
Flipping the Galaxy

What do you do when a random omnipotent being offers you the chance of a new life in another universe with free perks to boot? You accept it of course! Follow the journey of our protagonist as he gets reincarnated in the Star Wars universe with a couple of perks to help him along the way.

Daonexus · Movies
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 18

Dac was what Renato always imagined earth looking like if there were no ice caps. Most of the planet was submerged underwater, and very little land remained untouched as most of the land had already been converted into cities.

The Sleipnir (the new ship's name) was parked quite a distance away from any planetary defence detection nets as Renato didn't want to cause panic on the planet by bringing a warship to the planet. While he was going to the planet on Atlas (yt-1300) as it would generate no suspicion as the YT-1300 was one of the most common spaceships.

Going through the formalities for landing, Renato paid the docking fee with what his little meagre money reserves had been left. This changed the first destination he was planning to go to, now instead he would have to go to a pawnshop to pawn off some of the items leftover from the crew of the hammerhead cruiser.

They were perfect antiques and would probably sell for a lot considering that they were near perfect condition because the heat of Mustafar had maintained any moisture, oxygen levels and microorganisms to a bare minimum.

As he entered the pawnshop, he gave instructions to Paddy in his helmet, "Paddy turn on Appraisal mode". Appraisal mode was a combination of search algorithms Renato had designed to help in identifying items across the Star Wars universe.

The need for this function was realised when he noticed that there were countless technological items that have been created throughout the history of the galaxy that even for a person with a perfect memory like Renato it would be near impossible to know about everything.

There was, however, still no problem in identifying stuff because the Star Wars galaxy at large kept extensive records of history and one could always find it if they dug deep enough through the various planetary holonets.

This was essentially what pawn shops did, they dug up any information about the items and if it was worth something they would give it to a connected auction house for a percentage of the final sale price.

Any items of cultural significance would be auctioned the normal way, through either the monthly one or the yearly auction. On the other hand, any technology that was considered lost was privately auctioned to the big corporations.

Renato didn't go directly to an auction house because it would be easier to get in touch with the core level of the Auction house through the connections of the Pawnshop holder.

As Paddy turned on the appraisal mode, his HUD was filled with information about all the items in the store. There were many items that interested Renato in the Pawn store.

He found a few broken exploration droids, an environmental droid and five engineering droids. They were all in various states of disrepair and would probably need a major overhaul to become usable.

He however found an almost intact G0-T0 droid, and the pawnshop had misidentified it as an interrogator droid, but Paddy knew the differences and pointed it out on the HUD. He really wanted to study the droid because as far as he knew even though Halo had planetary A.I's for managing the planets, they were too constrained due to rampancy protocols and handling large amounts of data handling reduced their lifespan.

While the G0-T0 droid had the same problem of leading to similar rampancy due to massive data handling, it had a much higher tolerance than its Halo counterpart before turning rogue and was also not constrained like its halo counterpart and could completely handle all planetary systems with no problem.

Other than droids, he also found several artworks of historical significance in the store which the owner has still yet to find the true value. While he didn't need those artworks, he could use Paddy's appraisal skills as a bargaining tool to get a cut off of the profits by selling the information to the Pawnshop owner.

Of course, Renato wouldn't be dumb showing off his appraisal skills before he could buy everything, he wanted from the store otherwise the guy would just raise the prices to keep the items.

"Ah, welcome to the store, what would you be buying today sir?" greeted the Quarren storekeeper.

"I want to sell some stuff first."

"Of course, of course" while there was enthusiasm in the man's voice, it was obviously diminished from before when he found that he wasn't buying anything. But that didn't last when he saw what Renato had slammed on the table.

His eyes grew wide for a split second but he immediately tried to cover up his surprise and excitement and made a disinterested face. If it were any other person who didn't know what the true value of the personal shield generators was, they would probably be duped by the guy.

But Renato was different because of his super assistant Paddy who had already done the research and knew that at least four mega-corporations have bounties on any information on personal shielding technology.

Now to obtain a completely working device would probably be a gold mine for the corporations. Before the Quarren store owner could waste time trying to reduce the price Renato preemptively attacked.

"You don't need to put on an act, I am not some moof-milker who doesn't know what a personal shield is and my price upfront is 30% of all profit obtained by you. The only reason I chose you was because of your connections to the Byrtal auction house."

The quarren immediately had a look of frustration about not being able to make a killing off of him but obviously, he felt that he had some room for manoeuvring. Curious Renato used telepathy to read his thoughts and found that he was planning to get a bigger cut by asking the auction house for most of the income to be non-monetary in nature and only showing Renato the monetary profits thereby still making a killing.

Unluckily for him, Renato now knew all about his plans. Now that he knew that this guy was trying to actively scam him, Renato felt that he got some more benefits by exploiting the situation a little further.

"I have another condition that I need to be present during all your interactions with the auction house and I don't want you to hide the fact that I am the one that brought the personal shield"

At first, he wasn't going to bother with it because he was more interested in finding his lightsaber crystals but now, he was going to use the guy to get in touch with the auction house to sell the remaining 28 personal shields, four blocks of ultra-chrome and the blueprints of the hammerhead class ship.

