
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasy
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106 Chs


As she continued to walk, anxiety and fear engulfed Regan. She couldn't help but think that it was a trap of Sirius. After all, why would he do things without a catch?Why didn't she ask him or think about this before? Now, trapped or not, she was officially it the area of unknown.Suddenly, the sounds of laughter, malicious laughter, echoed through the walls.Before Regan could make it out, the trio stepped in front of her, their faces crossed by wicked grins.Regan recognized them and anxiety started to creep in, although she knew it wasn't the time to show fear. Her eyes lingered on Vesper, not believing the person she turned out to be."Well, well, well, if it isn't our bird out of it's cage?" Vesper mocked as she walked steps closer to Regan, followed by her sisters."She herself, of course. Oh, are you lost? How bad, you can't find your way home. You might as well cry now." Allegra continued the taunt, faking her fake sad dollface."Maybe you need a shorter and stronger leash from Sirius, that way you won't be lost around," Circe added, making them all laugh in their mocking tones."Get out of my way. What is your problem with me?" Regan snapped, her frustration rising."Oh, Regan. There's always a problem others have for you. Indeed, you've caused so many problems lately." Vesper retorted, her eyes glimmering with malice."Yes! Because of you, we had to endure a fucking trolls fight, you dumb redhead!" The blondie added with a scowl, her voice high pitched and angry.Regan had no idea what fight she was talking about but she decided to shrug them off, "Do I look like I care?""You should. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into," Circe threatened, crossing her arms."Let her drown in stupidity." Vesper said as she swirled her finger on the air, like summoning a spell, "Now, are you ready for a magic show, Regan?" She confidently said."Magic show? Absolutely. I've been bored lately," Regan retorted fearlessly, believing that she'd find a way to defend herself.Vesper, caught aback by Regan's sudden words, exchanged glaces with Allegra, who was getting even angrier and impatient."Shut up! You think you're better than us?" Allegra sneered, holding her hands in a strike position."Hey, hey, wait," Circe said, sensing the tension. She stepped before her sisters and gave them a knowing warning glance that told they weren't supposed to go further, "We don't have to be so violent, sisters. Who knows, maybe Regan is willing to cooperate.""Cooperate for what?" Regan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering what they meant."Well, if you do what we say and follow our orders, you won't get hurt," Circe smirked maliciously."I'd rather live my life as a prisoner," Regan retorted, not understanding the audacity they had to suggest such a thing. She would never cooperate with them."You should know that we're going to make your life hell in there," Vesper hissed."You're so brave to talk, Vesper. Why don't you and me have a little chat together?" Regan asked. She couldn't help but think that Vesper was acting powerful because of the other witches and she wanted to make her stop acting like they had never known each other."Yes, Vesper. Why don't you and her have have a little chat? Might as well reconsider asking her for that time when your master brought her red roses," Circe suggested, not missing the opportunity to taunt Vesper and at the same time, not wanting to be blamed for getting into confrontation with Regan.The blondie couldn't help but laugh, while Vesper's expression darkened."Roses?" Regan raised an eyebrow. Oh, roses. Damnit, she thought. Maybe they were talking about him bringing her roses? She meant, yes, they were talking about that. Maybe about that day when she woke up and found them. Why was it so interesting though? Regan didn't really care about it."It seems like you and the redhead have a fiery matter to discuss with, sis," Allegra taunted, a mischievous smirk on her face. "We better leave you both alone," she added and took Circe by her arm, leaving the two girls alone.Vesper's jaw clenched, her fists clenching. Regan noticed, wondering why she got so pissed off about it. She remembered that time, when Vesper had been in her room and had seen a rose. She had been so unsettled by it and had acted weird."Look, Vesper. I don't care about roses or whatever they were talking about. I wanted to ask you why you're doing this? You can't pretend like you've never known me," Regan said, hoping that there was still left a piece of her old fake friend in her. Their friendship had been fake all along but maybe there was some time, when they had it good."I've always been the same, you were the fool who didn't realize," Vesper retorted, her lips curling into a sneer."And what did you get from all this? I can see you hate me, you don't want to see me. But I didn't chose any of this, Vesper. You and Sirius are the reason of why I'm in this ridiculous place, where I could have been living my life on earth, and I wouldn't have ever crossed your ways. Yes, what did you get? You got powers? At what price? Since Sirius is my enemy, you're my enemy too. And don't forget, you're going to pay as well.""Do you think you scare me with your poems?" Vesper chuckled darkly, "I can't fathom you there, Regan. You're no match for this world. You're as useless as you've always been. And you're just a piece of chess in a grand scheme." Her words stung but Regan didn't care anymore."And why don't you help me to escape? It'll serve you. You don't want me here," Regan snapped."I wouldn't risk anything for someone as poor as you," Vesper scorned, her eyes narrowing with anger, "And you should thank me, Regan. I was the one who convinced Sirius to let you out of your hellhole.""I couldn't care less. Here or there, I'm still inside. You're so blind, Vesper. He's using you. The moment he gains what he wants, he'll betray you." Regan retorted.Vesper's expression darkened further, her anger palpable, "Admit it, Regan. You're just jealous of me and Sirius." Her voice dripped with