
Forbidden Tale of A girl and A wolf

Ruby embarks on a dangerous quest to acquire a special item that can heal or revive, but she soon finds herself torn between using it for her dying grandmother and the guilt of stealing it from a powerful witch. Along the way, she finds solace in a wounded wolf and learns to overcome her grief through unexpected circumstances

Jadeite_Green · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The world came to life as the sun rose above the dark forest, with the sounds of singing birds and rustling leaves.

A lone individual emerged from the shadows in the midst of this peaceful environment, their footsteps barely audible on the soft soil.

As the figure drew closer, it became clear that it was a young woman with fiery red hair and piercing green eyes.

She wore a simple tunic and trousers and carried a small backpack on her shoulders and a red hood over her head.

"Another day in this forest," the woman thought to herself. "I have to get that thing regardless of how things turn out today."

As she trekked deeper into the forest, the woman took in the sights and sounds around her. The trees towered above her, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. Small animals scurried about on the forest floor, going about their daily business.

But the woman was not here to admire the scenery. She had a purpose, a mission that had brought her to this remote corner of the world. And as she moved deeper into the forest, her determination only grew stronger.

"I know I'm getting close," she said to herself, her eyes scanning the trees for any sign of her target. "I can feel it in my bones."

As Ruby made her way deeper into the forest, her eyes were drawn to an old house that stood in the middle of a clearing. Its wooden walls were weathered and worn, and the roof was covered in moss and vines. Despite its dilapidated appearance, there was a certain charm to the house that intrigued Ruby.

She approached cautiously, unsure of what she might find inside. As she pushed open the creaky door, a musty smell greeted her nose. The interior was dimly lit, with only a few rays of sunlight filtering in through the dusty windows. A large cauldron sat in the center of the room, surrounded by shelves filled with jars of strange ingredients and potions.

Ruby's heart raced as she stood before the eerie cottage nestled deep within the forest.

"This must be the home of the witch," she whispered to herself, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

A voice, laced with an otherworldly tone, echoed from within the cottage.

"Who dares disturb my solitude?"

Summoning her courage, Ruby replied, her voice quivering slightly,

"I am Ruby, and I seek the item that can heal or revive. Please, I beg you, grant me passage."

The voice seemed to linger, assessing her request.

Finally, it responded, "Do you understand the challenge that awaits? Only the worthy can claim the item."

With determination burning in her eyes, Ruby nodded.

"I am prepared to face any trial to save the life of my dying grandmother. I must have the item, no matter the cost."

The cottage fell silent for a moment as if weighing her resolve. Then, the voice spoke again, its tone filled with warning.

"Very well, Ruby. Enter, if you dare.

But remember, there is a price to be paid for such power."

Ruby took a deep breath, ready to face the unknown.

"I understand," she said firmly, stepping over the threshold and into the witch's lair.

Little did she know the trials that awaited her, the tests of both strength and character that would push her to the limits.

But Ruby was determined to succeed, for the life of her grandmother depended on it

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