
8. Chapter 8

Disclaimer: This is AU. I do not own any of the characters from Grey's Anatomy. I just manipulate them to my will. Also, any line or phrase or setting that seems remotely familiar from any other show, movie or book, also not mine. I borrow…

AN: The wait is over! At least for this chapter. Took me a while to find a muse, but finally one popped up last night takes to the great twitterverse. Anyways, hope this chapter is worth the wait. Enjoy!

Chapter 8

What was supposed to be just a handful of players getting together at a local watering hole turned into a whole team outing. When April accidentally overheard Charlotte on the phone with Amelia, chatting away about their night out, the red head let the word spread. Now, as Arizona is striding through the door with Teddy at her side, blue eyes scan the bar and find almost everyone already there. This is the newcomers first time really out on the town, and is surprised to find what kind of establishment her team mates like to hangout at. She was figuring some sort of downtown club scene, with men and women humping each other silly on the dance floor. But this small dive bar, affectionately called Joe's by everyone she's heard talk about, is cozy and comfortable.

"This is it?" Arizona asks, stopping just inside the door and surveying the scene. The lights shed a warm glow over the entire crowd, a lit up jute box in the far corner and on the other side a pair of dart boards that look well used.

"This is it!" Teddy exclaims, clapping her newest friend on the shoulder. The door opens and closes behind them, and Charlotte King barges right between the two blondes, intent on making her way to the bar as quickly as possible. "Don't mind her. For a couple of these women, drinking is a sport of its own. …And they don't like to lose."

"Noted." The shorter blonde murmurs, scanning the bar for a particular patron. When her eyes fall upon one Callie Torres, a dimpled grin can't help but push its way onto the pitchers face.

The door opens and closes again, and this time it's the Twisted Sisters that barge right in between the two blondes. "Move it!" Yang barks, with Meredith Grey right on her tail.

"Also a player?" Arizona asks while she follows Teddy to an empty table close to the bar, discreetly pointing to the outfielders who have taken a whole bottle of tequila from behind the bar, forgoing shot glasses completely.

"Oh yeah." Teddy answers, then signals to the bartender for two. Two of what, Arizona doesn't know but she's not about to turn away liquor.

Callie had been at the bar for a little over a half an hour and had already downed two shots of tequila, and is now sipping on her rum and coke. Sitting at a seat where she has the best view of the front door, she's seen every one of her players enter the bar. At first the Latina was upset, this was supposed to be just a few getting together and hanging out. No tension, no inter-team drama. But now that the entire team is here, there is no chance of anyone getting upset that they weren't invited.

Addison, Amelia, Naomi and Erica are also sitting with the Latina, their attentions turned to the story Amelia is reenacting while the rest of their team mates filter in. The catcher keeps a watchful eye out, and when a certain head of blonde hair appears, her body wrapped in a delicious pair of black jeans and a tight blue shirt, a mysterious flutter fills the brunette's stomach. Sure, she's felt these feelings before. More recently, she's felt them towards women. It took her a while to accept that fact, but now she is completely secure in the knowledge that she is drawn to both sexes. But what surprises her is that these feelings have erupted after such a short time. …And towards a teammate. The Latina never mixes business with pleasure. Well… not after that one time. Yet there she is, standing tall and proud. Arizona Robbins, the woman she can't have.

"Hey Torres…" Erica says, shoving her co-captains arm and breaking the woman out of her daze. "You still with us?"

"I'm getting another round. Want one?" Callie asks, getting for nods in return. Fighting her way through the light crowd, she hits the bar just as the object of her daze makes it. "Robbins…" The Latina greets her.

"Boss." Arizona replies with a dimpled smile. "He always take this long to fill drinks?" The blonde asks, nodding her head towards the slammed Joe who is busy pouring order after order.

"What you want?" Callie asks, rounding the bar like she owns the place and pulls out the bottle of tequila with five shot glasses for her table.

"Whatever you're making." The blonde replies, then watches as the Latina expertly pours shot after shot.

"Hey Torres! What did I say about being behind the bar?" Joe shouts over the din of the crowd.

