
27. Chapter 27

Disclaimer: This is AU. I do not own any of the characters from Grey's Anatomy. I just manipulate them to my will. Also, any line or phrase or setting that seems remotely familiar from any other show, movie or book, also not mine. I borrow…

AN: Sorry for the long wait. Hopefully it was worth it. Enjoy!

Chapter 27

The glow of a computer screen mixes with the flickering light of the small TV in the living room, a well dressed man in his mid forties talking but no sound filling the room. Blue eyes stare down at her lap, Arizona Robbins searching the big name American news stations for updates and Olympic news. For being as close to the action as she is, the pitcher knows very little as to how other sports and USA teams are fairing. Maybe it's because she's been too wrapped up in other matters, or maybe it's because she really doesn't care.

But when her cursor moves over a bolded headline reading "Lovers win again. USA dominates Russian in Olympic Softball", Arizona can't resist but clicking the link. Instead of an article popping up, a video window opens and a news segment starts to roll.

"Coming to Olympic Softball, the US ladies have once again bested their opponents with a shutout game against the Russians. Arizona Robbins led the team to their victory by racking up an astounding 5 strike outs in her four innings on the mound but only went 1 for 3 at bat. Captain Callie Torres was on fire, hitting 4 for 5, including a deep right triple which brought in two American runs." Clips of game play are run along with the commentary, ending on the nasty run in that took the blonde out of the game. "Robbins was pulled after a minor injury but team doctors say that she will be ready to play again tomorrow." Then a picture, the picture, pops up and the commentator switches gears.

"As far as the little romance budding on the US Softball team, inside sources say that the relationship between Arizona Robbins and Callie Torres is, quote, dangerous and threatening to the chemistry of the team. It's fine if all is good in paradise, but what will happen if their honeymoon comes to a nasty end? …I don't want to be there for it. End quote. Well… going off of tonight's footage…" A shaky and dark video stream pops up and Arizona can just barely make Callie and herself out. It's obvious that the two of them are fighting, but the concealed camera is just far enough away to not be able to distinguish any words.

"…that honeymoon might be ending sooner than they planned. Let's just hope they can keep the cat fighting off the field. We wouldn't want to see-" Arizona doesn't even wait to hear the rest of the segment, instead she slams her laptop closed and tosses it onto the cushion next to her. It's the morning after their win against Russia, the morning after Callie had her blow up. And as much as the blonde knows she should be sleeping, she just can't. Callie's words keep replaying in her mind, the pain and the tears of that memory still clear enough that if Arizona closes her eyes, she sure she could reach out and touch them.

She was up when Callie came out of her bedroom, running clothes on and an her earphones in her ears, but the two never even made eye contact. It's like the Latina can't even see her. Arizona thought about changing real fast and going after her, chasing her catcher around all of London if she needed to just to get Torres to talk to her, but that would do more harm than good. Because Callie would want an answer, and the blonde just can't give her that yet.

It's not that Arizona doesn't want Callie, she does. So much. Who wouldn't want to be with someone like Callie Torres? It's just that… she doesn't know if she can handle it. Arizona's emotional state is one level above being declared a national disaster. Her life, as she knew it, is over. She doesn't even know where she is going once this whole Olympic Softball thing ends. Back to Johns Hopkins? No, because she doesn't have a job there. Back to Maryland and her parents? No, because her parents aren't there anymore. Back to the apartment she and her girlfriend lived in? No, because her girlfriend kept it. So… yeah, Arizona Robbins is lost. Adrift at sea. Just going where ever the currents take her. And it wouldn't be fair of her to start something with Callie unless she knew that she could be there. Like, really, truly be in that relationship because that is what Callie Torres deserves.

A sharp knock on the front door stirs Arizona from her pity party and the blonde shuffles over to answer it. Whoever she was expecting to be on the other side, it wasn't this man. But there he is, the polished and intimidating looking Carlos Torres, peppered gray beard neatly trimmed and custom made Italian suit adorned.

The man's eyes go wide, not expecting the object of his disdain to be answering the door this early in the morning.

"Can I help you?" Arizona asks, so not in the mood for customaries.

"I need to speak with Calliope." He states firmly, not stooping to ask anything from this woman, only demanding.

"She's not here." Robbins answers.

