
For Survival: Spider-Man and the Zombie Ordeal

Greetings, dear reader Welcome to my debut novel, and I sincerely hope it captivates your interest. The story begins in a city known for its ordinary human life. One day, for a mysterious reason, the city's residents transform into zombies. Peter Parker discovers that he must not only fight criminals but also the incoming zombie threat. As Peter strives to survive and protect the city, he teams up with a group of survivors. Things take a complicated turn when a zombie develops superhuman abilities similar to Spider-Man, adding a new layer of complexity to the confrontation. Will Peter overcome his fears and eliminate the zombie threat, or is the world destined to be ruled by evolved zombies?

FZ_Sadouk · Movies
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Chapter 06: Gwen's Reappearance

While Spider-Man reminisced about his childhood experiences, he suddenly heard a girl screaming for help. He swiftly donned his suit and hurried towards the source of the sound.

Gwen: Stay away from me, you thief!

Thief: Let go of the bag, you slut!

Gwen:people... Please, help me!

Spider-Man: Back off, fool! Leave the girl alone.

Thief: And who are you? The masked man, hahaha!

Spider-Man: You're about to find out what this masked man can do.

Spider-Man delivered a powerful kick to the thief's leg making him fall to his knees....

Thief (In himself): Oh my God, he is strong, what will I do now? I will try to trick him

ummm Let us become friends with your strength and my intelligence we will become rich

Spiderman didn't care what he said...

Another blow to the head rendered him unconscious. Spider-Man picked up the bag and handed it to Gwen.

Gwen: Thank you so much, sir.

Spider-Man: No need to thank me, it's my duty.

Spider-Man swiftly carried the unconscious thief to the police station, tossing him in front of a group of officers. He returned to Gwen.

Spider-Man: Hello, I'm Spider-Man.

Gwen: Spider-Man! (noticing the spider symbol on his suit) Oh, yes, the name fits.

Spider-Man: You didn't tell me your name.

Gwen: I'm Gwen, recently moved to this town.

Spider-Man: I'm not from here either, moved fifteen years ago.

They exchanged pleasantries, and Spider-Man, needing to go, swung away, leaving Gwen grateful.

Spider-Man: Wait a moment; I'll be right back.

He returned swiftly, and Gwen thanked him again.

Spider-Man: Don't mention it, and welcome to the neighborhood.

Gwen blushed as Spider-Man swung away. Later, Peter, back at Aunt May's, found his uncle Ben sick. Concerned, he and Aunt May tended to him, reminiscing about the past.

Peter: Uncle Ben, this isn't the time for sleep. Dinner's ready.

Entering Ben's room, Peter discovered his uncle unwell. After caring for him, Peter thought about Gwen, trying to recall where he'd heard the name before.

Peter: Where have I heard that name, and why does her face seem familiar? Sleep finally overcame him as he pondered these questions.

In the morning of the next day, Peter Parker woke up early to get ready for university, unlike the previous day when he woke up late. Upon arriving at the university, he entered his class and started working on the equation given by the professor. He heard knocks on the door, and suddenly, a girl with long hair, a youthful face, and fair skin entered. It was Gwen, the girl he had helped the day before.

Gwen entered quietly, feeling tense.

Gwen (softly): Hello, everyone.

Professor: Are you talking to yourself? Speak louder so others can hear you.

Some students laughed, and Gwen felt embarrassed and nervous.

Professor: Are you the new student in this class?

Gwen (loudly): Yes, Professor, I am.

Professor: Remind me of your name.

Gwen: My name is Gwen.

Professor: Students, this is a new classmate among you. She recently moved here from her town. I hope you welcome her and help her understand what we've covered in previous sessions. Peter Parker, I hope you take charge of this.

Peter: Sure, Professor, with pleasure...

Gwen's eyes turned to the source of the voice, seeing Peter smiling at her. She returned the smile, unaware that Peter Parker was the Spider-Man who had helped her the day before.

The lecture ended, and students started leaving the room. Peter immediately approached Gwen.

Peter: Hi, I'm Peter.

Gwen (with a broad smile): Yes, I know. The professor just called your name a while ago.

Peter (speaking to himself): Oh god, I'm so dumb.

Gwen: Will you really help me understand what we covered, or did you just tell the professor yes to avoid embarrassment?

Peter: Of course, I'll help you. I love this subject and consider myself the most outstanding person in studying it. If I can't help you, no one can, my friend. (Winks and smiles confidently)

Gwen: According to your words, I consider myself lucky that you'll be responsible for me.

Peter: Without a doubt.

Peter remembered his date with his girlfriend Mary because he had prepared a gift for her birthday.

Gwen: When will we start then?

Peter: Tomorrow at one o'clock, we'll meet at the university library if that suits you.

Gwen: Yes, it does.

Peter: Now, off we go. Until we meet again...

Peter heads to the café where he first met Mary, preparing a birthday surprise for her. Peter picks up his phone to call Mary.

Peter: Are you close to the café?

Mary: Yes, I'm at the university right now.

Peter: I'm waiting for you. Hurry, it's something urgent.

Mary: Why? What's going on?

Peter: Nothing, just hurry.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Mary rushes into the café, heading straight towards Peter.

Mary: What's going on?

Suddenly, birthday music plays, and the waiter appears holding a birthday cake that reads, "Happy Birthday Mary, and every year you're my love." Mary looks at Peter, finding him holding a gift. She feels immense joy realizing she forgot it's her birthday. Mary takes the gift from Peter and hugs him.

Mary: Thank you, Peter. It's truly a wonderful surprise.

Peter: Happy birthday, my love.

Mary: I love you so much.

On that evening, Peter decides to surprise Mary with a unique experience at a tranquil resort by the coast. He plans a romantic dinner under the stars amidst a serene atmosphere.

After informing Mary at the café that they have an unexpected plan, Peter takes her to the coastal resort. There, they indulge in the fresh air and gentle waves, followed by an exquisite dinner specially prepared for them.

At the end of the dinner, the waiter appears with a small box containing a key to a private chalet with a breathtaking view of the sea. Peter says, "This is my second gift to you, to spend the night in this charming chalet."

Mary enjoys the surprise, and they spend the night in the tranquility of the enchanting location amidst their love.

Sorry for this late

I'm going through a difficult time

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