
For Reality

**** Our Main Character is a young talent of the modern Earth. At the tender age of 25, he was already working for a prestigious institute and that too at a high position. On his 25th birthday, Rey came late at home and went straight to bed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself at a completely different place. On that day, his life changed completely. Now he is living four different lives in different universes - as a student, an office worker, a super soldier, and a martial artist. At least Rey is not alone and has a great partner Jerry who is an incompetent system. Rey : " Jerry! where do we go next ??? " Jerry : [ You can go to meet your University Girlfriend or do you wanna go meet your other three wives???] Rey : "....." Follow these two as they conquered multiple realities..... *** In some chapters, there may be abusive words used. ***

7th_Reader · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Inside the Main Chamber



--This chapter will contain brutal and gore scenes.


Rey's POV___

When I and Amisha entered the hall, there was already one person present there, Garrett.

One after another, the other pairs showed up and the last pair being of Juhie and Jim.


Now that I look closely, there are three people who somehow look different. They were Jim, Elliott and Garrett.

Elliott seemed stronger than I saw him last time. Garrett was also stronger than last time, but the air around him had completely changed. It was like he is an another person.

But the worst one was Jim. Something very wrong had happened to him. His face was sickly pale and I could see his hands and legs slightly shaking. I couldn't resist the urge to talk to him, So I went towards Jim. And I wasn't the only one, Kale and Natalie also noticed it and reached out towards Jim.

"Hey! Jim you don't look good. What happened?" Natalie was the one who asked first. She was clearly concerned about him.

When Jim was asked the question, he couldn't even face us and kept looking down. Till the end he didn't speak a word out of his mouth. It was Juhie, who was still standing around us answered our question.

"He faced direct contamination of Miasma and was under it's effect for a while. Since then he hasn't spoken a single word. I will now leave him to you." After saying that she left as if this has nothing to do with her and she will not tell anything other what she said.

"Was she talking about the dark miasma?? I have heard about it in my guild. The miasma gives you the most horrifying hallucinations and trigger our darkest memories. Most people just become mentally retarded or never recover from the shock. This must be very hard for him."

"Don't worry Jim, the miasma is gone now, cheer up! After completing this last thing, let's go to your favorite food place."

Kale tried to make Jim better and to cheer him up. Natalie and me too joined the fray.

"Thank you guys! I feel better now." He finally responded with a smile in his face.

'What a fake smile!'


After all the nine students got ready for their final battle of the special quest, they gathered around the huge door leading to the main chamber.

With all the member's united decision, Elliott was made the leader of the group. And so he was the one who opened the door.

The door was huge and heavy, so it made a loud sound while opening slowly.


But once the group entered the main chambers, a gruesome sight awaited them.

Dead Bodies. And a lot of them.

The corpses were definitely humans and they were brutally dismantled and their faces were full of fear and despair.

There were all types of bodies. Men had their both arms and legs pulled out from the body with pure strength. There were also young mages who had cuts all over their body, and their deaths were the result of their own hands dug into their throats. The worst ones were the females. They were thoroughly tortured. Their eyeballs were removed, fingers were cut down, some were missing their arms and legs, while some died due to their hair pulled with great force. Overall, it was a mess of all the bodies.

A chill went down to the spines of everyone present.

The group had never seen anything like that, it was a sight they would never forget in their entire life. More than half of the members threw up. And all of them now had one thing in common, fear. They understood that they have fallen into the trap since the time they decided to challenge the second floor. The appearance of the hidden floor, the dungeon masters, the quest all were to lead them to their deaths.

No one was in a state of mind to utter a single word.

The huge chamber had nothing but dead bodies with a coffin on the center. Somehow, all the blood flowing from the dead body was gathered around the coffin. The room's stench could even make an adult Mage faint in seconds. At the other end of the room was a moving silhouette.

"Aha~ You must be the last batch! Those oldies are sure doing jobs well! Hmm.....Should I give them the thing after this round?? Nah! Who cares for them anyways, I might as well kill them after my full strength is restored. Hmm!...Hmm!" A jolly voice was heard from the other end of the room.

Soon the speaker showed himself. He was a boy with white hair and red eyes. There was a single horn growing on his forehead. The boy seemed to be the same age as Rey and everyone else. The boy was very handsome with blood splashed all over his face and clothes. He was a demon.

"Oi time wasters, what are doing there? Come over here, Now!" The demon ordered everyone in a commanding tone, looking at them as if a predator looking at it's prey.

Everyone in the room were stunned after hearing the command as if they were hypnotized. All but except for three. And one of them was Elliott. He shouted loudly after looking at the situation.

"Everyone! Snap out of it! Take your positions!"

Everyone came to their senses after Elliott shouted.

"Hmm~ You can deny my voice, you seem to be the strongest of you group huh!. . . . . hehehe! As a reward, you will be the last one to die today. Do you like it? I will tear your friends alive and offer them to our lord, while I'll keep you alive and make you watch it till the end. Hahahahahaha!!"

The group quickly formed a formation with Elliott, Juhie, Kale at the frontlines as the damage dealers. Garrett, Rey, Amisha and Natalie as the second line of attack. Finally, Somia and Jim for the support from the rear.

It was the formation decided before entering the chamber. Although the fear of the opponent overwhelmed them, they still had a glitter of hope of them winning.

The demon looked at the humans before him with a look of admiration for their bravery and an absolute disgust. He always hated the so called mages who would always protect the weak by slaying monsters. For the demon, they were nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. He hated humanity to the core. For him and every demon, humanity was their greatest enemies, the reason being that the humanity invaded the demon world and completely destroyed it.

Athira saw his parents brutally killed by the humans when he was just four years old. Around ten strong humans along with their massive armies had invaded the demon realm at that time and they massacred everything within their sights.

Out of the 72 Demon Kings of the demon realm, Only the seven supreme were able to run away with me and other lesser demons.

Watching these ants standing in front of me with a hope that they can win was alone making me want to kill and bury them 6 foot down.

The first one to attack the demon was Somia.

{ Spirit Arrow : Double Ice Shot }

Two arrows with freezing point were shot at both the eyes of the Athira. Athira caught both the arrows with a single hand, at that exact time, Jim fired a fireball aimed on the legs of the Athira. Athira dodged the fireball by jumping sideway.

In that instant, all the frontline attackers moved towards Athira with their strongest spells and successfully connected the attack. Without wasting any time, the second line of attackers also delivered a frenzy of spells on Athira.

Athira was pushed all the way to the walls of the chamber. But to everyone's dismay, there were only scratches on his body. Not even a single drop of blood was shed, the combined attacks of all the group only mounted to some scratches.

The members were losing their spirits.

Athira was very angry looking at his torned clothes. He didn't expect all of them to be this powerful, enough to lay any visible damage on his skin. They were the first ones to do it among all the humans he had fought in this dungeon.

The humans who were able to enter the hidden floor were mostly consisted of E-Ranks and F-Ranks with a very small number of D-Ranks. For Athira, only the D-Ranks were someone to be vary of. And in these group, there were no D-Ranks, so he let them attack as much as they want. But surprisingly, there were three people with the strength of rank D.

'I could not play any longer. I need to finish it quick....So what if you have strength of D rank, I will still feast on all of you and drain your blood to offer our lord.'

Athira looked at the dispirited mages with anger and then formed a huge grin on his face.

{ Shadow World }.