This guy, just in his sudden greed, missed a much bigger opportunity. Further adding to that he heard more thoughts from the quarren, apparently, he was part of some sort of terrorist group called the Dac preservation society.

While that alone would not have raised any eyebrows for Renato, it was who he saw in one of the memories that intrigued Renato. He saw a young quarren by the name of Tikkes. While he didn't exactly know if this Tikkes was the same Tikkes who became the senator for Dac in the future.

But from what he could gather from the activities of the Dac preservation society, he was most probably the same one. The Dac preservation society's goal was to create an isolationist Dac and cut off Dac from the greater galaxy for the preservation of the planet and its culture.

But while their goals might look the same as any other political party, it was the methods with which they secured their funding that made it a terrorist organisation. They would generally raid and capture the undesirables, that is the people that want to be a part of the greater galaxy and those that were polluting the planet by bringing alien spouses and having 'mongrels'.

Those who were raided were generally sold into slavery to planets that needed deep water slaves for mining or any other reasons. There was also very subtle racism involved in that due to the more open nature of the Mon Calamari species with the greater galaxy they were the ones that most got in touch with the other species.

As the Dac preservation society was mostly made of Quarren who had a very bad relationship with the Mon Calamari it ended up with most of the targeted people being Mon Calamari. They also sold the meat of any dead Whaladons to secure more funding for their operations.

All this information did nothing but reinforce the belief that he wasn't wrong in trying to rip off the Quarren shop owner. His pawn shop was one of the places where all the items of the raided people were collected to be sold for funding for the group so any money that could be kept out of his hands would be money kept out of theirs.

"This….. I will have to check with the auction house members,"

"It is fine, but I also want to listen in on the conversation and be careful if you try any underhanded tactics, I can always move my business to Ossun's pawnshop, while his connections aren't good with Byrtal, his connections with the second-ranked Quasos auction house are not dissimilar to yours.

Who knows if they might even offer me a better price so that they can take over Byrtal in the rankings?"

Immediately the guy started sweating bullets thinking about the backlash of letting me leave.

"Oh no, no sir, I am a legitimate businessman, you don't need to worry about the transaction at all, you can witness the entire conversation."

Renato couldn't help but form a smirk hidden in his helmet at the guy's fake words as he could hear him curse internally with telepathy.

"Let me get my Comm-link and set us up with an appointment right away."

As the guy went into the shop, Renato could hear him making a quick message to somebody, most probably some of his thugs or the Dac preservation society. Renato muted his external speakers and said, "Paddy, let HK loose, he can do anything to anyone that is not governmental forces following me. But make sure to tell him not to do anything that attracts the attention of the planetary government"

"Are you sure, young master? If you let him loose now, he will be insufferable later on."

"Ya, it's not like we can stop him forever anyway."

"I never understood why you didn't change his core programming; I know for a fact that his way and yours aren't exactly compatible."

"There are some secrets that are best left unsaid Paddy"

The guy quickly returned with what was obviously a smug grin on his face which quickly turned into an ingratiating one and said "Sir, the meeting has been arranged, it will be on tomorrow morning at 9 am at the auction house. Do you have housing accommodations? I know a very good hotel that will provide all the comforts you need."

Renato couldn't help but scoff internally, all the comforts he needed? It's more like having the comfort of his life smothered out of him.

"No thanks, I will be making my own arrangements."

Having the last word, Renato moved out of the store and into the streets. Already as he walked some distance, he could feel people tailing him. Probably to rob him, but he disregarded and followed Paddy's map to walk to the market as he wanted to get some food for himself and was a little curious about trying alien cuisine.

When he reached the market, it was a crowded one with a lot of species moving around, in just one look Renato spotted twi'leks, ithorians, mon calamari, quarren, human, zabrak, and zeltron. Honestly, the moment he saw the zeltron he stopped paying attention to the rest of the species.

He saw that she too was going into a restaurant and decided to follow her in. As he entered the restaurant the first thing he noticed was that it wasn't just a restaurant but a cantina. Next was the fact that most food being served was some kind of seafood.

Honestly, he didn't know what he expected, a planet covered with over 95% of water was obviously going to be obsessed with seafood. Maybe it was the fact that seeing fish like aliens eating other fish was a little weird but Renato quickly gave up the train of thought because he had better things to do.

The zeltron that came in earlier was sitting alone on a table. Deciding to take a shot at her, he moved in and sat opposite to her, just as the waiter was taking her order. Paddy acted as his wingman and quickly suggested a few dishes.

All the while the zeltron was looking curiously towards the oddly armoured man who took a place opposite to her and was acting as if this was a regular date with someone who she had already gone out with before.

"So, how's the food here by the way? It's my first time visiting here."

"*giggle* you choose the wrong store if you were looking for food. You should have gone to Tallak's restaurant down the street."

"Oh really? I will take that into consideration for my next meal. By the way, I must say you've got a lot of beautiful curves but your smile is absolutely my favourite."

"Thank you for your compliment," she said with a small smirk.

