
4. Chapter 4

Disclaimer: This is AU. I do not own any of the characters from Grey's Anatomy. I just manipulate them to my will. Also, any line or phrase or setting that seems remotely familiar from any other show, movie or book, also not mine. I borrow…

AN: Alright, another chapter! Yay! I know… seems a little slow right now, but I promise the pace (of the story, not the updates unfortunately) will pick up soon. Just trying to lay the ground work.

Chapter 4

The sun is just peeking over the cityscape of Oklahoma City as 14 young women stand circled together, waiting for hell to begin. 6 am is too early for most of them, damn near all of them. Especially when they knew what their destiny held… most wanted to curl back up in a ball and call in sick. Bare the punishment, if only the punishment wasn't two times in hell.

"Ahh! I see everyone is here." A chipper Coach Webber announces as he and the three other male coaches stride out onto the field. "Good stuff. That's what I like!" He says, trying to put some lightness into the moods of his players.

"Save it, Coach." Cristina Yang snaps as she huddles into her thin sweatshirt even more. All of the team is decked out in nearly identical attire. Short shorts, tank tops and a sweatshirt that can be easily discarded. Arizona had no clue what the hell 'running Stadium' met, so she just copied what Teddy was wearing. But as her roommate led them to the designated meeting spot, realization soon hit the blonde. Now, standing in the middle of a college bowl football stadium, the newcomer has a sneaking suspicion that what lies ahead of her is stairs. …Lots and lots of stairs.

"We know you just do this to torture us." Little Grey adds.

Callie Torres, also a member among the group of players, is already stretching out. Her usual morning runs have curbed the shock of being up at this ungodly hour, but still… she hates running Stadium. Sure, it's excellent training, and pushes her team to the max but still… she HATES it.

Out of the corner of her eye, the Latina sees her fellow catcher slip in next to her. Whispering under her breath so not to attract the attention of Webber and the Grey, Little Grey, Yang triangle going at it, Erica says "Shouldn't the captains get a free pass at shit like this?"

"It'd sure be nice." Callie replies with a chuckle. Dark eyes find the shorter blonde at the other end of the circle where the newest teammate and Teddy are having what appears to be light hearted conversation as they use each other to keep balance while they stretch out.

"So what you think of the new girl yesterday?" Torres asks, remembering that Hahn has yet to say a single word about the woman other than 'I don't like her.' All the response the taller blonde gives as she takes hold of Callie's shoulder so she can stretch out her quads is a shrug. The Latina just rolls her eyes at the blonde. Sure… Callie, herself, hasn't been too openly friendly towards the woman but it's not like she IS avoiding her. It's just that the catcher hasn't had much interaction with the woman yet. But the animosity from Amelia, and complete disregard from Hahn? …The Latina doesn't understand it. They are all on the same team, wanting the same thing. Everyone gets a gold medal, not just the biggest star.

Finally a whistle pierces the air and all arguments and fighting stops, Webber having had enough of getting lip from his players. "That's enough. Now you're running Stadium. You know the drill. Up and down every set of the upper section. Get going!" Another loud whistle cuts off any of the girls who think about fighting back. The group plods off to the stairs and make their way to the top section.

Forming a single file line, blue eyes rake over the stadium, quickly tallying how much of a beating she is about to take today. Sure… she's in good shape. Great shape. But stairs? Those are killers. The blonde takes a position near the middle of the line, not wanting to be the one holding everyone up but also not wanting to be dead last and therefore, the dragging dead weight. Up near the front, Teddy pokes her head out of line and finds her newest friend. Sending Arizona a playful 'you're going to die' gesture by sliding a finger across her throat, the newcomer tries to swallow the lump that has formed in her throat.

Callie steps up at the rear of the line, taking her usual spot. Erica leads from the front, and the Latina leads from the back. Over the years, that's just the system that has evolved. But the first string catcher likes it like that. She's a captain of the team. Other players look up to her for leadership and motivation. They watch her drive and determination, and it makes them want to work just as hard. 'First one on the field, and last one off.' That's Callie Torres's motto, and she lives by it. If you want to be the best, you have to work for it, and the Latina is all for a little hard work.

Taking the lead, Callie calms her mind and body then shouts into the air "All set?"

