
Flappy Bird (Pokemon SI)

2 weeks, that's how long I've been trapped in this prison. I'm not stupid, between my distinct lack of arms the fact that I have super sharp thingys instead of feet, and that the jailhouse I'm trapped in is pitch black and distinctly egg-shaped, I had long since concluded that I was somehow reincarnated as chicken or something, at least that was my current guess. I was hoping for a dinosaur but that's unlikely. I didn't really have anything going for me back in my previous life so I didn't really mind my sudden death. 'At least I died doing something worthwhile' I though solemnly As I sat there contemplating my previous life and as much as I try to deny it mourn for all that I lost. I felt a sudden change, something biological, something so primal burning deep within my core telling me I had to get out NOW or there would be consequences. I had obviously tried escaping before pecking, scratching the shell, but nothing ever worked. This time however my frantic pecking bore fruit, my beak managed to pierce through my shell and my beak felt a gust of cold air scrape by, I had no time to enjoy the breeze however as I focused all of my minuscule power into shredding the area around the hole. After another 2 or 3 minutes of uncomfortable squirming, I managed to t free myself from my shelly cage. "FREEEEDOM!!!" (Will probably have pokephilia, you have been warned.)

Bobby_TheG · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

2 weeks, that's how long I've been trapped in this prison. I'm not stupid, between my distinct lack of arms the fact that I have super sharp thingys instead of feet, and that the jailhouse I'm trapped in is pitch black and distinctly egg-shaped, I had long since concluded that I was somehow reincarnated as chicken or something, at least that was my current guess. I was hoping for a dinosaur but that's unlikely.

I didn't really have anything going for me back in my previous life so I didn't really mind my sudden death. 'At least I died doing something worthwhile' I though solemnly

As I sat there contemplating my previous life and as much as I try to deny it mourn for all that I lost. I felt a sudden change, something biological, something so primal burning deep within my core telling me I had to get out NOW or there would be consequences. I had obviously tried escaping before pecking, scratching the shell, but nothing ever worked.

This time however my frantic pecking bore fruit, my beak managed to pierce through my shell and my beak felt a gust of cold air scrape by, I had no time to enjoy the breeze however as I focused all of my minuscule power into shredding the area around the hole.

After another 2 or 3 minutes of uncomfortable squirming, I managed to t free myself from my shelly cage.


Or at least that's what was supposed to come from my mouth instead all that came out was "piidg ig pidgeeeey!!!"

I was shocked for a moment before

'Oh no, please don't tell me-'

I hear a large feminine voice looming over me start speaking.

"You finally hatched pidgey! I was starting to get worried you know! Welcome to the world, professor Rowan gave me your egg to take care of. I'm sure we'll be great friends."

I turn to take a look at the voice, only to see a giant pretty looking teenage girl with distinct navy blue hair and a white beanie. She was giving me a massive smile.

'When I made those jokes about wanting to die and reincarnate in the pokemon world I meant as a human!'

"You look prettier than most pidgey's, ah that doesn't matter right now I should tell Prof. Rowan the good news!"

Before I could say anything, not that she would understand me, she picked me up pulled me up to her *ahem* generous mountains, and held me there while she started jogging.

I immediately look around and see we're in a small town with very few houses we were quickly approaching a larger building with a windmill attached to the side house and gate fencing around the area.

Upon entering the building I'm greeted by that unique smell only hospitals can have a very metallic and cold smell.

The girl which I had obviously already identified as dawn waved at the Professor in question.

"Prof. Rowan the egg hatched!"

Rowan just looks at me bundled up in her arms looks back up at dawn with a raised eyebrow, "Yes, I can see that."

His expression then softens a bit and he smiles slightly, "Good work Dawn, now as promised as a thank you for helping me out I'll give you a starter pokemon tomorrow for your birthday.

At that Dawn's smile fell off her face and she nervously asked, "Actually Professor can I keep pidgey instead?"

Rowan sighs, "You got attached, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I've been carrying this egg with me everywhere I go for over a week, and when he hatched I was so excited." She pulls me closer, using me to shield her face nervously.

