
For Survival: Spider-Man and the Zombie Ordeal

Greetings, dear reader Welcome to my debut novel, and I sincerely hope it captivates your interest. The story begins in a city known for its ordinary human life. One day, for a mysterious reason, the city's residents transform into zombies. Peter Parker discovers that he must not only fight criminals but also the incoming zombie threat. As Peter strives to survive and protect the city, he teams up with a group of survivors. Things take a complicated turn when a zombie develops superhuman abilities similar to Spider-Man, adding a new layer of complexity to the confrontation. Will Peter overcome his fears and eliminate the zombie threat, or is the world destined to be ruled by evolved zombies?

FZ_Sadouk · Movies
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9 Chs

chapter 08: Gwen's Support for Peter

A month has passed since Uncle Ben's death, and Peter still grapples with depression over losing the person closest to him, acting as a father figure after the death of his own father, Richard.

Peter lies on his bed, his gaze fixed on a picture of his aunt May and uncle Ben hanging on the room's wall. His distracted mind reflects on the moments shared with Uncle Ben and the guidance he always provided.

Suddenly, the phone rings—it's an unknown number.

Peter: Hello, who's speaking?

The voice on the other end belongs to a girl, Gwen.

Gwen: ummm... Hi, Peter. It's Gwen. How are you doing?

Peter: I'm okay, what about you gwen?

Gwen: I'm good. I asked Eddie to give me your number; I've been worried about you. You've been absent from college for a whole month.

Peter (indifferently): I know I konw but I don't feel like doing anything right now, I need just sleep.

Gwen: That's not acceptable. You need to continue living your life. If Uncle Ben were still alive, he wouldn't approve of what you're doing.

Peter (with a sad tone): I can't accept his death, Gwen. I can't, He is my only uncle

Gwen: I understand, but you have to come to terms with it. That's life; we all have our endings.

Peter (sadly): He was like a father to me.

Gwen: So, follow the advice he always gave you and bid his soul farewell. Be strong for his sake, Peter.

Peter: I'll try, Gwen. I'll try.

Gwen (trying to change the mood): So, when will you explain the lessons the professor told you about? I've been waiting for you to teach me since that day. I didn't want to change my instructor, haha.

Peter: what are you saying? I can't teach you because I'm not a professor, Gwen, I am sorry

Gwen: what ?!! You told me you were the only outstanding student in that subject.

Peter: I was just joking with you.

Gwen:I don't care That doesn't matter now. Tomorrow, we'll go to the university together. I'll stop by your place at 8 AM to wake you up, lazy boy.

Peter: No need for that; I'll wake up on my own. If I don't, my aunt May will wake me up.

Gwen: By the way, I already talked to Aunt May and told her about it. She'll be expecting me tomorrow.

Peter: Oh God, you didn't miss anything.

Gwen: Until tomorrow, my friend.

The connection was lost, and Peter began to ponder Gwen's words. She was right in every word she spoke. It was already 11 PM, so Peter decided to go to sleep, anticipating Gwen's early visit.

True to her word, Gwen arrived early. Peter descended to the lower floor to find Aunt May and Gwen preparing breakfast.

Aunt May: Look who came to visit you.

Peter (with visible sadness): Yes, I knew she would be here. She informed me yesterday.

Gwen: Finally, Peter is returning to his university life.

Everyone gathered around the breakfast table. Once done, Aunt May went to the kitchen to wash the dishes while Gwen and Peter headed to the door to go to the university, bidding Aunt May farewell.

At the university, Peter's friends welcomed him warmly, offering condolences and sympathy. Peter appeared tired and frustrated, prompting Gwen to suggest going to the university cafe for a quieter atmosphere.

Gwen: How are you feeling now?

Peter: Better compared to yesterday. I'm okay.

Gwen: I hope you'll always feel that way peter.

Gwen started explaining some of the lessons Peter missed during his absent month. Suddenly, a news report about a museum thief flashed on the TV. Without explanations, Peter apologized to Gwen and informed her that he had to go.

The professional thief infiltrated the city museum, aiming to steal a rare art piece. The security alarm went off, but he skillfully avoided all traps. Spider-Man descended from the ceiling, showcasing his spider-like abilities.

Spider-Man: What did you say, you idiot?

Thief: Damn, he appeared again.

A fierce struggle ensued between Spider-Man and the thief, moving at incredible speed. Despite Peter's enhanced abilities, recent events had taken a toll on him. Nevertheless, he tried to overcome the challenge.

Spider-Man: Do you think you can escape my spider embrace, my friend?

Thief: Damn it, he's back.

In the midst of the conflict, the thief started to retreat and spoke to Spider-Man.

Thief: There's a life at stake here. Saving it means everything to me.

Spider-Man: I have the same goal, but not through theft. Let's unite to save this life, instead of pushing it into darkness.

Thief: Maybe you're right. Let's make this unexpected alliance work for us and for the city.

Spider-Man extended his hand for a handshake, believing the thief's words. Suddenly, he punched Spider-Man in the face, rushed towards the art piece, and quickly escaped.

Spider-Man used his spider threads to stop the thief, but the latter unexpectedly broke free. Spider-Man approached him, and they engaged in an intense fight around the museum.

The thief struck Spider-Man forcefully, sending him crashing into a statue. Seizing the opportunity, the thief ascended to the rooftop, followed swiftly by Spider-Man.

The conflict escalated again, with everyone below watching the intense battle. Suddenly, Spider-Man kicked the thief, who fell from the rooftop. Onlookers thought the thief was destined to fall to his death, but Spider-Man, using his web, caught him at the last moment and threw him into a police car.

Spider-Man: What makes you think you can challenge Spider-Man?

Thief: Good and evil will never be challenged. They are straight lines.

Spider-Man used his web to immobilize the thief. The crowd cheered for this heroic act, and everyone hailed Spider-Man.

Peter, now unmasked as Spider-Man, heads to an empty street. Suddenly, he hears Gwen's voice.

Gwen: Oh my god, Peter, What do I see in front of me? you are Spider-Man...!!

As Gwen speaks with astonishment, Peter looks at her with tension, attempting to find an explanation for the situation.

Hi guys!

in your opinion What will Gwen do after learning the truth about Spider-Man ?

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