A unanimous round of "NO!" fills the air which makes both Arizona and Callie laugh.

"Alright ladies, you got to want it to win it. Let's hit it!" Callie says, then Erica takes the first few stairs in a single bound. With that, the team is off and running. Being sure to keep pace with everyone else, they all stay in line and run up to the top of the first stair case. With a slap to the concrete barrier at the top, they all turn and head back down. Erica, on her way down, passes Callie, on her way up, and gives the Latina a little smack on the ass.

This exercise isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. They have a lot of stairs to cover, and only the best will be able to finish. Every woman in this line is the best at what they do, and now it's time to determine the greatest. Arizona works on maintaining an even breathing pattern, and ignores the fire that is starting to form in her thighs. Callie runs to the rhythm of her beating heart, loving the pain that comes with a hard workout.

"Come on, ladies. Make it sweat, make it hurt, make it work!" Coach Hunt yells through a megaphone. All the coaches are present and watching as their team busts their asses. Yelling words of support and motivation, they keep the girls going. Keep them focused on the task at hand. All four of them make sure that the players know why they are doing this, and what the sweet reward will be once all their hard work pays off.

Four sets of stairs down and a sheen of sweat has made its way across everyone of the fourteen women's foreheads. Erica keeps a steady pace, ignoring the burning that has started to ignite in her legs, and Callie keeps the girls corralled from the back.

Nine sets down and everyone is feeling it. The team sounds like a pack of dogs just after running full out for a mile. They are panting and wheezing, cursing under their breaths and praying to god to just take them now. Arizona, whose eyes have been locked on the back side of a very tall redhead who she remembers, being named Addison Montgomery, notices that the red head is starting to pull away from her. The fire in the blondes legs burns, the air being sucked in and quickly expelled burns, the sweat dripping into clear blue eyes burn. Everything burns, but for Callie Torres, that burn is so good.

Needing to get her mind off the burn that is raging through her body, Arizona turns her focus from the stairs to the very shapely behind working a couple feet in front of her. Normally redheads aren't her type, she goes for the tall, dark and beautiful, but it's been a while and this running hasn't JUST ignited a fire in her legs. But a misplaced foot sends the gawking blonde falling down on to the cement hard, her shin catching the corner of a stair just right.

"Fuck!" The newcomer growls, and foursets of legs just move right around her, not skipping a beat to bend down and help their fellow teammate.

"Come on new girl, move that ass." Arizona hears, then immediately feels strong hands grabbing her by her arms and pulling her up. "Come on, if it ain't broke get going." Callie says, pushing her newest teammate onwards. Fighting to catch up, Arizona pulls out all her strength and slaps the concrete backing, then pushes hard off of it and flies down the stairs.

Callie is hot on their tail, yelling words of encouragement and the occasional threats of bodily harm if a player looks like she is about to bow out. Now is not the time for quitters, or those who give into pain. This is a time for the best. The more you sweat at practice, the less you bleed during battle.

Seventeen sets of stairs and the string of woman have greatly dispersed. Teddy is now leading the team, pushing hard and grinding through the pain. On her tail is Naomi Campbell, using strong thigh muscles to overpower the rest of the team. Erica Hahn has slowed greatly, but is still making progress. The rest of the team is scattered over about two and a half staircases, with Arizona and Callie still in the back. The blonde can feel the Latina breathing down her neck, pushing her on faster but the newcomer is nearly spent, and they have just as many staircases to go as they have already completed.

Twenty sets of stairs have been conquered, and Arizona pushes past a lagging April Kepner and Lexie Grey. Callie slows to remain in the rear, but keeps her eyes on the fleeing blonde, smiling as she thinks that the girl just might have what it takes to be a real contender on this team. By now, the oozing of an open wound down Arizona's leg has ceased, but she can still feel the nip of fresh morning air sting at her cut. She has since tossed her sweatshirt and is now running in a soaked practice shirt, along with the rest of the team.

"Just fifteen left!" Coach Shepard yells, running up one set of stairs with a struggling Meredith Grey, goading her on words. "Push ladies push!"