"I'll be honest, I thought this might happen. Nothing is stopping me from giving him to you but this pidgey was specifically given to me by a good friend of mine, a fellow professor."

"In the hopes, I would study it if it ever hatched. God knows why. Although from what I can see from here that pidgey not only has the most colorful and vibrant feathers I've ever seen it's also far above the normal size of a pidgey so maybe he was onto something."

"I'd have to ask for his permission to gift you the pidgey."

"Can you please ask him?" Begs Dawn

Rowan sighs for like the 5th time before saying, "Yeah, I suppose so, just don't be too disappointed if he says no, ok?"

"Yes!" Dawn gives a little fist pump in the air.

"Thank you, professor, alright you let me know what he says I'll see you later!"

Before the Professor could even say anything Dawn took off with me as fast as she could almost as if she was afraid the professor would change his mind.

"Hey wait-"

Dawn was long gone by the point and those were the last words I managed to hear before she left the building entirely.

"Isn't that great pidgey!?" She looks down and asks me.

'Oh, now she wants my opinion? After she manhandled me without my consent carrying me around everywhere like a sack of potatoes? The audacity of this b*tch... I mean it feels nice being carried... but still no consent, I could totally sue her.'

I let out an indignant chirp to convey my feeling of injustice towards the situation, which seems to have backfired on me however given how her curious face turned to an ecstatic one taking my chirp as agreement, 'I knew I should've gone for a screech.'

"That's great pidgey I'm glad you agree."

I turn away from her cheerful face not being able to take so much positivity, 'whatever I guess it's not so bad being a Pokemon it could be worse, I could have ended up as a pokemon in those super realistic pokemon worlds that border on grimdark, and since I have a trainer I won't have to struggle like those pokemon SI's that start from the very bottom. (A/N: Ha... red flag)

We arrive at what I can only assume is her house a small two-story building painted a similar navy blue reminiscent of Dawn's hair.

Dawn calls out upon entering the house, "Mom I'm back! I'll be in my room."

"Alright, sweeti-, what's that in your arms?" she asks upon noticing me. I raise my wing up in salute and let out a manly squawk not a squeak no matter what anyone says, not even Dawn who coos and cuddles me even further into her chest.

'Damn it's getting harder to breathe, is she trying to suffocate me or something.'

Her mom then looks at her in confusion, "I thought you wouldn't get a Pokemon until tomorrow."

"The professor changed his mind this is the pidgey that hatched from the egg I was taking care of."

'Liar!' I scream out in my mind. He said he'd ask his friend.

"Well, that's good to hear honey, its almost dark out so I'm going to need you to pack for your travels and get all the prep ready for tomorrow morning before you go to sleep."

"Mom! I'll do that tomorrow right now I was going to get changed and take pidgey to the tall grass near our area to fly around."

"You should've thought about that when you kept putting it off, you can play with your pokemon tomorrow."

"But mom pidgey hasn't even flown yet he's probably suffering!" Dawn whined

"No butts young lady I raised you better than that if you want you can open up your window and let pidgey fly around the house."

"Ugh!" Dawn marched up her stairs upset.

Meanwhile, throughout the whole conversation, I just sat there shocked one word from Dawn managed to throw me completely out of my element. "Flying", logically it makes sense I should've made the connection as a pidgey I would naturally be able to fly.

I didn't however, perhaps because of the two weeks I spent convinced I was a human or perhaps because I was still thinking with my human mindset and the idea of flying was something so fantastical and out of the picture that despite the fact that I was quite literally reborn as a fictional creature I never considered it an option.

Suddenly however a new door opened for me and I was thrilled as we got to and inside of Dawn's room I wasn't even paying attention suddenly flapping my wings as frantically as possible in order to float out of her arms. Surprisingly, it worked I started levitating around moving kind of like flappy bird from that one app. Flying was second nature to me it was like re-learning how to ride a bike I instantly remembered how to do so by instinct, despite never having flown, obviously.

