
Chapter 20: Jameson

He lifted her up putting her on his horse before grabbing the reigns of hers and climbing up behind her. She looked over her should clearly confused and he gave her his best grin. "I want to hold you while I can." She nodded as he pulled the pins from her hair letting it fall freely between them. When she gave him a side long glance he shrugged, "I like your hair."

She laughed and he lightly kicked urging then horses forward. Soon they were riding, her tucked against him, and his face in her hair. There was so much on his mind, worries, hopes, her, but yet he could bring himself to voice any of them. Instead he just held her close enjoying her heat that was radiating through him. He smiled as her hair blew in his face, though it could use a wash it still smelled of her. It smelled of his happiness.

After a few hours he noticed her slump against him and he couldn't help but laugh as she slept soundly in his arms. He kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Annalise."

Two hours later they stopped to rest and water the horses and instead of trying to hunt he just held her under the shade of a large tree, running his hands through her hair. "You've been awfully quiet today, Jameson." She said looking into his eyes.

"I'm just enjoying my time with you while I can."

"You act as if you're taking me to the gallows..." she laughed.

"Unfortunately, my love, you won't be the one left out to hang." He said kissing her forehead.

"Jameson, I will do all that I can to ensure that we are together. And if nothing else when I am queen, no one will stop me from having you."

"Annalise..." he laughed. "I love how bold you've become." He kissed her deeply. "When is your coronation?"

"Less than two years. Would you be willing to wait that long?"

"For you? I'd wait forever."

She turned in his arms kissing him like she never had before. Her hands tangled in hair as she grabbed fistfuls pulling him closer. He felt the moan escape his lips before he could stop it and she pulled away giving him a cocky smirk. "You sound as if you're enjoying yourself."

"You've spent one night bare with a man, don't get cocky now." He said as he grabbed her shoulders pushing down into the grass. He laid down atop her kissing her deeply as he slipped his hands under blouse. She arched beneath him and he bit her bottom lip causing her to squeal in delight. Her nimble hands had his shirt over his head in seconds and her lips found his chest. She kissed her way to his ear and then found his lips, her tongue entering his mouth. He couldn't help but laugh ruining the passionate moment. She looked at him with the wide eyes of horror causing him to laugh harder. "I'm sorry... Annalise." He flopped to his back laughing as she rolled to her side glaring at him. "You're far more bold than I anticipated."

"Do you only like meek women?" She huffed.

"No." He said looking deep into her violet eyes. "I just never thought you would be so bold. Though I shouldn't be surprised with the way you've scolded me all though childhood."

"I am bold when need be." She said rolling onto her back to stare up at the clouds. "But... I've grown a backbone during our time together."

"So I've noticed." He grabbed her arm pulling her on to his chest. "I am glad you have. I feared I'd have to kill someone for thinking they could push around their queen."

"Oh my, what a scary man you are." She laughed as she kissed his chin.

"I am General Jameson Amerthine after all." He ran his fingers through her hair. "Most people think I'm terrifying."

"Most people don't know you very well."

"Fair enough. But I don't mind them crossing to the other side of the street when I pass."

"More room for your ego that way."

He moved at lightening speed, getting atop of her. "You've a lot to say today, don't you?"

"I've no idea what you're talking about."

She smirked.

"Oh really? I've ways to make you talk." He said as sat up tickling her sides. She began laughing and jerking about beneath him almost immediately. His tickling continued and she laughed under him as tears began to stream from her eyes. He laughed along with her amazed at how much he loved her. Just seeing her laugh uncontrollably like this filled his heart.

"I give! I give! I'll talk!" She shouted between bouts of laughter.

His hands froze as he looked down at her. "What will you talk about?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

"You're the one trying to make me talk!" She shouted.

"I guess I forgot the question." He shrugged as he leaned down kissing her. "I love you."

"I love you." She sat up just far enough to press her lips against his. "Always."

"I know." He laid back down pulling her close. "Let me hold you for a while." She nodded closing her eyes. He closed his as well and together to drifted to sleep.

