
16. Chapter 16

Disclaimer: This is AU. I do not own any of the characters from Grey's Anatomy. I just manipulate them to my will. Also, any line or phrase or setting that seems remotely familiar from any other show, movie or book, also not mine. I borrow…

AN: Hey ya'll! Next chapter is up! For all of you who are feeling a bit under the weather, I hope this makes you feel just a bit better. Enjoy!

Chapter 16

"You coming down for breakfast?" April asks her roommate as the redhead slips on a pair of sandals and pulls her hair back into a loose ponytail.

"Umm, no I'm gonna grab a shower." Arizona replies, curling up in the sheets of her double bed. Exhaustion seeps into her body and her mind begs for sleep. Normally one sleeps during the long hours of the night, but not Arizona. No… sleep evaded her because her mind was on fire. Her body was on fire. Her heart was racing. That kiss… that kiss last night has turned everything the blonde thought was so clear into mud. Before that kiss, Arizona knew what the right thing to do was. Before that kiss, Arizona could have said no, could have stopped it. Could have kept it all business. But then that kiss happened, and now everything looks so much more complicated.

"Ok, see ya." Kepner sings, then leaves for the door. In the threshold the redhead starts to pat at the pockets of her sweats. "Damn, where's my key…" A quick sweep of the room and she doesn't see it, so instead she flips the security bar so the door remains open, and leaves. It's a usual practice among the team, that way the ladies can come and go amongst the rooms as they like.

Arizona pulls a pillow over her head and tries to urge herself into sleep, but after five minutes she gives up. It's not the first time the surgeon would be going more than 24 hours without sleep so she resigns to the idea of actually getting up and getting ready for another long day of sun and softball.

Rolling out of bed, the blonde starts to sort through the mass of clothes stuffed into her duffle bag. Luckily she doesn't have to worry about making sure her uniforms are clean, but that does little for the rest of her clothes which all seem to be dirty.

Just as Arizona is grabbing a towel and heading to the bathroom, a soft knocking on the door pulls her attention. "It's open!" She calls, and the door cracks open. In the reflection of the mirror, blue eyes look up and the blonde's breathing stops.

"Morning." Callie purrs, shutting the door behind her, making sure the security bar isn't flipped out to ensure their privacy. The Latina doesn't move any further, she doesn't want to push the blonde too much. Instead, she just leans back against the closed door. If Arizona wants her, the pitcher will have to cross the room herself. "How'd you sleep?" She asks, her eyes trailing up and down Arizona's body, a tank top and running shorting being the blonde's choice of pajamas.

Slowly turning and mirroring Callie's position against the countertop, Arizona replies "Not so good. …Had a lot on my mind."

"I bet." The catcher states, a small smirk upturning her lips just a fraction of an inch. Their shared kiss has been playing in Callie's head since the second she left last night, and now all she can think about is making a part two. As well as a part three, four and five.

"So…" The Latina drawls, the awkward silence lasting too long for her liking. "Have you-" A knocking on Arizona's hotel room door interrupts her. Callie takes a couple more steps into the room while Arizona walks past her and opens the door. Both women pretend not to feel the electricity shoot through their bodies as the blonde barely grazes tanned flesh, and brown eyes turn up to the heavens as the captain asks God why he is always sending something to interrupt them.

Arizona opens the door, revealing a groggy looking Teddy Altman. "Morning Teds." The blonde says, pulling on a dimpled smile while Callie mills about just a couple feet away from her. "What's up?"

The still half asleep and very rough first baseman rubs at her eyes then holds out a worn paperback book. "Here…" She murmurs. "Finished it last night. Thanks." Arizona takes the book she loaned to her friend and blindly tosses it behind her. Callie smirks when the object lands within six inches of the blonde's bag, and continues to flip through the open notebook filled with the neat, tight handwriting of Arizona Robbins. "You going down for breakfast? Little Grey says they have a waffle maker." The taller blonde adds. When a group of fourteen women are stuck on a bus and jumping from hotel to hotel, the smallest luxury can bring a smile to everyone's face.

"Uh, no. Not yet. Thanks though." Arizona answers. Altman just shrugs, not really caring either way. With a small wave to the blonde, and then a nod to her captain lurking in the background, Teddy continues on down the hallway in search of a carbohydrate rich breakfast of fresh waffles.

