
Forced Marriage to a Foreign Duke

On hiatus, may continue story in the future. Princess Jade the 7th Princess of the Muterra Kingdom is being forced to marry someone against her will. Her eldest brother the current King, jealous of her talent and the love the people have for her. Arranges for her to be married to a Duke of a foreign nation far, far away from her home. Distraught and pained she is set to leave in 3 days across the grand sea to be wed to someone she does not know and with a terrible reputation. How will this marriage turn out? Is the Duke really as horrifying as the rumours suggest?

Sword_immortal1 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: The Duke's manor (2)

"I'd be honoured Jacob." Jade smiled gently before turning towards her contingent of guards and servants.

"I'll be touring the grounds with the head butler here, discuss with the staff where to place the gifts and my personal luggage. Vice-captain Carlos, take the guards and follow captain Zacov, you'll need to assimilate with the Duke's security." Jade gave her instructions, only Collin would be joining her in the tour, he was more than enough to protect her in any situation. Plus, it was a show of faith towards the head butler. Dragging around her entire guard while viewing the manor would be incredibly distrustful towards the Lionheim house.

Jacob's smile grew even larger with Jade's actions.

"This way Princess, there's lots to see and tell." Jacob's eyes sparkled with pride, he loved regaling guests of his house's history. Jacob then led Jade and Collin into the grand manor.

"If you don't mind me asking Princess how much do you know about the Zoroba empire and the Lionheim house?" Jacob needed to know where to start his tour.

"To be honest Jacob, I know very little about either, well other than a few rumours." Jade responded honestly, rumours couldn't be trusted and the most she knew about Zoroba was that it was a bastion of magicitech and a powerhouse nation on the western continent.

"Haaaaaa so you've heard the rumours." Jacob sighed and frowned, afraid that would be the case. His master's reputation was not the greatest out with his territory. Malicious rumours generated by his enemies and jealous nobles. Jacob just hoped it wasn't too late to change Jade's opinion.

Noticing the head butler's frown Jade quickly put his worries at ease.

"Ah don't misunderstand Jacob I'm not one to believe such rumours, especially when I've never met the man in the first place. I know first-hand how malicious those in high society can be with rumours." Jade had already chosen to ignore the Duke's bad reputation; she'd save her opinion until they met at dinner tonight.

"…...You're very understanding Princess, thank you." Jacob thanked her; it was very rare for someone to be so open minded considering the extent of the rumours.

"Well since that's the case allow me to start from the beginning." Jacob decided to lead Jade and Collin down a long corridor on the ground floor. The walls were covered in pictures of regal and noble looking individuals. Some were alone, others painted with family members however a women was never among the individual ones, something that Jade took note of.

"All these paintings here are of the previous leaders of the Lionheim house, from even before the Zoroba empire existed." Jacob's eyes filled with nostalgia and melancholy as he gazed upon the previous heads.

"The Lionheim house was one of the founding houses of the empire along with the Arkval house, the Damascus house, the Zataran house and of course the Zoroba house. The five houses of the Zoroba empire worked together to create what we have now. Zoroba was the largest and most powerful house at the time, so they took command and are to this day the current ruling family. Of course, the other houses as well as ours have blood connections due to previous marriages between the houses. The current Duke Lionheim, master Julian has a strong royal bloodline, his great grandfather was once Emperor." Jacob continued to regale the grand history of the Lionheim house, much of which was quite interesting and enlightening but very cumbersome to hear. Jacob seemed to never run out of gas and even Jade with her large capacity for patience and kindness was at her wits end. Collin's eyes were barely open, and he occasionally bumped into walls as he drifted off into sleep.

Jacob's lecture lasted an entire 2 hours, they walked slowly through the manor with Jacob occasionally having them stop so he could pontificate on specific generations of the Lionheim household. They passed many servants along the way, each hard at work cleaning, the many rooms or carrying things to and fro. But each of them seemed to be happy and lovable, greeting the group whenever they passed. This gave Jade an even greater inkling into her future husband's personality.