He woke an hour later, Annalise still curled against him but the sun sinking into the distance. He gave her a gentle shake, "Annalise, it's time to go."

Her eyes blinked a few times before they finally opened. "How long were we sleeping?"

"About an hour." He said sitting up with her still in his arms. "We need to go if we're going to make it to the fort by nightfall."

"Of course." She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. He could understand how she felt. He was feeling the same way, but as always duty must come before desire.

He spun her in his arms so that he could twist her hair back into a thick bun. He reached out taking her hand helping her to her feet. He walked her to her horse and grabbed her by her waist. But instead of lifting her, he pulled her closer kissing her. "I might have to say goodbye to you. This is my farewell kiss."

Her eyes creased as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling his lips to hers. "Farewell, my dear General."

He kissed her once more before putting her in her saddle and then they were riding toward the fort once more. He kept the conversation light for some time and then they rode in a comfortable silence.

Just as the sun had sunk painting the sky a wonderful mix of pinks and blues they made their way across the bridge to the main gate of Fort Calian, which was serving as the main camp for the kings armies. They were stopped before the gate by three heavily armored men. "Who goes there?!"

Jameson just glared at the new recruits. "I am General..."

"That's odd!" One of them interrupted. "The General is already in camp."

Jameson felt himself grind his teeth but before he could speak Annalise's voice rang out from behind him. "The Lieutenant General is in camp, but your General, Jameson Amerthine, is before you and escorting me, Annalise Victoria Amell. Now step aside and open the damn gate."

The guards all looked utterly shocked as they tripped over themselves to clear the way and Jameson just laughed from atop his horse. "In a foul mood, Princess?"

She urged her horse forward. "I won't see you disrespected by soldiers so ignorant they don't know who commands them." She then looked to the battlements, "Open the gate."

"Open the gate! The princess has arrived." The words echoed throughout the fort along with the metal clanging of the iron work gate raising to let them pass.

Once in the courtyard of the fort Jameson dismounted offering her a hand. She gladly took it climbing out of her saddle. He then stepped away to a respectable distance while waiting for them to be greeted. Within three minutes the courtyard was filled with servants, soldiers, and nobles alike all eager to get a look at the princess. To see her return for themselves. Voices surrounded them blurring out any other sound and while Jameson was on edge, Annalise seemed completely at ease. She looked over her shoulder at him, nodding reassuringly and he smiled his thanks as all he voices went silent at once.

"Annalise." The deep and familiar voice called from the main doors and Jameson watched as the princess sprinted towards her older, male, reflection. The king and the princess were of relation, there was no doubt. Their features matched eerily though while the king had a harsh nose and strong jawline, Annalise had her mothers delicate nose and her high cheekbones as well. And while their hair had at one point been the same shade the king's was now turning silver. Annalise wrapped her father in a hug and her embrace was returned for the briefest of moments before he pulled her arms off of him and stepped outside of the door. He studied her, like a painting, and scowled all the while. "You." He said pointing to a young maid. "Get my daughter bathed and changed immediately."

"Father, I..." She didn't have a chance to get the words out before she was being shoved through the doors by the maids, scared to look as if they weren't obeying their king's orders. "Jameson!"

The king's eyes creased. "And get her hair styled like the woman of noble birth she is. No daughter of mine will wear her hair like a milk maid."

Annalise was ushered through the doors before Jameson could answer her and the king was now staring directly at him. "Your Majesty." He said kneeling.

"Jameson Amerthine, as your father and brother before you, I see following orders is a weakness of yours."

Jameson wanted to spit but instead he dipped his head lower. "Forgive me, your majesty, but after the attack in Thorngate it wasn't safe for the princess to travel alone."

"It was because of the attack that I asked her to!" The king was shouting and Jameson just kept his head down.

"Her highness would have never made it. Alion has placed a bounty on her head. She was ambushed in a tavern."

The king said nothing for sometime as he just watched Jameson. "So long as she is here now."

The king turned walking back through the doors. Once they were closed Jameson slammed his fist into the ground hard enough that he felt his knuckles break. He had a sick feeling in his gut. And he didn't think there was anything he could do to help it.