Shutting the door again, blue eyes close as a deep breath fills Arizona's lungs. If she concentrates Arizona can smell the faintest hint of Callie in the air, she can remember the taste of plump lips and the feel of strong hands on her, that strong body supporting her. The Latina watches and waits while Arizona steadies herself, and brown eyes lock on blue when the blonde slowly turns back around and leans against the door.

"Studying some more, I see." Callie drawls, flipping a page of Arizona's notebook.

"Um, kinda. I tried but… couldn't really focus." The blonde mumbles, a blush ripping across her cheeks as the memory of the reason why she couldn't focus fills her mind. It so happens to involve the same woman now sitting on her bed, and the woman pushing Arizona up against a very cold concrete wall. But somehow that chill didn't concern her at the time, only adding to the wide range of feelings coursing through Arizona's body at that exact moment.

Wanting to play with the surgeon just a little bit, seeing as that seems to be the only way Callie can get Arizona to lighten up, the Latina finds the first seemingly important medical term she can find. "Trach… Tracheoesophageal fistula."

And because of years and years of studying, researching and performing rounds, Arizona's mind and mouth act on instinct. "Known as TEF. Occurs during the fourth to eight week of fetal development if the lining between the esophagus and the trachea fails to form, causing the two to fuse into one." Callie watches her pitcher spit out medical facts like they were nothing, and sits in awe at the sheer amount of information Arizona has crammed into her brain. "Symptoms of a TEF usually present shortly after birth. Signs include coughing or choking while feeding. Vomiting. Frothy white bubbles around the mouth. Difficulty breathing. Blue color to the skin, especially while feeding. And a round and full abdomen." Blue eyes finally focus again and land upon the woman sitting on her bed, smiling at her.

"Studying doesn't seem to be a problem." The Latina plays, and she gets rewarded with a small smile. Closing the notebook and standing, Callie takes a couple steps toward Arizona still at the door. "So… Doctor Robbins…" She purrs, and Arizona swears the temperature in the hotel room rises ten degrees as those brown eyes sweep down the blonde's body. "Am I cleared to play today?" Callie asks and Arizona immediately relaxes. She was sure Callie was about to push the issue of 'them'… whatever 'them' means. But after last night, after that kiss, Arizona is sure that whatever 'them' would mean would be something more than just… a fling. At least, that's what Arizona's heart hopes. Her head is still yelling at her to run.

"I can forgive one day." Callie states, taking a step forward and smiling. "But sitting on the bench two days in a row? That's crossing a big line, Doctor Robbins."

A giggle falls from Arizona's lips, the last of her anxiety slipping from her body. "How's your head? Vision? Any blurriness? Dizziness? Headaches?"

"Small headache every now and then." Callie answers truthfully.

"Good." The blonde replies with a nod. "I'll let Mark know that I've cleared you. But try not to play bulldozer for a couple more day, huh?" Arizona plays, and watches in awe as Callie's head tips back and she lets out a deep, full bodied laugh.

"What an affectionate name." The catcher states, her megawatt smile nearly blinding Arizona. "Kinda like it. Callie "The Bulldozer" Torres. It's got a certain ring to it."

"Better than Arizona "In The Zone" Robbins." Arizona adds and Callie realizes that was the first piece of the blonde's past that she readily revealed.

"I like Battleship better." Callie replies, taking another couple steps forward until she is only a few feet in front of her teammate. "Makes you sound hardcore."

"I AM hardcore, Calliope." The blonde rebuttals, making Callie smirk at the challenge.

Closing the small distance left, the Latina lowers her voice to just a husk and says "I don't doubt that." Arizona's heart rate doubles, and brown eyes become hooded as the tension between them multiplies exponentially. It would be so easy to lean in those few inches, take those pink lips with hers again. Taste the sweetness of Arizona's tongue, feel the heat of her body. But that's not how Callie wants it to happen. She doesn't want to push the pitcher, force Arizona into anything.

So, with a deep inhale, letting the lingering vanilla coconut-y smell of the blonde's shampoo fill her lungs, Callie gives the older woman a breathtaking smile and reaches for the door. Arizona takes a step to the side, allowing the door to crack open. Her heart is pounding and her throat has suddenly gone dry. And the idea of Callie walking out of the room at this very second makes the pitcher upset, for some reason unbeknownst to her.

