
Folded and Sewn

The story is an exploration of the creative process and the delicate balance between personal fulfillment and professional ambition. At its core is a talented female fashion designer, whose world is one of fast-paced glamour and high-stakes competition. But beneath the glittering surface, she is plagued by doubts and insecurities, feeling that she is losing touch with the passion that first inspired her to pursue her craft. It is not until she meets a male origami specialist, whose artistry and discipline offer a stark contrast to the chaos of the fashion world, that she begins to see things differently. Through their unlikely friendship and partnership, she is encouraged to slow down and rediscover the beauty of simplicity, and in doing so, finds the inspiration she needs to create her most successful collection yet. As the protagonist navigates the conflicting worlds of fashion and art, she is forced to confront the question of what success truly means, and in the end, emerges with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of herself as an artist.

YB7 · Urban
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17 Chs

Unyielding Model

Yashi emerged from her apartment building, her handbag made of pure black leather carrying all the essential items. The morning air was invigorating, and she took a deep breath, savoring the feeling of the coolness on her skin. She scanned the street for an available taxi, her eyes finally settling on an empty cab parked a few meters away. She quickly made her way towards it, her brown heels clicking against the pavement. She opened the door and slid into the backseat, giving the driver the address of the studio. As the cab pulled away from the curb, she leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes, her mind already turning to the tasks that awaited her at the studio.

As Yashi entered the studio, she could see Dexter waiting for her. He had a large portfolio in his hand and was flipping through it as he leaned against the wall. As she approached, he looked up and grinned. "Hey Goddess, you're here! I've got some designs I want to show you," he said, holding up the portfolio.

As they walked inside the studio, Dexter couldn't resist teasing Keysha, who was busy at her desk. "Morning, Keysha. You're looking especially... awake today," he said with a smirk. Keysha rolled her eyes, but Yashi could see a hint of a smile on her face.

Yashi followed Dexter to his workstation, where he spread out the designs on the table. They were all inspired by botanical designs, with delicate, intricate patterns that Yashi could tell had taken a lot of time to create. "These are beautiful, Dexter," she said, impressed. "I can't wait to see them on the runway."

Dexter grinned, obviously pleased with her reaction. "I knew you'd like them," he said. "I've got a few more ideas that I want to show you later, but I wanted to get your opinion on these first."

"I also talked to the hairstylist. They're excited to work with us and have some great ideas for the fashion show." Dexter went on to give Yashi more details about the conversation, going over some of the hairstyles that the stylist suggested for the models and how it would complement her designs. Yashi gave a broad smile seeing how dedicatedly he completed his task and they both sat to discuss further and make changes if needed.

Naisargi arrived looking a bit worried. She approached them with a concerned expression and said, "Hey guys, I hope everything's going well. I just wanted to let you know that we've got a bit of a situation with the model who's supposed to walk in the show. She's being uncooperative and had an argument with the team. She is a little rude and unwilling for any conversation."

As Yashi, Dexter, and Naisargi neared the fitting room, they could hear raised voices coming from inside. As they entered, they could sense the tension in the air. They saw the lead seamstress, Macy, standing in front of a model, her tape measure in hand. The model, who was clearly agitated, was gesturing wildly and complaining loudly.

"I don't understand why I have to go through this again," the model said, her voice sharp with frustration. "I've already given you all my measurements. I'm a professional, for god's sake. I don't need to be measured like a piece of fabric!"

Macy, the lead seamstress, with a look of frustration on her face. "I need more measurements than what you've given me," Macy said, her voice firm but calm. "There are more cuts in this design, and I need to make sure everything is perfect."

"I don't see why this is necessary," model said, her tone dismissive.

"Because," Macy replied, not missing a beat. "I need to ensure that the garment fits you properly, and that it highlights your best features."

Keysha, who had been trying to calm the situation, interjected. "Please cooperate with Macy," she said, addressing the model. "She's just trying to make sure everything looks great on the runway."

Yashi stepped forward, her voice calm and measured. "I understand that this is an inconvenience for you," she said to the model, "but these are the requirements of the design. I promise you that the final product will look stunning and you will be highly satisfied."

Yashi taking out two of the sketches of Dexter's botanical-inspired jewelry designs sketches added, "And in the meantime, why don't you take a look at these? I heard you're a fan of botanical designs."

The model's expression softened a bit, and she uncrossed her arms to take a look at the jewelry. "Fine, let's just get this over with," she said.

Yashi gave her a reassuring smile, and turned to Macy. "Let's take the measurements and get this done quickly, so we can move on to the next step."

Macy quickly took the measurements, Dexter and Naisargi also joined in to help Macy. Yashi observed the model looking at the botanical designs of the accessories with her eyes lit.

Yashi's professionalism and tactful handling of the situation diffused the tension in the room and filled with a sense of collaboration and excitement.

As the model left the room, Dexter couldn't help but make a comment, "Well, that's one less diva to deal with." Everyone in the room chuckled, including Yashi.

With the situation resolved, Yashi redirected her focus towards the impending fashion show. "I and Dexter are going to go meet with the hairstylist and solidify the aesthetics for our models. I'll catch up with you all later." she declared, before turning to Dexter, "Shall we?" Dexter nodded in agreement and they both departed to meet with the hairstylist, ready to delve deeper into the final preparations for the event.