despite his perpetually happy demeanour and kind nature, the boy in front of her held a command over the world so vast that it was hard to quantify. She had recently gotten reports that a mass of animals had been led into Kyoto by him, however hard it was to believe. commanding animals was a skill reserved only to those supremely adept in senjutsu, and despite her own proficiency, even the leader of the western youkai couldn't boast of such an ability.

"Regardless, I have retrieved your reward as promised."

From a table beside her throne she held up a book, although a tome would probably be a more apt description. A featureless leather cover, withered pages, and the pungent smell of old parchment all coalesced into something that seemed positively ancient.

Enkidu's eyes sparkled.

He walked up gingerly, retrieving the offered book with reverent hands. Skin touched skin for a brief second, and when the boy withdrew, Yasaka found herself stilling trembling fingers.

His aura was intoxicating up close

Clearing her throat, the fox-woman spoke up once more, all while studiously ignoring Gilgamesh's boring gaze.

"As for your other request, you can find a tsuchinoko near the Shizuchi cave. They are quite the elusive creature, although their thirst for sake usually trumps all else. Simply lay out a bowl of it near the entrance, and with some luck, you will be able to lure one out."

"Mmm! Thanks, Miss Yasaka! C'mon Gilgamesh, I have been waiting ages to see one."

The woman in question let out a quiet sigh, although the warm look on her face belied her true feelings. With one last burning look towards the leader of the Youkai, both she and Enkidu made to leave.

Looking at their retreating backs, Yasaka allowed herself to relax and slump backwards in her seat.

She reached for a glass of wine placed upon her armrest, intent on finally winding down, as her thoughts drifted towards happier and less-stressful things.

"Miss Yasaka! We have urgent news!"

Glass cracked around clenched fingers.

'You cannot be fucking serious.'

She mentally counted to ten, attempting to calm her rapidly fraying nerves, before fixing the interrupting guard with her most neutral look.

It didn't seem to work, judging by the way he flinched away from her gaze.

Drawing in a deep sigh, Yasaka answered through gritted teeth.

"Yes? What is it?"

The guard, one fairly young-looking kappa, cast a nervous look at both Enkidu and Gilgamesh before talking.

"I-is it ok to speak infront of them, my lady?"

Blue eyes stared up at her with endless curiosity, whilst the golden king fixed her with a warning look, as if daring her to deny them.

Yasaka gulped, but she would not be cowed so easily. Matters pertaining to the security of Kyoto couldn't just be handed over to strangers, especially one so notorious as King Gilgamesh.

"What is it about?"

"Ah, um.. It's about the fallen angels. Our interrogation team managed to get some information out of them."

Yasaka let out a small sigh of relief. It seems there was no need for confrontation on this day.

"Then it is fine, young man. You may speak freely upon this matter."

A trickle of sweat ran down green skin, as the scrutinising Scarlet eyes drilled into the side of the poor Youkai's head.

"W-well, they have claimed to be working under the orders of someone named Kokabiel, one the cadre. Why they were in Kyoto is still unclear, although one of them did say something quite concerning."

A tense silence settled over the room, the kappa seeming to swallow his words, before speaking once more in a slightly squeaky voice.

"T-they claimed that they were the ones who stole the excalibur fragments, Lady Yasaka."

Yasaka leaned forward in her chair, 9 furred tails stood ramrod straight in distress.

"You are sure? Are we certain they weren't lying?"

"Y-yes, my Lady. We had some of our best look over the prisoners, and they all, at least to the best of their knowledge, believe that they have possession of the excaliburs."

The queen of Youkai slouched backwards with defeated mien, her face heavy.

"Do we have anything else?"

"Just one more thing… The fallen seemed strangely compliant with our requests, so much so that It's almost as if they wanted to be caught, although I couldn't say why. When asked for what reason they had stolen such holy artefacts, they answered entirely too easily."

He gulped, before continuing.

"They want to start another war by attacking the devils of Kuoh town, my Lady."

Yasaka's face turned ashen and grave. How in the hell did the fallen think that was a good idea? A war at this current time could spell unparalleled disaster, not just for supernatural factions, but for the world as a whole.

"This is truly troubling news. Young man, tell my guards at the front to ready the palace for guests. It seems I will need to have a talk with the council."

