
Fly with me

Haru is an heir to her fathers company and is moving back to Korea 17 years later after a tragedy happened that made her mother disappear. While Haru and her fathers relationship hang by a thread , her new school will definitely bring back suppressed memories of her past. Can Haru keep her identity a secret or will she fail to protect herself from the boy in her class? The heir to her companies rival?

Destiny_Lovelace · Urban
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39 Chs

Under the Weather

I stood on the school rooftop thinking as the gentle breeze brushed past me like a whisper. it was the end of the school day and the sun was setting on Moonlight academy. I watched as the students left in their cars and sighed as questions began to plague my brain.

'Why was May so shocked to hear I was going to the formal with Mateo?' She seemed shocked but there was a hint of sadness that flashed through her eyes. I sigh again audibly louder and lean against the railing.

"What happened to staying off the radar Haru?" I say to myself out loud. My former plan to breeze by highschool without causing trouble had terribly failed.

"Is something wrong?" I hear a deep voice behind me. I turn and see Hyo walking towards me, bookbag in hand. He was in his school uniform but his blazer was missing. 'Convenient', I thought to myself, his name tag would be on the blazer.

"No, I just have a lot on my mind. that's all." I say as the wind blows on the side of my face pushing my hair against my cheek. I could hear how unbelievable I sounded but Hyo decided to ignore it. He joins me near the railing and we both look out towards the sunset.

"I heard you were going to the dance with Mateo." Hyo finally says, breaking the silence between us.

"Everyone can't seem to grasp that idea," I say shaking my head in disbelief.

"Why do you say that?"

"Everyone keeps asking me the same question. It's like they don't want me with Mateo even as friends." I sigh and look up towards Hyo. He was gripping the railings hard, his knuckles turning white. I look up at his eyes and see a glint of anger in them. Hyo catches me looking concerned and turns around.

"I would be careful around Mateo." He says, turning back around to face me. His jaw wasn't visible, but anyone could tell he had them clenched angrily.

"Mateo??" I step towards Hyo and look back at him in shock. What did he mean to not trust Mateo? Mateo was one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. What would bring Hyo to such a conclusion?

"Why would you say something like that Hyo?" I say, getting a little agitated.

"Not everyone is what they seem to be." He says shortly while shoving his hands in his pockets and kicking stray pebbles away from us.

"Then what are you? Who are you to speak about Mateo like that? And by your logic, I shouldn't be talking to you if what you say is true." I spit fast, getting even more irritated by the second.

" I don't know if you have forgotten..." He says, leaning down to my height and cocking his head to the side."...But I saved your life."

I stay silent because I know he is right and I decide to walk away from him. He didn't follow me. I walked out of school in a hurry, not wanting to see Hyo, and began to walk home. I couldn't stop myself from wondering what he was talking about. And more than ever I wanted to see the face under that mask.

'To slap him' I retort in my mind causing myself to laugh quietly. I get home and go to my room and collapse on my bed. I didn't have homework so I went under my covers and slept not caring that my uniform was still on.


I woke up and I had a pounding in my head and my body ached. I felt dead.

"Ah Haru, you're finally awake." My maid says. In her hand is a bowl that smelled awfully like chicken broth.

"If I am dead, why does it hurt so much?" My limbs felt detached from my body. My eyes were a little hazy and my torso was burning up.

"You aren't dead Haru, you have a fever. Don't worry I called your school and called in sick."

"Thank you, Can you hand me my phone please." I said while I tried to sit up.

I got my phone and text May that I was feeling under the weather and remembered that Mateo and I had plans after school.

Haru<3: Mateo, I am not going to school today because I am sick maybe we can hang out next time. Sorry ): I really was looking forward to it.

He responded quickly saying,

Mateo :): It's fine! Hope you get better soon. Don't make me wait for too long though (;

Haru<3: Haha I'll see you! Have a good day at school!

I laughed at our responses and felt my phone buzz with a notification.

DaeBooty: You have time to tell Mateo you aren't coming but not me? I am hurt.


DaeBooty: Don't be like that~

DaeBooty: Haru!!!

DaeBooty: If you don't answer, we are going to have issues...

I laughed at his silliness and decide to text him back before he explodes

Haru<3: Yes Dae Hyun?

DaeBooty: I'll bring you the homework after school. Get well soon okay?

Haru <3: You don't have to

DaeBooty: This isn't an open discussion.

Haru<3: You know where I live?

DaeBooty: What is there that I don't know you hyena.

Haru<3: Should I be concerned? You can be a little creepy.


I laughed at his reaction and almost forgot my maid was in the room.

"Are you talking to a boy?" She says smiling.

"No, Just one of my friends." My dad didn't like it when I talked to guys. He didn't even know about my friend Kenji, so I was a bit cautious about telling her.

"Haru I've never seen you smile like that over a boy! Who is he?" My maid said giggling.

I couldn't tell her I was talking to Dae Hyun because of his parents. If she found out she would have to tell my dad. Then there would be trouble.

"Haha, He is just a friend for a project at school. Nothing more." I said while texting him back.

Haru<3: Who are you calling hyena???

DaeBooty: Fight me...

Haru<3: Just you wait I'll beat ur non-existent booty up.

DaeBooty: I don't normally hit girls but I guess you aren't considered as one. XD

Haru<3: And I bet by your size you don't qualify as a man.XD

Two could play that game Dae Hyun XD

Haru<3: How are you going to give me the homework if you are texting me in class???

DaeBooty: I am very smart don't worry. But get some rest you'll need it.

DaeBooty: When we fight that is XD

When I think Dae Hyun is being sweet there is always a catch.

Haru<3: I'm going to get some rest.

DaeBooty: Better listen to me.

Haru<3: Shut up and listen to the teacher

DaeBooty: So bossy....but I'll see you later.

I looked down at my clothes and noticed I was still wearing my uniform.

I change into shorts and a shirt and decided to take a short nap.


I woke up at around 4 p.m. and I felt much better. Earlier I had told the maid to hide anything that had our company logo in the house so Dae Hyun wouldn't know.

I still hadn't told him who I really was and I didn't think he would still talk to me if he knew who my father was.

Why did it have to be Dae Hyun's Father that my father was rivals with?


Sorry, I was gone for a little bit! But I am back!

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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