'If his staff are as kind and open as this, he mustn't be that bad.' Her impression of Julian was growing, and she looked more and more towards meeting him tonight at dinner. She even felt butterflies in her stomach.

"Now, this painting here is of the previous Duke, master Julian's father alongside his family." Jacob raised his voice a few octaves, highlighting the importance of such an event.

"Eh?" Jade stuttered a little out of confusion, she hadn't been listening for the past ten minutes or so. Hearing Jacob she turned around to look at her would be father in law.

"Hoh he's quite a looker." Jade couldn't help but praise the Duke's appearance, strong, brave, chiselled jawline and very handsome. He was sat in a purple chair and standing beside him was a beautiful blond haired woman that even Jade's beauty was no match for. Next there were three children surrounding the chair. Two much older than the last, one in their late teens and the other in possibly his early twenties both the spitting image of their father. The final child was cute and barely reached up to the duke's knee, this child clearly took after his mother.

"The child you see there is Duke Julian the last of the Lionheim bloodline." Jacob spoke with sadness; he'd worked here since Julian's grandfather's era and knew the previous duke and his children very well. He watched them all grow up from birth. It pained him greatly when they passed in response, he promised to protect Julian with every fibre of his being, unfortunately he had very little in regards to actual strength. He could only help protect him from emotional pain. His previous wives in particular, Jacob would analyse and judge each and everyone of them and report to Julian, determining their true motives and personality. All prior failed to meet his expectations but Jade, so far, she was doing just fine.

"He's quite cute," Jade spoke innocently attracted in particular to Julian's innocent smile wondering how that smile ever become the subject of fear and dread.

Jacob's mouth twitched a little when he heard Jade's remark.

"I'd advice you young Princess to not say that in front of master Julian." He warned her, his master was anything but cute anymore and particularly hated being called that, not that anyone would anymore.

"Ah! Understood," she brought her finger to her lips and nodded as though promising to keep it secret. She had Collin do the same, bringing a laugh to the old butler.

"That'll bring an end to our little history lesson. I'll show you to your room Princess and allow you to get acquainted with it before it's time for dinner. The master should be returning within the hour and will be excited to meet you." Jacob smiled ear to ear, he really enjoyed giving lectures about the Lionheim house's history, but the previous Duchess's wouldn't give him the time of day.

"It was most enlightening Jacob, thank you for the lesson as well as the glorious tour of the manor." Jade replied with a gentle princess smile full of regal aura before nodding her head.

"It was my pleasure Princess." Jacob bowed respectively before leading Jade and Collin to her new quarters. Her room was on the first floor's west side, one the nicer bedrooms. Jade didn't know that there were several rooms set up for her, Jacob would lead Jade towards one of these options depending on his appraisal of her. The previous duchesses all received bog standard rooms silently informing the staff on how to treat them.

Jacob left them at the room and returned to his own office, he had work to do before his master returned.

Jade opened up the door and was greeted with a very lavish room unfortunately it really wasn't her style. Light colours with lots of floral patterns, excessive amount of wardrobe space for dresses, mirrors for makeup etc… Very stereotypical princess style design not her cup of tea.

She of course enjoyed clothes and putting on some make up but not to this level, a workshop filled with materials, working tables and desks all that Jazz, something practical was more her style.

"At least the bed looks comfy." That was the only aspect she liked. She appreciated the sentiment of the staff and most likely the Duke but would probably need to request either a room change or the ability to redecorate it on a structural level.

"Haaaaaaa" Collin just sighed at the side, used to her antics by now. In fact, he even felt a modicum of pity for her future husband. She'd be a lot to handle after all.

Without waiting Jade launched herself onto the massive queen sized bed and relished in the comfort. Travelling two days in a cramped albeit well designed and impressive carriage was quite exhausting not to mention the groaning two hour lecture, time for a little R and R.