The Kappa nodded hastily before rushing out, leaving her to wallow in her thoughts.

Enkidu was about to speak up, but a single look at the woman's face dissuaded him from that notion.

He muttered a quiet goodbye before leaving as well.

Gilgamesh followed after the boy seconds later, body almost on autopilot, although her mind was pondering upon different matters.

'The excaliburs, huh?'

Red eyes shone with unrestrained avarice.

'How interesting.'


Sitting outside a cave with a saucer of sake on the ground, Gilgamesh wondered for the hundredth time what exactly it was that she was doing with her life.

The King of Heroes was used to the finest of luxuries, the most reverent of servants, and the most beautiful of women attending her bedside, although her current lifestyle didn't really reflect such things. Despite her regal appearance, Gilgamesh didn't much feel like a great king at this current moment.

"Gil-chan, look! I think I see one."

She looked at a beaming smile, pure of taint, and her heart throbbed.

'Yet here I am.'

If a stupid snake was what he wanted to see, then she would provide it for him, for she knew Enkidu would assist her in anything without thought Her greatest treasure had declared himself in full support of her own purpose, and Gilgamesh would be a poor King if she couldn't reciprocate such actions in kind.

She just wished he had asked for something a little more interesting.

Crimson eyes looked downwards, spotting a reptilian-looking head poking out from the underbrush.

"Hey, come over here big guy! I got you some of your favourite!"

He pushed the sake towards the snake, and Gilgamesh watched in real time as its slitted eyes seemed to dilate as it came into its vision. A forked tongue slipped out, tasting the air, before the creature started to slowly slither forwards.

The sight of it was quite comical, and Gilgamesh almost let out a snort at the image of its stout and barrel-shaped body slowly being revealed as it shuffled its way up to the bowl of alcohol.

With a happy cry that sounded similar to the purr of a feline, the youkai dug into its meal with gusto, dipping its serpentine head deep into the offered drink. The gold-clad woman watched as Enkidu stroked the creature, his expression full of infectious joy.

Unbidden and without thought, she found her hand running through verdant locks. It was almost like touching silk, soft and yielding, a sensation that was hard to get enough of. So engrossed was she in this newfound interest, so enraptured, that she failed to to take notice of the boy's own reaction, a mixture of confusion and relaxed bliss.

"Ah, that feels really nice Gil-chan…"

A crimson blush bloomed on ivory skin, although it didn't dissuade her actions.

She continued her ministrations without speaking, the comfortable silence broken only occasionally by the happy chirping of the tsuchinoko, and the soft sighs of contentment released by Enkidu himself. The warmth he exuded was like a comforting blanket, soothing her mind and soul into a puddle of contentment.

How long they lay there she was uncertain, but soon enough the sun had begun to set, the snake youkai giving one last purring farewell before jumping from its spot on Enkidu's shoulder and rolling back into the grass.

He watched it go with a small smile.

Turning around to face her, Gilgamesh found herself staring into blue eyes that up close, she realised, were actually flecked with golden specks. They seemed to almost move in the waning light, dancing to a fey rhythm within the confines of his iris.

Hot breath tickled her nose, the scent of pine and the forest. She looked at his face, a visage that radiated peace and simple happiness, and a single thought pierced her brain.

'I wonder what I look like right now?'

The two of them sat opposite to one another, the tips of their knees creating a bridge that connected their separate bodies into a single whole.

Ruby lips parted, and from them left her thoughts.

"What do you want to do next?"

Enkidu blinked once, before answering with lilting voice.



Needless to say, Gilgamesh was quite confused.

"What happened to all that talk of going on adventures? Are your goals really so fickle?"

The boy laughed, amusement painting his features, and the King of Heroes felt as if she was at the butt of a joke she didn't understand.

'It was a mildly irritating sensation.'

"No, you misunderstand Gil-chan. To explore the world is still one of my greatest wishes, that hasn't changed in the slightest, but I have already been selfish in dragging you all the way here with me. To do so again, on another whim or flight of fancy, would only serve to turn me into someone self-centred, and a less than stellar companion. I am your friend, and as such I have to take into account your own wants as well."

Gilgamesh listened, enraptured, for the boy spoke with a passion and charisma plucked straight from the heroes of old.

