
For Reality

**** Our Main Character is a young talent of the modern Earth. At the tender age of 25, he was already working for a prestigious institute and that too at a high position. On his 25th birthday, Rey came late at home and went straight to bed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself at a completely different place. On that day, his life changed completely. Now he is living four different lives in different universes - as a student, an office worker, a super soldier, and a martial artist. At least Rey is not alone and has a great partner Jerry who is an incompetent system. Rey : " Jerry! where do we go next ??? " Jerry : [ You can go to meet your University Girlfriend or do you wanna go meet your other three wives???] Rey : "....." Follow these two as they conquered multiple realities..... *** In some chapters, there may be abusive words used. ***

7th_Reader · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Black heart and Holy Light.



--This chapter will contain brutal and gore scenes.


{ Shadow World }

In the next moment, each and every one was frozen on their spot. The legs of the mages were stuck on the floor to their shadows. It was an area skill, to stop any movements of the lower body of the opponents within the range.

Unlike humans who can have many elements according to their constitution, demons can only have one element or none at all. Mostly the elements of demons have some relation to the darkness element. The lack of multi-elements in demons is compensated by them having all the knowledge about that element. When a demon awakens an element, he also inherits the skills related to that element. Athira had the shadow element. And Shadow world skill was the most powerful skill he got from the element awakening.

If Athira's strength could be measured in Solaris's standard then, He would be a C- Rank mage.

"I-I cannot move! Sh*t!"

"My legs are stuck....."

Everyone was trying their best to release themselves from the shadows. This is when Athira started walking on the shadow floor, passing every other students on the front and stopped in front of Somia, who was the farthest.

Unlike the jolly expressions Athira showed before, he was now dead serious. He did not spend any time in talking and directly took the action.


"Aaaarghhhhh. . . . . .Aaaaaa . . ."

Somia screamed at top of her voice. Her right arm which was holding the bow was sliced and huge amount of blood was flowing out from her joint at the shoulder. She kept screaming and then fainted with excessive blood loss and the pain from her arm being cut off.

When her arm fell off, a bracelet on her hand also broke down.

"Bastard! Leave her alone. . . . . "


Athira ignored all the noises and just focused on cutting the remaining arm of Somia. Somia who was now fainted, cannot even retaliate against the attack that was going to happen.

Elliott, Rey and his group could only grit their teeth and wait for an opportunity for a counter attack.

Just when Athira was about to attack the left arm of fainted Somia, his skill shadow world got nullified in a certain area. He looked back and found a girl fully covered in golden light. She was holding a broadsword.

"Holy Light??. . . . . . . .It doesn't matter, my darkness is still a level above your light. And... you must be the one who killed the scepter."

Soon Athira and Juhie started battling all out. The broadsword of Juhie clashed constantly with the strong and sharp claws.

In no more than ten exchanges of moves, Juhie was getting pushed back. Her light was also slowly starting to dim. Since she was using all the light essence on coating her body, she was not able to use heal on herself.

The body of Juhie was a bloody mess. There were claw marks everywhere, her fair body was tainted with blood, her vibrant blonde hair now turned to red. Her clothes torned up from place to place.

She was just being toyed around by Athira at this point.

When all of this was going on, one student was under immense pain and he nearly fainted. There were many changes happening to his body. His body was destroying itself and rebuilding a new one.

The student was Garrett. The reason for his condition was the consumption of the black heart he found out along with the relic.

A black heart or a demons heart is an object with many mysterious powers. It is said that when a human devours the heart of the demon, he is transformed into a half-human and half-demon. The body of the human becomes sturdier and a new darkness related element and one skill of that element adds to the already existing elements of that human.

The essence of the body also sky rockets. Though the body physique or the essence quantity stays below that to the original demon, But nonetheless it is a very powerful boost.

There is only a single side effect, the human can lose his rational any moment while using the element given by the darkness.

This usually happens when the power is used for the first time.

This was also true for Garrett as he had already succumbed to the power and was out of control now.

Garrett first target was, as expected Athira. He released his new form presence which was equal to a D+ Rank mage.

The element Garrett got from the black heart was Acid. He used his only skill -

{ Acid Corrosion : Target : Shadow World }

The Acidic Corrosion started melting the Shadow floor, starting from the spot Garrett was standing.

"Hmm...What-Where do you get ...Wait! You are ruining all things!!"

It was too late of Athira, who was enjoying his one sided fight with Juhie that he completely forgot about the existence of other people inside the room.

Now it was too late.

The Corrosion was spreading and the effects of the shadow world was slowly fading out.

Garrett was thrusting his spear all over Athira, making him dodge every attack and giving him no space for a counter attack.

Juhie who was now on the side lines, quickly went towards the fallen arm of Somia and placed it inside her storage ring. She also drank 2 Essence Potion, 2 Healing Potion and the Stamina Potion. After recovering her 80% strength, she healed the bleeding ripped shoulder of Somia.

Now that Juhie did what she wanted to do, she too joined the party with Garrett and Athira.

Garrett was still somewhat conscious while attacking, so when Juhie also joined in, they both worked perfectly together in sync.

Athira for the first time in his time in the hidden floor was pushed back, and the worst part was that his skill was also fading out. Then he has to fight more numbers.

Though the others didn't mattered as they were weak, they were still a nuisance nonetheless.

While Garrett was using his skill Acid Corrosion he cannot use his other elemental skills. Hence he was fighting with just raw strength and technique. While Juhie was shooting laser after laser.

The duo were successful to land significant damage on Athira. It was all going well, until Athira muttered some weird words.

" ***hdhdjjdjdjdjdjaoqowndbx*** "

The blood pool which had been going towards the coffin stopped and instead rapidly came to Athira. The blood was sucked in by every cell of Athira's body until none was left.

Suddenly the air around Athira changed. His body grew in age and now he was looking like someone around 20 years. His white hair was now so long that it was till his waist now.

"Playtime's over kids. You made me waste the work I have done for the past 2 years. Be prepared to take responsibility."

Athira said in a cold voice. The situation was about to turn for the worst.


Inside the Seven Heavens Guild branch office of Reeple city.

Branch Head C-Rank mage Drece Fox, was a man who was corrupted to the core. He always abused his authority as the branch head and pressured every talent who could one day become his rival for his throne.

Today he was very happy as the daughter of the guild paid a huge sum of amount to let them enter the E-Rank dungeon. Off course this wasn't the first time he had done this kind of thing. Even in the past year many parties had paid him huge amount of sum to enter. Though the amount of money he extorted from Somia was on another level.

'Hmm, Cheeky brat! Trying to make a fool of me.'

At this moment, his secretary came running inside his office with a terrified look.

"S-Sir, a problem has occurred. The authorities from the main branch are coming here by any moment." The secretary was sweating all over as he too was an accomplice to all the deeds Drece has done.

"Why? Why are they coming here all of a sudden?"

"That....Something serious seemed to happened to Miss Somia. We are immediately said to mobilize a force of all top ranking D-Rank mages right now. We will be moving inside the dungeon with the people from the higher ups."

Drece clearly knew that no matter what happens, his position will be threatened due to the fact he gave the illegal permission to Somia. So no matter what, he was clearly fuc*ed.

"That Bi*ch!! It's all because of her. Sammy! Buy me some time, I need to destroy all of the evidence of our regular work and als-"

In that instance a number of people stormed inside the office and the chaos inside the guild branch reached its peak.