Arizona smacks the back concrete again, and turns on her heel back down her 23rd set of stairs. By now the blonde is sure she is dead and this is her own personal hell. But just when the newcomer didn't think it could get worse, her instant oatmeal breakfast decides that it has had enough of all the activity. But Arizona isn't going to give up, not again. Not something as simple as running stairs. No… not unless…

"Oh god…" Arizona groans, the jumps the last three remaining stairs and sprints to the nearest garbage can. Breakfast quickly makes its reappearance as the blonde doubles over into a large and smelly trash can.

Mark, seeing one of his players not moving and thinking they are taking a coffee break, jogs over with a megaphone in his hand and exclaims "Move your ass Robbins!" Arizona nearly jumps out of her skin, not hearing the man approach, and looks up at her coach. "You better be dead or dying, Blondie. Which is it?" He barks. Answering the man's questions, another heave sends Sloan's pitcher back head first into the trash as her body rids itself of every ounce of extra weight.

Callie, having now caught up with player and coach, waits while the blonde loses her breakfast. Once Arizona is standing straight again, Mark asks in a calm and caring tone "You empty?"

"Yeah…" Arizona groans, wiping at her mouth and sucking in some clean air. "Yeah, I think so…"

"Good, NOW MOVE!" Mark exclaims, and the blonde immediately continues her trek up the next set of stairs. The pitching and catching coach sends Callie an evil smirk before the Latina continues after the newcomer, and Callie just rolls her eyes. She's been on the receiving end of that before, and knows that Sloan is only trying to make his girls the best. Even though at times… she would like to nail him in the family jewels with her cleats.

When Arizona rounds the corner and looks up the last set of stairs, she finds everything she has within her and sprints as fast as she can. Teddy, who had finished not five minutes earlier, is on the sidelines cheering her new friend on. Well… as best as anyone can when they can't catch their breath. Eight other women are also milling around, trying to calm their bodies after a grueling workout.

"Come on, Robbins. Push." Arizona tells herself, and starts to take the stairs two at a time. Careful to not miss another step, she finally makes it to the top and slaps the concrete wall. With that, the blonde has claimed victory. Those who have already finished applaud and whoop for her, congratulating a teammate on a job well done.

Arizona joins the rest of her team in the small circle they have going on, each one of them sweating like pigs and gulping down water as fast as they can. Blue eyes turn to the five remaining figures still moving up and down the stadium stairs. All the while, Callie remains at the back, pushing her fellow teammates on to victory. She doesn't leave them behind, she stays with them, giving them words of encouragement. One player makes it to the top, and Arizona joins in the applause. Then another… then another. Now it's just Callie and a waning April Kepner.

"Come on, girl. You got it!" Callie says through her ragged breathing. She can see the end in sight, now it's all about getting her team there. ALL of her team. "One last set. Ninth inning, two outs. Score is tied…" The Latina growls just loud enough for April to hear over the wheezing in her own chest. "You just hit a line drive in the gap. Make it home safe, and you win gold. What's it going to be, Kepner? How bad do you want it? You wanna go? Huh? ! You wanna go? !"

"Yeah, bitch. I wanna go!" April yells as she flies past Arizona and the rest of her team. Driving off each step, Callie nipping at her heels, Kepner pushes on. Ten steps, eight, five… four… two… one. Then a loud slap fills the air, immediately followed by another one as the Latina hits the wall behind the redhead. At this, fourteen woman cheer in victory as their whole team has complete this monumental feat.

"That's what I like to see, ladies." Coach Webber says as he joins the rest of his girls and three coaches in their huddle. "That is what is going to separate the Great from the Good." He adds, which gets an exhausted applause from the team. "Now you all go get some food… Robbins, try to keep it down this time." At this, Arizona blushes brighter than a lobster at the fact she was the only one to get sick. "And… I'll see you ladies at four tonight. Have a good day." With that, the older gentleman heads out of the stadium, flanked by his other three coaches.

"Everybody in…" Callie calls, holding her hand out and soon the other 13 players circle in and place their hands upon hers. "Nice work, ladies. Teddy, since you won you get to lead it off."

With a triumphant smile on her face, Teddy yells "USA!"

"ALL THE WAY!" The rest of the team finishes, just like they finish everything else they do as a team. Whether it be practice, a team workout at the gym, or just a friendly game of ultimate Frisbee, they always make sure to end it as a single, cohesive team.

