
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasy
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106 Chs


"What the hell was that? Who orchestrated that stupid plan of yours? You, Vesper?" Sirius growled, his gaze burning with accusations towards her."Me? No!" Vesper quickly defended, throwing glances to her sisters."Yes, Sirius, Vesper wasn't the idealist of that plan. Circe convinced us to this." Allegra supported Vesper, throwing the fault to Circe, who defended herself quickly."Trying to blame me, huh? This was your plan in the first place!""Silence! Where's my magical mirror?" Sirius demanded.Realization hit upon the sisters as they exchanged uneasy glances. The blonde silently told Vesper to not tell anything and pretend they didn't know.As he led them to his chamber, they were thinking of how to justify their actions. He sat on his throne, "So? The mirror?" He demanded again, his expression impatient and angered."Which mirror?" the blondie mumbled, avoiding eye contact."Don't play dumb with me, Allegra. The mirror disappeared right after you three exited from my chamber.""I don't know, Sirius, you might as well ask these other ones standing there," the blonde said, ironically, trying to shift the attention from her."We don't know where the mirror is, why would we even get your mirror?" Vesper said, her voice steady, trying to hold her composure. She knew it was bad to get on his wrath. But he had been getting on their nerves for so long.Sirius sighed as he got up from his throne, his steps menacing. He walked closer and towered over her, his voice dark and cold. "Don't you dare play me, Vesper. You three are in this together, and I know it. Now, tell me where the mirror is, or I swear I'll make you all regret it. I'll make you beg for mercy and I won't spare any of you."As Sirius spoke, his words seemed to hang in the air, their weight heavy with fear and ruthlessness. The sisters exchanged nervous glances, their fear of him mixing with their fear of the consequences of their actions. They didn't dare speak, afraid that any word out of their mouths might make the situation worse."Well, uh...we...we didn't take that mirror. I mean...it wasn't really necessary, why would we do this, master? Perhaps you lost it, or some servant took it." Circe managed to stammer.Sirius glared at her, his suspicion evident. "You expect me to believe that nonsense? That someone just took my mirror?"Vesper, attempting to salvage the situation, took a step closer with a seductive smile. "Sirius, we wouldn't dare betray you. We are allies....""Shut up, Vesper," Sirius snapped. "Now, you either tell the truth or face the consequences. I don't have all the day."Vesper bit her lip, trying to come with something better. She looked at Allegra, who was as scared. She exchanged knowing looks with her and Allegra swallowed nervously, forcing her voice to take a sweeter and alluring edge."She's saying the truth, master. We would never risk your wrath. The mirror is surely misplaced. We'll find it if you wish." He didn't answer and she took it as an opportunity to take steps closer and cling to his arm.He, on the other hand, knew it was a scheme. But he didn't do anything at first, waiting for them to continue their shameless behaviour.Vesper nodded, smiling, "You know that, Sirius. There's nothing we wouldn't help you with. We're here for you." She walked over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder.Circe remained on the corner, watching her sisters futile and cringe attempts. She tried to hold back a laughter, but still hoped they'd succeed at this point. The truth was, she wanted them both punished, they threw all the fault on her, but if they got punished, she'd get punished as well, so it was the same thing.Sirius's expression remained stoic but inside he was growing even more furious. He harshly yanked himself away from Allegra and Vesper, trying to keep some distance."Your words don't prove anything to me, ladies," he said, knowing very well what plans they were doing behind his back. He couldn't believe they dared mess with his belongings."Well then, we're going to find that mirror for you, sweetheart," the blonde said, batting her eyelashes.He rolled his eyes, growing irritated by each passing second. It was like he was going crazy by having to bear their immoral advances."Yes, we'll find that mirror wherever it is. I'm sure some servant did it," Vesper added.He thought for a moment, in what way was he going to punish them this time. But it was better to make them think he ate their lie. A dangerous glint flickered in his eyes as he started to pretend considering their pleas."Very well," he said, sitting on his throne again, "for now, I'll let this slide. But remember, betray me again, and the consequences will be severe. Now, leave me be. I have matters to attend to."The sisters, relieved