As Callie opens the door, a fair hand pushes it back closed and turns the Latina. The next second pink lips are on the catcher's. Arizona doesn't remember telling herself to kiss Callie, but somehow she is. Her lips are moving over the other woman's as Arizona pushes Callie against the closed door. The pitcher's hands come up to cup tanned cheeks, one snaking around and finding hold at the back of Torres's neck, pulling her in harder. Callie's hands remain planted on a trim waist. She doesn't want to spook the blonde, or push her and break whatever kind of spell they are under right now. Their kiss isn't frantic like last night where Callie was trying to sway Arizona in her decision. No, this kiss is soft and exploratory. Tender. Before, fireworks exploded behind both sets of closed eyes, but now… it's a rolling wild fire.

Callie's grip on Arizona's waist tightens, pulling the smaller woman in closer to her, wanting to feel the heat of the blonde's body against hers. The pitchers tongue slips out between her lips and plays across a plump bottom lip of the Latina's, seeking a deeper connection. Callie willingly lets her in, a moan coming from deep in her chest.

It's enough to catch Arizona's attention and make her break the kiss. Pulling back, blue eyes open slowly and she sees the most gorgeous woman she's ever seen. …And Arizona has seen a lot of women. Brown eyes are hooded, the Latina's heart and body alive with electricity.

Taking a small step back, Callie's hands leaving her hips, Arizona runs a shaky hand through her blonde hair. "I uhh… I don't… sorry. I just-"

"Don't worry about it." The catcher whispers, cutting the blonde off before she can completely lose control of her words. "I'm not complaining." The seductive smile Callie sends Arizona makes the pitcher blush slightly, those butterflies in her stomach fluttering away.

Clearing her throat, breaking both of them out of the little world they were lost in while staring into each other's eyes, Callie straightens up and says "Remember, downstairs dressed and ready in your red and whites in two hours."

"Right." Arizona breaths out, silently thanking the Latina for clearing the heavy atmosphere around them. Callie sends her pitcher a smile then opens the hotel room door for a second time. This time she actually makes it across the threshold without getting stopped. Arizona follows her, leaning against the open door as Callie looks up and down the deserted hallway.

When brown eyes float back to blue, the two women share a small smile. Arizona can feel the question lurking on her catchers tongue, and whispers "I don't know."

Taking a step closer to the blonde, Arizona half hidden by the door partially shut, Callie replies "Take your time. I'm not going anywhere." With one more check that the coast is clear, she leans in and places the softest of kisses against Arizona's lips. It's a kiss that couples share after being together years and years. It's over just as soon as it happened, and by the time blue eyes open again, Callie is already backing up down the hall. "See ya later, Battleship." Callie says, sending the woman a smoky wink before turning her back and heading downstairs for breakfast.

Arizona closes the door and leans back against it. A million and one thoughts are racing across her mind and she can't even begin to imagine how she's going to sort it all out. As if all thoughts suddenly become weighted, her shoulders slump and her knees buckle. Smoothly sliding down the door, the blonde sits on the floor and lets her head hang in her hands.

A strangled laugh come from her mouth, and the woman just smiles at her predicament. She knows the correct answer, both of them know what the right thing to do is. But… sometimes the right thing feels so much like the wrong thing. Looking around the empty room, Arizona searches for something to sway her. Make it easier for her. But she comes up with nothing.

Tipping her head back until it hits the door behind her, Arizona Robbins stares up towards the heavens in hope of finding some help from a God she doesn't know if she believes in anymore. With a strangled voice, the blonde moans "I am so screwed."

Mark Sloan leans back on his heels, his arms crossed smugly across his chest, as he watches his star pair warm up. The man would never break up a team like Amelia and Callie just because. They have been working together for years, and they are a solid pair. Batters quake in their cleats when they step up in the batter's box, facing an ace pitcher in front of them, and sensing the powerful and skilled catcher behind them. But this pair, the one he is literally drooling over, is in a whole other league.

