
Folded and Sewn

The story is an exploration of the creative process and the delicate balance between personal fulfillment and professional ambition. At its core is a talented female fashion designer, whose world is one of fast-paced glamour and high-stakes competition. But beneath the glittering surface, she is plagued by doubts and insecurities, feeling that she is losing touch with the passion that first inspired her to pursue her craft. It is not until she meets a male origami specialist, whose artistry and discipline offer a stark contrast to the chaos of the fashion world, that she begins to see things differently. Through their unlikely friendship and partnership, she is encouraged to slow down and rediscover the beauty of simplicity, and in doing so, finds the inspiration she needs to create her most successful collection yet. As the protagonist navigates the conflicting worlds of fashion and art, she is forced to confront the question of what success truly means, and in the end, emerges with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of herself as an artist.

YB7 · Urban
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17 Chs

YB 7 Headquarters

Naisargi bid goodbye and left for venue where fashion show will be held to complete formalities and discuss details.

Yashi, after checking the materials carefully and writing down few points in her journal, bustled around her apartment, carefully packing her belongings into various bags and cases. She began by gathering all her design materials, such as her sketchbook, journal, pencils, and rulers, placing them in a large leather portfolio. She then added in her laptops and chargers, making sure that everything was securely packed and protected. She also packed her personal items, such as her makeup bag, hairbrush, moisturizer and other essentials in a large designer light blue tote bag made of high-quality canvas and had sturdy leather handles, perfect for carrying all her essentials. The prints on the sides of the bag were intricate, featuring an abstract geometric pattern in shades of white. It was a unique and modern touch to her overall professional appearance. She also tied an off white scarf with large blue prints, to the left handle of the bag completing the look of her bag and in case she needed it during the long day she looks ahead for.

Next, she moved on to her wardrobe, carefully examining each piece of clothing hung in front of her. She knew that she needed to choose the perfect outfit for the day ahead, as she was going to be meeting with clients and overseeing her team at her studio, the headquarters of her own label, YB 7.

She ran her fingers over the fabric of a sleek, tailored pantsuit in a deep navy blue, feeling the quality of the material. The jacket was single-breasted with a sharp peak lapel, and the pants were slim-fit, creating a long and lean silhouette. She paired it with a crisp white blouse, that had small black bow tied at the neck. She selected a pair of black patent leather pumps with a slight heel that added a touch of height and elongated her legs. She knew that these shoes would be the perfect complement to her outfit, adding a touch of sophistication and elegance.

Yashi stepped out of her apartment building and made her way to her car parked in the street. Her car was a sleek and stylish Mercedes-Benz, with a glossy black exterior and a luxurious cream leather interior. It was a reflection of her success and her attention to detail, as she had carefully chosen every feature and option.

She settled into the driver's seat and started the engine, the car came to life with a low purr. She began her journey to her studio, the headquarters of her own label, YB 7.

The streets were busy and bustling with people going about their day. As she drove, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. She was looking forward to the day ahead and the challenges that it would bring.

The car glided smoothly through the streets, she couldn't help but take in the sights around her. The tall buildings, the hustle and bustle of the streets, the bright lights and billboards, all of it was familiar and yet exciting every time. She passed by the park, where she often went for a morning run, and felt a pang of nostalgia.

Finally, she arrived at her studio, and parked her car in the private garage. She stepped out of the car heading towards her studio, located in a high-rise building in the heart of the city. The building was a modern glass and steel structure, towering above the surrounding buildings, with a sleek and sophisticated design.

As she walked through the lobby, heads turned to take note of her refined and polished appearance, a reflection of the effort and attention to detail she put in. She made her way to the elevator and pressed the button for the 7th floor.

The elevator doors opened to reveal the hallway which was well-lit and modern, with clean lines, the walls were painted a crisp white, and the floors were made of a sleek, dark-gray tile.

She walked with purpose, her steps quick and confident as she navigated the hallway. She passed by several other offices and suites, nodding politely to the other occupants.

She reached the end of the hallway. The studio was located in one of the corner suites, offering stunning views of the city through the large floor-to-ceiling windows. The door to the studio had a sleek and intriguing design, with a black metal frame and a glass panel that displayed the designer's logo in white, it was a statement piece on its own.

As she opened the door, she entered a spacious and well-appointed reception area, with a large desk and comfortable seating in dark gray velvet, adding a touch of luxury and elegance to the space. The walls were adorned with artwork and photographs, showcasing the work of the designer and her label, YB 7. It had a polished and refined aesthetic, with intriguing and modern design elements. Upon her arrival, the receptionist greeted her with a smile and a friendly "Good Morning" and quickly returned to her work.

Beyond the reception area, the studio itself was a large open-plan space, with high ceilings and a clean and modern design. The walls were painted in a dark gray color, creating a bold and moody ambiance, while the floors were made of reclaimed wood, adding warmth and character to the space. It also has a large sculptural light installation, made of interlocking metal rings, hanging from the ceiling, adding an interesting and dynamic element to the space.

On one wall, the studio has a geometric patterned tile wall, made of small, irregularly shaped pieces of black and white marble, creating a textured and eye-catching feature. It was also equipped with the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment, including drafting tables, large-scale printers, and cutting tables, everything the designer and her team needed to create and bring their designs to life.

A seating area was provided nearby with comfortable velvet sofas and vintage coffee tables, creating a lively atmosphere for clients and team members to relax and discuss projects, surrounded by a gallery wall with selected sketches and samples of fabrics.

On her way to her office, the assistants and interns greeted her with a respectful nod and quickly returned to their own tasks, knowing that Yashi had a demanding schedule and high expectations for their work.

The lead seamstress came out of the tailoring room, greeted her with a nod and a brief update on the progress of the garments that were in production, without any small talk. She acknowledged her with a nod, and asked her for a few changes here and there, indicating that she was pleased with the progress but expected more.

The mood in the studio was focused and productive, with a sense of discipline and professionalism among the staff. Yashi was known to be strict and demanding, but also fair and supportive of her team's efforts. She was respected and admired by her team, who were all excited to work together to create something beautiful and unique. She was approachable but also expected high standards from her team.

Yashi's office within the studio was a private and personal space, separate from the main working area. As soon as you step into the office, you are greeted by a large, custom-made wooden desk made of dark walnut wood, adding warmth and character to the space. The desk was equipped with a state-of-the-art computer, a large monitor, and other necessary equipments.

The walls of the office were adorned with a curated selection of artwork and photographs, including some of the her own sketches. The office also featured a large built-in bookshelf, filled with design and fashion-related books, providing inspiration and reference. A large window provided natural light and a view of the city, adding to the overall ambiance of the space.

As Yashi settled into her office, she first went over to the wooden desk and carefully placed her tote bag on the desk. She then opened the bag, and began to take out her belongings, placing them in their designated spots on the desk, drew out the plush velvet armchair from under the desk, and took a seat, making herself comfortable. She reached for her phone, and quickly dialed a number. When the call connected, she began to speak in a professional and business-like tone, discussing details of her upcoming project with her client. She listened attentively, making notes on a notepad as the client spoke.

She placed the phone back on the desk and sat back in her chair. She took a moment to review her notes and pondered over.