
Folded and Sewn

The story is an exploration of the creative process and the delicate balance between personal fulfillment and professional ambition. At its core is a talented female fashion designer, whose world is one of fast-paced glamour and high-stakes competition. But beneath the glittering surface, she is plagued by doubts and insecurities, feeling that she is losing touch with the passion that first inspired her to pursue her craft. It is not until she meets a male origami specialist, whose artistry and discipline offer a stark contrast to the chaos of the fashion world, that she begins to see things differently. Through their unlikely friendship and partnership, she is encouraged to slow down and rediscover the beauty of simplicity, and in doing so, finds the inspiration she needs to create her most successful collection yet. As the protagonist navigates the conflicting worlds of fashion and art, she is forced to confront the question of what success truly means, and in the end, emerges with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of herself as an artist.

YB7 · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Feasting with friends

Dexter paced back and forth at the entrance of the studio, checking his watch impatiently.

Cailey was leaving the studio.

"Hey Cailey, where's the fire? You're leaving early today," he asked Cailey as she rushed past him.

"Just trying to beat the traffic," she replied with a smile.

"Oohhhh, Riighhht." Dexter said with a chuckle.

"What's up, Keysha? You too?" Dexter asked as Keysha and interns walked past him.

"Just trying to catch the last train," she replied, her arms full of fabric swatches and sketchpads.

"Well, I'll catch you ladies later. I'm off to grab some dinner with the boss ladies," Dexter said, giving a mock salute.

"Hey Naisargi, it's about time you two showed up. I've been waiting here for hours and I'm starving!" Dexter said with a playful grin as Naisargi walked out of the studio.

"Oh hush Dexter, we were just finalizing a few things with Yashi. You know how it is," Naisargi replied with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I know how it is. But can we please get going now? My stomach is practically eating itself," Dexter said as he patted his stomach.

"Oh, you and your stomach. You're always hungry," Naisargi said with a chuckle.

"Hey, a growing boy needs his sustenance," Dexter replied with a grin. "Besides, you know I burn a lot of energy making all these witty remarks."

"Oh, that's for sure," Naisargi replied with a smile, "but you'll have to wait a little longer, we're still waiting for Yashi."

"Yashi? She's always late. I bet she's still in the studio, trying to perfect some new design," Dexter said with a shake of his head.

"Well, that's why she's the designer and we're just the minions," Naisargi said with a grin.

"Hey, I resemble that remark," Dexter said, pretending to be offended. "But seriously, can we please go now? I'm starving."

Naisargi and Dexter continued their playful banter as they waited for Yashi to join them.

As Yashi approached the entrance of the studio, Dexter straightened up from his leaning position against the wall. A wide grin spread across his face as he greeted her, "Well, well, if it isn't the queen of fashion herself. You're looking as stunning as ever, Yashi."

Yashi rolled her eyes playfully at Dexter's flattery but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. Naisargi joined them and the three of them stepped into the elevator to head down to the basement.

As they reached the basement, Dexter led the way to his Porsche 911, a sleek black sports car. He unlocked it with a beep of the keyless entry and held the door open for the ladies. "Ladies first," he said, with a sweeping gesture of his hand.

Yashi settled into the passenger seat while Naisargi took the back seat. Dexter took his place behind the wheel and started the engine with a roar. "Hold on tight, ladies," he said, with a grin, as he pulled out of the parking spot and onto the road to the restaurant.

The restaurant was a cosy, dimly-lit place, with wooden tables and chairs, and a fireplace in the corner.

As they walked into the restaurant, the owner greeted them warmly and gave a special greeting to Naisargi. Dexter couldn't help but notice the way the owner's eyes lit up when he saw her. "Looks like someone's got a secret admirer," he said with a smirk. Naisargi rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help the slight flush that rose to her cheeks.

The owner led them to their usual table, nestled in a cozy corner of the restaurant. He pulled out a chair for Naisargi, and she thanked him with a smile.

As they settled into their seats and perused the menu, Dexter couldn't help but tease Naisargi a bit more. "I bet he's going to give us the best service tonight, just for you." They ordered their usual dishes.

Dexter then, took out the container of food that his mother had prepared for them. Yashi who was silently listening to their bickering suddenly felt immense joy as she saw the delicious spread of home-cooked dishes. Her eyes lit up as bright as it could. "Dexter, your mother's cooking is always so amazing," she exclaimed, taking a deep breath in and savoring the aroma.

"I know, right? She's always been so sweet to us, especially to you," Dexter said with a grin, noting how Yashi always had a special place in her heart for his mother's cooking.

Yashi couldn't help but smile as she began to dig in, relishing in the flavors of her favorite dishes. "I swear, every time I eat your mother's food, I feel like I'm back in my childhood. It's just so comforting," she said, taking another bite.

Naisargi and Dexter couldn't help but chuckle at Yashi's enthusiasm for the food. Dexter kept encouraging Yashi to try more of the food and kept refilling her plate. Naisargi watched him with a small smile, noticing how he always took care of Yashi in his own way, even if it was something as simple as making sure she had enough to eat. Despite his goofy and carefree exterior, Dexter had a soft spot for Yashi, and always made sure she was taken care of.

Meanwhile, waiter served them the food they ordered. The owner of the restaurant, a middle-aged man named Giovanni, came over to the table.

"I hope you're enjoying your meal." He said with a smile. He then proceeded to personally fill each of their plates with extra servings, paying special attention to Naisargi's plate. "Is there anything else I can get for you?" he asked, looking at Naisargi with a twinkle in his eye.

As soon as Giovanni left, Dexter let out a playful whistle and nudged Naisargi with his elbow. Naisargi giggled, giving him a playful push back.

"Oh, shut up," she said, trying to hide a smile. "Giovanni's always been a bit of a flirt," she said, taking a bite of her food.

"Yeah, but he's never been this obvious before," Dexter said, still teasing Naisargi.

"I think it's sweet," Naisargi said, blushing slightly.

The three of them continued to enjoy their meal and the company, Dexter making more playful jokes at Naisargi's expense, and the owner occasionally checking in on them with a smile directed towards Naisargi.