Sweat trickles down Callie Torres's back, the weight of her catchers gear intensifying the heat settled over the ball diamond. The smack of Arizona's pitch hitting her glove, the slight tingle erupting over her hand after each thrown ball, makes her smile. She's back in action and she can't wait to step back out on the dirt. It's only been a handful number of days since she's played, but it's been too long.

"How you feeling, Blondie?" Coach Sloan asks after Arizona sends a beautiful drop ball right into the catcher's mitt.

"Great, Coach." Arizona replies, catching the toss back from Callie and setting up for another blazing pitch.

"Gotta tell ya, Robbins. That knuckle ball of yours has improved three fold." The coach says after watching the last pitch bob and weave all over the place. The thought of another country's batter trying to hit that thing makes Mark smile.

Brown eyes lock with blue as the two exchanges a smile. Arizona's knuckle ball is what brought the two together… kinda. It seems like so long ago when the captain offered to help the pitcher get a little off the clock practice in, which lead to Callie inviting the blonde out on the town. Of course, the ramifications of that night weren't exactly what either woman would have liked, but they seem to be on the right track now.

"What can I say? I have a great coach." Arizona replies, her gaze still locked on the smiling Latina behind the plate. Sloan is oblivious to the fact that the blonde isn't, in fact, talking about him. But he doesn't care, and takes the compliment in stride.

One last pitch and Mark waves Callie towards him and the pitcher. Pulling off her mask, a bead of sweat makes a track down the Latina's face and it catches Arizona's attention. A smile itches at both sets of lips as both replay bits and pieces of last night and this morning. From twenty feet away, steel blue eyes witness the less than conspicuous eye sexing the two women are doing. At least… she sees it. Erica is sure the rest of her team is blind if they can't see how Arizona Robbins and Callie Torres are basically stripping each other naked and getting it on right here on the field.

Callie told her that whatever she thought was going on between the Latina and the blonde was a lie. But it's apparent that Callie is the one who is lying now. Jealousy simmers right below the Hahn's surface, as well as a hint of fear that her team's chances are being cut each time Arizona turns her big doe eyes to those of Erica's co-captain.

Erica's train of thought/hatred is broken when a player throws her glove down and slumps onto the ground against the chain link fence. Looking down, the blonde see's a very haggard looking Amelia Shepard. "What's wrong with you?" She asks, taking in the paleness of the brunette's skin and the sheen of sweat across Amelia's forehead when she hasn't hardly moved at all.

"Nothing." The pitcher snarls, pulling her shades down over her eyes to try and stem the pounding and pulsing happening in her mind. "Can't you all just mind your own damned business?" She snaps. If it's not Torres or Hahn on her back, it's Charlotte King, Lexie Grey and April Kepner. All of her teammates keep asking her what is wrong, and its grating on the veteran pitcher's last nerve.

"Then get your scrawny ass up, we need to warm up." Erica says, then snatches the large bag containing her catching gear. A grumbling comes from her pitcher, and words of a similar kind fills the catcher's head as the new team suits up and hits the field.

"Ow! Damn it." Addison hisses when the sting of an alcohol wipe hits her raw leg.

"Suck it up, Red." Arizona responds, glancing up briefly from her work to give the redhead a wink to let her know she's playing. Looking back down at Addison Montgomery's long, lean leg, gloved hands move skillfully over the raspberry that takes up a large section of flesh. "Didn't anyone ever teach you how to slide correctly?" The blonde jests, tossing a blood stained section of gauze into a plastic bag and then grabbing a new one from the training bag on the bench next to them.

Team USA is back on the bus and continuing their trek across America. The women added another tick in the win column earlier today, and it was one of the most exciting games yet. Everyone played hard, and the college team didn't seem to be intimidated in the least. They pushed Team USA to their limits, and everyone is still buzzing from that kind of competition.

Arizona and Callie got their time on the field, and the two didn't let the coaches down. That heat that was there before continued on into today. Pitch after pitch, batter after batter, and it was like the pitcher and catcher were one. Callie directed her team masterfully, and Arizona handled the other team like they were puppies. It took an added ounce of concentration to ensure neither of them let their eyes linger on each other too long, or to get swept up in the emotions of the game and let a certain cat out of a certain bag. But when the game drew to a close, Arizona and Callie both felt that their pairing wasn't just happenstance.

