
Flappy Bird (Pokemon SI)

2 weeks, that's how long I've been trapped in this prison. I'm not stupid, between my distinct lack of arms the fact that I have super sharp thingys instead of feet, and that the jailhouse I'm trapped in is pitch black and distinctly egg-shaped, I had long since concluded that I was somehow reincarnated as chicken or something, at least that was my current guess. I was hoping for a dinosaur but that's unlikely. I didn't really have anything going for me back in my previous life so I didn't really mind my sudden death. 'At least I died doing something worthwhile' I though solemnly As I sat there contemplating my previous life and as much as I try to deny it mourn for all that I lost. I felt a sudden change, something biological, something so primal burning deep within my core telling me I had to get out NOW or there would be consequences. I had obviously tried escaping before pecking, scratching the shell, but nothing ever worked. This time however my frantic pecking bore fruit, my beak managed to pierce through my shell and my beak felt a gust of cold air scrape by, I had no time to enjoy the breeze however as I focused all of my minuscule power into shredding the area around the hole. After another 2 or 3 minutes of uncomfortable squirming, I managed to t free myself from my shelly cage. "FREEEEDOM!!!" (Will probably have pokephilia, you have been warned.)

Bobby_TheG · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

My declarations having been made. I finally get to munching on some caterpie, I'll be honest, not as bad as I thought. Don't get me wrong it's disgusting and if I could avoid eating this for the rest of my life I will. Considering I'm eating a literal insect though, it's not that bad.

Maybe it's my newly declared goal hanging over my head but I honestly feel like going back and grinding some levels with those caterpies.

'You know what? I will. Imagine how embarrassed Dawn will be while all the other teens get a fancy Lv 5 starter meanwhile she's stuck with a level 2 pidgey.'

I do a backward nosedive off of the branch I'm on and almost don't pull up in time, 'oops, I guess I got a little cocky.'

I scout the area where the caterpie originally was only to find nothing.

Disheartened I turn back going home in failure. A few minutes into my flight I feel the back of my flying torso get smacked mid-air like I was pushed by something really hard.

I lose my balance for a bit before turning around to see a small black and white bird look at me with a challenging expression.

'This bitch... did this Starly just use tackle on me? Who does he think he is?!'

Pissed off I yell at him, not expecting him to reply, but just venting.

"Why the fuck did you attack me out of nowhere?! What's wrong with you?"

What followed was what I was expecting a series of random sounds mimicking the pokemon's own name.

"Star star staarly."

Somehow though I could understand its jibberish.

"You! Fight me now!"

That took me aback. It was talking coherently I could understand it perfectly.

'Huh, I guess the pokemon of this world are sentient like in the anime, I should feel bad, I mean I ate a breathing thinking being earlier. I didn't though, despite being a very passive person I wasn't heartless. So why is it that right now I feel nothing, somewhere in my rebirth my thinking changed... I became colder, a predator.

I doubt it's the first time a Pokemon has ate another pokemon hell that Serviper tried to eat me. This is a world where the strong survive and the weak perish. I no longer needed an answer to my previous question I knew why starly attacked me and challenged me to a fight.

It wanted to get stronger, just like every other pokemon on this planet. It challenged in the hopes of making progress.

I let out as much of a smile as I could with a beak and thought wryly, 'the fact that this little bastard thinks he can use me as a stepping stone is pissing me off.' My forehead gained the infamous anime tick mark.

I look at the Starly dead in the eyes, "You wanna go shrimp, fine, let's dance."

'Hey system scan him or whatever.'



Level: 5


Attack: 12

Defense: 9

Sp. Atk: 12

Sp. Def: 11

Speed: 15


'A level 5 huh, whatever I'm not backing down

The starly who had up until now been content to let me make the first move seemed to have gotten impatient because he charged at me with what I now recognized as tackle.

I swiftly dodge to the right. As he passes by me I manage to twist my body in a way that nicks him with my talons using his own momentum against him. Since he can't dodge at the speed he's going he ends up stabbing my claws deeper into himself and cutting through the side of him as he moves forward. I don't forget to yell out, "Scatch!" to increase its effectiveness.


The starly cries out in severe pain. I don't hold back however as I quickly turn with one flap of my wings I get close to the point I'm hovering right over him. I cock back my head put my all into my beak and slam it down on his face, his cheek especially.

If I thought his previous scream was bad it was nothing compared to the blood-curdling scream he let out this time, maybe it was just because I was closer. Before I could react however even while in pain Starly managed to scratch at my underbelly. Filling me with intense pain. This is the first time I've been somewhat seriously injured since I was reborn and it hurt like hell.

At this point, we were both free-falling and about to hit the ground. I recovered somewhat graciously once again turning into a flappy bird variation. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Starly attempting to do the same, I wasn't about to let that slide so right before he caught himself I tangled my talons with his did a flip and SLAMMED him into the ground as hard as my 8 strength stat could manage.

It's super effective given how we were just inches from the ground and I used all our momentum against him.

I see his pupils dilate before whitening completely his mouth hangs agape in shock and his body lack there motionless, beaten, and unconscious.

I stand out of breath and bloody before the body of my victi-, no my adversary, who gave me a hell of a fight despite it only lasting about 2-3 minutes it felt far longer than that.

I'm about to land the final blow, but I notice the translucent screen once again pop up.

[40 exp gained]

[Level up!]

*pant* *pant* 'I guess I don't need to kill a pokemon to gain exp only knock them out. Good to know. Guess I won't be ending your life starly.



That is the only way I could describe my current feelings, absolute fear.

