
For Survival: Spider-Man and the Zombie Ordeal

Greetings, dear reader Welcome to my debut novel, and I sincerely hope it captivates your interest. The story begins in a city known for its ordinary human life. One day, for a mysterious reason, the city's residents transform into zombies. Peter Parker discovers that he must not only fight criminals but also the incoming zombie threat. As Peter strives to survive and protect the city, he teams up with a group of survivors. Things take a complicated turn when a zombie develops superhuman abilities similar to Spider-Man, adding a new layer of complexity to the confrontation. Will Peter overcome his fears and eliminate the zombie threat, or is the world destined to be ruled by evolved zombies?

FZ_Sadouk · Movies
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9 Chs

Chapter 09: The Tale of Spider-Man's Emergence

Peter (introspecting): Oh my God, she saw my face. What do ?

Gwen: So, you're the one who helped me that day when the thief tried to attack me.

Peter (rubbing his head): Yes, I am.

Gwen: But why didn't you tell me all of this?

Peter: I can't reveal my identity. If I could turn back time, I would so you wouldn't discover who I am.

Gwen (sadly): But why? I thought we were friends.

Peter: Yes, we are, but it's in my best interest to keep my identity unknown.

Gwen: I promise I won't tell anyone, but I want to know the whole story.

Peter: What story?

Gwen: The story of how you became Spider-Man.

Peter: No, it's enough that you know I'm Spider-Man; that's all you need.

Gwen: Please, I want to know. I promise this will remain our secret.

Peter started contemplating whether to tell her about his transformation into Spider-Man or keep it a secret. However, he remembered her support for him in childhood after the death of his parents and also her support after the death of his Uncle Ben. He decided to share the truth.

Gwen (pleading with her hands): What's going on? What are you thinking? She told me what happened, so I'm waiting.

Peter: Okay, I'll tell you the story, but on the condition that you don't tell anyone, or else I'll throw you off that building.

Gwen (laughs): Oh God, my life is in danger. Alright, I promise, just tell me.

Peter: I'll tell you, but first, we need to change this location. Do you want to go on a trip now?

Gwen: What trip? What are you talking about?

Before she could finish her question, Peter carried Gwen and swung them on a tour above the buildings, using his spider-web. Initially, Gwen screamed out of fear, but after a short while, she felt secure in Peter's hands and started enjoying the ride. She looked at her city from above, truly a magnificent sight.

Peter headed towards a particularly tall building, as whenever he felt lonely, he sought solace in that corner.

Gwen: Oh my God, this is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life.

Peter: I'm glad to hear that.

Gwen: So, now go ahead and tell me everything that happened until you became a superhero.

Peter: What do you want to know, you curious one?

Gwen (enthusiastically): I want to know why you turned into Spider-Man.

Peter: Five years ago, I was an extremely ordinary person, focused on only two things: studying and working. At that time, I had gotten a new job at a research lab. One night, after all the employees had left, I went to make sure all the doors were locked. By chance, I discovered a secret laboratory. Initially hesitant, I debated whether to explore what was in that lab or return to my duties. However, curiosity overwhelmed me that night, and I couldn't stop myself from entering.

Upon entering, I was shocked by the number of insects and animals present, used for experiments. In one corner, there was a spider with a very strange appearance, unlike any I had seen before. It was red and significantly larger than ordinary spiders. It didn't move, and I thought it was dead. I reached out to inspect it with my hand, and suddenly, it moved. At that moment, I felt a slight pain, which I ignored. I returned the spider to its place, closed the lab door, and went back to my work.

As I continued my work, I felt extreme fatigue, my temperature rose, and I experienced dizziness. I thought it was just due to exhaustion, so I returned home and went straight to bed.

Gwen: So, that spider was genetically modified, and because of it, you gained superpowers.

Peter: Exactly, that's what happened.

Gwen: But you didn't tell me about the changes that occurred to you.

Peter: Significant physical and mental changes occurred. I gained superhuman abilities, such as heightened strength, incredible speed, the ability to jump great heights and carry heavy loads, and the power to adhere to vertical and horizontal surfaces. My senses, including vision, hearing, and touch, improved noticeably. My cognitive abilities became faster; I could absorb information and make decisions quickly. My personality changed too, becoming more confident and daring in facing challenges.

Gwen: Truly, this is amazing. It's fascinating to have superpowers and be different from others.

Peter: Yes, it's both wonderful and challenging. My life changed significantly due to my responsibilities as a superhero. I find myself facing dangerous challenges and enemies, and I have to balance my personal and heroic life.

Gwen: Why do you wear that mask? Why don't you want to reveal Spider-Man's identity?

Peter: I wear the mask to maintain the secrecy of my identity and protect my loved ones. Being a superhero could endanger the lives of my friends and family, and the mask helps conceal my face, allowing me to lead a normal life while continuing to fight crime. This measure balances protecting the community and preserving Peter's life as an ordinary person.

Gwen: So, according to what you're saying, no one knows Spider-Man's identity except me?

Peter: No, that's not what I said. My Aunt May knows, and so did Uncle Ben.

Gwen: Did you tell them?

Peter: I told Aunt May because I had to. One day, I hid the suit because it was torn, and Aunt May accidentally discovered it. She asked me about it, and I told her everything. Initially shocked, she later showed deep understanding of the sacrifices I make for justice. I asked her to keep it a secret, but she told Uncle Ben, and he, in turn, became supportive of my superhero missions. Aunt May also became a strong supporter.

Gwen: So, I'm the third person to know your secret. Well, what a joy. It's truly wonderful to be Spider-Man's friend.

Peter laughed at her response, as he expected her to be angry for not telling her earlier, but her reaction was contrary to his expectations.

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