The players disperse, some heading back to their rooms to change and get some more sleep while other head to the small cafeteria that caters specifically to the Olympic bound team. Arizona, on the other hand, decides that she should take a trip to the athletic trainer to get checked out and iced down. The throbbing of her shin, and the very pretty trail of blood streaking down her leg only reinforces that decision.

Stepping into the bright light of the Team USA Athletic Training room, brown eyes scan over the two rows of training tables, the mountains of towels, and plethora of other physical therapy tools that are used to make sure the woman are in prime fighting condition. Knowing the routine, Callie limps towards her usual table and takes a while unlacing her shoes then swinging both legs up onto the padded surface of the bed. Reaching over to the complicated machine and flicking the on switch, she grabs a couple towels along with the ultrasound gel.

"What's up Torres?" A man asks, coming out of one of the two closed office doors.

"Stadium." Callie growls. That's the only word that needs to be said. Silence fills the room as the trainer takes the ultrasound wand and starts to massage gently at the Latina's tired knees. It's not that Callie isn't in good shape… its' because she is such a hard player. Jumping up and down out of squat for hours at a time, everyday of the week means a lot of stress placed upon her joints. So every morning after her usual run, she hits up the training room for a little therapy. Preventative therapy.

A minute later, the door to the training room opens again and in strides Arizona Robbins. Brown eyes rake the newcomer up and down, hesitating for a second on the nasty scrape on the woman's left leg. Dried blood, mixed with sweat and stadium gunk makes it look even worse. Blue eyes lock with Callie's and Arizona sends the Latina a polite smile before quickly dropping her gaze.

Taking the table right next to Callie, Arizona smiles at the man who is looking at her in confusion. Callie, taking the reins, introduces them. "Karev, this is Arizona Robbins. New girl. Arizona, this is Alex Karev. One of the two trainers we have. The other is Jackson Avery…"

"Someone say my name?" Jackson asks, stepping out of the second office at that precise second. "Ahhh… Arizona Robbins, right?" The man with gorgeous eyes says, and takes the blondes hand in his. "Pleasure. So… I see we had a little scrape." Avery states, his eyes finding the very evident injury on Arizona's body.

"Yeah…" Arizona growls while Avery prods the wound with a gloved hand. "Ow! Don't touch it." She says, slapping the man's hand away. Callie just chuckles and rolls her eyes. As Jackson goes about cleaning Arizona up, the blonde can't help but steal glances to the Latina next to her. Something about their last encounter on the field sticks in her mind, and it won't shake free.

"What's wrong with your knees?" Arizona asks, mentally face palming herself at the lamest question ever.

"I'm old." Callie replies dryly, which makes Arizona laugh.

"If you're old, Calliope, I'm a dinosaur." The blonde says through her giggles. Brown eyes immediately lock on the blonde while Karev snickers at the use of the Latina's real name.

"Where did you… How did you…" Callie stammers, completely blown by the fact that this, in essence, stranger knew her real name. "No one calls me that." She finally lands on. Both Karev and Avery share a laugh but the signature Torres glare quickly shuts both men up. The ringing of the bell on the training room door alerts everyone that even more girls have shown up for their morning therapy.

"Sorry… it was on the media guide I found in my room." Arizona replies, and if she had a tail it would be squarely between her back legs. Of all the woman on the team, the blonde has a feeling that Calliope Torres is the LAST person you want to be on their bad side. "Is that not your name?"

"It is but… no one calls me that." Callie says, shifting uncomfortably on her table.

"Why not?" Arizona asks before she can filter herself.

Again, the Latina locks eyes with the blonde, giving her a confused look. "Because." Callie spits. "It's an awful name. And I'm a rock star. Rock stars don't have names like 'Calliope'."

"They have names like C.T. …." Arizona says with a smirk and a hint of sarcasm.

"That's right." Callie replies, then turns back to her trainer to show she is done with the conversation.

"Shame…" Arizona sighs, now just playing with the catcher.

"Excuse me? …Did you say something?" The Latina asks, smiling on the inside as she thinks that this blonde has more pep and fight in her than she originally thought.