This feeling is far more potent than the feeling I had in my egg at least then I had hopes of surviving and when my time came to hatch I knew what to do.

The utter feeling of hopelessness right now is a stark contrast to what I was feeling before. I knew I was about to die. I slowly turn around and face my very own grim reaper and am shocked to see a fierce-looking Staraptor towering over me at 1.6 meters with the meanest look I've ever seen.

'System... Not that it matters but, scan.'



Level: 67

Hp: 222

Attack: 195

Defense: 159

Sp. Atk: 120

Sp. Def: 111

Speed: 200


"Ha ha haa..." I could do nothing but laugh weakly at my situation. I was in so much fear despite that I remember that pokemon are sentient and if I talked it could probably understand me. I was a second away from begging before catching myself. 'Wasn't I supposed to be the best, the strongest? How will I ever be the strongest if I tremble and cower before the first sign of danger.'

Courage I didn't know I had started to fill my core and I grew more confident. 'I came to that realization earlier, didn't I? The strong thrive while the weak perish, pokemon don't beg for mercy they accept the laws of this world. If I die then that's my fault, I wasn't strong enough. But I will not tarnish and pollute my ambition by pulling some wishy-washy beta shit! I'll die before that!'

I throw at the meanest glare I could, "What are you just going to stand there bird brain, if you're gonna kill me, kill me why are you standing there acting tough. Do it pussy!"

If anything this made it angrier but beyond that, I could see something I previously couldn't in its dark eyes full of disdain and anger, a flash of recognition and an ounce of respect.

It cocked its head back, in the same way, I did when I used peck but that's where the similarities end, Staraptor partially opens its mouth and white rays of light start being sucked in out of nowhere forming a ball in its mouth.

'Holy shit is that Hyper Beam!? Can Staraptor even learn that?'

I stand there and accept my fate knowing even if I run I wouldn't be able to escape.

When the most unexpected happened. Starly regained consciousness and lunged in front of me. It started speaking like a mad man so much so that I could barely understand it, something something "Mom, new friend, we were playing" that's about all I managed to grasp from its words.

'What the fuck!? Are you a shounen protagonist or something starly? We just met.'

This somehow manages to work, the mother stoping her attack this time giving her own son the stink eye.

Starly doesn't waver however staring her mother dead in the eye. The mother relents giving what sounds like a tired sigh.

She goes back to glaring at me but the murderous intent is all but gone and I feel like I can breathe again.

Meanwhile starly turns around all bloody and beaten but still manages to give me a reassuring thumbs-up.

Spoiler: Starly Pose

'Starly-Sama I misjudged you, you weren't just after power you wanted friendship. Also, you totally are a shounen protagonist, what were you reincarnated too?'

Soon after Starly-Sama and his mother flew away, but not before Starly turned around to wave back like 10 times though.

'I was reincarnated as a monster in a fictional franchise yet I would say the strangest thing to happen to me today is Starly-Sama and his shounen charisma.'

'Whatever it's not like we'll ever meet again. Ah... shit I just raised a flag didn't I.'


I made my way home tired from home my day had gone. It was long since dark and I sneaked in through dawn's window as to not wake anyone up, she conveniently left it open.

As I entered her room and look around I realized I could hear faint sniffles coming from Dawn's bed where I could see her curled up into a ball.

I slowly creep towards her and touch her on the shoulder with my wing.

This startles her, rightfully so I suppose. "Pidgey is that you?" She asks she looked at me through glassy eyes all red and puffy from crying. I chirp in affirmation

She suddenly tackles me. She pulls me up to the crook of her neck and starts sobbing "I thought *hiccup* y-you wo-u-would neve-r *hiccup* come back!" She continues sobbing seemingly in relief and sadness.

I felt a sinking feeling in my gut like I just committed the worst crime in history. I feel like the biggest piece of shit, Dawn probably expected me to fly around near the town for a few minutes at most when after hours I never came back I can only imagine how she felt, she must've thought I just abandoned her.

I suddenly start crying as well and do my best to hug her back, "I'm sorry". Dawn seems to understand my intent though because she kisses the top of my head and says, "it's not your fault you told me you were gonna come back I should have believed you, I was just being an insecure crybaby."

I pull back as I remember my bleeding wounds and how I'm probably staining her pajamas. This abrupt shift startles Dawn again, "Pidgey, what's wrong?" I just point to her pink pajamas which are died red from the blood. Most of my wound had started bleeding it's just the blood hadn't dried up yet so it still inked her clothes.

"It's fine Pidgey I have other pajamas... wait ... Pidgey you're bleeding! Wait right there pidgey I'll go get the medicine box!" She lays me down on her bed and starts looking rough her packed bags.

I fully intended to just that but the moment my body hit the bed all of the fatigue the day had brought all hit me at the same time. My last thoughts before falling unconscious were.

'I'll make it up to Dawn, whatever it takes.'

(That's chapter 2. Anyways is it just me or did anyone else tear up with Dawn maybe it's just cause I'm writing the story and I could picture everything vividly, but I can imagine Dawn sitting by her window waiting for Pidgey to return and him never doing so. Pidgey did her dirty man.

I'm gonna start a GoFundMe to have Ace the pidgey put down for his crimes against humanity. In all seriousness what did you guys think of the chapter.)

(Starly would have a great light novel title, something like 'I, a shounen protagonist was reborn as a pokemon, yet my op overbearing mother won't let me have friends?')

Pidgey Wan-Kenobi: It's over Starakin I have the high ground.

Starakin: *shocked Pikachu face*