
Chapter 21: Annalise

The maids scrubbed Annalise until her skin was red and washed her hair three times before letting her out of the tub. She wanted to complain but she understood that they were simply scared of her father, most people were. He had a way about him that sent most people fleeing but she knew better. He had always been kind to her, at least before the attack. They laced her into her corset and she wanted to cry. Already she missed the clothes Jameson had bought her, comfortable and sensible to boot. Next they brushed her hair, braiding it all to one side from where it hung freely over her shoulder, and painted her face. It was her typical routine before they ran from Thorngate but now it seemed so strange.

When they were finished they bowed and the eldest of the three spoke, "Are you hungry, Your Highness?"

"Actually, I am." She laughed.

"Very well, I will inform the chief right away."

They all bowed and tuned for the door but Annalise spoke causing them to freeze in their tracks. "Be sure General Amerthine eats as well."

"Of course, Your Highness."

Her bedroom door closed and it felt like the door to a cell being slammed shut on her. She walked to the window and sighed as she looked out on the now empty courtyard. She wanted to talk to her father about Jameson, a few things about him, but for now she wanted him to stay at the main camp. She nodded resolutely, she'd see him in the morning. First she'd keep him with her and then she'd tell her father that she intended to marry him. Even if he said no she wouldn't back down. Not this time, this, Jameson, was too important to her.

Jameson. She looked at the bed and her heart sunk. How was she going to be able to sleep without him next to her? She wanted to see him. Need to. She opened her door but before she was more than three steps down the hall a deep voice stopped her. "Your Highness, I've orders to keep you in your room."

She spun on her heel to face the man. "Knight Captain Crawford... I would think that door guard was below your station."

The handsome man, in his mid twenties, with brown hair and green eyes, chuckled. "You would think. But if the General can be an escort, I guess I can be a door guard."

She smiled lightly. She had always liked Henry. And they were friends when they were children but now he was her jailor and nothing else. "Knight Captain, I..."

"Must you be so formal? I remember you with skinned knees and dirt on your face." He smiled kindly at her.

"Henry," She smiled. "I can't stay trapped in that room after being out in the open for so many weeks. I'll go mad."

"Princess... I'm sorry." And he was, his sincerity clear in his eyes. "But your father ordered..."

Her head dropped. "I understand. I don't want to make trouble for you. I'll return to my room."

"Thank you, Princess."

She smiled as entered her room. Right before she closed the door she met his eye. "I'm glad you're well, Henry. This war... it has take a lot but I'm glad I still haven't lost all my friends."

"I'm sorry about Cailan... he is sorely missed."

Her head dropped. While she missed Cailan and would always love him the hurt in her heart had nearly stopped. Cailan has been replaced. And she hated herself for feeling that way. "Goodnight, Henry."

"Pleasant dreams, Princess."

She flopped down on her bed closing her eyes. She hadn't realized she'd fallen asleep but she woke to her maids knocking. They came in with several plates of food and spread them all across the table along with a bottle of wine and pitcher of water. She stood and walked to the table looking everything over. It looked delicious but she hadn't had a proper meal in days. She really would have thought anything delicious looking. She sat and poured a goblet of wine while the maids stood quietly by the far wall. She looked at the youngest. "What is your name?"

"I... I am Ellen, Your Highness."

She nodded. "Ellen, has the General received his food?"

"Yes, Your Highness. General Amerthine was in the mess hall with the men earlier this evening."

She sighed. "So, he had bread and stew?" All three maids nodded, their heads bobbing like branches in a storm. "He went days without food. And then that stubborn man gave me larger portions of what little food we did have, while he barely ate enough to survive... bread and soup will not suffice. Take these three dishes to him. I am not going to touch them."

The eldest, maybe four or five years older than her gasped. "But, Your Highness..."

She put her fork down with a clatter, it wasn't princess-like but it got their attention. "The man was drug behind a horse because he protected me. The least I can do is be sure he is fed properly."

Ellen stepped forward grabbing the dishes that Annalise had indicated. "I will take them myself, Your Highness."

"Thank you, Ellen. Be sure he has all he needs. If not for him, I would be dead five times over.

Ellen left and the others remained silent as Annalise finished eating. "I am ready for bed..." The three maids sprung into action preparing her and in five minutes she was laying down. As the maids were leaving she called out. "Ellen, it seems that Knight Captain Crawford will be spending the night outside my door, please be sure that he is prepared."

Ellen nodded, a sweet smile on her face. "Yes, Your Highness."

The next morning Annalise woke just in time for her maids to bathe and dress her all over again. The gown they put her in was heavily armored and felt as if it weighed a hundred pounds. She shook her head as she opened her door, "we shall bring your breakfast, Your Highness." The eldest said.

"No, thank you. I shall eat in the hall."

"But, Your Highness..!"

She squared her shoulders. "No buts! This is war, the men need to see that were are with them. I will eat in the hall." The three nodded as she stepped into the hallway where Henry was smiling at her. She grinned at him. "What is so amusing, Knight Captain?"

"I don't remember you ever going against anyone's wishes. It didn't matter if it was your nanny, maid, or His Majesty, you always did as told."

"Things have changed in the months I was gone, Henry. I can't afford to be a push over any longer."

"No. I agree. I just never thought I'd see the day. Jameson had quite the impact on you." He said with a knowing smile.

She blushed, her entire face heating. "I... He is..."

Henry laughed loudly. "Those Amerthine brothers sure are lucky."


"Come, I'll take you to the hall."