"Shut your gravy hole, Joe. I'm not selling it." Callie yells back, making the bar owner smile and shake his head. Arizona just watches on in amusement, enjoying this looser and more entertaining side of Callie Torres. Brown eyes flick up from the shot glasses she is pouring out and find blue ones watching her intently.

"Here…" She says, handing her newest teammate a glass then taking one herself. "Cheers." Callie adds, raising her glass and clinking it with the blondes before downing it. Arizona shoots her shot back as well, the burn of her second drink scorching a path down her throat.

Quickly refilling the two glasses, Callie puts them all on a tray and sends a wink to the blonde. "Glad you could make it out tonight, Battleship." With that, the Latina heads back to her table, blue eyes watching her all the way. Shaking herself from her daze, Arizona grabs the drinks Callie poured out for her and takes them back to her roommate.

"What the hell took you so long?" Teddy asks while grabbing her shot and throwing it back.

Back at her table, Callie passes out the shots and takes another down in a single drag. The night is on its way, and everyone is planning to let loose and have a good time. Tomorrows practice won't be all too fun, being out in the hot sun and working their asses off, but by the time Tuesday comes rolling around, all minds will be set on the next Sunday night when they can all party again. Arizona decides to play it safe tonight and not get too wasted. This is her first night out with the team and she doesn't want to get sloppy. When drunk, the blonde usually gets a little handsy and starts to feel on every woman. Gay or not. And that's not the picture she wants her teammates to have of her.

Teddy, on the other hand, has no qualms about downing as much alcohol her lanky body can take. "He's just so hot!" She exclaims at the top of her lungs, shouting over the roam of a rocking jute box.

"Hunt?" Robbins asks, trying to keep up with random conversation she is having with the inebriated woman next to her.

"Yeah!" Altman answers, then starts to fall into a fit of giggles. "Oh god… I swear I want to pull him into a locked room and do things with him that are only legal in 48 states." Blue eyes go wide as she listens to her friend describe the very indecent things she has in mind for her crush. "You know, we knew each other in college…" The now tipsy, nearly drunk first base man opens up. "…never bumped uglies though. Nope… never got that far. Think the carpet matches the drapes? Isn't his red hair sexy? Like a fire. …Or a jolly rancher. A cherry Jolly Rancher… that I want to suck on…" The taller blonde drawls, twisting a lock of hair around her fingers and having that doe-eyed dream girl look on her face.

"Mmm." Arizona hums, feigning interest in the conversation.

"You know… I'm going to call him." Teddy announces, then goes to pull out her cell phone from her bag.

"NO!" The newcomer yelps, reaching across the table and upending a beer in the process but successfully snags the cell from her friend. The front of her shirt is soaked, but Arizona is relieved with the fact Teddy won't make a COMPLETE fool of herself tonight, just a little.

"Little Grey!" The blonde calls, making a brunette with glassy eyes turn and find blue. "Can you watch her while I go wring some of this beer out of my shirt?" Lexie just nods and smiles, handing Teddy another shot of some sort of alcohol. Yang is now behind the bar, making up her own drinks so who knows what exactly is in their drinks now, but Arizona doubts she's ever seen any drinks quite the color blue as the liquid now being poured down Teddy's throat.

On the other side of the bar, Callie is thoroughly enjoying her night out. Meaning Tequila, and lots of it. Her teammates keep pace for a while, but with hot Latina blood coursing through her veins, she soon out shoots them and is feeling all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings. The racking music hits her senses and the catcher just needs to dance. Oblivious to the steel blue eyes on her, Callie Torres finds a spot on the small dance floor and shakes her tight body like there is no tomorrow.

Addison, not completely toasted from her many Vodka Tonic's, sees Hahn eying her friend and chances "She's pretty, huh."

