
Flash Marriage: I Accidentally Married A Mafia Princess

What would you do if your ex, who left you five years ago without bothering to say a goodbye, is now standing in front of you at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau? Surely, you wouldn't marry her. But did I mention I'm in dire need of a wife? ___ Song Jingren, self-made Billionaire has one rule– Pity any Tom, Dick or Harry but never offer it to his one and only materialistic and vain ex! Long Reine aka Zuni, proud Mafia princess, has two problems– Uncontrollable Nasty Temper and her Un-seducable Ice block hubby! ___ Excerpt:  "Get out!" Song Jingren told his flash married wife.  "Hubby, you are kicking out your one and only beautiful wife?" Zuni gaped at him. "Mom was right, I shouldn't fall at male beauty but at their intelligence. What can I say I'm a sucker for beauty!" As she realised that she spoke too much nonsense, she put hands on her mouth and shook her head as if she didn't mean it . "Hubby, I was wrong. Forgive, wifey.  I am not a sucker for male beauty but for you. Your chiselled face is still on the top of the list. Add your bank balance, you are unbeatable."  "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me by that disgusting nickname that makes my skin crawl?" Song Jingren coldly said. He hated her for making his resolve of throwing his ex out of his life weaker with each passing moment.  Zuni pouted adorably.   "I'm not calling you Baobei. Our status has been upgraded," Zuni shot back. She then flashed him a blinding smile as she hugged his arm. "Baobei, you are now upgraded to hubby." "Scram, "Song Jingren coldly said.  Hubby: 1, Wifey: 0 ___ Excerpt Two:  "Happy Birthday, Hubby, " Zuni smiled brightly at her husband as the clock struck twelve. "Now quickly open your birthday gift!" Song Jingren looked all around the room but didn't find any supposedly birthday gift. "Where is my birthday gift?" "I'm your birthday gift, dummy, "His wife replied as a matter of fact.  Wifey: 1, Hubby: 0 ___  

tanu_sam · Urban
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223 Chs

No strings attached

This evening Zuni returned home late again and with tens of shopping bags. When Song Jingren opened the door to the penthouse, his wife was carrying a lot of shopping bags. No, his wife wasn't carrying the shopping bags but a walking and talking crowd of shopping bags were walking towards him. 

"Baobei, help!" Zuni cried for help when Song Jingren took bags from her hands. He placed them in the living room and fetched water for her. She appeared as if she was about to pass out anytime. But there was not a single spec of tiredness on her face. 

With a grin, she narrated the course of her day. She had a habit that whenever she would be extremely sad or extremely happy, she would tell him about it.  "I am so happy. I met my Lei bro. The same bro I was talking to this morning. We went to eat after I left the office." She looked at her with sparkling eyes and proudly said, "You know what else? I played cupid in his love story and now he has a handsome boyfriend. But my brother is still in probation period for acting as a jerk to my brother-in-law. He took me shopping too! Look how many things I bring."

"Is it okay allowing your brother to buy you so many things?" Song Jingren asked. Truthfully, he was worried about the damage his wife had caused to this brother's bank account. 

"Of course, my uncle Yuan has lots of money to splurge, " Zuni shrugged. "I know you are thinking what if his prodigal son spent all of it? Don't worry, my dad dotes on his brothers. If his brothers are ever short of money, they go to my dad." 

'After all, my dad owns a lot of banks.' Of course, she didn't add this part out loud or her husband might grow suspicious of her family. 

Apart from supplying weapons to all the world, her father was hiding behind the mask of the owner of the banks. It got easy for them to carry out transactions this way. 

"Your family sounds…"

"Weird?" Zuni asked. 

Song Jingren shook his head. "Intriguing. You never talk about your family."

"It's not like I don't want to but people get confused hearing the dynamics of my family, " Zuni sighed. 

"It's alright, " Song Jingren said. 

"Hubby, I bumped my car into someone's car today but Lei bro said he will take care of it, " Zuni said. "He even agreed to help me modify my modest car. The red baby is now mine."

"Fine, " Song Jingren breathed out. 

"Why are you so easy to talk to today?" Zuni suspiciously asked. 

"Are you saying that I'm not easy to talk to on other days?" Song Jingren retorted and she innocently nodded her head. Before he could scold her, she wrapped her arms around his torso and laid her head on his chest. 

"I think it's not bad to be short sometimes, " Zuni whispered as she heard the drumming of his heartbeat against her ear. She fits so well against his body. 

"Zuni…" He whispered her name. 

"If I kiss you now, will you throw me out?" Zuni asked in a whisper, raising her head. Seeing that there was a ripple in his ever-so-calm eyes, she stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. 

Song Jingren could feel his body reacting to her proximity and his body instinctively leaned forward to have more of her warmth. She pulled her back after loudly pecking his lips. Their lips met for a couple of seconds but it was enough to spread the sensual fire across his body. 

"Ren?" Zuni whispered against his lips. 

"Hmm?" He found himself getting mystified by her alluring voice and the name she called him. 

"Have you ever kissed someone with no strings attached?" asked Zuni in the same alluring tone. 

"No, " Song Jingren replied. He had never kissed a woman who was not her. 

"Do you want to now?" Zuni asked. "Kiss with no strings attached." 

"Can I?" Song Jingren asked in a hopeful voice. 

Zuni nodded her head. 

"Alright, " Song Jingren said as he took a step back. It was him gesturing to her to hug him and she did. She hugged him with a brilliant smile, her legs wrapped around her torso and his arms on her waist while she cupped his face and dipped her head to kiss his lips. 

There was nothing gentle or tender about the kiss, it was overwhelming as it was fiery. A wave of foreign yet familiar emotions jolted through her as his tongue was trying to dominate her mouth. Her hands that were cupping his face initially travelled to his hair. 

A moan escaped her mouth as he bit her lower lips when he felt her mind was travelling to another land while being kissed by him. 

"Ren…" She moaned his name but he drank it with his consuming, confusing and overwhelming kisses. The kiss didn't feel like no string-attached kiss to her. 

He broke the kiss when both of them were out of breath and their lips red, swollen and nibbled. 


A/N: If my book was contracted I would have asked your for the gift for this chapter. Unfortunately, it's not. Pray, I get a contract for this book soon or we might be not able to complete this story on Webnovel.