
Forcados high school

it's about a girl who was molested by her stepfather and eventually moved to another place thinking she would be happy there..

Victory_Martinz_3456 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

chapter ten

it was drizzling slightly as Becky Smith crossed the busy street. she put her hands to her face and listed all her chores of the day. she had to pick up her youngest brother from his nursery School. take him home, go to the supermarket to buy things for preparation for dinner,and do her assignments.

I'll get round to everything somehow.first thing first.

the nanny at mother's joy nursery primary had a sour expression on her face when Becky arrived..

" you are late,' she said

I'm sorry', Becky replied.

her brother gave a shout of joy wheyhe saw her and ran towards her.she embraced him tightly.sorry I'm late . I bought you some sweets.here'

clutching his hands tightly, they set off.

her parents had a lot of confidence in her. Becky is a good girl.' everybody said. even her teachers at school and the people at her father's church said so .she came early to school and helped in the children's section in church.she helped her mother clean and tidy the house and care for her younger brother.she could proudly bake delicious cakes and prepared a fine dish of Western foods.she has personally given her life to Christ when she was eight years old and church was very important to her .she knew it had kept her from doing a lot of things her school mate did.but lately things were changing.

nowadays she found herself staring at the mirror more often.always plump,small eyed girl with short hair bound in style.plump neck ,plump arms, and plump slightly bowed legs. Even her chest was plump,which always embarrassed her.she hated the way some of the boys at school glared at it.

of course it wasn't how one looked mattered.it was how one was inside.she hated having to remind herself of that .

I wish I were pretty . I'm plain Jane" .

Michelle dropped by later that evening while Becky was in the kitchen.

" hello Becky', she stopped. I'm sorry about what I said earlier today. but pls can you stop interfering in my life's affair, can I come in ? there's no one at my house.you busy ?.

Nevermind" Becky said warmly.come inside I'm cooking with my mum in the kitchen.come and join us'.

Michelle hesitated a little before following Becky to the kitchen.

" good evening ma'

" nice to see you, dear Mrs Smith said over pots of stew on the cooker,which steamed and bubbled." hope things are going well. now just help me watch that meat boiling there. that's a good girl.

Michelle picked up the pot cover gingerly while Becky bought down the plates.

your mum's very nice,' Michelle told Becky later on after dinner. it's so natural being around her.'

your mum must be nice too ,' Becky ventured.

oh yes', Michelle said quickly." you know she's a businesswoman; busy and all that.

you should meet Jimi's mum.she very nice too . maybe if you are nicer to Jimi,you can't. Becky said. ' you know,he doesn't mean any harm .even though he's friends with caro'. Becky wondered why she said that last bit .

Michelle pursed her lips and said you know if you are interested in him you can tell him and stop pestering okay, with dark expression on her face.

later that night,as Becky thought it over,she wondered why Michelle seemed to dislike Jimi. actually,it seems she wasn't particularly interested in being friends with anybody. Becky wondered why she had mentioned Caro it wasn't a nice thing to do.caro would be mean sometimes.she often referred to Becky as " sister Becky" and had once called her a "fashion blunder" it occurred to Becky that Caro probably disliked the way Jimi had always been nutty with her.

she had been friends with Jimi and Daniel since kindergarten school and she knew everything about them . Daniel, small and thin with his nervous gestures,often confided in her about many things.he seemed slow,shy and quiet,but boy, could draw! perhaps that was why They were close,neither of them was physically attractive, but they were both talented .she was well known in choir at church and school for possessing a lovely soprano voice. Becky was not pretty,but listening to her sing or speak made people think she was .

Jimi was a different Matter altogether. rowdy, but not rough, sometimes thought less.he was never unkind.so bright and sporty.she knew all about his troubles with his brother jackson and the problem with his parents." Becky is my best girlfriend he had always said .

during the last year Jimi had changed. he had suddenly grown tall .with bright, intelligent eyes and dreamy smile,all the girls were drawn to him . Jimi were fond of girls too expect Michelle..

Jimi and Michelle,there's something fishy going on there, Becky suddenly thought.michelle was by far the prettiest girl in the senior class. she was already causing some commotion. Jimi was always staring at her.

he has never looked at me like that

Becky tried to put away such disturbing thoughts .she was a pastor's daughter and not supposed to think about such things .

her door opened suddenly.it was her youngest brother.

" sister Becky', he muttered. ' please, can you help me make some cornflakes?.