"So tell me, oh great King of Heroes, where shall we go next?"

His tone was teasing, a large grin writ upon a face possessed of otherworldly beauty. A hundred thoughts raced through a flustered mind, most of them centred around the boy and his presence, before a recent event came to the forefront.

The air thrummed gold with her anticipation.

"I heard Kuoh town was nice around this time of year."


Within a room enshrouded in darkness, deep within the bowels of the earth, stood the outlines of several figures.

A large table took up most of the available space, and positioned at its head stood a man. Tall, handsome, and with piercing eyes, he surveyed the rest of the occupants with a calm air.

"Word has just arrived that our target has been spotted in Japan. Keep a vigilant eye out, for her recruitment could be a great boon in the race to reach our goal."

Silence permeated the air for a second, before a boisterous voice broke through the tense atmosphere, loud and full of arrogance.

"HAH! Let us be off then, there's no time to waste! I've been itching for a good battle for ages!"

A heavy sigh sounded out next, the sound belonging to a woman of staggering beauty. Her blonde hair was pulled into a thick braid, and framing her face was a metallic headpiece engraved with ornate designs. Soulful blue eyes pierced the gloom.

"Don't be such a meathead, Heracles! Constructing a plan first is a vital part of any operation!"

"Bah, who cares about strategy or any of that shit! We just go there, ask the bitch and if she accepts - great! No skin off my back! And if she refuses, well, we can have a conversation with our fists instead!"

A musclebound man laughed with uproarious volume.

" HAHAHA, Who's with me?!"

The only answer he received was from a white haired man leaning against the wall near the edge of the room, who gave out a low grunt of affirmation. Unfortunately for everyone elses eardrums, this was all the confirmation Heracles needed.

"See, Siegfried agrees! What are you guys waiting for, we've been cooped up in this shithole for long enough already!"

A heavy presence settled upon the room, and the man quieted down almost instantly.

"Patience, Heracles. Jeanne is right, we must first create a plan of action before going any further. This is a delicate situation, rushing forwards without thinking will only lead to needless conflict."

"Whatever you say, Cao Cao. Just don't come crying to me when you realise violence is the only language that woman speaks."

With a dismissive grunt, the heavily-muscled Heracles stomped out of the room, muttering under his breath. Jeanne watched him go with a concerned gaze, before releasing a put-upon sigh and turning her attention back to Cao Cao.

"Any more objections?"

His tone was polite and amiable, although his steely eyes betrayed his irritation. In a rare showing of restraint, none of the inhabitants of the room spoke up, although it was clear some sorely wanted to.

"Good. Then Let us begin our mission, for the glory of mankind!"


A dozen voices rose up in echoing response, and Jeanne could only marvel at the man's charisma. With only a few simple words, Cao Cao had managed to lift the spirits of everyone at the table, which was especially impressive considering the personalities of some of the people they currently housed.

The only ones not seemingly caught up in his tune were the two blonde haired youths standing near the back of the room. If she remembered correctly, these were the new recruits, descended from the noble house of Pendragon.

Despite their impressive pedigree she found it hard to like them, although that might be the french-woman within her speaking.

The older one, Arthur, spoke in hushed tones, and straining her ears Jeanne managed to catch the tail end of their conversation.

"It will be fine, Le Fay. I know you feel homesick, but think about it, aren't things better now?"

The younger one, an innocent-looking girl with a large witches hat perched upon her head, darted nervous eyes around the room before answering.

"I guess… I'm just worried, Arthur. Mister Cao Cao seems nice, but some of the other people here give me the creeps."

The older sibling lay a comforting hand on Le Fay's shoulder, a small smile on his face.

"No need to worry, little sis! Your big brother is quite strong y'know, you can count on me!"

He punctuated his sentence by flexing his bicep, causing the girl to giggle at his antics.

"Stop being so corny, Arthur! Besides, I'm old enough now that I don't need you hovering over my shoulder all the time. I can take care of myself!"

"Heh, I guess you're right…"

Their conversation trailed off into nothingness, and soon the girls' amused smile slowly faded into something sad.

"Hey, Arthur? Do you think big sis will forgive us?"

His lack of answer was damning in its silence.