
Flash Marriage: I Accidentally Married A Mafia Princess

What would you do if your ex, who left you five years ago without bothering to say a goodbye, is now standing in front of you at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau? Surely, you wouldn't marry her. But did I mention I'm in dire need of a wife? ___ Song Jingren, self-made Billionaire has one rule– Pity any Tom, Dick or Harry but never offer it to his one and only materialistic and vain ex! Long Reine aka Zuni, proud Mafia princess, has two problems– Uncontrollable Nasty Temper and her Un-seducable Ice block hubby! ___ Excerpt:  "Get out!" Song Jingren told his flash married wife.  "Hubby, you are kicking out your one and only beautiful wife?" Zuni gaped at him. "Mom was right, I shouldn't fall at male beauty but at their intelligence. What can I say I'm a sucker for beauty!" As she realised that she spoke too much nonsense, she put hands on her mouth and shook her head as if she didn't mean it . "Hubby, I was wrong. Forgive, wifey.  I am not a sucker for male beauty but for you. Your chiselled face is still on the top of the list. Add your bank balance, you are unbeatable."  "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me by that disgusting nickname that makes my skin crawl?" Song Jingren coldly said. He hated her for making his resolve of throwing his ex out of his life weaker with each passing moment.  Zuni pouted adorably.   "I'm not calling you Baobei. Our status has been upgraded," Zuni shot back. She then flashed him a blinding smile as she hugged his arm. "Baobei, you are now upgraded to hubby." "Scram, "Song Jingren coldly said.  Hubby: 1, Wifey: 0 ___ Excerpt Two:  "Happy Birthday, Hubby, " Zuni smiled brightly at her husband as the clock struck twelve. "Now quickly open your birthday gift!" Song Jingren looked all around the room but didn't find any supposedly birthday gift. "Where is my birthday gift?" "I'm your birthday gift, dummy, "His wife replied as a matter of fact.  Wifey: 1, Hubby: 0 ___  

tanu_sam · Urban
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Vain and silly ex

"Never mind, when do I get to meet your wife?"

Song Jingren snorted. "Never."

Letting Zuni and Song Zhilan meet? 

How could he forget that his unwanted wife hates the police and army with a passion? 

He could never understand her hate for law enforcement agencies. 

What an irony! She ended up getting married to him whose family had deep military roots. Hah, it was going to be interesting to see her following rules as she was bound to the Song family that was bound to get on her nerves! 

"She is your wife and you can't hide her from your family, " Song Zhilan commented nonchalantly. "You have no other way but to let grandfather meet your wife. If he could coerce you to marry, then he can do anything."

Song Zhilan had never been more happy that he was injured or else the one to be forced to marry would have been him. He was older than Song Jingren who was now married to a cabbage picked by his family. 

Song Jingren smirked as he looked at his cousin, "I'm Song Jingren. I always find ways. Or I'll make one."

"What did you do?" Song Zhilan asked all of a sudden as he had a bad premonition. Forcing his cousin into a back corner and forcing him to do something against his will…  Not possible! His cousin was a born rebel!

"I married my wife for three months. After that, we will go separate ways, "Song Jingren answered with a shrug. 

"Holy shit, " Song Zhilan's phoenix eyes widened. "You deceived grandfather."

"Or else? I will be bound to a woman forever who I don't even want?" Song Jingren said as if it was a no big deal. "Tch. Not my style."

"And the woman you married agreed to a contract marriage?" Song Zhilan asked. 

"She didn't know until we were married that it was a contract marriage, " Song Jingren nonchalantly replied. He was feeling so satisfied to defeat Zuni in her plans. He got rid of Minster He, he would get rid of all the pests annoying him by pushing the right buttons of his possessive ex. If there was one word he would use to describe his ex-girlfriend, it would be 'Yandere'. And yes, he was going to take advantage of it. Cause why not? 

Each time, she would push him in the back corner with her silly schemes, and he would retort in a similar way. 

Because everything was fair in love and war. 

And it was a war caused by love. 

"You trapped her!" Song Zhilan was furious. How could this jerk do this to an innocent woman? 

Song Jingren tsked. "I just hunted the hunter."

"I don't understand what you are saying, " Song Zhilan sighed. "I thought you were still hung up on that ex of yours. What was her name again? I'm telling you, man, you broke up because you never let me meet her." 

"We never broke up, " Song Jingren said, annoyed. He and Zuni never broke up. She left and never returned until now!  

"Yes, she ran away from your arrogant ass, " Song Zhilan commented with a scoff. He hated this cousin of his who never let him meet his girlfriend just because he had a face that was his girlfriend's type!! 

"I swear if you weren't in a wheelchair, I would have broken your legs!" Song Jingren glared at him. The reason why he never let him meet Zuni was that his ex only came into a relationship with him because she loved his gorgeous face! Yeah, she is vain and so silly but he used to love her vanity and silliness. 

"You are still no match, Cousin, " Song Zhilan rolled his eyes. He was the Major General of his regiment. He was one of the best soldiers. It wasn't easy to defeat him for someone like Song Jingren who had never gone through gruesome training like him.   "I'm the best of the best. Ask your dad. Oh yeah, you and your dad are not on speaking terms."

Song Zhilan grinned after making a savage retort. 

"I married Zuni, "Song Jingren said all of a sudden. 

"Nice name, " Song Zhilan remarked as he picked the glass of water to soothe his dry throat.  "But why does it sound so familiar?"

"I married my ex-girlfriend, " Song Jingren said and Song Zhilan choked on water. 

"You married your ex?" Song Zhilan asked in amazement. "I am leaving."

"Where are you going?" Song Jingren said as he saw his cousin leaving. 

"To the temple, " Song Zhilan said. 

"Why on earth?" Song Jingren looked at him and asked, "You don't need to do offerings in the temple for my birthday."

"You are too self-absorbed" Song Zhilan gave him a dirty look. "I'm going to pray for the peace of Aunt Chen's soul."

"Bastard, my mom is alive and well!" Song Jingren had an urge to beat this brother of his! 

"She won't be for long, " Song Zhilan rolled his eyes. "You married Zuni Long, didn't you? Your mom hates her with every fibre of her being for some reasons that none of us knows. You and your father aren't on speaking terms because of the same woman. And now you brought her as your wife. Song Jingren, what the hell were you thinking? Did you forget she almost sent Aunt to hospital with her infuriating manner of speech?"

"You never met her, " Song Jingren argued. He was sure that his mom must have said Zuni to infuriate her or else his ex-girlfriend had such a nice temper around him. 

"Well, I heard enough stories from Jingjing, " Song Zhilan stated. His mood changed all of a sudden as he looked at his buddy and said, "Why don't you invite me to dinner at your place? Isn't it your birthday? I will get to meet my sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law?" Song Jingren looked at him as if he wasn't serious. 

"I have a feeling that she is not going to leave so easily, " Song Zhilan said with a shrug infuriating a certain one to no end. "The sooner we accept the fact, the better."


A/N: You guys are not allowed to hate Zuni!!