"Tell me where she is." Carlos says, his eyes running up and down the haggard looking woman in front of him. He guesses that if she took a shower, ran a comb through her tangled hair, and maybe put an article of clothing on that didn't have a stain or a hole, or both, that she'd probably be above average looking. But right now? Mr. Torres does not see what has drawn his daughter to this woman.

"Hell if I know." Arizona replies. "She left like… an hour ago, maybe. Went for a run. I don't know, she doesn't really talk to me anymore." The pitcher adds, leaving the door open and plopping back down in the couch.

Carlos battles with himself for a minute but decides that his needing to talk to his daughter outweighs the burden of being in the company of this woman who corrupted Callie. So with a deep sigh, he crosses the threshold of the apartment and closes the door behind him. He takes a seat as far away from the blonde as he can, crossing his arms and legs to close himself off completely.

They sit in silence, Arizona getting lost in her thoughts again while Carlos studies her. The sadness in those blue eyes is palpable, and he can't help but think that she has experience pain far greater than her years. More than once he is sure that he can see a tear threatening to fall, but then the blonde blinks it back and covers her anguish with a strong face.

The pitcher is the first one to break the silence. "Can I ask you something?"

"We're not going to take about Calliope, we're not going to do that." Carlos answers firmly.

Arizona shakes her head, her eyes remaining glued to the far wall. "Do you… do you think it's possible to meet the right person at the wrong time?" She tips her head to the side and catches the hard glare coming from her captain's father. "Like, have you ever thought that… that 'if I met them a year ago or… or a year from now then… then we'd be perfect.' …Do you think that's possible? I mean, everyone says that the right person comes at the right time, that… that if it's meant to be, you'll know. But isn't it possible that everyone is wrong?"

But all she gets in return is icy silence. Silence that stretches long past the point of comfortableness.

Just when Arizona is sure she is going to freeze to death, the apartment door opens and in walks a very sweaty Callie Torres. Music is blasting in her ears and her heart is racing after a long and hard run. When she chances a look over to where the blonde was stationed when she left, Callie nearly jumps when she sees her father sitting there.

Ripping the bud from her ears, she stammers "W-what, what are you doing here? With her?" Arizona perks up, this being the first time Callie has even acknowledged her existence since the nasty argument last night.

"We need to talk, Calliope." Carlos answers firmly, standing from his seat to be on the same level as his daughter.

Blue eyes flick between the two Torres's, and Arizona slowly gets to her feet. "I'll just… give you some privacy." Grabbing her laptop, the blonde shuffles over to her shared bedroom, walking closer to Callie than necessary. She pleads for the Latina to make eye contact, but all her catcher does is avert her gaze to the far wall.

The soft click of the bedroom door closing and locking tells Callie that she is alone with her father. "What are you doing here?" She asks immediately.

"We need to –" Carlos restates.

"Talk." Callie cuts him off. "We already talked yesterday, Daddy. You said what you had to say then."

"We… we both said things we didn't mean, Calliope." Her father tries, his tone softening as he remembers how hurt his daughter looked during their argument. "All I want is the best for you, why can't you see that?"

"You want what you think is best for me." The captain spits back. "And when I don't want the same, you throw me away. Well guess what, Daddy? This is who I am! Ok? I play softball, I date women, and I don't want to take over your company. Why can't you just accept that?"

"You don't know what you're saying, mija." Carlos replies, his heart breaking because he is afraid for his daughter. "Please, just come home with me and we'll get you help."

"Help?" Callie sneers. "What kind of help, Daddy? What? You going to drag me to Father Kevin? Make me attend church until the gay is pounded out of me?"

"Calliope Torres, do not take the tone with me." The man growls, quickly losing patience. "I have been understanding up until now but I will not allow you to bring shame to this family by going down a path that is that of a sinner." Callie just stands in front of her father, staring daggers into the man she used to idolize. "Your mother is heartbroken over this, and our family is mourning. …Come home, let us help you."

"No." The catcher whispers. Taking slow steps backwards, she says "You can't pray away the gay."

"I am your father!" Carlos shouts, that vein in his forehead now prominently on display. "You will do as I-"

"You can't pray away the gay!" Callie shouts back, then slams her bedroom door shut and locking her father out of her life for good.

The man storms toward his daughter's room, intent on pulling Callie out of there by her feet if he needs to, and tries to open the door. His strong hands can't push it open so he starts pounding on the door. "Open the door, Calliope. This is not a discussion, you are coming home with me."

