
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

a_BMO · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


[A/N: Here's another chapter I have a dozen or so stored up so if you like the story feel free to add it to your library. May the 4th be with you]

The next day I once again found myself sitting next to Airi this time though she was all smiles. Once our parents were out of earshot, she turned to me and asked

"So did you go to that white world too?"

"Yeah, it kinda reminded me of the Limbo from Harry Potter."

"Except it was completely empty"

"Yeah… I'm surprised we ended up in the same world"

"I know right it's almost too good to be true, oh right I'm guessing that you got a power too," Airi said

"Mhmm I got to pick between three options and ended up picking the powers of Grandmaster Luke Skywalker" I explained.

"What!? So did I!" She said causing my eyes to widen but I quickly suppressed my surprise and retorted,

"Wow way to copy me."

"What do you mean copied you I'm the one that introduced you to Star Wars in the first place!"

"Yeah, yeah I still picked first"

"Whatever it's not like I knew what you were gonna pick that… anyway this could be a good thing we might be able to use our mutual connection in the force to make each other stronger"

"Hmm I didn't know that was a thing"

"Just stick with me kid you'll learn a thing or two"

Time passed and me and Airi were now a little over 4 years old. I had a few hobbies that kept me occupied mainly practicing the guitar that I had played in my previous life. my mother had ended up buying me a small guitar known as a guitalele for my 3rd birthday when I skillfully hinted at being interested in music.

I still remember the smile on her face when I played her my first song. Or how she cried and hugged me when I played the song "Let it be" I honestly wasn't used to experiencing parental affection but it gave me a nice feeling. I of course had changed the lyrics so they were more personal and made sense but I was surprised when I became a small hit on Japan's popular video-sharing website when she secretly uploaded the video, she took of me.

Apparently, The Beatles and a number of artists I was familiar with didn't exist in this world. Once I made that discovery immediately began writing down every song I could remember.

Needless to say, when she saw me pick it up almost immediately, I was instantly called a prodigy. So, when I asked her if could get piano lessons, she didn't waste any time and went out and bought me one I had never played before so when I started learning the piano it was a completely fresh experience.

When Airi found out I was learning piano she instantly proclaimed that she would learn an instrument as well. Eventually, she settled on the drums which in my opinion suited her pretty damn well. I also used the advantage of being young to study up on a few languages I was interested in since I already knew English and Japanese, I figure learning a few more couldn't hurt.

I had spent most of my free time over the years either learning about my new world seeing as though My Hero Academia was set a good 100 or so years in the future, spending time meditating to try to connect to the force, or outright trying to move things with my mind I knew the force wasn't about "lifting rocks" but I couldn't help trying.

Finally, it seems today was my lucky day during my afternoon meditation as I was sitting cross-legged taking in deep breaths, I tried reaching out with my feelings and suddenly I felt it. Life and death. Warmth and cold. Peace and violence. And between it all a balance, an energy, a Force. I could feel it both surrounding me and inside of me. And when I opened my eyes I found the small object scattered around my room floating in the air and I realized I had done it.

Just when I was basking in my feeling of accomplishment my door suddenly flung open breaking my concentration and sending all the objects that were previously floating crashing down.

"Hey, hey! Aki-chan!" Ignoring her over-exaggerated greeting I replied back,

"Hey what's up"

"What's with that greeting where's your enthusiasm?"

"What enthusiasm I see you practically every day"

"You know you love it"

"Yeah, yeah anyway looks like I won our bet, check this out," I said with a smirk as I floated an All Might doll my mother had bought for me when she saw me show an interest in Heroes into my hand.

"Much to learn you still have, my young Padawan," she said as reached out her hand pulling the doll from my grasp without touching it. Causing me to roll my eyes.

"Who's your Padawan… I guess this means it's a tie then?"

"Nope, technically it took me 10 minutes to get here which means I won."

"Who says I didn't start using it long before you got here."

"Please I know your schedule you don't start your practice till the afternoon"

"Sigh, whatever so what do I have to do?" I asked slightly dreading her response.

"Have patience and all will be revealed."

"You're such a geek you're really enjoying this aren't you?"

"Hehehe you know it"

As we were bantering back and forth out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something on my desk that wasn't there before. Walking over to get a better look I notice that there were four colorless crystals, two books, and a note with golden lettering. Seeing me get up Airi quickly followed.

"What is it? What is this stuff?"

"I don't know either…" I said picking up the note. The first thing I noticed was the subtle off-white coloring it had a tasteful thickness to it this was definitely made by a higher being. Picking up the note I read the words out loud,

"Dear Eren and Alice or I should say Akira and Airi I pulled some strings to have you reincarnate together as I was eager to see how your bond would grow in your new lives. Since you both coincidentally or maybe fatefully chose the same power, I have left you two identical instruction manuals that will act as your encyclopedias to the Force. Additionally, I have given you each two Kyber crystals these crystals like the manuals cannot be lost or destroyed. I wish you both the best in your new lives. I look forward to seeing how your odysseys unfold."

"That's the end."

"Sweet! Does that mean we get to make our own lightsabers!?"

"I guess so" I replied as the note in my hand began to dissolve into motes of light.

"Well, what are we waiting for let's do some reading!"

After getting over the absurdity of the situation I started to feel like a kid on Christmas morning. As we sat on my bed, I opened up my manual and started to skim threw it. The book was exactly as the note described an encyclopedia on the Force. With information ranging from Jedi wisdom to Sith abilities and everything in between. I slowly started to read focusing on reading what I was interested in first.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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