
Fly with me

Haru is an heir to her fathers company and is moving back to Korea 17 years later after a tragedy happened that made her mother disappear. While Haru and her fathers relationship hang by a thread , her new school will definitely bring back suppressed memories of her past. Can Haru keep her identity a secret or will she fail to protect herself from the boy in her class? The heir to her companies rival?

Destiny_Lovelace · Urban
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39 Chs

Homework Helper

I paced around my house, biting my lip and running my hands through my long hair in nervousness. I double-checked if all of our logos were hidden and everything was clean. I had never really brought someone of the opposite sex over and this was making me more nervous than it should be. I was planning on telling our maid but what if she recognized him? But if I didn't tell her, how was he going to get in. I had no idea what to do about this dilemma of mine.

"Haru, if you keep biting your lips like that you'll tear them." Our maid walks into my room, watching my pace around in circles.

"Oh you scared me, Eonnie.." I look towards her and I can tell she sees the uncertainty painted all over my face.

'Yes Haru?" Eonnie asks as she sits on my vanity chair, waiting for me to answer her.

"Uhm....never mind. Its nothing."

"You are acting a bit strange. Is anything the matter?" Just then I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I opened it and Dae Hyun had texted.

JaeBUTT: I'll be there in 10 mins get ready to get beaten XD!!

Crap. Crap Crap. I needed to think quickly. What was the easiest way for her to be out of the house and soon?

"Can you actually do me a favor , Eonnie?"

"What is it?"

"There is this store in Daegu that sells these authentic history books. I'm still feeling a little sick so would you mind buying them for me? Like now? I have a history project due at midnight."

"I was heading out right now to buy some groceries anyway so I'll run by it after grocery shopping. You should really manage your time better Haru, why didn't you ask sooner?"

"Procrastination is my fascination ma'am and be careful on the roads Eonnie."

"Haha. I'm off, don't open the door to strangers Haru."

"Okay bye!" She left and closed the door behind her. I sighed in relief, that was easier then I thought it would be. Daegu was a good few hours from here and plus the grocery shopping it would be more then enough time to bring Dae Hyun over. The thought of us being alone together in the house again made my previous anxiety attack return. Why are you so nervous Haru? Stop thinking weird thoughts!

I changed out of my napping clothes and into a white tank top and flowy and comfortable grey pants.

*Ding Dong*

I forget my last thought and raced down the stairs and look out through the peep hole. There was Dae Hyun standing outside.

'It's just Dae Hyun, no need to be nervous Haru' I take a deep breath and open the front door.

He looked at me and smiled too.

"Are you ready to die?" He says playfully as he wiggles his eyesbrows at me.

"Shut up and come in." I say as I roll my eyes and supress my smile. Dae Hyun walks in and surveys my living room with his eyes.

"I didn't know you had such a big place.."

"Do you want anything to eat? Our maid is gone but I can whip something up."

"You know how to cook?" He asks a little sarcastically.

"I'll have you know, I'm great at cooking." I exclaim shoving his arm a little. In truth I was excellent at heating frozen food, but cooking couldn't be too difficult.

"I am hungry, so lets eat first then I'll explain the home work to you."

He followed me into the kitchen and I was getting more nervous by the second, Cooking for a boy alone seemed more like a date. I shake my head at the thought and shudder. I push past the thoughts and focus on one thing and one thing only, cooking.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Hmm... Jajangmyeon! Just don't poison me. I am trusting you with my life!" He says excitedly while sitting at the counter. Luckily it was something easy.

I started with making the sauce and cutting the beef, all while I felt Dae Hyun's eyes on me. I wondered if he was feeling as nervous as I felt. I wanted to slap myself for feeling as nervous as I did, he wasn't anything special. I started to boil the noodles and mix the pan as I inwardly mulled over my thoughts. He couldn't possibly be feeling nervous, he was the school's biggest womanizer.

I felt his stare linger on me through out the entirity of my cooking. I kept glancing towards the front door, probably because I was worried about Eonnie getting back early.

I pull the noodles out and pour the sauce over them and put a pickled radish slice. I turn to Dae Hyun satisfied with my work and placed the food in front of him. I gave him some chopsticks and sat in front of him waiting for a reaction.

"So, how is it?" He slurped the noodles and his eyes twinkled while he tried to keep a straight face.

"Satisfactory." He says blankly, failing to hide his real emotions.

"I guess you can't eat it then. Oh what a pity." I cry as I snatch the bowl away from him.

"Wait no Haru. Its delicious! Now give it back, I'm starving!!" He whines like a 6 year old. I give it back to him and watch him eat the Jajangmyeon faster then you can spell Tyrannosaurus.