"I did slide correctly. I was safe, wasn't I?" The second base man states, the leg draped across Arizona's lap flexing again as the surgeon continues to scrub it clean. Addison watches the blonde work on her, a look of concentration etched on her face. Glancing to the back of the bus, Addison sitting about midway in the large cabin, she finds dark eyes locked on her before quickly ducking when getting caught. A smile plays at the redheads lips, very aware that her captain wasn't staring at her, but at the blonde sitting in the seat next to her and playing doctor right now.

"So…" She drawls, catching the attention of crystal blue eyes. "Anything you wanna tell me?" Addison asks. Arizona's brow furrows in confusion as she grabs another gauze pad and an ace bandage to wrap the woman's leg. "You know… in the circle of no judgment." Taking a look at their surroundings, she adds "Metaphorically, of course."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Robbins answers with a roll of her eyes, then starts wrapping the bandage around the freshly cleaned raspberry. Gently extricating herself from under the bare leg across her lap, the blonde stands in the aisle and chances a glance towards the back, meeting chocolate eyes for a fraction of a second while pulling off her gloves with a snap. The next second, Arizona's attention is back on Addison, who has a smile on her face like she's a cat who just at the canary.

"Of course not." Montgomery sighs, even though her mind is quickly forming its own conclusion. After all, no one has ever claimed that Addison Forbes Montgomery is a slow one. "Thanks for patching me up." She adds, looking over the surgeons' handy work.

"Don't mention it. Keep it covered while you can, but let it breathe when you sleep." The surgeon replies, packing and zipping up the borrowed training bag. "Why didn't you have Karev or Avery do it? Not that I mind, just… isn't that what they are here for?"

"Who? Tweedledum and Tweedledumber?" Addison asks. "No, they are here to get laid. That's the only reason they took this job." Pink lips purse as Arizona thinks that Jackson is doing a mighty fine job then based off of Callie's statement from a couple days ago.

"Guess they weren't informed of rule number one before signing on then." The blonde muses, her own thoughts drifting to the conflict that is wrecking havoc on her mind, body and soul right now.

Sensing her newest friend's dilemma, but not wanting to put words to it, Addison gives Robbins a small smile and replies "There are ways around everything, Arizona." Blue eyes lock with green, and in that moment Arizona knows that Addison Montgomery already knows.

Her head dips and her hands rub at her face roughly. "I… I don't know, Addison. I don't know if it's worth it. It could get messy. So messy."

The hurt in the blonde's voice makes Addison's heart ache. She remembers what it was like, the beginning instances of a love that could rock your world. She and Derrick use to have it, have that spark. Now she's on the reverse side, trying to get that spark to die out finally, not trying to breathe life into it. Her gaze flicks to that of her captain in the back, Callie mindlessly flipping through some magazine while glancing up at Arizona every few seconds.

A smirk plays across the redheads lips, the idea of Arizona and Callie actually being together bringing a sort of warm feeling to her heart. "She's tough." Addison states, loud enough for only Arizona to hear. When blue eyes find hers again, she continues "She tries to hide it. She's difficult. But if you make an effort, she's worth it. She's worth the effort."

A bump in the road causes Callie's head to tip forward, the sudden feeling of falling pushing the Latina back into consciousness. A groan falls from plump lips when Torres tries to stretch out her neck, but sleeping in the awkward position she was for an untold amount of time doesn't help any.

Darkness fills the rest of the bus, the sounds of nineteen other people sleeping filling the air. Legs and arms and heads poke out from the edges of benches, stick up into the air or are propped up against the windows as everyone finds their own sleeping position. Checking the time on her phone, Callie sees it's the middle of the night, one of the few nights Team USA will be spending on the bus.

The only light source, besides the glow of the dashboard up at the front of the bus, is the single reading bulb illuminating the seat bench Arizona Robbins inhabits. The brightness burns at Callie's eyes causing her to squint. No one else in the bus seems to be stirring, and Callie can't imagine that Arizona can still be awake. Especially after the blonde told her that the pitcher didn't get much sleep the night before. What with their real first kiss still fresh on her lips.

