
For Reality

**** Our Main Character is a young talent of the modern Earth. At the tender age of 25, he was already working for a prestigious institute and that too at a high position. On his 25th birthday, Rey came late at home and went straight to bed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself at a completely different place. On that day, his life changed completely. Now he is living four different lives in different universes - as a student, an office worker, a super soldier, and a martial artist. At least Rey is not alone and has a great partner Jerry who is an incompetent system. Rey : " Jerry! where do we go next ??? " Jerry : [ You can go to meet your University Girlfriend or do you wanna go meet your other three wives???] Rey : "....." Follow these two as they conquered multiple realities..... *** In some chapters, there may be abusive words used. ***

7th_Reader · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Magekiller's Essence


**Mary's POV **

When that unknown guy released his D-Rank presence, it felt so terrific that I just collapsed on the spot.

After some time when I opened my eyes, there were three person in front of me. That guy was also present there.

"Uhm-Whe-Where am I ? Where is Rick and the others??"

I panicked as soon as my mind came on the right track. But no matter where I looked, I couldn't find any trace of others beside these three.

Since I was fainted, they could have just. . .

'No! Rick won't leave me alone, Never!!'

"If you want to know about your friends then just turn around!" The only girl in the group spoke to me with an awkward smile.

I nodded to her statement and I followed her, but the scene that was behind me broke everything within me.


'This can't be ! ! ? ? How?'

"They all are dead."

I fell on the ground once again and tears began to flow from my eyes.

I looked at those three and they did not even bat an eye for me. It was then that the dots started connecting itself.

I didn't even dare to look the three in their eyes. I was so devastated that I just started begging for my life.

But then something hit my neck and my eyes were instantly covered in darkness.

'So this is death!'



A very light but clear voice was heard by the three siblings. When they looked at the direction of the voice, they saw another student.

This time it was just a boy.

Rook, Sarah and Carlos all felt really annoyed by getting a witness to their work here. If the boy alerts the Academy through his device then it will become a lot troublesome for their entire mission.

Rook was the one who took the quickest action. He took out his weapon, which was a short sniper and shot with a dead eye accuracy.



Rick saw the entire murder scene and was left shocked.

He let out his words out loudly by the sheer confusion of what just happened.

Rey had never experienced witnessing a cold blooded murder. He had seen people kill aliens, people kill the criminal and he himself killed a number of monsters, devils and the devil contractors.

But this was different, a student who was studying in his own class for the last two months was decapitated in front of him.

And the one who did it, was also around the same age of his classmates.

"Sh*t! I've been discovered!!"

But before Rey could think of his next move, Rook took out his gun and shot straight towards Rey.

{ Case Manifestation : 2nd stage : Barrier }

Just before the bullet could reach Rey, a just enough Barrier was constructed to block of the shot.

"I have to run!!"

Rey picked up his speed and burst off. Luckily for him, no one followed.


"H-How can it be?? How did he blocked that bullet??"

Rook couldn't believe what he had just seen. His siblings were even more shocked then him.

This was the first time in their entire life that someone had blocked the bullet fired from the gun which belongs to 'The Magekiller Series'.

Magekiller series is a series of weapons which uses the Magickiller Essence. Magickiller Essence or AntiMagic Essence is the special Essence that is only seen in the Warlock blood descendants. All the higher ups of the organization are the descendants of the previous generation Warlocks and have this Essence running in their blood.

Warlocks were also called Mages during the war between humans and demons. They had the special Essence that could cancel out any other Essence used by a person weaker than themselves. These types of people were very small in number and scattered all around the world. The people from the Association didn't like to have such men around them who could cancel their spell with their Essence. Hence, they started to discriminate against them.

All these people came together and formed their own organization, free from the Association. At that time, the Association gave them the permission to form their own organization as they clearly didn't liked each other.

During the war, the organization was the main force and gained huge victories and merits. They named the organization as 'The Warlock Organization'.

But then right after the war, Association waged a war against the Organization and a lot of blood was spelled at that time.

The Association was victorious with their huge numbers and the Warlocks were forced to go into hiding. Since that day, the feud between both groups went on growing stronger and stronger.