"She's beautiful." Erica sighs, heart throbbing to reach out and touch the beautiful creature dancing before her. A smirk plays across the red heads face, glancing between swaying Latina and pining blonde. Callie has told Addison about the latest developments in her… love life. That she has expanded outside of the male sex. Not a lot of people know, mainly because Callie likes to keep her personal life close to her chest. But those rumors floating around about her and Hahn are only half true. Yes, Callie is into girls nowadays. But no, she and Hahn have never been a thing. At least, Callie has never told her. Could Erica be that mystery woman? The one who 'saw leaves' with Callie?

"You should go dance with her." Addison pokes while demurely sipping on the tiny red straw of her drink. The thought stews in Erica, and the blonde stands from the table just as blue eyes watch a man approach her object of desire.

"Wanna dance?" The man asks, leaning a bit closer into Callie's personal space than she would normally like. But with the tequila running through her veins, she doesn't much mind now.

"Not with you…" The Latina growls, placing a hand on the man's solid chest and giving it a shove back. Enticing the stranger, Callie shakes her ass just a bit more, hips swaying to the beat and leaving everyone watching a bit breathless.

Bucking up his courage, the man steps forward again and asks "Come on, sweet cheeks. Just one dance. You won't regret it." He purrs into to the Latina's ear from behind, large hands finding hold on full hips and bringing the woman's body flush with his.

Erica watches from a distance, and when blue eyes see the man lay hands on HER woman, the third base man springs to action. Crossing the distance in six strides, she stands in front of the dancing couple, Callie nearly oblivious to the man's hands running over her hips and ass. But when dark eyes lock with angry blue, a smile crosses plump lips and she holds out a hand. Erica quickly takes it and yanks the catcher away from the grasp of the still unknown man, and into her arms. Their bodies mold together, pumping to the beat.

The man begins to get angry, but then sees how these two women move together and quickly decides that this could be even better. "Nice." He growls, then tries to jimmy his way between the two women's bodies but can't seem to make any head way. "Come on ladies, let Daddy play." The man purrs, rubbing his groin against the back of Hahn's body.

"You couldn't handle the two of us." The blonde bites back, turning the Latina away and spinning her back. Callie, alcohol blurring her mind, is vaguely aware of the confrontation going on and tries to sober her brain up just a bit. She knows she's dancing with Hahn, but it's nothing new. They've always danced together, they are friends. Best friends. Girlfriends. …Not girlfriends as in Girl on Girl girlfriends, but as in, a friend that is a girl.

"He's thinking about a threesome." Callie adds, a sexy smirk crossing her lips, one that makes Hahn subconsciously lick her lips.

"You're right." The man answers, grinning like a wolf who has picked out his sheep. "And I could SO handle the two of you. Trust me ladies, we would ALL be very satisfied customers." A throaty chuckle falls from painted red lips, brown eyes locked on the drooling man's face when a warm hand finds her cheek. Erica pulls Callie into a tight lip lock, both women's eyes closing on instinct and the man taking a small step back, mouth wide in surprise and delight.

Taking her cue from her co-captain, Callie wraps an arm around Erica's neck, pulling the woman in closer and deepening the kiss. A wine tainted tongue peeks out, swiping at the Latina's lips, requesting access. Going along with the charade to get the guy to leave, the catcher opens her mouth and allows Erica entrance. When the need for air consumes them, the co-captains break apart and turn their gaze to the man.

"Woah…" He breathes out, an noticeable bulge in his pants. "I'm game."

Erica growls under her breath, a hand still on Callie's hip and sends the man a death glare. The Latina, a little hazy from the alcohol and the kiss, decides she needs a minute to breathe. "Excuse me…" She murmurs, then pulls away from the grasp of the blonde and moves through the crowd in search of the bathroom. When she finally makes it to the dinky, two stall women's restroom, strong arms push the door open, knocking a half naked blonde right in the back.

"OW!" Arizona yelps, her chest being rammed into the hand dryer she is currently holding a soaked shirt up to in attempts to dry the spilt beer from her only nice outfit she brought.

"Oh! Sss-Sorry." Callie slurs, then stumbles on a heel when brown eyes see that her newest teammate is nearly naked from the waist up, only a blue lacy bra covering delicious breasts.