Standing on very shaky legs, Callie shuffles up the narrow aisle to Arizona's area. Pale legs stick out from the bench, Arizona laying full out, her head resting on a pillow propped up against the side of the bus. A smile forms on the catchers lips when she see's Arizona's eyes closed, her face fully relaxed. Lying across her chest is the same notebook Callie was reading just this morning, and Torres is sure that Arizona must have drifted off while studying. The look of innocence that encompasses Arizona right now is something Callie has never seen, never witnessed before. Every other time Callie has seen the blonde, Robbins face was etched with some sort of worry, or fear. Even in the most happy of times, even after that kiss last night, even after that kiss this morning… Arizona never looked so at peace as she does right now.

Another bump in the road nearly sends Callie toppling down on top of the smaller woman, but a hand on the back of the chair in front of her saves the Latina from getting caught staring at the blonde. Arizona shifts in her sleep, the bump interrupting some form of dream, but she is quickly pulled back into the darkness, turning further into the seat.

Callie smiles again when the faintest of mumblings is heard over the roar of the road, and the Latina would like to think that whatever picture is playing out behind those cerulean blues is a happy picture. Carefully leaning in, the catcher slowly extricates the surgeon's notebook and places it in the seat pocket in front of her. Then she repositions the light blanket that is covering more of the floor than it is of Arizona, and loosely tucks it around the woman's sleeping form.

With one last gaze of pure perfection, Callie whispers "Sleep well, Battleship." And with the flick of a single finger, she sends the bus into complete darkness.

A clenched fist knocks on a hotel room door, and it is soon opened, the face of Little Grey appearing within the room, April Kepner in the background laying on one of the beds.

"Team dinner in 30, ladies." Callie says with a smile, and when she gets two ok's, she moves on down to the next room. Team USA pulled into the parking lot of their mid level hotel just an hour ago. After a full night on the road, followed by a couple hours spent on a ferry, the ladies are now preparing to face a couple teams from the Upper Peninsula.

One room after another the Latina spreads the news. Yes, it'd be easier to send out a mass text, but Callie finds it better to check in on each of her teammates personally. She wants her team to feel free to come to her. About anything. She is their captain, on and off the field. Callie is their leader, and she is trying to be a leader she, herself, would want.

At the next door, she knocks and one of her signature smiles makes its way across Callie's face when Arizona opens the door. Arizona, too, smiles at the sight of the woman in front of her. The two have gotten very virtually no private time since yesterday morning, and both are itching for some more.

"Hi." Callie breathes out, utterly astounded by the powers those dimples seem to have over her.

"Hi." Arizona giggles, a blush racing across her cheeks as she hides her face behind the door.

"How's uhh… how's the room, Dr. Robbins?" The Latina plays, slowly inching her way closer and closer to the opened threshold. "Does it meet your expectations?" Arizona's mouth goes dry when the pitcher's nose picks up the unique, almost spicy aroma that drifts off the Latina.

"Where's your roommate?" Callie asks, taking the few seconds Robbins seems to be knocked off balance by surveying the rest of the blonde's room and finding it empty of anyone else.

"Cristina is down at Meredith's room." Arizona mumbles, silently thanking whoever is listening for the apparent invisible force field that is keeping Callie outside the room and the blonde inside.

"Naturally." Callie purrs, her lips turning up into the sexy, crooked smirk she has as she leans against the door jam, Arizona leaning against the open door. The two exchange a long gaze, neither really knowing what else to say but not wanting the other to leave just yet. It would be so easy for Callie to slip into Arizona's room and shut the door behind her. Shut out the rest of the team and plant her aching lips on those sweet ones Robbins' possesses. But that's not what she wants. Actually… that is very much what Callie wants, but she wants Arizona to initiate it. The Latina is still very aware that the blonde has not made a decision and it's killing her. Because there is nothing worse in the world than thinking you have a chance when you really don't.

But their moment is broken when a certain Korean player shoves past Callie and enters the bedroom with determination. Both Callie and Arizona exchange a small apologetic smile, then the Latina says "Dinner, half hour."

"Got it, Boss." Arizona replies, really wishing she had a bat right now. The blonde isn't one for physical violence, but anyone interrupting her alone time with Callie Torres deserves some form of corporal punishment.

