
Food Wars: The Golden Hands

The Best chef on Earth, Known as the Golden Hands due to his unmatched skills in cooking and monstrous talent has died. After waking up he finds himself in the hands of young women. Knowing he had died, his only thought is that he had reincarnated. But the world he reincarnated in is the famous Food Wars anime where chefs are highly respected and praised. What will the Former Golden Hands chef do?? will he distance himself from cooking? or will he prove that he is the best in the field? Again.

Doragon · Anime & Comics
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247 Chs


New Chapter bebeh!!!

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Oh yeah go to my Patr eon, chapter 53 is out there.

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Or search: Doragon


"What do you want at this time of the day?" Shinomiya took Alexander and his uncle to his office at the back of the restaurant. Alfie was eating some sandwich made by Shinomiya, he wasn't interested in anything that the two were talking about, all he cares about is his beloved sandwich.

"C'mon Koujy~ We're friends right?" Alexander started playing around as his usual "Can't I visit a friend without any reason?!"

"No...No, you can't" Kojirou denied his claim right away, his eyebrows are twitching from time to time at Alexander's antics, he is even more annoyed by Alfie's loud munching sounds

"Alright, Alright. I need you to host a family dinner for me, me and my fiancée will have our first meeting here, at your restaurant" Alexander booed Kojirou with a bored tone, he just wanted to have fun. This is why you shouldn't be friends with business owners, they're too serious.

"Okay, we are still in the middle of renovations so we close at 10 PM, I can arrange for that." Kojirou took out a note from his pocket and wrote down something

"Great, then I will be seeing you at 10:30 " Alexander prepared to leave, he wanted to hang out for a bit but he has to leave Koujiro alone. He looked at his uncle who was stuffing his mouth with his sandwich

"C'mon uncle...We need to go before you start an affair with that sandwich" he said. Alfie looked at Alexander with a frown

"But its too good," he said, Alfie didn't want to leave before he finishes his sandwich causing Alexander to drag him by his collar.

Kojirou was looking at the departing Alexander with a complicated look, his head chef, Abel Blondin came from behind him and looked where Kojirou was looking at

"That's the one?" He asked

"...yeah." Answered Kojirou, he had talked with his staff about what happened so they know what is going on. All of them were shocked at the mention that the chef they respect lost to a student and even more shocked when they heard that he is the son of the Gourmet World's Godmother, Alexandra Helmet.

"Start preparing for the dinner, cancel any further reservation." Shinomiya ordered Abel as he entered his office back. He wants to relax and concentrate for a while.

And so, the Restaurant started to get empty with each passing hour.

Alexander and Alfie are outside strolling in the streets, stopping at each stall, because of Alfie's big stomach and his stupid amazement at new things that he never saw before.

They passed the time away as the sun went down and the darkness raised up

Alexander's phone rang, he picked it up "New phone who is this?" He said

"You should really stop with this habit of yours!" It was Alice. She spoke with a cheerful tone as she continued "We talked with Natasha-san and the match between us and THR bunch I'd decided "

"THR? What is that?" Alexander asked

"Takumi, Hayama, and Ryo?! You didn't know?" Alice asked with disbelieve

"I didn't, but leave us from that. What about the match?" Alexander avoided going down an endless path of explanation

"Oh yeah, it's a spicy Merluzzo dish," she said

"An Italian dish, Spicy, and a fish. Was this set up? This the specialty of the three of them." Alexander scratched his chin in suspicion.

"No♪ it was a random dish generator online, fufufu! Guess our luck is bad" Alice joked around with Alexander, the idea of the generator was hers.

"Whaat?! That's all because I didn't have my lucky charm with me today" Alexander sat at the nearby bench while His uncle is buying Cotton candy.

"You have a lucky charm?" This is the first time Alice heard about this

"Yeah! I got it a few days back."

"What is this lucky charm? Tell me" Alice was curious about this, she didn't take Alexander for someone who believes in this sort of things


"...What?" Alice wasn't ready for what she heard so she asked again.

Alexander smiled and rubbed his forehead from the little embarrassment he is feeling " I said you're my lucky charm "

"...." Alice Didn't answer for a while before she suddenly hangs up her phone.

Alexander smiled and put away his phone while on the other side, Alice's face is as red as blood.

She throws herself on the bed and kicked around and screamed like a little girl.

"Not fair, I am the playful one in this relationship!" Alice screamed with her shy and embarrassed voice

With Alexander. Alfie got his cotton candy...too many of it. He came back to Alexander running with 7 cotton candy in His hands in multiple colors.

"Which one do you prefer?" He asked like a little excited boy in contrast to his mature build and face.

