
Flashpoint Paradox

In the heart of Central City, an accident left Barry Allen, in a nine-month coma. Time ticks away and the city faces its daily challenges with no protector. Yet in this moment, a stranger from a distant world finds their consciousness thrust into Barry Allen's dormant body. With a surge of energy, he awakens as The Flash. Transmigrated as Barry Allen but with his own memories and experiences, Bryan must continue Barry's life as a forensic scientist at the CCPD while concealing his newfound powers. Yet mysteries abound... What was the true purpose of their transmigration into this world?

75BlackFlames · Movies
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22 Chs

International Metahuman Medical Symposium

Standing alone in the street, he looked up as the final pieces of Zoom's remnant faded into the starry night.

"Barry what's wrong? The energy signature of the enemy suddenly vanished."

"Yeah, I've taken down the time remnant…I think. He just suddenly faded after the last hit."

"WE gotta talk about that. Get to S.T.A.R Labs, if this is as I think it is, we're going to have a shit ton of work to do"

Before he left he gazed back at the aftermaths of their battle, a couple of emotions and thoughts running through his mind.

'What was Zoom truly after?'

'How did he know his real identity and what would he do with that information?'

And most importantly, 'What's his next move?'

With all these thoughts in mind, he returned to S.T.A.R Labs.

Upon arriving at S.T.A.R Labs, they immediately got to analyzing the previous battle.

"You're positive that was a time remnant?" Cisco asked, again.

"Yeah. That sure as hell wasn't the real body. I feel like he's just sizing me up, testing me somewhat… it's irritating." Barry said his annoyance glaring to see.

"Well, there are two scenarios I came up with to access...Zoom here." Cisco said, walking up to a board.

He drew up two circles, labeled one, A and the other, B.

"Scenario A here, is if the time remnant was created after using the tachyon particles to enhance himself. Then it'd be much more easier to handle him because there won't be any variables to deal with."

"On the other hand, Scenario B here, is if he's used

"Relax, we'll get to the bottom of it, together as usual." Caitlin soothed, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Seems we can't seem to pin him down, let's just wait for him to make his next move."

"Alright then"

"By the way, where has Dr. Wells been? Haven't seem much of him around lately."

"He said he needed to carry out some private research or something. The details was hazy. Probably just working on new ideas as usual." Cisco said, smiling.

Barry frowned for a second but quickly cast the thought aside.

They waited for a couple of days, while taking care of metahumans from time to time, but Zoom didn't show up. There was not even a whiff of him around.

The team relaxed and eased their tensed up nerves.


Caitlin entered the lab a little later than her usual time, waving a white envelope as she approached them. 

"You won't believe what just happened!" She said, her excitement boldly etched onto her face.

"What's got you all giddy like this?" Barry asked cocking a brow and Cisco also shifted his focus to her, waiting for her to spill the beans.

"Okay Okay! So, in recognition of my work regarding metahuman biology and genetics, I've been invited to the 'The International Metahuman Medical Symposium.' The cherry on top is that it's holding in Central City research institute."

"The international what?" Scratching his head, Barry asked looking puzzled.

"It is the first of its kind, so I get why you wouldn't understand" Caitlin said.

"It is an international event that brings together top scientists, doctors and researchers to discuss the latest advancement in the field of Metahuman Biology. It's supposed to hold for two days."

"Also as a V.I.P, I get to bring a maximum of two people along. So, the both of you should go prepare, we'll leave in two days time."

"Well, since there's no improvement in Zoom's case, I might as well just tag along. Maybe I'll learn something about metahumans that would help me combat them better."


Caitlin arrived at the research institute with Barry and Cisco in tow.

The Institute was a huge building of three floors and about the size of a city museum. Barry and Cisco had run a search on the institute, the type of work they did and how large of a facility it was and they had been surprised. It wasn't just any regular research institute.

As they walked through the doors of the institute, they were searched and sprayed with some sort of sweet-smelling sterilizing gas before they got in.

Immediately they walked through the doors, a man and a woman walked up to them and introduce themselves.

"I'm Dr. Zolomon and this is my colleague, Dr. Martinez. It's a pleasure to have you here Dr. Snow." The man greeted with a glowing smile.

"The pleasure's all mine. These are my friends and colleagues from S.T.A.R Labs, Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon." She introduced.

"Now that we've all gotten acquainted, I'll get straight to business. Dr. Snow, could you please follow me to the section for hosts? My colleague will take care of your friends." Dr. Zolomon said.


"I'll meet up with you guys later." Caitlin said as she went along with Dr. Zolomon.

As they left, Martinez pulled out two tokens from her breast pocket and handed it to Cisco and Barry.

"These are for your accommodation. It's the hotel attached to the Institute by the left. So, would you like to go ahead to the hotel right now? Or shall I guide you on a tour of the facility?" She asked patiently.

"The tour!" They unanimously agreed.

In no time, they found themselves navigating the sleek corridors of the Central City Medical Research Institute, under the guidance of Dr. Elena Martinez.

With keen intellect and a warm demeanor, led them through the bustling research facility. "It's a pleasure to have you both here," she greeted, her enthusiasm evident. "We're on the forefront of metahuman medical research, and today, you get an exclusive look at what we're working on."

Their first stop was a cutting-edge lab filled with monitors and intricate equipment. Dr. Martinez explained, "Here, we focus on studying the unique physiology of metahumans. From those with superhuman strength and sophisticated powers, to those with more unconventional abilities, we aim to understand the intricacies of their powers at a cellular level."

Cisco and Barry exchanged looks for a second then continued with the tour.

Cisco, ever the tech enthusiast, couldn't help but marvel at the advanced equipment. "This is some seriously next-level gear. I might need to upgrade a few things back at STAR Labs."

Dr. Martinez chuckled, "Collaboration between institutions is crucial in advancing our understanding. Feel free to take some inspiration."

They proceeded to the Metahuman Genetics Wing, where researchers were engrossed in sequencing and analyzing metahuman DNA. "Our goal here is to unravel the genetic markers that trigger metahuman abilities. This knowledge can aid in developing targeted treatments and perhaps even predict the emergence of metahuman powers," Dr. Martinez explained.

Barry, 'intrigued' by the genetic aspect, inquired, "Have you made any significant discoveries so far?"

Dr. Martinez nodded, "We've identified several genetic markers associated with specific metahuman abilities. It's a complex field, but our hope is that one day, we can offer more personalized and effective medical solutions."

The tour continued into the Rehabilitation and Training Center, a facility designed to help metahumans control and optimize their abilities. "Some metahumans struggle with the sheer power they possess. Our rehabilitation programs aim to assist them in harnessing their abilities safely," Dr. Martinez said as they observed a training session.