The blonde crosses her arms across her chest, and wince when the sting of antiseptic hits her open wound. "I said, shame. Because Calliope is a beautiful name. …Pretty bad ass to me, but whatever. If you'd prefer to go by CT-"

"I do." Callie snaps, making blue eyes lock with brown again. Arizona feels like she is playing with fire, but sooner or later she WILL make the rest of the woman see her. And it might as well start from the top down. Get a captain to recognize you, and the rest will follow. Atleast… that's what she is hoping for.

"Fine… Calliope." She purrs. The Latina can't help but notice how sweetly the name rolls off the blondes tongue, but right now that's not the point. NO ONE calls her Calliope, and she'll be damned if the newcomer just sweeps in and wrecks her badass image.

"What kind of name is 'Arizona' anyways…" The catcher says, turning the tables onto the pitcher as she wipes the ultrasound goo off her knees.

"Family name." The blonde answers nonchalantly. "Can I get some ice for my shoulder to? Thanks." Arizona asks her trainer before he moves on to one of the other five women waiting to be seen.

"Oh right… every family has an 'Grandpa Arizona'." Callie says ruefully, making Erica Hahn, who had just walked in and jumped the line by taking the table on the other side of the Latina, laugh. But the look that the Latina gets in return from that little dig lets her know that she just stepped on a VERY sensitive subject. Arizona gets her shoulder wrapped up and leaves, not saying another word to her two co-captains.

Both Erica and Callie watch the newcomer walk out with not just a literal bag of ice on her shoulder. "I think you pissed her off." Erica says, playfully punching Callie's arms. "Nice one, babe."

"USA!" A high pitched voice squeals right before the rest of the April's teammates exclaims "ALL THE WAY!"

"Get some rest, ladies." Hunt says, dismissing the team for the night. They just put in another hard three hours on the field, working heavily on fielding and situationals. April won the right to lead off after sacrificing her body to stop a scorcher that was burning its way through the gap between second base and short stop positions. The red head may have a nice looking bruise tomorrow from laying full out in the clay, but the smile that adorns her face makes up for it in spades.

"Dinner at our place tonight, ya'll." Charlotte states as the team starts to dissipate. Everyone gives a nod in agreement then head off to get cleaned up before heading to apartment 26 for some chow.

"Everyone?" Arizona asks her cold as ice roommate.

But it's April who answers for the southern toughie. "It's a team building thing. We eat at each other's apartment once a week. Still gives us four nights off to do what we want, but having that meal time together helps with the team bonding." The red head chirps happily. Arizona smiles at the younger woman, thankful that at least ONE more player has seemed to warm up to her. Charlotte still keeps her distance, but Arizona thinks she will be able to wiggle under that tough façade soon enough. The rest of the team… well, they have at least recognized Robbins existence but that's as far as it goes.

"Oh, well that's-" Arizona starts but gets cut off by a rambling red head.

"Did you know that sharing food has been dated back thousands of years before Christ?" Kepner asks, feeling the opportunity to spew some useless and random facts that she has collected in her very large brain. "Remnants for the stone age and later have found evidence that groups of humanoids have regularly gotten together as a form of-"

"Fascinating." Charlotte sneers, and there the red head knows to stop while she is ahead. It doesn't take long for someone to learn the warning signs of one, Charlotte King, when your room is RIGHT next to hers. Arizona gives the redhead a sympathetic smile, and continues on their way back to their apartment for, what the new comer hopes, will be a fun night with her team.

The night is young, and the living room of apartment 26 is jammed full of softball players. Music is playing and conversations are being had. Erica Hahn is engaged in conversation with Callie and Addison, the blonde edging around the Latina somewhat more protectively than Callie would have liked. Across the room, Arizona is getting to know Lexie Grey, or as the rest of the team knows her, Little Grey. The newcomer tests the brunettes special ability, having the younger woman recall pitch counts, plays, and outcomes that took place during their earlier practice. And just like she was told, Arizona finds out that Little Grey has a perfect recall.

A knock on the front door, and several women call out "Finally!" A team of hungry athletes can be a dangerous thing, and the only way to alleviate the problem is to buy food. Lots, and lots of food. The door opens and reveals a young man with several pizza carrying cases clenched in his hands.