Considering how quickly and out of nowhere I started flying I ended up startling Dawn, "ah, what's wrong pidgey?' She asked me concerned. She saw me doing laps around her room and suddenly gained a knowing look, "I see, you must be excited getting to fly." She sighs before continuing, "I wouldn't wanna keep you locked up here with me and have you wait until tomorrow, you're a bird I wouldn't want to starve you of your nature."

Dawn gains a pensive look before proceeding with what she was saying, "Just promise, you'll come back, OK?" She seems very nervous while she asks this.

Even though I haven't known her for long and despite the fact that she was nothing but a fictional character before today, I had still gotten majorly attached, maybe it's because she's the closest thing I have to a family or a friend right now, but I definitely planned on coming back so I gave her a solemn nod in the hopes of reassuring her.

She seems to smile a little at that before walking to her window and unlocking it.

Dawn opens up her window and I who had been flying in place immediately bolt through it flapping my wings as hard as I could and then letting go gliding through the sky.

As I raise myself higher and higher my mood seems to get better and better, as I'm gliding through the air the adrenaline pumping through me is insane. Never had I done something I enjoyed as much as this no amount of porn, drugs or sex can compare to this feeling. I understand now why it's human nature to envy flight to dream about it, it's the best feeling in the world. The way the air brushed against my face the way my wings sliced through the currents like butter and the feeling of weightlessness all culminate into one feeling that could only be described as pure joy.

I felt like all the problems I've ever had meant nothing staring down at the world from the clouds watching trees look like flowers houses look like boxes, people look like ants. Life is great.

"This is FREEDOM!"

This feeling could only be described as such. If I could have cried I would've, in fact, I did tear up a bit but the wind immediately brushed it away. I fly around for a bit longer before decided to go back.

I turn around as to not fly too far and get lost, but I lower myself in altitude to appreciate things better as I fly through what I can only assume is route 201 to make my way back to Dawn I bob and weave through trees and tree branches when all of a sudden a large snake-like creatures lungs at me and it's only because I saw it out of the corner of my eye that I managed to dodge its fangs.

'A serviper! What the hell is that doing on route 201? That scared the shit out of me.'

I almost died... again. All because I forgot where I am, this is the wonderful world of pokemon a world with monsters capable of disintegrating mountains are common.

I fly away a little higher, still on a small high from the flying but now much more cautious and aware of my surrounding.

'I should get back to Dawn.'

I suddenly feel an insane amount of hunger from a pit in my stomach.

So sudden that I waver in my flight at how unexpected it is. To be fair I haven't anything since I hatched an hour or two ago.

Maybe the smart thing would've been to go home and scavenge for food but I figured I could eat a caterpie from the batch I saw earlier in my flight. I'd have to get used to it anyway, I was a pokemon after all.

So as I get closer to the town close enough to see if I squint hard enough, I swoop down between the trees this time significantly more cautious I quickly see the caterpies... I assume it's them at least, they all look the same if I'm being honest.

As I manage to pick it up with my talons by the tail he starts panicking and spitting up string the rest of the caterpies follow suit aiming to shoot me down.

I narrowly dodge their attacks a job made significantly more difficult when I was carrying what felt like a motorcycle.

Eventually, though I leave the area and perch upon the tree where I release the caterpie face down who despite struggling when I first caught him, now lay still as if accepting its fate.

I wasn't about to let that opportunity slide lest I'm cockblocked by some random event, I am in an anime after all. So I cocked my right talon back and went away at scratching the back of his head, caterpie squealing in pain throughout it. After a few scratches I started noticing some scratches were doing more damage and my feet were glowing randomly at times, eventually using 3 of my 4 brain cells I realized I was using the move scratch.

Much like the flying, this was an instinctual act only it went a bit further to achieve the maximum result I had to shout the name in my head... like a weeb.

But it worked, 'Scratch!Scratch!Scratch!' and so it was. Finally, the caterpie lay dead I could only assume it took so long because I am a newborn. That caterpie was a total scrub.

