
Force of Ability

I am Axel Summers. In the past I was living normally on a planet called 'Earth' you know working for many hours just to get a comfortable life I have great friends and also have many girlfriends hehe, you know about two, I think. But everything changes when the fire nation attack... (just kidding) But Suddenly the GOD himself makes a mistake over an experiment and killed me!? Did you believe that? A GOD made a mistake? LOL! HAHAH- *ZAAAAP* "AAAHH!! F*ck, why did you do that? don't casually throw lightning at me!" "Why not? I'm a GOD, my UNIVERSE, my WORLD, my RULE! HAHAHA, Take that you little sh*t... Then after that, I gain some powers, Power that will help me grow, you know to be a stronger person and defeat everything that gets in my way? sounds kinda hassle if you ask me. Anyway, this is just the beginning of my story so let's go and join me! Let's explore the incredible world of the Marvel Universe. ===================================== If you are the author of the cover photo I'm using kindly tell me if you want me to put it down for you :D - I'm just wanna mention to you guys that 'English' is my second language and if you ever found some faults and error in the chapter kindly mention it to me so that I can Edit and Fix it immediately :D Thank You :D ===================================== By the way, If you want to support me here: https://www.pat reon.com/OPxSILENT I really appreciate all the support :D ===================================== My twitter acc: https://twitter.com/OPxSILENT ----------------------------ENJOY----------------------------

OPxSILENT · Movies
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18 Chs

Brace, Prepare, and Enjoy

"Ness, why did my human race percentage decrease to 4.5%?" Axel asks.

[Looks like the 'race' called 'Legacy' are slowly improving your body while it also gradually eradicating your 'Human' race.] Ness said.

"What? So my humanity will be completely erased?" Axel said in shock.

[First of all, the only thing that is human left on you is your body, your bone, etc. Your DNA and GENES are changing and 'Legacy' is slowly taking over your body converting it to a different and to the highest form and of all. But even though you are changing your body still can't handle the burden that 'Legacy' placing on you and even though your human race percentage remains at only 4.5% 'Legacy' would still take at least 4 to 6 years to completely convert and change your body.]

[Do not worry though, even if someone takes your blood and scans it, the only thing that will show is just a normal result since there is no technology that can sense the Divine Existence.] Ness said to reassure Axel.

"What the f*ck, that's the least of my concern, the main problem is my humanity! It will be permanently lost, what hell is 'Legacy' anyway? can you explain Ness, also Explain to me what's a 'Titan' also is."

[Affirmative!] Ness said in a cold tone.

[Titan: In the old times were Myth's and Legends still exist roaming the galaxy, Titans were once considered a race of God, Titans was originally not a race it's unknown, but since the birth of the children of Uranus (Heaven) and (Earth) the first-ever 'Titans' were created and there were 12 original 'Titans'.]

[The brothers: Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus.]

[The sisters: Thea, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys.]

[But they're still one 'Titan' that the sole purpose of it is to kill Zeus the king of Mt, Olympus and the other God's and Deities, Gaea mated with Tartarus the one that Zeus sealed in the underworld and finally, Gaea give birth to the last and most powerful 'Titan' and named it 'Typhon' the God Slayer, The Destroyer and the Avenger of Gaea.]

[Legacy: Before the creation of the universe there's nothing, only a blank space, with no sounds nor lights, but everything change's when a sole existence successfully created a 'Star' that form an 'Illumination' next to it are 'Shades' then 'Tones' and so on, the purpose was there, 'Legacy' was originally isn't a race, no It's not a race It's a law containing the very force of 'Cosmic Paralism' itself it is capable of destroying countless of planets within just seconds and that first sole existence started changing, merging and finally convert to 'Legacy', having an infinite power and become a frightful existence, At that time that sole being declared and announce its name throughout the whole universe he was called 'Lysion' and he became the first 'Legacy' in the whole creation.]