"I have an order of 8 pizzas for…." The delivery boy says, his eyes sweeping the crowded living room just bursting at the seams with woman. It's like a cheap porn movie come to life. Shaking himself, he glances at the ticket and continues " …oh uh, for an …Alabama NewGirl." The entire room starts to laugh, all eyes turning to the now blushing newcomer.

Yang quickly jumps up and grabs the food, but doesn't turn back when the delivery boy holds out a hand looking for payment. When no one else steps forward to pay him, Arizona decides to take this little practical joke on the chin. After all, its better than being the invisible woman. At least for now.

"How much?" Arizona asks, quietly hoping that she has enough in her account to cover it.

"92.50, without tip." The man answers.

"92.50? !" The blonde exclaims, then looks over to the mass of bodies surrounding the steaming pies all set up around her kitchen counter.

"…Without tip, yes." The delivery boy replies. Grumbling to herself, the pitcher turns on her heel and heads to her bedroom. She upends her purse, its contents spilling over her made bed, and some ending up on the floor. Having to settle on a check, the blonde writes off most of the money left in her bank account and hands it to the man, shoving a five dollar bill into his hand as a tip.

"So…" Addison purrs, knowing eyes raking over her friend as the Latina chomps down on a piece of pepperoni pizza.

"So?" Callie replies, then follows the red heads gaze to her fellow catcher sitting not five feet away from her. "What?"

"You two have been awfully… chummy." Addison says with a smile.

"Chummy? Really, Monty?" The Latina replies.

"It's just… I've seen the way she looks at you. I mean, I didn't know she swung that way but-" The redhead starts but gets cut off.

"Shhhh!" Callie hisses, then looks around the rest of the room to make sure everyone else is actively engaged in something other than this juicy gossip that is happening between her and Addison. "Erica ISN'T gay, alright? And even if she was, we aren't a… a THING."

"I'm not judging, Cal. I'm just saying that if you two were then-" Addison again getting cut off.

"Addison! Stop. We are teammates and we a co-captains. THAT is why we spend so much time together, alright? We're friends, just friends." The Latina snaps. "I don't have time, nor the patience and understanding in my life right now to even think about dating. Let alone dating a woman…"

"Who said date? I'm talking sex. You need it. You're laced tighter than a baseball. Seriously, Cal… you need to get laid." The taller woman says with a smirk. Across the room, Arizona stands and heads back to the kitchen to get another slice of pizza. Just as the blonde is walking past, Addison adds "And from what I've heard, blondes do it better." Blue eyes lock onto green as the red head notices their newest teammate. Getting a smile from Addison, Arizona retreats back to her seat and starts to poke at her food, not really in the mood to eat anymore. Just this morning she was staring at the red heads ass, and ended up face first on the concrete because of it, but Addison couldn't know that, could she? Hadn't Teddy told her that the redhead was married to the batting coach with creepily perfect hair? Did the rest of the team already know that she was gay? Arizona just told Teddy the previous day, and really wasn't expecting it to leak out so soon… or so quickly. Sure, she doesn't keep it a secret. She's not closeted but still… she would have rather gotten in better with her team first before they all learning that she prefers the fairer sex.

As the night continues, Amelia leaves the rest of her team to use the restroom. Taking the closest hallway, she discovers that she has picked the side of the apartment that both Arizona and Teddy share. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she quietly slips into the newcomers room without being seen and starts to snoop. It's not malicious in nature, at least to begin with. She just wants a little inside information about the woman who continues to threaten her position on the team. Flipping through the blonde's wallet, she finds nothing of interest. But when dark eyes land on an item strewn forgotten on the floor, everything changes. Sure, a flood of secrets about the newcomer opens up, but Amelia decides to use this item for another purpose. After all, she has a secret of her own. And new discovery will make it so much easier to get what the brunette wants. …What she needs. Slipping the item into the back of her jeans, the brunette tiptoes out of the bedroom, unseen and unheard.

AN2: Alright… Arizona is fighting to get noticed. Some are noticing, some aren't, some are actively working against letting her in. Will she ever be able to open their minds up? But remember, it's only been a couple days. Lots of time to go. Like I said, pace of the story should start to pick up a little bit now. Any ideas about what Amelia is up to? And Hahn? Is she up to no good with BOTH Callie and Arizona? Hmmm…. So many possibilities. Stay tuned!