A hand shoots out, grabbing the Latina by the upper arm in attempts to help the intoxicated woman stay on her feet. "Woah, you alright Calliope?" Arizona asks, gently pushing the taller woman back to rest against the lip of the sink.

Tan hands grip the porcelain sink for dear life while blinking eyes closed hard, trying to push the thoughts and feelings from the kiss out of her mind. "Yeah. Just… one too many I guess." The Latina mumbles, then looks up and finds concerned blue eyes. "Why are you naked?"

A blush rushes across Arizona's cheeks, suddenly very aware of her lack of clothing and starts to pull the wet and wrinkled shirt back on. "Casualty from a saved attempt at drunken humiliation." The blonde answers, making Callie's brows arch in confusion. "Teddy was… well, let's just say my shirt got caught in the cross fire. But Altman's dignity is fully intact. At least… it was before I came in here."

"Ahh…" Torres breathes out, averting her eyes to give her newest teammate some privacy while pulling her shirt back on. She doesn't miss the slight swelling in the pit of her stomach at the view of even more flesh, but it's hard to pinpoint exactly where it comes from. Was it because Arizona was right in front of her, half naked? Or the kiss that was SO not a kiss two friends share, even for laughs? Or both, plus the added effects of tequila which has caused the normally cool and controlled Latina to feel like her nerve endings are on fire.

"Having a good time?" Callie asks, attempting to stand on her own accord. She silently curses herself for wearing such high heels, but then remembers that they make her legs and ass look FANTASTIC and therefore her reasoning for wearing them in the first place. …Not that she was dressing up for anyone in particular.

"It's… enlightening." The blonde smiles, dabbing a paper towel on her stomach to sop up as much moisture as she can before rejoining the party. "I guess softball isn't the ONLY thing you all take seriously." This makes Callie chuckle, filling the small bathroom with the sweet sound that makes Arizona tingle in delight. "What about you? You're not overdoing it, are ya Boss?" The blonde asks, turning inquisitive eyes to her captain.

"Ppsshh. Me? Over do?" Callie asks, giving her newest teammate a 'really?' look while leaning back against the sink again when she realizes standing still isn't really the best thing right now. "Never."

"Mmhmm." Arizona hums, the softly grabs the Latina by her chin and turns her face towards the light. Instantaneously, Callie's whole body starts to hum at the contact, but her muscles freeze. The blonde's eyes do a quick cursory exam, looking for any signs of too much over-drinking.

"What are you, a doctor or something?" Torres asks, trying to break the huge amount of tension now filling the air.

Just as Arizona opens her mouth to answer, the bathroom door busts open and in walks Amelia Shepard. The pitchers eyes furrow in confusion, taking in the way Arizona's outfit is wet and wrinkled and her grip on Callie's face, almost like the two of them were about to kiss.

"Am I interrupting something?" Amelia purrs, swaying slightly on her feet. She too has been enjoying their night and is well past being tipsy, and is now firmly in the land of DRUNK.

Callie jumps out of Arizona's reach, nearly falling flat on her ass in the process, but quickly rights herself and says "No. No, nothing. Wha-wha-what are you doing here, Little Shep?"

Dark eyes still flicking back and forth between her catcher and her competition, Amelia limply points to one of the bathroom stalls, silently answering Callie's question. Blue eyes fall to the ground as her fellow pitcher saunters closer and stumbles slightly as she enters one of the stalls, giving the two woman a hard look as she passes. The Latina tries to keep a look of nonchalance, but with the buzz of alcohol and the jolt of arousal now filling her body, she can't help but look a little guilty. Something a very shrewd Amelia Shepard picks up on.

Before closing and locking the stall door, Amelia adds "Oh, Alaska…" The blondes teeth grit, fists clenching as she grips the paper towel in one hand and the lips of the sink in the other. "I think your friend requires your assistance."

"Damn it, Teddy…" Arizona growls, then gives Callie a tight smile before nimbly exiting the bathroom, leaving a confused Latina behind.