['Legacy' isn't a race, It's power is strange, unknown but also It's you, Axel Summers you are the second 'Legacy' that lives throughout the universe and your power will be very powerful that It will be too much for this world, but you still don't realize It that you are a very important being.] Ness explains.

"If ever my human's side is gone, what would change in me?" Axel asks as he was really reluctant to let go of his human side.

[Your look will still be a 100% Human, but there's something that may change in you either the color of your hair, face, eye, etc. Anything can change in you the moment 'Legacy' took over your body and just so you know that even if your bloodline came from a Primodical Deity 'Typhon' and a 100% bloodline at that while having a race of 'Titan' that is 60% compared to 'Legacy' 30.5% those percentage didn't mean anything when it come to 'Legacy', Even if you just have at least 5% or 1% 'Legacy' would still be the strongest than any of those.] Ness explain.

Axel was silent and thinking for a moment, he was very reluctant to let go of his human race, but for him, he was sure that even if his race change his perspective when it comes to human will never change as he will never look down those that weak compared to him, he never really like violence, fighting, killing but he came to a world where Alien and Otherworld creature exist even a God exists, that's why to a dangerous universe there's no room for being coward he can only prepare and fight.

"Ness, I don't know what to do what can you say in my situation? do you have any advice?" Axel said.

[...] Ness didn't reply and Axel remember that this thing would never interfere with anything that he would do, but suddenly Ness replied.

[I'm not allowed to reply to this kind of question, I can give you a piece of advice but I can never help you in any situation you going through since everything will be your decision and that is your life.] Ness said in a cold voice.

[But your situation is not bad at all, even if you complete change and your race complete change to another, you should still be glad because even if that happened you can still live your life normally even if you're different from the rest in your surrounding and the MCU is a very dangerous universe so being different may even help you to protect those people around you.]

[Advice: Brace, Prepare, and Enjoy]

"I get what you are saying, as I know that this universe is a very dangerous place to be in and I think I can accept that reason, but what kind of advice is that?" Axel said.

[When the times come you should always brace your self in any situation, you are stronger than you think in the meantime the years you still have you should use that to prepare and gain as much as possible experience for combat training and have a healthy and strong body. Lysion also said to 'Enjoy' and don't binds your self from any problem you have that's blocking your future path, If you need to just go through it, make a shortcut or create your own path.]

"Hahaha, Lysion said that?" Axel said as he feels that it's unbelievable to think that Lysion would say that.

[He just said it, just so you know I'm always connected to Lysion he might be watching you from afar.] Ness said.

"I didn't know that, say this to that guy that if he needs someone to talk to just call me hahaha," Axel said as he laughed.

[Affirmative!] Ness said.

Axel finally felt a burden has been lifted in his chest, so he decides that even if his race changes he will still the Axel Summers who have a loving and caring family, thinking about the dinner earlier is the best moment and enjoyable time that Axel felt in a very long time and he wanted to protect it.

"Status Panel!" Axel said as he looking through his Ability and Talent.

We are nearing 15,000 words and about to enter the ranking I'm kinda excited for what's gonna happened so thank you for coming in this journey of mine. Even though we're still in the early part of the story :3


I know that there's some plot hole in the story but like I said before while I'm creating the story I'm also just devising and Improvising while writing it, so I may miss some part of the story and become plot holes or just utter nonsense but I will try my best to avoid those kinda stuff so please understand as I'm only a one person, without an editor I'm just doing this myself, I'm sorry if there's some mistake and error in some chapter so please understand, I'm trying to give you guys a much better experience and a much better story to read :D


Please leave a review so that I know what you think in my story, and what to improve I really appreciate all the support your giving me.
























These people gave me the support that I never ask and I'm thankful for having readers like you, you gave me some advice, suggestion, etc. I'm not gonna ask for more Thank you <3 I'm sorry if I didn't mention you but known that I'm Thankful <3


Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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