
For Reality

**** Our Main Character is a young talent of the modern Earth. At the tender age of 25, he was already working for a prestigious institute and that too at a high position. On his 25th birthday, Rey came late at home and went straight to bed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself at a completely different place. On that day, his life changed completely. Now he is living four different lives in different universes - as a student, an office worker, a super soldier, and a martial artist. At least Rey is not alone and has a great partner Jerry who is an incompetent system. Rey : " Jerry! where do we go next ??? " Jerry : [ You can go to meet your University Girlfriend or do you wanna go meet your other three wives???] Rey : "....." Follow these two as they conquered multiple realities..... *** In some chapters, there may be abusive words used. ***

7th_Reader · Fantasy
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45 Chs


"Everyone!! Get ready for the fight, it seems to be impossible to avoid. I will take the Orc Lord head on, you all take care of the rest."

Elliott took out his sword and dashed forward towards the Orc Lord. Elliott's full strength sword strike was met by the Orc lord's big blade.



The Orc lord had a large blade in his hand. This blade was forged by the orcs craftsmen, though it was huge and heavy, the edge was very blunt. The blade would be best used to crush an opponent rather than slice him. That was exactly what the Orc lord was doing, he was crushing the attacks of Elliott with his sheer strength.

This was giving Elliott a hard time, as neither he nor his sword had strength equal to the orc lord and his sword.

"Give up, you puny human! Or else I will have no choice but to crush you and your group all together!!. .

When the orc lord said his last words, he saw a reaction in the determined face of Elliott. Now there was a hint of rage on his face. The Orc lord continued-

. . . Or I have an even more better idea, I will just chop your limbs and let you stay alive, while I have some quality fun with your beautiful collections !!"

"Shut your damn mouth, You abomination!!" Elliott threw the same dose back to the Orc lord.

As a leading researcher of the future, Elliott knew that the Orcs really care about their appearance. If someone insults them for their physical appearance, they lose all rational and goes in frenzy.

"H-How dare you speak about my beauty like this? I will kill you....KILL YOUUUUU!!!!"

And after that point, the fight changed into a whole new level, blood sprayed endlessly from both the leaders. It was a bloody mess.

While the second fight also broke out.

Juhie left others behind and took the forward charge. Amisha followed behind her and covered her back. And as always, Somia supported them with her arrows.

Since Juhie had a strength equal to a high tier D-Rank monster, she was cutting these weaker orcs like paper. She was looking just like the goddess of massacre, whose entire body was enveloped by a golden hue and her armor covered in blood of her enemies.

The lasers were shooting all over the field, mercilessly cutting anything that came in it's way. While Amisha was also piling up her kills, not as much as Juhie though.

Somia was tasked with taking out the orcs with long range weapons, such as bows and spears. She skillfully distracted them from helping out their own squad and then killed the orcs one by one.

There were around 40 lower tier E-Ranks orc currently engaged in the battle against the girls. The ten remaining high tier E-Rank Orcs stood at their place silently, without moving a single inch even when the weaker orcs were getting overwhelmed by the three girls. They just kept standing on their place without a blink of an eye.

The reason for the high tier orcs inability to see what's going on in front of them was due to the spell casted by none other than Emily, the remaining of the four.

Emily Clark is the only known illusion element essence holder to humanity. When she first arrived at the academy, like many other supportive role mages, she too did not had an element awakening.

That's why she was placed in lower classes, but once her ability was awakened, things changed. Emily was quickly transferred to class-1-A.

She was grouped up with the elites, to let her growth stimulate with the other extraordinary talents just like hers.

This by the way, all happened right after Professor Raya took his leave from the Academy.

The higher tier E-Rank Orcs were all under an illusion where the Orc Lord is still discussing the negotiations with Elliott, and Elliott is slowly giving in to the fear of an all out battle.

The Orc lord gave his orders to the army to stand where they are and have a close attention on the movements of the other humans.

For the higher tier Orcs, the other humans beside the leader were just some weak little girls weeping in fear of the orcs. The girls were just standing in their places, with their eyes looking at the ground and shaking in fear.

This was what happening in the illusion, the higher tier orcs were seeing.

Unlike the reality, where all of the army was slaughtered by those same little girls.

It has been 15 minutes since the fight between Elliott and the Orc Lord began.

In those little 15 minutes, nearly all the weaker orcs were killed. The remaining ones all started running away.

{Spirit Arrow : Dead On A Thousand Arrow Bed}

Thousands of arrows rained down from the sky.



These arrows annihilated all the orcs who were about to run away successfully. The arrows pierced the orcs in such a way that, neither of their bodies touched the ground. They all died on the support created by the arrows which penetrated their bodies.

The scene looked like the orcs resting for eternity on the bed made by the arrows that pierced them.

"haah! It sure drains a lot of Essence." Somia said wiping her sweat.

"Great job, Somii !!! It was awesome, is this the new skill you were talking about??" Amisha exclaimed in surprise to the power up of her friend.

"It's not that big of a deal, Amisha. Let's quickly go to support Emily, she must be on the last strand of her Essence."

"Yes! Let's go!!" Amisha and Juhie, both agreed and all three of them began to move towards their new member.

Now all those remained were the ten stronger ones, who are currently in an illusionary world created by Emily.

But when they saw her, all three of them only had one word to describe the scene in front of them.


Though they were too regarded as unmatched geniuses in their expertise, but this girl before them was on another realm.

All the ten higher tier E-Rank Orcs were now moving and going for the kill. The only thing wrong in this sight was that they were killing each other.

The three girls were speechless. Until the last out of ten died, they couldn't utter a single word from their mouth.

This gore was way beyond their tolerance, and watching the smiling and waving figure of Emily gave all three of them goosebumps.

Even Juhie, who had seen many things couldn't help but feel scared of her team mate.

Emily made her way to her team members, she still had an innocent smile on her face.

"I killed all the ten higher tier E-Rank Orcs, did you see that!! It was so much fun, I can make them watch and believe whatever I want. Even though they were dying here, In their perspective they were all having fun."

Emily was saying all of these with her bright and pride face.

She was really having fun, but the others comfortness only got worse. They now fully understood, why Emily was instantly transferred to their class and placed in their team.

Her power is the most scariest and dangerous for both the monsters as well as humans.

The only reason she was placed in their squad was due to one reason, if some unforseen things happens by her hands, then they all can take care of her.

'This is not looking good, she can turn anytime on her allies. The look in her eyes is the one that treats all life as irrelevant. I have to report this


Somia though to herself.

"What did you make them see for such a result??"

The fear of Amisha slowly turned into amazement and she couldn't stop herself from asking the question.

"Hmm.... I am not sure you would like to hear it, do you still wanna know???" Emily asked the girls with a serious expression.