The blonde gets back out into the crowd just as Teddy is about to take on bets that she can hit an olive off a toothpick stuck between Kepner's teeth with a dart. Saving April from the possible addition of a hole in her head, and maybe losing an eye, Arizona corrals the fun, but allows them to enjoy themselves. The night goes on, hour after hour passing, the more alcohol being drank, the wilder the fun. Cristina shows the newcomer exactly what it means to be a twisted sister by pulling Meredith up on the bar counter, dancing and slowly stripping off a shirt much to the delight of the guys huddled around.

Almost invariably, Addison and Meredith bump into each other, resulting in yelling, crying and some shoving. Callie, though drunk as a sailor home on leave, pulls the red head off the small women before she can go all cage fighter on Grey's ass. All the while, Cristina is off to the side, laughing her ass off. April starts up a drinking game with Lexie, quizzing each other on college softball teams and whenever someone gets the answer wrong, they shoot a drink. Not so surprisingly, Lexie wins by the fistful, burying April in an amount of vodka nobody should be able to handle. All the while, Callie makes sure to stay a considerable distance from Arizona but never keeping her gaze from that blue eyed blonde too long.

Amelia and Charlotte hang together most of the night, cruising every guy that comes close to them. They have more turns out on the dance floor than Fred Astaire, but they always return to the bar for another round. All in all, everyone is drunk off their asses, and when Joe calls last call, they all stock up like it's the start of prohibition. At just past one, Joe calls it a night and shoos the entire Team USA softball team unceremoniously out of his door and locks up. The team, all drunk as a skunk besides Arizona, who is slightly tipsy and being the most sober, call up a couple taxies.

"What a night…" Addison groans, leaning back against the glass side of a bus stop while they wait.

"Tomorrow is gonna suck!" April screeches.

"You know how you skip the hangover?" Cristina asks, swaying on her feet as she stares up at the clear Oklahoma city night sky. "Don't stop drinking." She states, and since everyone is well past their usual mental faculties, they all laugh their asses off. Finally a handful of taxi's show up and everyone crawls in.

"Let's go Cal, I'll get you home." Erica purrs, placing a hand a little more south on the Latina's body than Arizona likes.

"You don't live with me, Hahn." Callie states, giggling at some unknown thing passing through her mind.

"I got her." Arizona states, stepping up to the other side of her co-captain. "You're apartment is on the other side of town, Hahn. No since in going one way just to go back the other." The blonde adds, pulling on her best dimpled smile. Callie turns to the shorter woman and smiles a dopey smile, those dimples making her drunk mind all warm and fuzzy.

Bringing a single finger up to the newcomer's cheek, she pokes a dimple while singing "Bop." The Latina nearly doubles over as another laughing fit hits her, making Arizona laugh along with her. The sheer difference between this woman and the one who own the field from behind her home plate is astonishing, and the blonde can't decide which side she likes more. All the while, Erica watches their interaction and a swell of jealousy fills her body.

"Hey! Come on!" Cristina yells from within one of the cabs. "Some of us have a practice to NOT sleep for." By now, only Erica, Callie and Arizona are still standing, everyone else crammed into the back of the yellow vehicles.

Dark eyes turn to face Hahn, and a crooked smile crosses plump, tequila stained lips. That smile instantly calms the woman, remembering the way she tasted on Erica's lips and tongue. The way Callie's body felt pressing against her's. It was a risk, something she never thought she would do. But now she is glad she did.

Just as Erica thinks Callie may actually lean in for a good night kiss, the catcher brings up a hand and, not so softly in her drunken state, taps a rosy cheek. "See ya tomorrow." Callie slurs, then falls into the back of a cab, Arizona right on her heels. Erica watches as three taxi's head off into the night, taking the rest of her team back to the quads while she slides into the last cab and order it in the other direction, back to her apartment.

After the girls scrounge up enough money among the twelve of them to pay for their fares, they all filter off towards their rooms for some much needed sleep before their morning practice in just a few hours. Arizona hangs back, intent on following through with her promise to make sure Callie gets to bed alright. The Latina is stumbling terribly, and the blonde doesn't even want to know how much tequila the woman ingested tonight.