Another tight smile and Callie continues on her rounds. Only one door left, and there is a reason she left it for the last. It contains two women who she use to be very close with, and now… it seems as they both hate her guts with such a passion it scares the catcher. She can understand why Erica wouldn't want to be as close as they use to be, but what Callie doesn't get is why Amelia has suddenly shunned her. It's not like it was Torres's idea to switch partners, in fact, if Mark had asked her before doing it Callie would have said no. You don't do something like that weeks before the Games, not after Torres and Shepard had been a team for years. But… the Latina would be lying if she said she was sorry that this was how it all played out. Even if it's ruffled some feathers amongst her teammates.

Screwing up her courage, and pulling on her face of diplomacy, Callie knocks Hahn's and Shepard's hotel door and waits. A deep laugh comes from behind the door, a laugh that use to make Callie smile. A laugh that use to fill the air because of Callie. Now it's just another thing that 'the incident' has taken out of the Latina's life.

Erica opens the door, a big smile on her face, but that smile immediately falters when steel blue eyes find Callie on the other side. "Can I help you?" The cool and calculated voice sends a chill down Callie's back, wiping out the heat and flush that Arizona had just given her a moment ago.

"Webber wants a team dinner, thirty minutes." Callie says, pulling on her best 'lets get over it and be friends again' smile.

"Fine." Hahn replies, then starts to close the door on the catcher.

"Wait!" Amelia calls out, and the door reopens. From within the room, Shepard gestures her co-captain into the room. "I have your socks." The brunette says, standing from her seat on the bed and starts to dig through her duffle bag.

"Wondered what happened to my other pair." The Latina mumbles, and she patiently stands off to the side as Erica starts to pull out something to wear for dinner. During Amelia's search she ends up bumping her purse off the side of the bed, all of its contents spilling out onto the floor.

Callie stoops down to help pick them up when Amelia yelps "No!" But it's too late. Brown eyes lock onto a small picture, one of a young blonde haired and blue eyed man with dimples standing infront of an American flag. It doesn't even take a second for the Latina to realize that this young man has to be Arizona's brother. And it's not just because Arizona herself said she had lost a picture of him, but because the two could be twins. Identical twins of one another, except for the fact that her brother looks a couple years younger in the picture.

Amelia rips the picture off the floor in attempts to hide it, along with a handful of other objects. "What is that?" Callie snaps, but Amelia pretends to not hear her. "What the hell is that?" The Latina asks again, this time raising her voice.

The brunette feels her world start to cave in on itself, and she starts to panic. "A… friend." Amelia tries to cover. The glare she gets from her captain could melt the iceberg that sunk the Titanic. Callie reaches out and grabs the picture, ripping it from the pitchers hand.

"Wha-why… Why do you have this?" Callie breathes out, a finger tracing the crinkled picture in her hand. A tear starts to form in the corner of her eye just thinking about having to tell Arizona that her own teammate had something so precious of the blonde's. Amelia's lips flap like a fish, words not wanting to form in her brain.

And just as Erica is stepping out of the bathroom, completely unaware of what the last thirty seconds have brought, brown eyes focus on another item lying on the floor below her. Suddenly things become so much clearer, and yet so much more difficult. Reaching down, Callie picks up a small notepad. It's white, with black print and has the name 'Dr. Arizona Robbins' written in the corner.

"You didn't…" Callie pleads, her eyes locking with those of her friends. Hoping and praying that the pitcher isn't that stupid. Hoping and praying that Amelia hasn't done what Callie thinks she has done. In that second, Amelia Shepard knows that her entire life is now screwed. The secret is out, and now she is at the mercy of her two captains. Captains who, they themselves, are a storm of emotions and hurt feelings.

The same question keeps shooting through Amelia's mind. Why did I do this? Why? It wasn't worth it. But under the cover of darkness, people do things they'd never do under the harsh glare of day. Decisions feel wiser, people feel bolder. But when the sun rises, you have to take responsibility for what you did in the dark and face yourself under the cold, harsh light of day.

AN2: Things are about to heat up. What is Callie going to do? Tell her coaches, tell Arizona? Will the co-captains handle it personally, or will Amelia be thrown at the mercy of her coaches? How will Arizona react to all of this, and will it have an effect on her's and Callie's growing relationship? Stay tuned folks.