By now both Teddy and Addison have awaken to the chaos, and Arizona has heard every word. The pitcher glances to her team mate across the room, sitting confusedly in her bed and wondering what the hell is going on. Robbins tells herself repeatedly it's not her fight, that it's Callie's father and Callie's problem, but when Carlos starts to pound on the other bedroom door, Arizona is on her feet in a flash.

Nearly ripping her own bedroom door off its hinges, Arizona barks "Hey!" One last solid pound hit's Torres's and Montgomery's door before Carlos turns, his face all red, and stares at the blonde. "I think it's time for you to go." She says.

"This is none of your concern." Mr. Torres growls back, tugging his suit back into place.

"When you threaten my team with violence, it is." Arizona replies, sounding much more confident than she feels. "So either leave now, or I'll call security and you will be escorted from the complex. Your choice." He stares at the blonde, studying her. After decades of being a business man, he has acquired the skill of reading people, finding their weaknesses and flaws. But all he sees in the pitcher is strength.

Carlos takes slow, calculated steps toward Robbins, and away from his daughter's room. Any doubt or pain that was present in those blue eyes earlier has now be replaced with conviction and determination. A sense of protectiveness leaks from this woman, and the man isn't sure if it's for Callie or for Arizona's team in general, but the intensity of her glare is jarring.

With one last look at the locked door behind him, Mr. Torres stops right in front of the pitcher, using the his slight height advantage to make Arizona look up at him. "I can make your life hell." He whispers low enough that Teddy can't hear from where she is peeking out from their bedroom.

A single, sarcastic chuckle falls from pink lips and Arizona replies "Hell would actually be a step up right now, so… bring it." Of all the comebacks he's heard during his reign as top dog of his business, he's never heard that. Slightly flustered from that unexpected response, dark eyes hold blue for another tension filled second and then the man is gone.

Arizona waits, her gaze glued to the door Carlos just walked out, half expecting him to come storming back in. But he doesn't. When the click of another door opening greets her ears, the blonde turns to find Callie's and Addison's door cracked open, her catcher standing there and staring at her.

"Thanks." Callie murmurs, not knowing what else to say. All Arizona can offer is a weak smile, and then the door closes again as Torres builds back up that wall around her heart.

It is apparent that the stakes are increasing exponentially as USA and Japan go head to head for the second time during these Olympic Games. The crowd is buzzing and each team can taste victory on their tongues. They are getting so close. So close to that finish line. Years and years, even decades for some, have been spent working towards this goal, and now it's right there in front of them.

This is one of the most physical games of the competition yet, and no one is calling fouls. They play hard, they push each other to play harder. When the Japanese shove someone out of the way of the baseline, USA retaliates by bringing down of the other team's players down during a slide. When Lucy, starting pitcher, accidentally clips one of the batters, Japan hits right back. Neither team wants to give in or show that they can't handle the heat. So they just crank it up a notch in return.

It's only the fourth inning, but both teams feel like they are running a marathon. Arizona has been benched by her coaches because they don't want her to aggravate her injury, even though she swears it is just a flesh wound. Sloan decided to shake up the game plan by putting in Lucy to start, leaving Arizona to come in as a relief pitcher. It's a risk, but they have to do something different from the last time they faced Japan.

The Americans are only down by one and have settled into a good, steady tempo even though the Japanese are trying to knock them off balance. But Callie and Teddy are doing their job at keeping their teammates calm and focused, leading by example and taking charge on the field.

After a solid base hit by Erica Hahn, the blonde making it safely to first, Callie steps up to the plate. Dark eyes scan the situation, finding Yang on third and Hahn on first. She has the opportunity to tie up the score, all she has to do is put the ball into play and the speedy woman on third will be able to score. But with two outs, there is also a very good possibility of leaving that runner hanging, just like the previous two innings.

So with a deep, calming breath, Callie steps into the batter's box and gets set. Hoping to catch the Japanese on their heels, the Latina takes a hack at the first pitch she sees, sending it to shallow right field. Yang immediately takes off at a sprint, her lead off allowing her to be half way home by the time Callie is barely out of the batter's box.

The Japanese adjusted for the cleanup hitter of USA and had moved back, adding a precious second to the time it takes for the right outfielder to run up, grab the ball and fire to second. That second being the extra time a less than speedy Erica Hahn and Callie Torres need to get to their bags. The Latina makes it soundly, running through first and avoiding a play. But the right outfield turns her arm towards second, and Hahn knows that it'll be a close play.