Just then he was interrupted from speaking further by Paddy's voice in his ears, "Young master, there are an excess number of pheromones being released by her and I have turned on the masks toxic environment module"

"Thanks for the heads up, Paddy", Just then the service droid brought the food and drinks so Renato ended up engaging her in small talk as they ate. While he was talking, he also observed her mannerisms and noticed that she was surprised that he wasn't a drooling mess yet.

Her name was Talia and she was a performer for a travelling band called the Desire run. They were safe because their patrons were one of the Hutts who was selling their band's performance for cash.

"By the way, I haven't found any accommodations for the night. Do you have any suggestions?"

She immediately made a sultry smile and said with a smirk, "Oh! I know just the place"

** Warning! R18 material ahead, there is no plot upfront so you can just stop here if you are not interested and skip to the end of the chapter **

*Cut to Talia's room*

As the door to the room opened, Talia and Renato could be seen entering the room while aggressively kissing each other as both of their hands roamed over the other's body, removing any piece of clothing and letting them fall to the ground harmlessly.

Slowly Renato guided Talia towards the bed while walking backwards, only stopping for a second to reorient their fall when Talia stumbled and fell on the bed. By this point, both of them were already in their underwear.

Renato reached his hand behind her back and popped off her bra to reveal her perky C cup breasts. He moved in with his mouth to get a nipple into his mouth while he let his other hand move her to the other nipple playing with them both.

Talia showed her appreciation by rubbing her pelvis on Renato's lap and pushing his head further in between her breasts. The rhythm continued for some time before Talia pushed Renato to lie back on the bed and positioned her now wet snatch over his face.

Renato breathed in the lewd scent which was obviously enhanced by the nature of zeltron pheromones and put his tongue to work and tried to bring her to a quick orgasm. It only took a few minutes for the zeltron to have an orgasm.

Talia soon returned Renato's favour by releasing his cock from the cage of his underpants. She quickly got to work on his cock by slowly kissing the tip and progressively taking more and more of his cock into her mouth, leaving him with a heavenly feeling out of the world.

Within five minutes of the blowjob Renato couldn't hold off against the amazing techniques of the zeltron and warned her "I am cumming!" to which her response was only to let his cock out of her mouth and start giving it a lovely massage with her tongue.

When the load came, she aimed his cock so that most of the seed fell into her mouth and the rest painted her beautiful face and hair. The way she showed her open mouth sloshing his seed as if to savour the taste immediately had his cock raring to go again.

She looked genuinely surprised that his cock had such a low refractory period before she got a hungry look on her face that promised Renato a night of pleasure.

Slowly she positioned herself on top of the cock and slowly engulfed it entirely within her velvety pussy lips and soon the cock disappeared into her folds. She just stayed there for a few seconds as if to adjust to his size and then slowly started jumping up and down, while Renato was slowly repositioning himself to find all the erogenous zones of her pussy.

Within a few minutes Renato had completely recovered his stamina and the slow speed was starting to grate on his nerves. He grabbed Talia by her love handles and flipped her over and pressed her down on the bed as he took control of the rhythm.

By this point, he had already found most of her erogenous zones through the slow sex and now he started to vigorously pound her in a pile driver position making sure to hit as many of those erogenous zones as possible while one of his handheld both of her hand's captive on the bed and other was holding down her legs spread apart.

After a few minutes of the pile driver position, Renato made her change positions again to a Doggystyle and fucked her from behind. This sort of rhythmic sex continued for at least a few hours before both persons collapsed on the bed and passed out.


I noticed that a lot of readers are confused about Renato's fighting style with lightsabers. His talent lies in dual bladed lightsaber battles that, to explain in normal terms, are two separate lightsabers. A lot of you guys are confusing it with a double-bladed lightsaber which is what Darth Maul uses.

By the way, if you have any ideas for the ship class for Sleipnir please suggest some. I still haven't decided what its class name is going to be. My current idea is to call it the cavalry-class cause Sleipnir is an eight-legged horse in mythology

I must say that I am overwhelmed by the amount of support some of you guys have been showing trying to help me improve this fic and giving me ideas for future plots and I am incredibly thankful for all your efforts and help.

Some notable mentions off the top of my head are Chansu51, Snowrose, Hatake shirou. If your name isn't mentioned here do not feel angry as my memory span is very small and I don't have memory cheats like Renato but please believe me when I say I am thankful for all the help you guys are providing.

To all the guys who wished for my recovery, thank you.



A message from HK-47

Query: Have you heard that the master has a discord server? Confirmation: No?

Explanation: Just use the invite link https://discord.gg/desR4enctR to join.

Threat: If you do not donate your power stones to the master, he may need to give me an assignment

Explanation: You can appeal to the master by doing either of these tasks. Collect this book for your libraries, you can also comment and leave a review for additional points

Cautionary: Master's meatbag has medical issues. Compounding this, he has his midterms coming soon (27,28,29th) so the update speed of the chapters may not be satisfactory.

Addendum: Master should probably look into methods for transferring his mind to a superior droid body instead of relying on a meatbag with higher rates of failure and unstable source of replacement parts.

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