
Forcados high school

it's about a girl who was molested by her stepfather and eventually moved to another place thinking she would be happy there..

Victory_Martinz_3456 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

chapter nine

Michelle sat writing on her bed.her aunt had said it was surprising how she had made that room hers so quickly. A little sanctuary.fresh pink and white sheets on the bed and framed photographs on the table.everything was always spick and span with the smell of air freshener.she was writing in her diary.

" dear diary,"

it's been years since I've written. I thought I'd outgrown you.i suppose I should be glad I'm here,but nothing can compare to St catherine's.i can't believe how much I miss everything and everyone,even lydia. I'm going to get in touch with dave and write a letter of apology to principal Margaret. I'll try to be here Happ here.its stupid really, making and feeling sorry for oneself."

everybody was talking about Michelle Charlotte,the new girl. she was certainly a chick in the boy's eyes, and she was surprisingly bright, doing well in class tests, she hardly ever spoke to anyone and she walked up and down with her nose in the air and a sour expression on her face.the students had already given her a nickname: " The witch" .

" she thinks she is better than everybody else's, students whispered.' there's nothing special about her though',

Jimi always found himself glancing at her in class.she was gorgeous! if only she'd pay him some attention.

still,he was determined to be friendly.

" Hi,' he said one day after assembly.

she didn't answer.

"hey, it's polite to answer a greeting,' he said

she moved a way a little then turned. I believe I know what is polite and not, and I answer to who I want to answer to,' she said icily, and walked off.

Jimi stared after her.people were right.she is nasty! how could she talk to him like that? did she know who he was ?

The morning class was taken by Mr vann who taught physics.

" can we cast our minds back to the principal of conservation of linear momentum? what is momentum,by the way?"

The class was silent.

" what? you mean to tell me you have no momentum?' he said, smiling at his own joke." Williams,can you help us out?"

Jimi stood up.he liked moment like this.

' momentum is the product of a mass of a body and velocity and impulse, and momentum changes as it goes down a slope,' he said.

very good,. Mr vann wrote a problem on the blackboard and handed the chalk to jimi.' calculate this' .

Jimi solved the problem on the blackboard with a flourish and gave the teacher a mock bow.

everyone burst out laughing including Mr vann.only Michelle was not laughing. " what was so amusing? she wondered.he was just a pompous show off .

prince was a big boy ,an art student.he liked wearing chains on his trousers and trainers when he knows he won't get caught.

Michelle was standing outside the classroom when he strolled by. he stopped and whistled.

Hi' , he said and grinned, showing all his teeth.

she stared and mumbled something indifferently .

" yeah, I'm prince.funny isn't it? you, you're fine! could we be friends.?

she said nothing, hoping he would just go away.he felt a little silly the way she kept staring at him.

' you look like someone I knew during my holidays in Australia but ...she died"

' sorry to hear that.please excuse me'.

' where are you going?'

" to the guidance counsellor's office' she immediately wished she hadn't said it.

I'll walk you "

it's not necessary" .

' you need guidance, I'll guide you're. he said and he laughed.

showing all his teeth again.he kept chattering as they walked.

Becky joined Michelle after school.

" I heard what happened today between you and prince.' she said. did you really make friends with him .

Michelle sighted. " it's nothing much .

oh dear. Michelle, honey, boys like prince, they are mean and can get very unpleasant.i Don't want you to become the subject of spiteful gossip and mean tricks.

thank you" Michelle said . Becky , then are you trying to say Daniel and Jimi are bad.

please excuse me. and I'll be fine.

As they moved on, they passed Jimi and Caro talking or rather Caro whispering furiously, sounding like a hissing snake. Becky thought Caro was one of the most unpleasant people she had ever known,which was a big thing because she found it difficult to dislike anyone,but Jimi had been nuts about Caro since he was in class two.

" there he goes again,' Becky said to herself.then to Michelle she said " Jimi also told me you are sort of nasty to him.' she felt duty bound to add '" you know, Michelle,as a Christian, you are a Christian, right ?'

" I wish everyone would just leave me alone! , Michelle cut her off frustrated. I'm here to mind my business and read my books .

you know what Becky

let's call off the friendship Michelle said and stomped away.

Jimi,what's the matter ? Caro was saying.

' what do you mean?.

" you know.you ve been acting differently,like you don't know me'. she narrowed her almond shaped eyes slightly.

you've changed,have you? remember that girl from the Pete Mary debating team last term?.

I like that!" Jimi shot back, leaning away from her." remember that University girl's.

don't change the topic ," just then Becky and Michelle passed by .Jimi stared at them.caro followed his eyes .

" oh,they are right! it's her now isn't?

Jimi turned to face her.


" you're horrible Jimi ! A disgusting, hateful person. you think you're the best thing in the world, Don't you? well, I'll show you." she stalked off.

Jimi stared after her. girls! who knew with them?

he jogged off to the field. Davis and some other people were already there playing football. he tugged off his shirt and joined them.

" what took you so long ? Davis asked.

" nothing'.

he gave the football such a powerful kick that it went flying high into the sky .