Falling into a slide to avoid overrunning the bag, the blonde holds her breath and braces herself. US watches from the bench as their ex-captain, yet extremely talented teammate, makes a play that could be huge.

A red cleat slips between a Japanese shortstop's legs and Hahn smiles as she feels the bag hit the bottom of her foot. But she can't stop the fielder from lunging forward as she chases after the ball and attempting to apply a tag, their legs getting tangled in each other's along the way. The shortstop falls awkwardly on top of Erica, and the sound of a pop is muffled by the roar of the crowd watching.

"Safe!" The umpire calls, making both American fans and the American bench explode. The short stop rolls off the runner, angry that not only did USA score a tying run, but they didn't even get out of the inning.

Callie claps her gloved hands, getting a high five from Sloan who is the first base coach, and turns her attention to her teammate at second. But after five seconds, Erica doesn't get up. The roar of the crowd quickly falls quiet and turns serious. Alex and Jackson are racing out of the dugout as soon as the umpire calls them out.

Arizona climbs the few stairs, trying to get a better view of her downed teammate. She knows she's a player, and that this is the trainer's job. But she's a doctor, and helping the hurt and injured will always be her first instinct.

Those on the field end up taking a knee, everyone waiting on the news from the blonde riving in pain at second base. Erica isn't crying out, because Erica Hahn doesn't cry, but the pain is very evident on her face. Karev takes her through a range of tests, the catcher nodding or shaking her head in response. Minutes pass and finally the blonde stands, but not under her own power. The two medics support her weight and help her limp off the field to a strong applause.

Arizona is on her way to give her assistance when Webber shouts "Robbins, you good to run?"

Blue eyes snap to her coach and she replies "Uh, yes sir."

"You're in." The big man in charge commands before heading to the head umpire to make the sub. A grunt of pain makes the blonde turn and stare at Erica, other players looking on as Alex and Jackson tend to Hahn. But Arizona quickly shakes herself and grabs a helmet, then dashes out to take Erica's place at second.

Japan quickly gets the third out, Meredith Grey striking out and leaving Callie and Arizona on base. US takes the field, Arizona going in to short instead of Naomi, who shifts to third, putting Callie behind the plate. The game drags on, Lucy battling batter after batter as her teammates back her up.

In the fifth, Sloan pulls Fields from the mound and puts Arizona in, the chemistry between the newest addition and Callie not being anywhere near what he gets from Robbins and Torres. The score is still tied and the game is headed for the final innings of regulation play, and Robbins knows that she has to be on point.

"Ready to do this?" The blonde asks with a tense smile.

"Yep." Callie answers, placing the ball in her pitcher's glove. And that's the end of their conversation, their pep talk. Arizona sighs as she watches the Latina jog back behind the plate, but pushes all her thoughts of the woman out of her mind as soon as the next Japanese batter steps up.

The twinge in her knee, the battle wound from her victory over Russia yesterday, makes pitching uncomfortable, but Arizona pushes through. This is softball. Not a game for wussies or those with low thresholds for pain. You play with broken fingers and toes, with eyes swollen shut from foul tips, you play with raspberries bigger than most babies' heads. There is no room for pain. If it hurts, rub some dirt on it and shut up.

Inning after crucial inning passes, the game lasting past the usual seven innings. The score remains tied at the top of the 10th, and everyone is starting to get antsy. Both teams have another game to play tomorrow, and it's pretty much a given that USA and Japan will be in the finals, but neither team wants to take the hit and let the game end. So Arizona fights on the mound while her teammates make play after play. Callie leads her team from behind the plate, challenging any runner who dares to think they are faster than the Latina's arm.

In the eleventh inning, Mark approaches his pitcher who is taking advantage of USA's at bat by resting on the bench. "How you feeling, Blondie?"

"Good." Arizona answers. "Got plenty of juice left." It's partly true, but her shoulder is starting to throb and she can tell that her velocity is starting to dip.

The coach turns to his catcher and asks "She good? Or do I need to do some juggling."

Blue eyes meet brown and Arizona waits for Torres to throw her under the bus. Why wouldn't she? But Callie just shakes her head and says "She's good. We're good."

"Alright then." Mark replies, then gets back to the game going on in front of them.

"Thanks." Arizona whispers when it's only them again.

