
Forced Marriage to a Foreign Duke

On hiatus, may continue story in the future. Princess Jade the 7th Princess of the Muterra Kingdom is being forced to marry someone against her will. Her eldest brother the current King, jealous of her talent and the love the people have for her. Arranges for her to be married to a Duke of a foreign nation far, far away from her home. Distraught and pained she is set to leave in 3 days across the grand sea to be wed to someone she does not know and with a terrible reputation. How will this marriage turn out? Is the Duke really as horrifying as the rumours suggest?

Sword_immortal1 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 12: Duke Julian Lionheim

Jade swiftly fell asleep, dreaming of Muterra and her adorable workshop that she had to leave behind.

Like her personality Jade didn't sleep very ladylike, splayed out across the bed in a very unbecoming state. Collin sighed before rearranging his master into a more presentable position. Hoping to delay the reveal of her true personality as long as possible.

The young Duke didn't arrive within the hour it actually took him close to three hours to return home, whether due to him actually being busy or simply avoiding his guest only he knew.

Julian arrived not on an advanced from of magicitech like a hovership, no he arrived old school, by horse.

"Neighhhh!" His large white steed grunted as it curbed its large momentum to a full halt at the manor's front door. The rider was a man of great height easily over 6 feet and armed with a chilling aura.

Jacob was waiting patiently for his master's return and moved to greet him when he arrived.

"Welcome back master, how was the meeting?" Jacob was unperturbed by the heavy and blood chilling aura that the man was emitting, he had long gotten used to it over his many years of service. Julian wasn't even the first of his line to have such a persistent and terrifying aura, although his was quite potent. The Lionheim house had always been a strong backbone for the military, their progeny always at the forefront of any war. Previous Dukes always tended to carry the aura of war with them wherever they went. Some even called it a bloodline curse.

Julian scowled at Jacob clearly in a more foul mood than usual.

"Boring politics as usual with the Arkval house being even more annoying than normal." Julian spoke with a harsh tone before spitting to the side. The Arkval house and Lionheim house were not on friendly terms. If they weren't part of the same empire, then they would have likely gone to war dozens of times over the years. Recently however the Arkval house was being particularly infuriating, constantly mocking his failure to hold onto a wife.

With that thought brought back to the forefront of his mind Julian remembered that he had a possibly important guest waiting for him.

"Haaaaaa," he sighed, no longer holding any hope in possible spouses. With the first one, he tried his very best to be kind and gentle despite her horrible personality and ill treatment of the staff, but she couldn't even look at him without trembling. Admiring his accolades and appearance from afar was much different than being alone in the same room as him. They didn't even get to consummate their marriage due to that and other reasons. Eventually her fear grew and grew and as it did so did her horrible treatment of the staff. Eventually when he confronted her about it, she broke down mentally effectively becoming a vegetable. To this day he truly didn't understand why, was she so fragile that the idea of him not being perfect as she envisioned fractured her so. None of his staff broke down at the mere sight of him, even the new employees got used to it eventually.

The major problem was that his first wife was related to the Arkval house though a distant relative it still escalated the hatred between the houses. Julian even thought for a while that this was an intricate plan by the Arkval house, but the woman was truly broken mentally. His next two wives though not nearly the same both left after a year or two of marriage, he was hurt and kept his distance after the problem with his first marriage causing them to be unable to take it. They were alone in this large cold manor with a frequent aura of blood and their husband wasn't there to provide comfort.

After the third wife everyone refused to sent their daughters or sisters towards the Lionheim house out of fear and to be honest Julian was fine with that. But being the only surviving heir he needed to marry and produce children to keep the bloodline going. Luckily or unluckily some foreign Princess was offered up even with the Arkval house maliciously exaggerating the rumours about him.

"Is she here Jacob?" Julian asked with disinterest wondering how long it would take for another woman to be driven away by his aura and the crashing down of the false notion of a handsome prince in shining white armour that his appearance would suggest.

"She is young master and eagerly awaiting your arrival. She is currently in the grand bedroom on the west side, shall I send for her to join you for dinner?" Jacob spoke with a slight smile waiting on his master's reaction.

"Haaaaaa fine, let us try and have a meal at least, hopefully she won't break down on the first day." Only hearing part of what Jacob said Julian moved forward heading into the manor.

'3….2….1….' Jacob counted silently in his head with an ever growing smile as he waited for Julian's delayed reaction.


Suddenly Julian stepped down with force, halting his forward momentum before rapidly twisting around and dashing before Jacob.

"Did you say the room on the west side?" Julian asked with a slight nervous tone. He knew what that symbolised, the woman had passed Jacob's initial tests. Someone kind and gentle regardless of status, like him. The problem however was his ever present aura, he really didn't want to break or hurt such a person thus he ran back to clarify.

"Yes, young master I did, she's a very lovely girl and would make a fine wife." Jacob smile grew larger as he spoke. Someone like Princess Jade was very rare in the noble class of Zoroba, at least any with the chance of marrying into a Duke household. Jacob also decided that since Jade passed his initial tests that he'd do some digging on her. Zoroba wasn't just advanced in the form of military achievements, they also had a very large information network and Jacob being such a great head butler for the Lionheim house obviously had access to such a network.

The data he received over the past couple of hours made him appreciate Jade more and more. He knew about her reputation in Muterra, her talent for magic and magicitech. The issues although not obvious to the regular populace between her and the King was easily revealed. She was a perfect match of his young master in all forms, but a possible issue was that she didn't exactly come here for Julian. Unlike all the previous woman that came here solely for Julian and the Lionheim household Jade may hold no interest in his young master. Jacob actually looked at his young master with a bit of pity, for the first time in his life, Julian may have to woo a woman.

"Talk to her at dinner and then you'll see." Jacob decided to not let on too much, Julian should find out what type of person Jade was himself.

"But!" Inwardly Julian was quite worried and nervous, but you wouldn't be able to tell from his expression or tone. His face was constantly cold and his voice always steady and calm. Only those who knew him for a long time would be able to understand his nuances.

"You'll have to meet her some time young master, if you avoid her it may end up the same way as the last two." Jacob for one didn't miss the previous 3 duchesses in the slightest but knew that each one leaving left a scar on Julian, even though he didn't show it.

"Haaaaaaa" Julian sighed and scratched the back of his head choosing to trust in his head butler's judgement.

With Jacob walking calmly behind, Julian entered the manor heading towards his bedroom/office to relax and get a little more work done before it was time for dinner. Regardless of what Jacob implied he couldn't help but worry, regretting ever accepting another marriage proposal.

Within the princess's new quarters, she was still fast asleep, but Collin was awake and alert. The moment Julian returned to the manor he felt a distinct change in the air, his arms became covered in goosebumps and the hair on the back of his head stood up. His teeth clenched and an evil smile grew on his lips. The thrill of battle awakened within him once again, the presence of a warrior, a strong one. He turned behind sensing as the target moved throughout the manor, his hand subconsciously shifting to his blade. The presence grew stronger every second, moving closer and closer to Collin's position but more importantly his Princess's. Sweat started to drip down his neck when the presence reached the same floor, he was not match and he knew that now, yet his smile remained, itching to fight.

Suddenly before he was set to make a move, a soft feminine hand placed itself on top of his and sent a stream of cold aspected mana throughout his body, ducking him in ice water.