


Simran_Shah_0905 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

Here I am, getting ready all freshen up and excited for my college . I am looking in the mirror and appreciating my choice of dressing ,white shirt black leather jacket and light blue denim jean and i lost in my thoughts . A sudden knock on my door is all to take me to come back to reality. Young master breakfast is ready please come downstairs everyone is waiting for you . Voice of our butler Jaron. Ahm i clear my throat, Yeah Jaron I'm coming . Dining was all set as i walked down the stairs everyone one was already there and waiting for me . As you know my father mr. Graham Black being head Alpha and my mother mrs.Kristen Black being Luna of our pack Mystic Shadow have tons of responsibilities and pack duties they rarely have time to spend with us .

So my mom decided fixed time schedule so we can all sit together to eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I greet them with a warm smile before we all start having our breakfast .

My father and mother went back to their work of handling pack duties after finishing their meal. I ask one of our driver to drop my sisters Ashley and Emily to their school. And I took the keys of my car and head towards the Clove Boston University. As I reach there, I park my car and as soon as i got out of my car i feel all eyes on me . They looking at me with their hungry eyes like they will eat me any time soon I can feel their excited pheromones. Well being a handsome Alpha I'm used to these stares .I smiled and asked a girl way to my department building. As i walked away towards my class professor was already present in class . I greet her and she told me to introduce myself. Everybody looking forward eagerly to know my name , as I introduce my name Pearson Black I can feel the anonymous air start surrounding us. I can see fear in eyes of who probably heard about me and my pack history and who are unknown of the fact are smiling at me like a fool . I don't want to attract any more attention so I'm looking for a quiet place to sit . As I looked towards the window , I saw the boy sitting there with his head down on the table as if he didn't care what was going on in class . Judging from his pheromones he looks like a male Alpha werewolf so I thought it's better to sit with him rather than a Omega or beta werewolves who are dying to gain my attention. So I move towards the window seat and sit beside that male Alpha werewolf. After sometime when the class was about to begin he raised his head from the table and removed the earphones from his ears and look towards me with the expression like as if he knows me and smile at me hello I am Caleb Smith . I smile back at him Pearson Black I said . And yeah that's true , I've been lying by saying I'm not mesmerized by his looks . The guy infront of me is quiet a looker and his pheromones reminds me of someone but I don't know of whom exactly. And class begin thank God he didn't say a single word in between the lecture like others I've been with , and I like that about him . The second class was quite boring as i turn to look at my side for him , he look quite attentive not like others in history class. After the end of class one female came to me and asked, are you the new transferred student I'm Jane let's get something nice to drink from cafeteria you know history class was quite boring and like that way you'll get to have your orientation. I don't know why but not only Omega but Alpha werewolves are attracted towards me . Not just females one but male Alpha too which is not the usual case . Usually two male Alpha don't get attracted as they have repulsive pheromones. Not only the way she walk confidently ask me but also her pheromones are screeming that she is an Alpha werewolf. It's not that female Alpha and male Alpha can't be together rather they are a perfect couple to bring pure line offsprings.

But the fact is I'm more comfortable with an Omega and there is another reason behind that . So I turn to my side for help and guess what the seat besides me was empty , where did he go as my eyes wandered to look for him and he is nowhere to find. Suddenly a voice call her name as we look towards the person it was Caleb who told her friends are looking for her. She looked at me with her puppy eyes and i said it's ok you should go we can hangout later . Caleb looked at me and chuckled I frowned and he said sorry but i overheard your conversation with her and you liked you need some help so. Thanks for helping me out i said to Caleb and he asked ,so ...would you... like to go with me on the orientation tour of our college. Yeah sure why not and he give me a great tour of our college he even show me some of his hidden spots where he usually go to spend some of his time with himself in peace and even asked me to accompany him if I want. So he became my first friend in this college.