
Chapter 13

Melony hadn't thought about what to do once she took Meruem out of the room. So she decided that the only thing to do was bring him to her room and let him get some rest. Meruem hadn't said anything at this point, so she just assumed he didn't want to talk.

Arriving at her room out of breath and tired, she put Meruem down on the bottom bunk. He had fallen asleep at this point so she covered him up and went to bed herself, waiting for whatever sh*t show would happen tomorrow.

It was well past midnight when Meruem finally woke up. He felt embarrassed and frustrated that Melony had to calm him down again. Not to mention, she might also leave him if she thinks of him as some freak like the others. But something felt different, he wasn't in a bed, and there was a distinct smell of flowers. It turns out he woke up in a dream, and not a very good one at that. Whenever he would lose his self control, he would wake up here, in this annoyingly bright field.

He hated this place, he hated it so much. It was such a beautiful field, and yet someone like him had to taint it. He felt disgusted with himself, Melony was being so kind to him, and yet he had to just ruin it. The field around him began to mimic his feelings, and soon a blaring noise began to assault him. It was horrible, he felt like his ears were going to bleed from the noise. He cried out into the distance, for anyone to help him. And in the far off distance, he could faintly see someone familiar trying to get closer to him. But that didn't last long until he woke up with a start, and heard someone above him hit their head.

"Dammit! This is the second time!" It was Melony, he sighed with relief, until he realized he was in her dorm.

"Hey Meruem! How ya feeling?" Her head popped from above to look at him. Her bright face was still the same, still looking at him with joy and curiosity. He was relieved that at least that hadn't changed.

"Better I suppose, still a little tired."

"Cool, we should get up quick, they're serving pancakes today in the mess hall! Wouldn't want to miss that!" She slid off her bunk and took some clothes from the nearby wardrobe. Turning around, she saw that Meruem had covered his eyes, and was blushing.

"Don't worry, I'll go to the bathroom to change, I didn't think you'd want me to change your clothes, so I left you like that." She laughed

"Yeah. . . thanks for that."

"No problem, I'll use the shower first, then you can go ahead."

She left to the bathroom, leaving Meruem with nothing but his thoughts. Once again, he felt embarrassed at what happened the day before. The only thing that was keeping him somewhat alright, was the fact that Melony didn't bring it up first. But he would most likely have to explain it to her once she came out of the shower. He was thinking of ways he could explain it to her, and before long, Melony had already come out of the shower and was waiting for him.

"Alright! Go ahead, there's some shampoo already in the shower, and I made sure to leave plenty of hot water."

"Ah, thanks. And Melony, I. . . I want to apologize for yesterday again. You not only had to see me break someone's arm, but you almost saw me kill someone. I- I get it, it must be scary to see me like that so I want to explain myself. You see I-"



"Let me ask you something before that."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you really want to explain yourself to me right now?"

"Of course I do! You had to see something like that, so you should know why!"

"Meruem, I'm not going to abandon you for something like that."


"Yeah, and I'd rather you explain yourself and tell me everything when you feel comfortable. I don't want to push things on you. When you want to explain everything to me, you can, but until then, I'll still be your friend."

"Melony! You're really the best person I've ever met!"

"Why don't you call me Mel? That's what everyone else calls me."

"Really! But you said your close friends and family call you that."

"Yeah, aren't you my close friend?"

Meruem took a moment to understand her words, and then beamed at what he heard. He started to laugh, and Melony joined in suit. They both laughed with each other, long past breakfast, and unfortunately missed pancake day.

How's everyone been today? Hoepfully you all woke up in time for breakfast, unlike these two.

OtakuStar09creators' thoughts