"Ah~ I'm full." He says while finishing up, licking the bowl clean.

"A 'Thank you', would be nice don't you think?"

"Thank you for the food." He says while taking the dish to the sink and washing it. I was kind of shocked to see him do chores. I guess he wasn't a spoiled brat.

"Your welcome~"

"Lets hit the books now."

"Where do you want to study?"

"I don't know its your house Hyen-I mean Haru."

I give him a death glare. The only place would be my room because if Eonnie came suddenly. He could escape from the balcony.

"Lets go to my room then. We could study there." I could see a stupid smirk forming on his mouth and I could tell what dirty jokes were going through his head.

Ugh Men

"Don't think about impossible things and lets go you perv."

"What was I thinking about?" He asks, acting clueless. Dae Hyun was a womanizer, he probably has followed countless of girls to their rooms before.

"Never mind let's go." I said quickly. We walk up the stairs to my room and I clear the papers of my desk and make space for us to study.

"Sit down here. Lets get to work."

He sits and first he starts explaining the math homework that was due in a few days. We spend around 30 mins doing practice problems and then we moved onto our literature homework.

"We began reading Shakespeare today." He says while handing me a copy of Othello.

"I love Shakespear, I know most of Macbeth by heart." I said while looking through the book.

"Book worm." Dae Hyun murmurs, while laughing. I smack his arm with Othello, and hard.

"Why are you so violent?" Dae Hyun said while rubbing his arm.

"Why are you such an idiot?" I threw back at him while sticking my tongue out.

"Certainly someone isn't sick anymore.."

"I felt better after taking a nap."

"See, I told you I am always right!" He says while flicking my forehead.

"Whatever, How was school?"

"Its was okay I guess...Mostly because you weren't there."

"In a good way or a bad way? You know what don't answer that. Did you find a date for the formal yet?"

"What makes you think I don't already have one hm?"

"Because of your reaction right now."

"I am not going."

"Why? Because no one will go with you?" I rease.

"Nah, there isn't anyone that's interesting enough to go with." He says while taking his blazer off. I didn't ask why. Maybe it was hot in here.

"What about Hyerin?"

"She hasn't decided whether she was going or not yet."

"You should come Dae Hyun, it'd be fun." I said before I could stop myself. What was I saying? I probably said this out of politeness.

"Why?" He says leaning a bit.

I stand up in a hurry, and sit on my bed. "It'll be fun! Who says you have to go with a date? You can still go with a friend. Mateo and I are just friends and we are going together."

"Do YOU want me to go?" he says while standing in front of me and I have to look up since I was sitting on the bed.

"I think it would be fun.." I stop mid-sentence when Dae Hyun started leaning towards me.

"It's a yes or no Haru." He says in a quiet but deep voice. Shivers start to go down my spine as I leaned on my elbows because he was leaning even more.

"H-Hey D-Dae Hyun what are you-"

"Sssshh" He says while looking in my eyes. He got closer until our faces were inches apart. I try scooting away from him but my legs are trapped in between us. I closed my eyes shut, not knowing what was going to happen.

"Hahahaha!" I hear Dae Hyun laughing as I opened my eyes. He started rolling on the bed, laughing.

"Did you think I was going to do something to you?" He said while laughing, his eyes begin to tear from how hard he was laughing.

"Ha Ha so very funny..." I was embarrassed, and all he could do is laugh?

Revenge is coming his way.

In the midst of his rolling, he dropped his phone from his pocket.

I snatch it and looked for a bad picture of him to use as leverage and I finally found one he sent to his friend group.

I hurriedly sent it to myself.

"Yah what are you doing on my phone." It was still in the midst of sending and I tried moving across the bed but Dae Hyun pulled me down and we began to wrestle for his phone. We fell off the bed with HIM ON TOP of me.

''I'll be taking that!" he says while reaching for his phone near my head. As he reached for it, I was face to face with his neck.I gulped remembering all the dramas I've ever watched, and how they have all led up to this moment between us. His knees were in between my thighs and his one of his hands had pinned my arm down. He looked into my eyes after getting his phone.

"Did you send anything to yourself?"


"Are you lying?" He asks, looking closer into my eyes to tell if I was telling the truth.

"No, I'm not."

"Haru.." He whispered not moving from his position.

"Uhm, yes?"

"You never answered my question."

"Oh about the dance?.."


"Y-Yeah I want you to g-go..."

He looked shocked that I had replied in that way.


"Really." I said actually being sincere with him for once in my life.

He smiled down at me as I smiled up at him and he got closer.

"Haru..." He says as he leans closer to my face.