
For the love of knowledge

A young scientist finds himself in the young Justice universe Ps.oc not from our world Pps. Cover pic not mine Ppps. Nothing is my first language

sudiotaku · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Crash landing

CADMUS 3 pov

Between the destroyed buildings a tense standoff was happening between the Justice League and their sidekick--proteges

" is that what I think it is?" batman questions.

" he doesn't like being called it," kid flash says in defense of his friend.

Superboy speaks up" I'm Superman's clone " gaining a shocked look from most of the league.

Batman's eyes snap to Robin " explain ".

While robin was explaining what happened to Batman the green lanterns started securing the blockbusterd doctor (a drug that is similar to the venom formal )with Hawkman and hawkwomen and captain atom accompanying them.

While Superman was having a conversation with Wonderwoman and the Martian manhunter about his clone.

With his clone looking at him every once in a while with hope.

After Robin finished retelling what happened batman speaks up gathering the attention of the teens.

"Cadmus will be investigated, all 52 levels but I will make one thing clear-"

"You should have called " Flash pipes up cutting off Batman.

"Result aside, we're not happy " Batman growls " you hacked the league's systems disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."

"I am sorry but we will " Aqualad states strongly, stepping up with the rest of the teens to their mentors.

" We did good work tonight, the work you thought us to do. Together on our own, we forged something powerful something important ".

Flash intervenes" if this is about your treatment in the hall the three of you -"

Kid Flash cuts him off" the four of us and it's not "

Robin how has been the quietest until now speaks to his mentor " Batman we're ready to do what you thought us or why teach us at all"feeling irritated.

Superboy jumps in "why let them tell us what to do " crossing his arms " it's simple. Get on board or get out of the way " staring at the league members.

The staredown between the two sides continues for about two seconds until a crack opens in the space three meters away from them.


From it, debris smoke, and fire explodes out, and a figure crash between them.

Looking at him everyone takes combat stance until the smoke clears out and they see a teen with pink hair and a burnt up lab coat,n but what draws their attention is the fact that his right side has awful burns and more importantly the fact his right arm and leg was blown off completely and bleeding profusely.

The teen coughs up some smoke" fucking OW!, that hurts" looking up he sees a couple of strangers dressed in costume looking at him, some of them with concern.

"Hello, could you give me a second be right with you "

The league seeing this relax, except a certain dark knight and his protege.

Superman walks towards the teen and asks him in concern " are you alright son?".

Flash says" sups, I am pretty sure losing his arm doesn't put him in the alright category "

Causing Wonder woman to look at him with disapproval.

The teen ignores the Flash and smiles at superman "no, I am pretty sure am all left now". Only to be met with silence " huh, tough crowd".

Looking up the teen says" eve could you give me a run down?" causing everyone to look around only to find nothing.

Kid Flash leans to robin and whispers" I think he might have some screws loose " causing Robin to sigh" not appropriate dude guy is heavily injured, he might have a injured his head "

Not hearing anything the teen rummages through his remaining pocket" hmm, might have been destroyed in the blast" pulling up a button he presses it, a hologram pops up in front of him, on it are a bunch of apps.

Clicking one of them with nothing apparently happening he clicks on another with the name 'eve 1.3', opening it a loading screen pops up.

Superman speaks up" son, we need to stop your bleeding " walking up to the teen to pick him up the man of steel bumps into something.

Stopping Superman puts his in front of him and pushes his hand only for it to stop in the middle of the air.

Batman looks at this and frowns " a force field."

The teen looks up from the screen" oh that, well I don't know you guys so I can't trust you, give me a minute to run some background info on you guys before we continue this conversation ".

Wonderwomen walks next to Superman "we are the Justice League, a group of heroes who fight for justice and freedom "

The teen looked at her and nods" cool, am still going to run a background check on you "

Then he added "nothing personal ".


A voice attracted everyone's attention.

"Eve online, how can I help you?"

The teen smiles" hi eve, could you run protocol health care, and give me some info on this dimension prioritizing the Justice League, oh and also give me a status report on my lab please "


" my pleasure, health protocol engaged"

A small red portal appears next to him,

Out of it a small drone with a red injection built-in appeared, the drone flew near him and injected him on his neck.

Under the stunned eyes of the league

His burns started to scab immediately and said scabs immediately felling off,

New limbs burst out in place of his missing ones.

Flexing his arm he sighs contently and says

" ah,that's soo much better "

Seeing the effect of medicine kid flash looked at it in awe " oh, awesome "

Smirking at his reaction the teen looked at them "let's look at the information, shall we? "


And that's the first chapter.

Any feedback is appreciated

This going to be a slow update schedule

Ps. This going to be a late romance and obviously no harem