
For Survival: Spider-Man and the Zombie Ordeal

Greetings, dear reader Welcome to my debut novel, and I sincerely hope it captivates your interest. The story begins in a city known for its ordinary human life. One day, for a mysterious reason, the city's residents transform into zombies. Peter Parker discovers that he must not only fight criminals but also the incoming zombie threat. As Peter strives to survive and protect the city, he teams up with a group of survivors. Things take a complicated turn when a zombie develops superhuman abilities similar to Spider-Man, adding a new layer of complexity to the confrontation. Will Peter overcome his fears and eliminate the zombie threat, or is the world destined to be ruled by evolved zombies?

FZ_Sadouk · Movies
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9 Chs

chapter 05: Parker's Return to Normal life

James: What nonsense are you telling me?

Doctor: This is what Peter told me.

James (angry): We waited all this time for you to tell me this nonsense.

Unfortunately, no one believed Peter's words due to the strange and unfamiliar nature of the events. Everyone thinks his mother killed the dog and her husband Richard, then committed suicide. They believe she went insane, and the son invented the story out of his imagination. After several investigations, the case of Peter Parker's parents was closed on this basis.

Ben: How are you today, Peter?

Peter: Fine... Where is my friend, the doctor?

Ben: I didn't know you two became friends. Since when have you been friends?

Peter: Since he told me he would believe me. None of you believed what I told you.

Ben (looking down): No, dear, don't say that. I believed you.

Peter: Don't lie to me. I heard you one evening telling my aunt May that I'm crazy and who would attack their son.

Ben was shocked by what he heard; he truly said those words to his wife May.

Ben: No, I didn't say that.

Peter: Don't deny it, Uncle. I heard you with my own ears.

Ben stood up, heading towards the door to leave the room, but Peter's sad words stopped him.

Peter: I miss my dad. He always believed me, every word I said. He was my friend. My mom also always listened and believed me. I really miss them.

Sadness appeared on Peter's face, and suddenly tears welled up in his eyes. Ben, feeling sorry for Peter, hugged him, deciding he would be like a father to him from now on.

The next day, Ben decided to take Peter to his school to continue his studies. Unfortunately, he started facing bullying from his classmates who called him "the crazy one" after one of them overheard Ben talking to the school principal about what happened to Peter's parents.

Mark (Peter's classmate): You're the fantasy stories lunatic, aren't you?

Peter looked at him with puzzled eyes, not understanding what he meant.

Mark (mockingly): Did your dad really want to have you for breakfast this morning, dummy?

Laughter erupted in the classroom as everyone listened to Mark's words, except for one girl who paid no attention to what he said,She used to dislike Mark and his friends, and she was Peter's only friend in that department.

Peter felt a mix of emotions - embarrassment, sadness, and anger. He grabbed the chair he was sitting on and struck Mark on the head until he fainted.

The school principal called Ben, asking him to come to the school to accompany Peter. When he arrived, the principal informed him about what happened to Peter.

Ben returned home, angry at Peter.

Ben: I need an explanation for what you did at school, Peter. Why did you hit your classmate?

Peter: He called me a fool and said no father would attack his son. I felt intense sadness and remembered my dad asking for help. I don't want to go back to that school; everyone treats me like I'm crazy. Please, Uncle, let's move somewhere else.

Ben went directly to the kitchen, where his wife May was.

Ben: I think it's better for us to move to another city to start a new life.

May: Why? What happened?

James: What nonsense are you telling me?

Doctor: This is what Peter told me.

James (angry): We waited all this time for you to tell me this nonsense.

Unfortunately, no one believed Peter's words due to the strange and unfamiliar nature of the events. Everyone thinks his mother killed the dog and her husband Richard, then committed suicide. They believe she went insane, and the son invented the story out of his imagination. After several investigations, the case of Peter Parker's parents was closed on this basis.

Ben: How are you today, Peter?

Peter: Fine... Where is my friend, the doctor?

Ben: I didn't know you two became friends. Since when have you been friends?

Peter: Since he told me he would believe me. None of you believed what I told you.

Ben (looking down): No, dear, don't say that. I believed you.

Peter: Don't lie to me. I heard you one evening telling my aunt May that I'm crazy and who would attack their son.

Ben was shocked by what he heard; he truly said those words to his wife May.

Ben: No, I didn't say that.

Peter: Don't deny it, Uncle. I heard you with my own ears.

Ben stood up, heading towards the door to leave the room, but Peter's sad words stopped him.

Peter: I miss my dad. He always believed me, every word I said. He was my friend. My mom also always listened and believed me. I really miss them.

Sadness appeared on Peter's face, and suddenly tears welled up in his eyes. Ben, feeling sorry for Peter, hugged him, deciding he would be like a father to him from now on.

The next day, Ben decided to take Peter to his school to continue his studies. Unfortunately, he started facing bullying from his classmates who called him "the crazy one" after one of them overheard Ben talking to the school principal about what happened to Peter's parents.

Mark (Peter's classmate): You're the fantasy stories lunatic, aren't you?

Peter looked at him with puzzled eyes, not understanding what he meant.

Mark (mockingly): Did your dad really want to have you for breakfast this morning, dummy?

Laughter erupted in the classroom as everyone listened to Mark's words, except for one girl who paid no attention to what he said,She used to dislike Mark and his friends, and she was Peter's only friend in that department.

Peter felt a mix of emotions - embarrassment, sadness, and anger. He grabbed the chair he was sitting on and struck Mark on the head until he fainted.

The school principal called Ben, asking him to come to the school to accompany Peter. When he arrived, the principal informed him about what happened to Peter.

Ben returned home, angry at Peter.

Ben: I need an explanation for what you did at school, Peter. Why did you hit your classmate?

Peter: He called me a fool and said no father would attack his son. I felt intense sadness and remembered my dad asking for help. I don't want to go back to that school; everyone treats me like I'm crazy. Please, Uncle, let's move somewhere else.

Ben went directly to the kitchen, where his wife May was.

Ben: I think it's better for us to move to another city to start a new life.

May: Why? What happened?

Ben: I think Peter won't be able to accept the death of his parents as long as we stay in the same place.

May: But what about your job?

Ben: I'll ask them to transfer me to another location.

May: Good, it's a good idea.

Ben: To improve Peter's condition, we need to make sacrifices.

May: I agree; he's our responsibility now. We're responsible for his life and well-being.

Ben: From now on, Peter is our son.

after a long period of psychological treatments that became part of Peter Parker's life and the efforts of Uncle Ben and Aunt May, he returned to his previous life.

With his transition to a new school, Peter Parker formed new relationships with friends. Everyone inquired about the cause of his parents' death, and Uncle Ben and Aunt May told people that they had died in a plane crash.