"I didn't do it for you, Arizona." Callie replies in an even tone. And that startles Arizona more than when the Latina was biting her head off. The complete lack of emotion in her catcher's voice makes the blonde think that Torres is actually through. Actually over her. And Arizona screwed it all up. "Fields has been subbed and you're our heat. You at your B level is better than King or Grey at their A level. Simple as that."

"It's not personal. It's business." The pitcher whispers, pulling back memories of that time during summer practice and their tour through the states where that was what she told herself to keep focused.

"Exactly." Torres states just as Teddy gets thrown out at first, signaling the end of the half inning. "Let's finish this."

Silence fills the dugout as Team USA sits in defeat… again. They were so close. So close. No, they were there! But then that last play happened, that play that gave Japan the second victory. It was a bad call. A horrible call. One that will be played and analyzed on every America news station and experts will be called where nine out of ten will say the USA got the short end of the stick.

Webber protested it, then Hunt, then Sloan. Finally Derek Shepard, arguably the calmest and most collected coach among them, started yelling at the umps. But the call wasn't overturned and Japan was given the win, and USA sits in defeat again.

Thirteen innings. That's how long USA battled their opponent, only to be tripped up at the end. They played solid. Their fielding was impeccable, their bats were hot, but it wasn't enough.

Webber tries to find something to say to his beaten team but comes up empty. What do you say after something like this? Life sucks, sometimes the wrong call is made. Smile and move on? No. That wouldn't make them feel better.

So instead, he claps his hands together to draw their eyes up to him and says "Curfew is 11. Get a good night's sleep, we got the Brits tomorrow."

Women break off after that, some heading off to do their own thing to get over the loss, some going to the cafeteria to eat their feelings, while others head to the training room to start recovering from the marathon of a game. Arizona doesn't say a word to anyone as she sulks past the rest of her teammates and fills a large tub with ice and freezing cold water. Her entire body aches and, for as much as she hates ice baths, she knows that it will numb her to the pain. Both physically and emotionally.

By the time Callie makes it to the training room, it is packed with both her team and the Japanese. They have to share the room, but there is a very clear divide between the two. On one side it is somber and quiet while the other is filled with laughing and cheerful talking by the winners.

Jackson sees Torres surveying the situation and says "All the tubs are filled up. You can wait but it will probably be twenty minutes or so until one opens up." Dark eyes roll, the prospect of waiting around not being what she had in mind. The younger man sees her displeasure and suggests "Robbins is in the middle of a bath, I'm sure she wouldn't mind sharing." Normally Callie wouldn't think twice about dipping her tired knees into one of her teammates baths, but… it's Arizona.

"Uhh…" She hums, but sees yet another woman take a spot in line for a bath and says "I'll just wrap them instead. It'll have to do."

The cold has seeped into her bones and every joint seems to grind as Arizona walks from the food bar over to where some of her teammates are seated. Ten minutes in a freezing cold bath has stemmed the throbbing in her shoulder and muscles, but she can tell tomorrow will be a rough day.

Pulling the seat out between Teddy and Addison, the blonde sits down and places her napkin on her lap. In an almost synchronized movement, both of her roommates stand from their seats and clear their trays.

Blue eyes roll and Arizona groans "Oh come on!" But all she gets is silence. That's all she's gotten from anyone in her room. Not only is Callie pissed off and pretending like Arizona doesn't exist, but now Addison and Teddy are giving her the biggest cold shoulder in recorded history. Apparently they weren't too happy with the fact that Robbins not only threw them under the bus when it came to outing every relationship going on within the team, but also using it against them when they were just trying to help the woman.

"Seriously?" The blonde sneers to the two retreating women. "What is this, high school?" But they are soon out of earshot.

"You have a gift." A voice says, pulling blue eyes to the blonde seated across from her. A crooked smile appears on Erica's face as she sits back and studies the pitcher. "That was very impressive. Can you teach me how to repel people like that?"

Robbins just rolls her eyes and pushes her tray away from her, her appetite suddenly gone. Trying to avoid an argument, she asks "How's your ankle?"

"Hurts like a mother." Hahn snaps before tossing back a handful of Tylenol. "And excuse my unpleasant attitude… I just learned that I probably lost my dream of competing in the finals." Erica adds, bile rising in her throat as she thinks about it. The trainers said her ankle isn't broken, but she can already tell just from the amount of pain she's in, along with the swelling, that there is very little hope that she will be able to play in the gold medal round in a couple of days, let alone their last semi-final game tomorrow.