I was just about to feast down opening up my beak when I noticed the semi-translucent screen. In front of my face with a message. Shortly after I heard a robotic voice read the message displayed before me.

[You gained 23 exp]

[Level up!]


I was so startled I almost lost my footing on the branch I was situated in.

I being the shut-in that I was realized what this was immediately a system!

"Um, hello mister system?"

[Hello Pidgey.]

"Holy shit! That worked? Are you a system?"

[Yes, do you wish for a tutorial?]


"Of course!"

[Please say "Stats".]





Level: 1 --> 2

Hp: 12 --> 14

Attack: 6 --> 8

Defense: 6 -->7

Sp. Atk: 6 -->8

Sp. Def: 6 -->7

Speed: 7 --> 9

Exp (11/48) next level up

Moves: ???, Scratch, Peck, Sand Attack


"Whoa, wait isn't this just the regular pokemon stat system they use in the games?"


"Then what use do you provide shouldn't all pokemon be able to level up through battles and training it's not like I get stat points or anything to distribute either."

[Your EV's are infinite. That is the biggest advantage the system gives you. Let's say for example an average Pidgeot at level 50 has 150 in every stat, that's the maximum each stat can be given, they have perfect IVs and maxed out Ev's. In your case you don't have a set number of EV's so say you were to grind out speed EV's by level 50 your speed stat might be as high as 200.]

[That is in fact not the only advantage the system offers you, but also an accelerated exp gain and level up gain reminiscent of the games, in this world you inhabit growing in strength isn't as easy as in the game or everyone would have champion level pokemon. Sometimes a pokemon in the 80s will take entire years just to level up once. You get the benefit of grinding and speeding through it in months or even weeks.]

[The last major advantage the system offers is a scan feature that can determine not only the level of a pokemon but their exact strength being able to see each individual stat. The Pokedex in this world can do something similar but they don't classify power as specifically or as well as I do. It's more a general idea. In case you ever get confused with its power system it considers pokemon like this.]

[Level 1-10 F tier]

[Level 11-20 E tier]

[Level 21-30 D tier]

[Level 31-40 C tier]

[Level 41-50 B tier]

[Level 51-60 A tier]

[Level 61-70 S tier]

[Level 71-90 SS tier]

[Level 91-??? SSS tier]

[The strongest tamed pokemon know to mankind as of now is SSS tier Garchomp owned by Cynthia. Which is why that's how far their ranking goes, in reality, there are lots of pokemon stronger than that and not just legendaries.]

[In conclusion, those are the three most potent advantages the system grants you.]

'Holy mother of plot convenient exposition!'

[With the system you could very well be the best like no one ever was.]

That line brought me to a pause as much as people like to meme on that line and make jokes about it, it's a powerful line and it hit me pretty hard considering who I was in my previous life a mediocre high school student destined for a dead-end job with an ultimately meaningless life. But this is different I can truly be someone special I have all the cards set in my favor, I could no longer whine and bitch about how life wasn't fair and how people with more talent are just lucky.

For someone like me who had no ambition in his previous life an opportunity like this gave me whiplash. But deep down I knew what my new goal was I am tired of being a bystander wasting his life away, I was given a second opportunity and by god, I was taking it.

"I will be the strongest pokemon to ever live!"

"I will be the best like no one ever was!"

(A/N: this isn't grimdark but it will be darker than normal pokemon with pokemon being infinitely more dangerous and death being a very common thing among trainers and even pokemon. Ace himself will murder many a pokemon on his journey to be the best.)

(By the way, I know I already was writing a fanfiction but I'll have to put it on hold for a bit because this one not only is much better it flows much better and it's easier to write as I'm posting this I already wrote over 8k words for it and I'm pretty happy with most of it, given I only started this earlier today.)

(I hope I explained the system well especially the EV mechanic but if I didn't feel free to ask questions ill be doing actual math for the stats so I'll probably have an answer for your question.)

Ace: Hey system try to cut back on the info-dumps you'll turn the audience off from the story.

System: [My bad g]

*Author frantically patching up the 4th wall.*