
Food Wars: The Golden Hands

The Best chef on Earth, Known as the Golden Hands due to his unmatched skills in cooking and monstrous talent has died. After waking up he finds himself in the hands of young women. Knowing he had died, his only thought is that he had reincarnated. But the world he reincarnated in is the famous Food Wars anime where chefs are highly respected and praised. What will the Former Golden Hands chef do?? will he distance himself from cooking? or will he prove that he is the best in the field? Again.

Doragon · Anime & Comics
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247 Chs

A Dinner At Shinomiya

Other people's kids are the worst... they have no fear. mostly because big brother will come and save the day.

A man can't simply write in peace.


"We can arrange a dinner for the two of you," said Roberto. Alexander was wiping his mouth from the spilled tea

"That would be great," said Alexander

Roberto took his phone to call his daughter, Alexander realized that and he added

"Before you call her, you should call your lawyer first. I need you to transfer all of your business under me and change your family name" His eyes are screaming of seriousness. It is his policy to take care of the important things first and fast "You can do that, right?"

Roberto nodded with the same expression "Yes, I will do that now" and so, Roberto called his lawyer and spoke with him

While Alexander was thinking about Rindo.

I can't believe that I will be having my girlfriend and fiancée so close to each other! If things go south I may lose Alice and my relationship with my fiancé will not be that good.

If they were in different places that would make it easier, they won't meet each other and have time to adjust to the news and all.

I am in trouble, Alice will throw a tantrum about us being a new couple and that I still can't have another girl in the current time.

Alexander rubbed his forehead from the headache, Vlad behind him understands what his master is going through.

"And...everything is good," said Roberto, he put his phone down and looked at the frowning Alexander "is everything okay for you?" He asked

"Yeah, everything is...fine" Alexander stood up and adjusted his black tie and tidied his black Armani suit "For the dinner..." Alexander brought out an address card "Give her this address, it's an acquaintance's restaurant. It's a good one, I will be there at 10 PM today"

Roberto took the card and glanced at it for a moment before he put it down on his desk "I will make sure she is there in time" Roberto was sure that if he let his daughter on her own she may not even remember going, so he promised himself to drop her there himself.

"Great." Alexander with Vlad left the Villa.

At where the cars are waiting, Alexander saw someone unexpected there.

"Uncle?!" Alfie was leaning on Alexander's car playing with his phone, once he saw Alexander he smiled in a goofy way and called

"Alexy!" He dashed and wrapped Alexander in a crushing hug

"Oy, hey! Easy uncle, you-you're gonna crush me" Alexander managed to release himself from his uncle's steel body

"Sorry, sorry! Hahaha! I just messed you" Alfie patted Alexander's back with a big grin on his face

Alexander rolled his eyes "It's not a big deal. It is not my first time meeting a gang leader face to face" Alexander was certain that His uncle was worried, judging by the armed men behind him, he sure was ready to bust in at any given moment

"Yeah, it is not your first.." Alfie's smile turned in a frown "...but the last time that happened, you ended up with two bullets in your body" Alfie pointed at the two places where Alexander was shot "If it wasn't for your Dr. Shuan Murphy, you would've been dead right now"

Alfie was not playing around this time, he was really worried, he may be a playful and irresponsible man sometimes, but he never plays around with his family's life

"Okay, but everything is okay now, I got us a new family member and new businesses fields, and all of them are legal" Alexander informed his uncle about what he talked about Roberto inside.

Alfie was pretty amazed to hear that. He thought that Roberto is a smart man, he made the right decision, even if his business is legal and there is no dirt on his, once he steps out of the game his enemies will take the chance and even his subordinates will do and try to end his family since all his business and all of his money will be a rightful inheritance to his wife and daughter.

And if they weren't killed then a far cruel and miserable future awaits them.

"Well, let's discuss this later in details but for now...I have work for you to do" said Alexander.

He and Alfie got in the car as they took off.

Roberto who was looking through the window was on his phone

"Rindo my dear, you know I don't want to force you to do anything... Yes...you're right...but this is for you..." Roberto was talking with his daughter, he is trying to convince her to meet Alexander

"Just meet him first...he is not an old man...yes, he is around you're age...I will never lie to you...yes, if you met him and you didn't like him I can talk to him about it..." Roberto smiled and felt relieved, the hard part was getting her to meet him, who knows, maybe even Alexander won't like her

"Thank you babe...love you too" he cut the call and throw his phone back, he looked at the line of black cars Leaving his villa.

Roberto believes that his move is a risky one but it's worth

Inside his car, Alexander was speaking with his uncle about his plan about the Romano family's business

"So, basically you want me to kill all of the Romano's officers and in the next 2 weeks?" Asked Alfie


"Then...can I take Keanu with me?"

"No...Keanu is on a secret mission and he will return to my side because I need him to assassinate someone for me" said Alexander

Alfie thought for a moment before he sighed and gave up "Alright, you're the boss."

Vlad who was driving this time looked in the mirror and asked "Alexander-sama, is there a place you need to go to?"

"Yes, go to XXX street, I need to see someone"

"As you wish"

Vlad ordered the cars to follow him as they make their way to their destination.

The cars reached their stop and parked in a long line of black cars in front of a particular restaurant, men got out and secured the street for Alexander and Alfie to get out.

Vlad led the two men inside the restaurant. It was full of customers who looked at them with curiosity and wariness

Alexander stopped in front if the counter and the girl there asked "have you gotten any reservation? sir" she asked.

"No...but I want to meet Shinomiya Koujiro." He said causing the girl to look at him with confusion and petty. She knows that not anyone can meet Chef. Shinomiya

'It looks like another delusional rich boy, again.'

"Please, sir, if you don't have any reservation, I have to ask you to leave."

The girl had her fair share of this kind of situation and Alexander know what she was thinking so he added

"Tell him, Saiba Alexander is here." As soon as he said that, the girl's face palled greatly like someone washed her face color with bleach.

"I I I am really sorry sir! Just a second!" The girl ran back to the kitchen to inform Chef Shinomiya

After a while, Koujiro came out, as soon as he saw Alexander his face turned grim and dark

"Yo, koujy~"


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