"That sucks." Arizona replies genuinely. She can't image what Erica must be feeling like. To make it all this way just to be side lined by a stupid accident.

"Pssh, you're not sorry. Just gives you even more playing time." Hahn states matter of factly.

Arizona was actually trying to be nice, but with the whole Callie thing and now the Teddy and Addison thing, on top of losing again, the pitcher isn't in the mood to be playing nice. "Yeah well… karma is a dirty bitch. Maybe if you didn't squeal like a pig to the press, you'd be hauling your ass out on that field tomorrow."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Erica sneers, both blondes now on the defensive. "What 'press'?"

"Oh please…" Robbins sighs with a big eye roll. She spies an old copy of a US Today just down the table and quickly grabs it, pulling out the sports section before tossing it to the older woman across from her. "Inside sources? Seriously? Are you that vindictive, Hahn? I mean, we are on the same damn team afterall."

Erica quickly skims the article then replies "This wasn't me." But the look Arizona gives her tells the woman she's not buying it. "Look, I'd admit it if it was. But it wasn't. …Why would I when you have a nice bit of juicy gossip about me dangling in front of my eyes."

"Wait… Seriously?" Arizona asks, the fact that she caught Erica after a one night stand just a few nights ago coming back to her. "This wasn't you?"

"No." Hahn answers, tossing the paper to the side. "Though I would have said the exact same thing, and it doesn't take a detective to see something has already happened between the two of you." The injured woman adds with smirk.

"If it wasn't you, then… who?" The rookie muses, her mind racking through anyone associated with the team who might do this.

Erica watches the younger woman, taking a bit of pleasure in the fact that Arizona, the golden girl, the mighty one, has fallen from her pedestal. And not just with Callie, but with others on the team as well. After letting her think for a minute, Hahn says "For being a doctor, you're not too bright." Bright blue eyes snap to hers and Arizona silently asks for her to explain. "Can you think of anyone who might have a bit of a beef with you and Torres… besides me, that is."

Then it clicks. "Amelia." Arizona states, Erica's head slowly nodding up and down. "God… why didn't I see it before?" She asks herself.

Another silence falls between the two of them, the hustle of bustle of the thousands of fellow athletes and other Olympic support staff filling the very large chow hall. Today's game was an earlier one, giving USA even longer to stew about their loss, or other things, before night falls and they can close their eyes to sleep.

Arizona finally plucks up the courage and breaks the silence. "Can I ask you something, Erica?" Blue eyes just stare back at her, a slight hint of humor in the veteran's eyes. "What do you know about Callie's… family?"

"Depends what you want to know." Erica replies.

Everything. At least, that's what Arizona says to herself, but she shakes that from her mind and says "When her dad showed up, he said something about pulling his donation. I was just wondering what their family business was, what made is such a big deal."

"Wow, you are unobservant." Hahn states in a very demeaning tone. "You didn't think it… interesting that nearly every hotel we stayed at on our tour had the 'Torres' logo on it?" Arizona's eyes narrow as she thinks back, and she admits that she, in fact, did not notice that.

Erica leans in, resting her arms on the table between them and says "Carlos Torres is the founder and CEO of Torres Luxuries. One of the largest and most prestigious hotel chains east of Chicago. And… Callie is his heir. One of them, at least. If I remember correctly, she has a sister-"

"Aria." Arizona adds, wanting the other woman to know that she's not completely ignorant when it comes to the Latina's history.

"Yeah well, Daddy Big Bucks wants Cal to take over one day since the sister is becoming some hot shot attorney somewhere in New York." Erica continues. Now some of the puzzle pieces are starting to fall into place, Arizona drawing on the tidbits Callie had dropped during their multiple conversations. Only now does the blonde realize how one sided those talks were, it was always about her… or softball. Never about Callie.

"He paid for her to go to school, though he didn't need to. She got a full ride for playing ball. Majored in Hotel Management, but started dabbling in the theater in her spare time." Hahn is now stuck in story mode and Arizona isn't about to cut her off if the woman is so willing to share. "She told me that she and her family have always sung, but it wasn't until college where she did it for real."

"Seriously? Calliope got on stage and sang?" Arizona asks, a big smile on her face as she pictures it. "Callie? As in… the same woman who freezes whenever the little red light on a camera turns on?"