The Association pictured the organization as the terrorists of the world. In response, the organization who only attacked the Association till now became a real threat to the normal people.

The organization of today only cares for its goals and doesn't care for the casualties happened in order to achieve their goals. They became the real terrorists that the Association was picturing them this whole time.

When the Organization was in its peak power during the demon war, the four founding members of the organization crafted four weapons with their own Life Essence and Antimagic Essence.

These weapons were known as the 'The Magickiller Series'.

The four founding members were all seriously wounded in a battle against a demon king, and so with their remaining life they poured everything they had and crafted these four weapons.

From that series, 'Bandhook' is a short sniper which is currently weilded by Rook. This gun's bullets can pass through every skill, spell and defensive gear to hit the target.

But the skill penetration only happens if the target is two realms above the user.

That was the main reason that Rook and everyone else were surprised. In their mind, it was impossible that a student of age 16 can be a C-Rank mage. So the only possible solution is that the student used a skill which cancelled the AntiMagic Essence.

And the only Essence that can cancel the AntiMagic Essence is the Truemagic Essence.

"Should I follow him? I can still catch him!!" Sarah asked Rook with a serious face.

"No." Rook rejected the idea within a second.

'If he can block a bullet from my Bandhook then he can easily handle the weapons of these two. Huh! Since he is not the main target, we should just go on a different route.'

"We will take a different route! Don't mention that guy again, we will deal with him with the help of master. Hurry up! Our presence will be known to everyone any moment, let's finish the task as soon as possible!!"

Sarah nodded to Rook's words. As for Carlos, since he was the one who screwed up the whole scene in the first place, so he just followed Sarah and Rook quietly.

"Also we should avoid everyone we meet from now on, Move!!"

With this the three siblings took the different route that was very far from the route of Rey's party. But the route they had taken was the one with the colony of the Blizzard Ants.


**Rey's POV**


"They didn't follow!"


'What the hell just happened now?? I need to warn those three asap!!!' This is going to be

I sprinted as fast as I can in the direction where others are installing the traps.

[ Rey, I think you shouldn't tell the school about this yet!! I think those guys are not normal. ]

Baffled after hearing the voice in my minds, I asked -

"What do you mean??"

[ The moment you blocked the gun shot with the case, I felt the Essence element behind the shot. This Essence is known as Magickiller Essence. This Essence is the bane of all mages in this world. It negates every other Essence in the same power level. ]

"Then he will come after me, right? I have the weapon to block his special Essence, So he would make me his first target, Won't he??"

[ No. If that was the case, you would have been long surrounded by them! ]

"True! But then why are you saying me to not inform the school??"

This was the question I was having on repeat in my mind since Jerry said those words.

[ Did you forget? The reason we were suspicious of all the teachers during the start of the camp, ELLIOTT'S SYSTEM QUEST!!! ]

"That's right! I heard from Natalie that this Ashell island is completely sealed. So how in Heavens did they got in?? And weren't they wearing the same wrist devices as we all are wearing, how did they got it?? .. .. .. .. .. .. Unless--"

[ Now do you get it?? What if the teacher who gave them the device is the one who is in charge of your ship?? Your groups location will be pinpointed in a second!! ]

"What do we do now? I've already used my Case once today and I can only use it for two more times.."

[ First thing you should do is, forget the competition. There has been a murder on the island, so I don't think the competition will be still valid. You should go and take your group to build a safe zone for the party. Because I think there's more to it than it seems. ]

"Alright! I'll do that..."

Jerry's connection went off after that and I to picked up my pace and headed towards the location of our trap ground.


'Why was she alone with them?'

I think she was in the 4th ranker Rick's party. They were also known as the 'childhood friends-couple' in our class. So why was she alone.

Did her party abandoned her?

Did she betrayed them and was then disposed off?

Or they were all already dead before I arrived and she was the last one to die??

"Ughhhh.. .. .. .. Ughhhh....!"

The vomit came out as soon as I thought of that scene, it was only silent until now because of the adrenaline rush.


"This evolution is too much....."