jealousy.Regan's blue eyes widened in disbelief, "Jealous? Of you two? Are you out of your mind?"Vesper stepped closer, her eyebrows furrowed, her eyes filled with fury as she continued her tirade, "You always craved attention, Regan. Now you found someone powerful and handsome to cling to, but you're nothing important. You think Sirius cares about you? You're just a means to an end."Her words were venomous and they made Regan's blood boil. She couldn't believe she was getting morally insulted by someone as deceitful as Vesper."Watch your tongue, Vesper. Unlike you, I'm not in need of anyone, I don't need anyone's attention, I've never had and never will!" she coldly stated.Unfazed, Vesper continued, "You're always playing the victim, the vulnerable one. You act like you're not like everyone else. You act like you're different, Regan. If I was in your place, I would have given up already."Irritated at the core, Regan snapped, "I can't believe you've been someone I considered a friend. You know what, Vesper? You have no honor. I'm not going to waste my breath on you," she took a step back, her expression a mix of disdain and disbelief.Vesper, fueled by her own insecurities, persisted, "You can pretend all you want, but deep down, you know you're seeking attention.""You're stupid, Vesper. Enjoy your illusions of grandeur," Regan retorted, her voice steady despite the storm of emotions within her.As Vesper continued her schemes, Regan decided to shrug her off as she walked on the other side. Her fists clenched but she didn't turn her head back. Her steps quickened and she wanted to lose Vesper's track. Taking some turns, she saw some starts, which led up and down.Having no idea where to go, she took the way downstairs, remembering from earlier that she had went upstairs when she stepped out of her chamber.The dimly lit corridors seemed to stretch endlessly again, adding to the feeling of being lost in a hostile environment.The hallways held doors, dark sets of tall doors. They were mainly carved into ancient styles and they were still intriguing. However, Regan didn't dare to enter. She didn't want to stumble upon something forbidden and fall into the traps of the unknown.Vesper's venomous words lingered in her mind and wounded her, although she knew they weren't true. She had never longed attention from anyone, let alone attention from Sirius. She would never stop so low as to cling to him. Merely the thought made her shiver in disdain. Yes, he was handsome and powerful but she wasn't that sort of girl. She'd rather die than try to manipulate him or any other one into liking her.Suddenly, she noticed two statues which resembled mythical scary lions. She recalled seeing these statues after Althea escorted her out of her chamber.As she kept walking, the dark patterns of the hall seemed familiar and she hoped she was on the right track. Her footsteps echoed annoyingly as she didn't want to attract any attention and she was grateful that except from the witches, she hadn't seen anyone else.Finally, her surroundings seemed familiar and she saw a dark tall door at the end of the hall, two oil lamps hanged on it's side. This door resembled the chamber where she was being held captive.Praying and hoping it was the right one, she stepped near it and anxiously cracked the doorknob. It opened swiftly to reveal the chamber she was looking for. She let out a long sigh and relief washed over her.Even though she was caught in the midst of a tangled situation, she couldn't help but fill a glimpse of happiness, knowing she had the opportunity to walk out of the room.She approached the tall window and stared at the clouded violet sky. She wondered if the castle had any garden or outdoor space and if she was allowed to go to.However, she couldn't shake the feeling that these were just the sorcerer and Vesper's sinister plans to mess with her, since they wouldn't do any good without something in exchange.She leaned against the pillows of the bed and placed her knees on her chest, thinking of what to do next. Regan knew that there wasn't anyone willing to help her escape from this otherworldly world, but at the same time, she knew she didn't need anyone's help. She could help and defend herself alone.The room's temperature had dropped and chills crept up on her. She began to shiver uncomfortably, noticing how the fireplace was put out.Regan got up and approached the fireplace. She knew she had nothing to light it with, however a ridiculous idea struck her mind.If her fire powers were really there, she would be able to lighten the fire, maybe. Her last encounter with Seraphina was in the morning. There weren't any clocks in where she was. She didn't know if there were, she hadn't asked about that.She walked closer to the fireplace and wished for it to lighten, just as that time when Olivia's hair got a flame. However, nothing happened to the fireplace. She sighed and looked at her hand instead. Closing her eyes, she wished to summon a flame, but again, nothing happened.Her hands were icy cold and it reminded her that she had nothing to do with fire after all.She seated on the ground near the bed, frustrated and rubbed her hands together to warm them up. But, suddenly, a flame started to flicker out of them and her eyes widened in disbelief when she saw it.Her hands looked like they were burning but she couldn't feel any pain. Being thrilled and scared at the same time, she approached the fireplace again and put her hand on a wood. The wood caught fire with a gentle touch, confirming her abilities. A mixture of awe and fear washed over Regan as she realized she lightened the fire herself, and her powers weren't temporary or mistakened.She smiled at herself and heat started to engulf her body, while she marveled at the flames dancing on her fingertips.Now, hunger kicked in, her stomach making loud sounds. Althea had minimized her visits to bring her to eat and Regan couldn't help but think that Althea hated her as well."Or maybe I need to reduce expectations. But isn't the bare minimum to bring food to a captive?" she asked herself, sitting on the ground, looking at her slender fingers that held the flame still.