Erica can't help but laugh along with the pitcher. "Yep. …She said it just feels like home up there on stage. Singing. Acting. …That, and in the kitchen. Damn that girl can cook." A pregnant pause passes, and Hahn shakes herself from past memories. She struggles to her feet and grabs the crutches next to her. "If you really want a show, go onto University of Miami's theater site and look up the 2005 production of Spamalot. It's not the best quality recording but… you might see a familiar face."

After a long one on one with Mark Sloan, Callie and the man going over the game plan now that Erica seems to be out of the game, the Latina comes back to her apartment to find articles of clothing flying out of Teddy's and Arizona's room. The next second a very angry looking Altman comes storming out of the room with a heap of Robbins' things and drops them on the living room couch before spinning on her heel and retreating.

The first baseman notices her roommate and smiles. "Hey Cal."

Eyebrows furrow in confusion and the catcher peeks into the room the dirty blonde just reentered, only to pull back the next second to avoid a thrown flip flop. "What the hell is going on?" Callie barks.

"We're changing up the rooming situation." Someone else answers and Callie looks up to see Addison coming out of their shared room with a packed bag slung over her shoulder.

"What?" Torres cries, a tank top smelling so much like Arizona obscuring her vision as it is tossed from the room. "Why are you kicking Arizona out?" She asks, ripping the shirt from her face.

"She's being a royal bitch." Teddy replies with pure venom. "And I don't want to share a room with her."

"So we're switching." Addison adds, slipping into her new bedroom and dropping her bag on the cleared out section of the room that use to be Robbins.

Callie quickly comes to the conclusion that all this means that Arizona will be rooming with her, and she's not ok with that.

"You two are really going to do this?" Torres asks in disbelief. "Teddy, come on! You're a captain, you're a leader. To let a simple argument upset you like this isn't a good example."

"Stones and glass houses, Torres." Altman replies, tossing a stray flip flop past her co-captain.

Callie's jaw goes slack in shock. "Two totally different things." The Latina states firmly, hers and Teddy's eyes remaining locked on each others. "Ok? So unless she slept with you and then threw you out, you have no right to say anything about it to me."

"Sounds an awful like Arizona, doesn't it?" Addison drawls and all her new roommate does is nod.

And almost as if speaking her name summons her, Arizona walks through the front door and finds a pile of her clothes and other possessions sitting in the middle of the living room.

"What the hell?!" She sneers, looking expectedly at Callie who just shrugs her shoulders. Blue eyes look into her bedroom to find Addison unpacking her stuff on Arizona's bed. "Teddy, what the hell is going on here? Why'd you toss my stuff?"

"Torres thought a slight room change would be for the best." Altman answers with a smile.

Arizona's gaze flicks to Callie's and the Latina immediately goes on the defensive. "I did not!" She says, holding up a finger to halt any questioning from her pitcher. Turning back to Teddy, she adds "Teddy, grow up, alright? Addison, you're not moving. Come on, pack your stuff."

"I'm not sleeping in the same room with her!" Teddy shouts, pointing an accusing finger at Arizona. "She can stay with you." Both Arizona's and Callie's gazes meet, and the blonde can see just how much her captain is not liking that idea.

Rolling her eyes, Arizona throws her hands up in defeat and says "Fine. I'll sleep in the living room. Whatever."

Callie watches as her pitcher turns and starts to collect her things, sorting out dirty from clean and trying to find some semblance of order after Altman trashed everything. She looks so defeated and hopeless that it starts to pick at Torres's walls. Those walls that she put up to keep her heart safeguarded from Arizona are the same walls that just can't seem to keep Arizona out.

Not believing she is actually considering it, Torres growls then bends down and picks up a handful of clothes. "You're not sleeping in the living room." She states firmly, leaving no room to argue. Without meeting Arizona's gaze, she turns and walks into her bedroom, dropping the clothes on the bed that use to be Addison's.

Arizona follows the Latina, not believing it either, and asks "Are you sure?"

"We've done it before." Callie answers as she sits on her bed and starts up her computer, all the while avoiding looking her pitcher in the eye.

Both women catch the double meaning and a blush brightens the captain's cheek before she clears her throat of the lump that has grown there and she quickly adds "Slept in the same room. We've done it before and survived. No different this time."

"Right." Arizona sighs, remembering all those nights in the hotel while on the road where she and Callie were supposedly at odds. But for some reason they spent more nights in the same bed than in separate beds. "It's not personal. It's business." She adds as she turns pleading blue eyes to the woman who has turned her life upside down and inside out.

