
For Reality

**** Our Main Character is a young talent of the modern Earth. At the tender age of 25, he was already working for a prestigious institute and that too at a high position. On his 25th birthday, Rey came late at home and went straight to bed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself at a completely different place. On that day, his life changed completely. Now he is living four different lives in different universes - as a student, an office worker, a super soldier, and a martial artist. At least Rey is not alone and has a great partner Jerry who is an incompetent system. Rey : " Jerry! where do we go next ??? " Jerry : [ You can go to meet your University Girlfriend or do you wanna go meet your other three wives???] Rey : "....." Follow these two as they conquered multiple realities..... *** In some chapters, there may be abusive words used. ***

7th_Reader · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Siblings run riot.

**An hour before the murder**

A girl and a boy were skimming through the forest, and they finally stopped before arriving in front of their third member.

"Carlos! Don't go running by yourse--huh!?"

"Hey, why did you sto----"

The situation was quite not good. The fact that they had been discovered by the students so early was not good. There were four uniformed students standing before Carlos, and they were ready for a fight.

The four students that were on the other side were Rick, George, Mary and Lily.

Rick's party was a pretty powerful one, they were even in the conversation of being the winning team of the entire camp. The group was grinding monster after monster in the middle regions. The type of monsters they were hunting was Horned Cobras.

Horned Cobras are low tier E-Rank monsters. They are usually of the size between 7 feet - 15 feet. These monsters doesn't have a potent poison or a remarkable strength, but what they are most known for are there camouflage attributes. These horned cobras can mend in the surroundings so well, that for one they cannot be seen by naked eyes as well as they even pass the essence detection spells if they are not moving.

And their most lethal weapon is their horns. But the horn is also their biggest weakness, if it is broken then the cobra will die. The other main characteristics of these race is that they never travel in groups, they always hunt alone, hence it was a thorough grind for Rick's party who was targeting this cobras one by one.

To quickly find the location of the hidden cobras, Rick and his party installed many movement detectors in the grounds of the entire patch of that part of the forest.

Two of the detectors were triggered at the same time. Rick and his party killed the horned cobra detected in the first alarm with fairly ease and went in the direction of the second alarm right away. But the thing that got detected was not a cobra, but a human.

When Rick's party came face to face with the person who got detected in the detector, they all became quite surprised.

Every student on the camp was wearing the uniform of the Academy and had similar devices on their wrists. The boy in front of them was wearing the device on his wrist but he was not in the the uniform.

At first the boy didn't seem that suspicious as he could have changed his uniform to casual clothes, as long as he is wearing the device on his wrist, he was a legitimate participant of the camp.

"Hey friend, this is our hunting area. Can you please go to the other side?" Rick stepped forward and the boy politely to leave his hunting grounds.

Rick was a known personality in the first years, he was the strongest person after Elliot, Garrett and Juhie. So when Rick politely asked the student in front of him to leave, he expected that the student will leave without making a fuss.

But that was not the case.

The student in front of him threw a knife at Rick's face with considerable speed and power. Rick, who was relaxed until now, suddenly woke up to the situation and deflected the knife's trajectory with his monstrous reflex.

Even though the knife still gazed and left a deep cut on his right arm.

The entire party got riled up and the weapons were taken out, Rick also jumped backwards and made his attacking stance. He was fuming from the inside about what happened just a moment ago.

But before he could ask, the attacker started speaking.

"What da f**k you said? Telling me to leave? Do you wanna die, huh!?" Carlos was really angry at the naive little kid in front of him.

Although they both were of same age, both of their life was very contrasting to each other. The amount of world Rick has experienced is insignificant compared to that of Carlos.

"Attcking other students is strictly prohibited!! Do you know what you are doing right now?? Do you think I wouldn't remember you, huh punk!!?"

Rick once again gave one final warning despite his face being full of rage.

But Carlos doesn't reply to Rick's words, and he just releases his D+ Rank presence.




All the three members of Rick's party apart from Rick were brought onto their knees. The presence of peak D rank was to the extent that the girl named Mary just fainted on the spot.

The only one who could barely move was Rick. He realized that the situation wasn't looking good for him.

'Should I use that artifact now? I don't think this guy will let go of things now, and I am also not too good at running. If I use that thing, my chance of defeating this guy will be fifty percent. . . . . . . . Alright then I'll use it'

The tension between the two rosed to the peak. Carlos on one hand was holding his knife and standing in a weird posture, but his face gave of a serious vibe. On the other hand, Rick was holding his sword and had taken his standard stance, he was also wearing a black mask that covered half of his face.

But just as something was going to happen, two new people entered the picture. It was none other than Rook and Sarah.

Rick saw this and his thought process went all down the gutter. The artifact he was currently using was called the 'Mask of Massacres'.

Mask of Massacres is the legendary mask wore by a powerful mage who fought against the demons. The man killed a hundred demons on a single day and kept killing the same number until a powerful demon stepped in and killed him. It was said that this mask was the main artifact of that mage. Unfortunately, when the mage was killed by the demon, the mask got a bit corrupted by the demonic essence.

The true effect of the mask is that it raises every stat in the status window by one stage and at the same time reduces the Luck stat to rock bottom. The other function that made the mage and the mask famous was that after every kill, the strength, agility and stamina stat are restored to the time before the mask was wore. But there was a side-effect added when it got corrupted by the demonic essence.

Since then, all the people who used this mask had to endure a side-effect. The side-effect was that the fear of the user will be amplified by a hundred times. And when the user losses his rational, the mask will take over the body of the user and massacre everything before it, be it allies or the enemies.

When Rick wore the mask, his fear of Carlos rose very much. But he was still keeping himself rational as there was still a one in two chance to defeat Carlos.

But when two other people arrived at the scene and they started talking to Carlos, Rick lost his composure. Even though he did not knew the power level of the other two, the benefit of the doubt ate his mind away and Rick lost his rational.

"Hahahahahahahahahaaa!!!" Rick started laughing maniacally. It was clear that he had already been taken over by the curse of massacre.

"What did you do to him Carl??" Rook asked Carlos after seeing the condition of the guy who was laughing hysterically in front of them.

"I haven't done anything of that sort, Look! That guy has been possessed by the cursed item." Carlos pointed towards the mask of Rick.

But as the three would think to react to the maniac, Rick turned his head away and slit the throats of both Lily and George, killing them in a single swing. The curse killed the two to get the bonus from the massacre criteria. The only reason, Mary was sparred was due to the inability of the curse to differentiate between a dead person and an unconscious person.

The curse then turned towards his target Carlos and went for him. The speed he was showing was comparable to (D) Rank.

When Rook and Sarah saw that the curse's target was Carlos, they ran away from Carlos leaving him alone.

The blows started to exchange between the curse and Carlos. After some moments, Carlos gained the upper hand and straight up cut off the mask when the opening was created. As soon as the mask fell, Rick came to his senses. He then realized that he killed his friends himself under the influence of the curse.

'No No No . . . . . . . . . . '

Rick kept denying it in his head and completely forgot about Carlos.

Carlos saw the disturbed Rick and just finished him in a single blow.

His brother and sister came back from the hiding, applauding his victory.

But then Sarah's attention went to the now moving body of Mary.

"Uhm. . . an. . ."

Mary was slowly waking up, but she wasn't aware that only hell awaited her now!