"None, I don't like eating candy that has too much sugar in it." Alexander stood up and dragged the disappointed Alfie, although his disappointment didn't stop him from eating the whole seven Cotton candies.

It was about time. the both of them walked back to Shinomiya, they can arrive at the exact time, 10 PM.

And so, the two of them walked straight back to Shino's, and exactly at 9.57 PM, three minutes earlier.

They walked in and the restaurant was empty from everything except one table that was moved to the best view spot in the restaurant. The light was dim and the smell of roses filled the air. Shinomiya and his staff were standing at the side in one line.

"Well, I have to admit, the boy can manage things," Alfie said with awe. He had seen too many luxurious restaurants with an exaggerated one single reservation.

This one was simple but not lacking the luxurious feeling at all.

"The food is being cooked slowly. We will serve 10 minutes after your guest arrives here." Shinomiya stepped in and gave a small bow

"C'mon Koujy~ " Alexander casually patted Koujiro's shoulder "Aren't we friends?"

Koujiro straightened his back and adjusted his glasses. His serious aura never faded "We are an employer and an employee." Shinomiya snapped His finger and the head chef brought a document to him which he handed to Alexander "Sign this and my shop will be yours."

Alexander looked at Koujy with a complicated expression "Sigh~ I don't like this feeling of you being all serious and all. Yes you work under me, yes your shop is mine" he signed the contract and handed it back to Koujiro "But the shop is still yours technically and I still respect you...a little."

Alexander patted Koujiro's shoulder one last time "Don't get hooked in the hole of self-suppression. You need to grow and you won't do that if you lowered yourself to me." Alexander sat down on his table waiting for his partner to arrive.

Alfie smiled at his nephew before turning to leave the shop "I am outside with the boys if you need us." He waved and closed the door behind him

Koujiro looked at the document in his hand. In this kind of situation, he is supposed to feel like all his hard work was wasted since he lost his complete ownership over his shop but...he doesn't, it is the same feeling as ever, nothing was lost but he feels like something was gained, although he can't pinpoint what is it, Koujiro know it must be a great thing.

His staff were relieved that Alexander didn't humiliate Their boss. They had expected from him to be an arrogant rich boy who is full of himself and believes that he is better than anyone.

They were glad, and so was Koujiro.

Everything returned to its calmness that was before.

Time started moving, 15 minutes passed and Alexander's future fiancée is nowhere to be found.

Getting bored, Alexander called for Koujiro

"What do you want? I am busy with the sauce." He said with an annoyed glare

"Relax, let the head chef do that. I am getting bored and I need someone to pass time with" Alexander raised his hands in peace reacting to Koujiro's death glare "I need someone to play cards with, do you know how to play Uno?" He asked

Koujiro didn't answer for a moment before he looked back to the kitchen, he saw his head chef peeking. He nodded at him which was returned.

"Yeah. I know" he sat down facing Alexander with a completely serious look.

Their eyes met for a moment and sparkles of thunder were shot from their eyes.

Alexander brought a card deck from his suit's inside pocket and shuffled the card with the same complete serious eyes.

The two played 20 rounds and it was Alexander's... Defeat in each god damn round.

"It can't be?!!" He was in complete shock "I have been practicing for a whole week. And the North Star Ultimate Uno championship is soon"

Koujiro looked at Alexander as if he was an idiot while also wondering about this ultimate Uno championship!

"Leave you from that, what about your guest?' It's been like an hour or so." Koujiro looked at the clock

"Don't remind me." Alexander was clearly annoyed at that. "I should've just went to her straight. Dates are clearly not her thing" Alexander shuffled the cards again with a stiff manner from his suppressed anger preparing for one last round.

"Enough..." Said Koujiro as he stood up

"What the hell man, just one last round."

"Your guest is here." Koujiro pointed at the outside and the front glass door where a young red-headed and a golden-eyed girl is standing stuffing her face on the glass

Her hair is blood red as if it was dyed with her blood, it highlights her sleek and wavy hair. Her Golden Cat-like eyes are reflecting the light giving her eyes a glowing effect like that of a cat. Her smile is so wide and goofy that adds to her beauty another level. She eyed Alexander and their eyes connected for a moment and it was as if time itself stopped as the two of them kept on looking at each other for a brief moment that seemed like forever for the both of them.

The girl was Alexander's future Fiancée, Romano Rindo, or by the name she goes with now, Kobayashi Rindo.


Oh yeah go to my Patr eon, chapter 53 is out there.

Go to: https://www.patre on.com/RedVoidDoragon

Or search: Doragon

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