The next morning Callie shuffles out of her bedroom, raven hair going in every direction and sleep still clouding her eyes, and finds a blonde in a very awkward position. She stops in her tracks and watches as Arizona moves gracefully from one yoga position to the next, trying not to drool over the way her pitcher's ass fills out those delicious stretchy yoga pants perfectly. Last night the two hardly said two words to one another but both were very aware of the heated tension between them. More than once Callie looked up from her laptop or book or iPod to find deep blue eyes staring back at her.

Arizona can feel those same rich eyes she was trying to catch last night on her right now, and after completing a move she says "You could join me if you wanted. Would probably help you relax a bit."

"I do my own kind of yoga." Callie groans as she tries to rub the crust from her eyes. When Arizona peeks over her shoulder in interest the captain explains. "It's called shaving." A giggle slips from the blonde's lips before she can contain it, and it makes Callie smile.

The Latina plods into the bathroom and starts to brush her teeth, one eye staying on the pitcher in the mirror as Arizona continues her workout. Callie can't help but think how relaxed and at ease Robbins is, almost like whatever has been going on between them hasn't happened at all. Maybe that's how she wants it to be, maybe it's the easiest thing. Callie wishes she could forget, forget what it was like being with Arizona, even if it was just for the short amount of time they actually were together. But that night was the best night Callie has ever had and it makes her heart ache when she thinks that it might not ever happen again.

Back out in the living room, Arizona hums a tune that she just heard last night and it catches Callie's attention. She knows that tune, but she just can't seem to place it.

"You're awfully cheerful considering the fact we lost yesterday." Callie groans.

"We didn't lose." Arizona replies, taking a clean white towel and dabbing at the sweat on her brow. "We didn't win, but we didn't lose. It was a bad call. Really bad. But what's done is done."

Blue eyes lock with brown and a tense pause lapses. "Right." Callie sighs, her gaze falling to the floor. "What's done is done." She turns back to her bedroom but stops at the threshold and looks back at the blonde watching her. "Look, Arizona… I said some harsh things and-"

She doesn't get an opportunity to finish her sentence because Arizona closes the short distance between them and kisses her. It catches Callie off guard and the Latina doesn't respond right away which prompts the blonde to pull away.

"Sorry." Arizona whispers, suddenly thinking that her split second decision was wrong. "I-I'm sorry, I just-"

"Shut up." Callie tells her as a strong hand takes hold of the base of Arizona's neck and pulls her back into another kiss. And suddenly all that pain and heaviness is lifted from their chests. Even though neither of their lungs are functioning, they both take a breath that they had been holding for over a day.

Their kiss is strong and passionate, telling the other how much they have missed it and how strongly they feel. Arizona pushes Callie into the bedroom before there is a chance of a perfectly timed entrance by either Teddy or Addison breaks them apart.

As soon as the blonde crosses the threshold, the Latina closes the door and pushes the blonde against it, their lips never breaking their kiss.

But Callie pulls away before things can get too far, and as she looks upon the flushed face of her pitcher she finds dark blue eyes staring back up at her. "What does this mean?" She asks in a breathless voice.

Arizona licks her lips and she can still taste Callie on them, and the blonde says "I… I don't know." She watches as the Latina actually deflates, her shoulders slumping and sadness immediately weighing across her features.

Torres pulls away but Arizona grips her catcher's shirt and keeps her still. "No!" Robbins pleads. "That's… That's not what I meant. I meant, I don't know what it means. But I know what I want. I want you, Calliope." Dark brown eyes look deep into Arizona's and Callie finds nothing but truth in her words. "And I don't know what that means, but I know that… that I want it. Whatever it means."

The smile that lights up Callie's face makes Arizona's breath hitch and her voice quiver. "I don't know what's going to happen. All I know is that every time I look at you, I feel better. And that… honestly, that scares the crap out of me. But my brother used to say 'if it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.' So… I'm here, Calliope. I'm back. I'm… I'm catching you. …If you still want me to."

Words fail the normally assured Callie Torres. After all that has happened in the last few days, her world being turned on its head after the picture leak and her father taking her entire world away from her, here stands Arizona… asking Callie for another chance. Asking her if she will open herself up again, allowing Arizona inside and opening herself up to be hurt again. It's hard to trust after being cut off at the knees, but Callie Torres doesn't want it to be easy. She just wants it to be worth it.