
Forbidden Tale of A girl and A wolf

Ruby embarks on a dangerous quest to acquire a special item that can heal or revive, but she soon finds herself torn between using it for her dying grandmother and the guilt of stealing it from a powerful witch. Along the way, she finds solace in a wounded wolf and learns to overcome her grief through unexpected circumstances

Jadeite_Green · Fantasy
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7 Chs

1: Challenge

Ruby stepped into the forest, clutching a small pendant around her neck. It was the only thing she had left of her grandmother, who had a mysterious illness a year ago.

Ruby had never given up hope of finding a way to heal her, and that's why she was here.

She had heard rumors of a witch who lived in the forest, who possessed a special item that could heal or revive anyone.

Ruby didn't know if it was true, but she had to try. She had to heal her grandmother.

But as she walked deeper into the forest, a cold shiver ran down her spine.

The trees loomed over her, casting shadows that seemed to move and twist with every passing moment.

The air was thick with a strange and unpleasant smell, and the sounds of animals and insects were eerily silent.

Ruby felt like she was being watched, but she pressed on, her determination unwavering.

After hours of walking, Ruby finally reached the clearing where the witch was said to reside.

She saw a small hut in the distance, surrounded by a circle of stones.

It looked old and decrepit as if it had been abandoned for years.

Approaching the hut, Ruby called out, "Hello, is anyone there?"

A cackling voice responded,

"Who dares to disturb me?"

"It is I, Ruby," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Well, well, well," the witch said, emerging from her hut. She was a thin and wrinkled woman, with long gray hair and yellow teeth. She wore a black cloak and a pointed hat and carried a wooden staff in her hand.

"What brings you here, little girl?" she asked, eyeing Ruby with curiosity and malice.

"I seek the special item that can heal or revive someone," Ruby said, her gaze unwavering.

The witch cackled again.

"Ah, yes, the item.

The Phoenix Feather.

A rare and powerful artifact that can restore life to anyone who touches it.

But do you know of the challenge that must be completed to claim it?"

"I do," Ruby replied, her voice strong and confident.

The witch raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Well then, you must be quite brave. Very well, I shall give you the challenge.''

You must venture deep into the forest and retrieve a rare flower that grows only in the darkest and most dangerous corners of this land.

The Nightshade Blossom.

A beautiful and deadly plant that can kill anyone who inhales its scent. Bring it back to me, and the Phoenix Feather shall be yours."

Ruby nodded, accepting the challenge without hesitation.

"I will retrieve the Nightshade Blossom," she said

"Very well," the witch said, cackling again.

"But be warned, little girl, the forest can be a dangerous place. Many have tried and failed to complete my challenge.

Some never returned at all. Are you sure you are up to the task?"

"I am," Ruby said, her determination burning bright.

She thought of her grandmother's face.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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