

After a long day, a tired man decides to get a good night's rest lying on his bed all finished and in his pajamas. When he next opened his eyes he could smell the scent of flowers and blinding light poured into his eyes, he wasn't in his room anymore, he was in a field of flowers. In his pocket was a single piece of hard white construction paper with big letters in bold saying. "Welcome to The Complex"

SightSeer · Others
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2 Chs

New Home

The moment he heard the cocking of the gun he was frozen stiff, and hundreds of thoughts swirled within in head. W-why does he have a gun, I-Is he gonna shoot m- but before he could finish his thought the man says.

"Turn around."

He turns around to the behest of the gunman as he definitely doesn't want to get shot. When he turns he finally sees who was holding the gun.

The man had to at least be a whole foot taller than him, he was weirdly wearing a gas mask and was wearing a hood with a coat over it, he had on brown pants with boots and also wore gloves.

There was a big bag on his back which held on its side a bundle of rope with a lantern and a multitude of guns strapped to the other side. In his hand directly pointed at his was a shotgun.

The man then asks a question.

"Who are you. Why are you here."

He decides to answer straight away, "O-oh I-Im Rene Sherman, I don't really k-know how I got here.. because I just woke up here suddenly.

The man stands there for a second likely gathering his thoughts before lowering his gun and getting closer as the sound of his boots is suddenly very audible, the grass and flowers being crushed under his weight as he got closer.

The man reaches into his bag and pulls out a pair of handcuffs which he promptly puts on Rene.

The man then says, "Follow me, closely."

The man walks away without looking behind him, Rene could've just ran away but he was still in handcuffs and the man also still had a gun, the best option would just be to follow his order, and that's the conclusion Rene came to.

Rene quickly follows behind the man before he gets too far away, he doesn't want to get lost, after all the man seems to know about the place more than him.

Following behind the man Rene felt as if he was walking for ages, longer than when he was walking alone. Rene felt bored but suddenly the man stopped hitting his face on his back.

Holding his nose Rene peeks around the man and sees something new. The field in from of him was different from before with all of the flowers being yellow in color. The gas mask man was standing at the edge of the field not stepping into it.

The man then turns around and suddenly picks Rene off his feet carrying him in his arms, he then faces the field of yellow flowers, Rene shuts his eyes before the man suddenly into the yellow flowers.

The two of them instead of hitting the floor fazes through the ground falling into what seemed to be, for a second, a black void before landing down somewhere else. 

The man lands on his feet but then drops Rene onto his butt on the ground. Rene rubs his butt with it hitting the ground so hard, Rene opens his eyes to then see something truly weird.

Rene was now in a hallway, the walls covered with old yellow wallpapers, the ground felt like old moist carpet and the ceiling hummed with the sound of fluorescent lights.