"I need something…" Callie mumbles, then heads the opposite direction from the rest of the team and towards her car. Arizona follows, arms at the ready just in case her captain feels like taking a face plant.

"This is a sweet car, Cal." Arizona muses, trying to fill the silence between the two. Callie just grunts in response, trying to find the right key to unlock the driver's side door. Blue eyes see her struggle and she deftly takes the keys from the fumbling tan hands, flesh briefly brushing each others in the exchange. "Here, I got it." Robbins murmurs, then quickly finds the correct key and inserts it in the door, unlocking it in a smooth motion.

The darkness of the night surrounds them, just the faint glow of a single security lamp in the parking lot illuminating the scene. Noise from the rest of the team is gone, telling Arizona that they all have found their way into their respective apartments. Callie fumbles around in her car, but finally finds what she was looking for and slips it in her purse. Her legs are less than helpful as she tries to pull herself out of the car, making another fit of giggles fall from her lips.

Arizona chuckles along with the Latina, then offers a hand for the inebriated woman and helps pull her out. Once the T-Bird is all locked up again, the two head back to their apartments for some much needed rest. Robbins sends up a silent thank you for the fact that Callie lives on the first floor, because she's not sure if she would be able to get the catcher up a whole flight of stairs. Another battle with the keys, which Arizona again intervenes, and they step… stumble… into apartment 16. The place is quiet, only the faint sounds of heavy sleeping coming from the other three inhabitants.

"Come on, boss. Let's get you to bed." Arizona whispers, guiding a swaying Callie through the living room. "Which way?" The blonde asks when reaching the point where she has to turn up either the left or right hallway. The Latina just giggles, then gives the goofiest grin to the blonde who she has an arm wrapped around in support, before limply pointing to the right. If it wasn't for the fact that Addison is dead to the world, Arizona is sure she and Callie would wake everyone up with the commotion the drunk woman makes while bouncing up and down the walls of the hallway connecting their bedrooms.

"Alright, here we are…" Arizona breathes out, setting the Latina on her bed. By now the buzz and excitement of drinking is gone from Callie's mind, and now the alcohol is pulling her quickly towards sleep.

She jumps when a fair hand shoves a tall glass of water in front of her. "Drink it, Callie. It'll help." A voice says, and through hazy eyes the Latina sees blonde hair and blue eyes. After downing the drink, she falls back on the mattress, not even bothering to kick off her heels or take out her large silver hoop earrings.

Arizona watches as her captain quickly succumbs to the suppressant of alcohol, and grabs a trashcan she finds under the desk. Placing it right next to side of the bed, in reach just in case Callie should get sick, she then carefully pulls the sexy black heels off the woman and lines them up at the edge of the bed.

The Latina murmurs something, getting Arizona's attention. "What?" The blonde asks quietly, softly turning the catchers face towards her. Callie's face is lax and expressionless, but beautiful all the same.

In her drunken haze, mistaking the blonde haired blue eyed woman in her room as the WRONG blonde hair and blue eyed woman, Callie repeats herself. "I don't want to kiss you." The words hit Arizona like an anvil, her heart being ripped from her chest. Which surprises her because she barely knows this woman. But still… it hurts.

With a deep breath, Arizona whispers back "Ok, Callie. Ok." Not able to resist one last moment of closeness, the newcomer softly strokes the silky black locks away from the Latina's gorgeous face, which does nothing but soothe the catcher more. Within twenty seconds, Callie is unconscious to the world, leaving a very confused and very hurt blonde in her room. Arizona takes another minute to admire the beauty before her, the woman who just said she didn't want Arizona.

Another sigh, one that lets all the hope and dreams of 'what if' slip from her mind, the blonde leans in and places the softest of kisses on Callie's forehead. "Good night, Calliope. Sleep well." She whispers, then stands and backs out of the room. One last look at the sleeping goddess, and the pitcher flicks off the bedroom light, leaving the catcher in darkness behind her.

AN2: Alright… so, what you all think? Very interesting night out huh? Lots of… stuff going on. Some misunderstanding, some competition, lots of jealousy. How long will it take for everything to just go BOOM? Let me know what you think!