but still wary, left the chamber. As they exited, Sirius's expression darkened, and a sinister grin played on his lips. They could never outsmart him and he had no intention of letting their betrayal go unpunished.Meanwhile, they walked to their chambers, each not saying a single word. When they entered the rooms, Allegra sat down and took a deep breath, "Phew, this was close.""Yes, very close. And because of who? Because of Regan! She's the one who's been causing all that chaos!" Vesper vented."Damnit, you're right sis! We have to get rid of her, fast!" Allegra retorted.Circe, who kept looking at them from the corner, could help but burst out in laughter."What the fuck are you laughing at, you nerd?" the blondie sneered venomously."Yes, what's your problem? It was us who helped you to get out of Sirius's punishment," Vesper snapped.Circe crossed her arms in her chest, her face holding a meaningful smirk, "You two are really unbelievable fools. Back then you were beating up each other, now you make foolish plans," she said."I see the real fool telling the others. You're just jealous because you're left out, Circe," the blonde smirked back."At least I don't throw myself at every guy." Circe said, her voice filled with pride."Oh, spare me, Circe. You act like you're so innocent, but we all know about your little crush on Sirius," the blonde taunted with a sly grin."Yes, Circe, don't pretend you're immune to his charms. We've all seen the way you used to look at him," Vesper sneered.Circe scoffed, "Oh, please. That was ages ago. I've moved on, unlike you two, who still throw yourselves at him every chance you get.""Moved on? You're just bitter because he never noticed you," Allegra shot back, her tone filled with mockery.Vesper joined the teasing, "Maybe if you weren't so busy with your nose buried in your spell books, you'd have a chance."Circe rolled her eyes, unbothered by their comments. "You two are delusional. But I'm sure that Sirius will punish us for stealing that mirror. He won't let it slide.""Oh, please, we can handle Sirius. We've manipulated him before, and we can do it again." Allegra retorted.Vesper nodded in agreement, "Exactly, Circe. You worry too much. We're always one step ahead."Circe, growing frustrated, retorted, "You underestimate him. Sirius is no fool. He might play along for now, but he'll have his revenge. You can't outsmart him forever."Vesper laughed dismissively, "Revenge? Please, we're practically untouchable."Allegra added with a smirk, "And Regan is the real problem here. If we eliminate her, Sirius won't have any reason to be angry with us.""You're playing with fire. Sirius is unpredictable, and messing with him will only lead to our downfall."Vesper and Allegra exchanged knowing glances, silently dismissing Circe's concerns. They were confident in their ability to manipulate Sirius, but little did they know, he was already plotting his revenge behind closed doors."Anyway....what are we going to do with the mirror?" Allegra suddenly asked."We're going to turn it back, sneakily." Vesper retorted, sighing in frustration."Or we could use it to our advantage. Blackmail him, perhaps?"Vesper shook her head, "No, Allegra. It's not the right time."Circe didn't say anything. She knew that they would force her into their plans and not listen at her.The blonde was a bit reluctant but she agreed, "Fine, let's sneak into his chamber tonight and put it back where we found it. But be quick and silent.""I'm not coming. How do you think he won't notice?" Circe spoke with disbelief as she sat on the couch and grabbed a glass of lemonade."Shut up, Circe! We're in this together." Vesper retorted."And how would he notice? He'll be sleeping." Allegra added."You know to well..." Circe said as she took a sip of her drink, "that Sirius doesn't sleep.""He would be inside his observatory then. He rarely stays inside his chamber at night." Vesper retorted, her expression confident.In their hushed conversation, she emphasized the importance of returning the mirror discreetly, threatening Circe that if she didn't join them, they were going to make her regret defying. The plan was set - a covert mission to undo their previous actions without raising Sirius's awareness.Vesper and her sisters went to get the mirror back.As the night enveloped the enchanted realm, cloaked in shadows, they sneakily approached Sirius's chamber with cautious steps. Circe didn't want to mess with Sirius again but they forced her. She knew they both were lethal as hell when their tempers flared, so she reluctantly followed.Vesper whispered as they were walking, "We need to move quickly and quietly. The mirror needs to be back where it belongs before Sirius notices."Allegra nodded, her eyes focused on the task at hand. "Just make sure you don't make any noise, Vesper. This needs to be flawless."As they entered Sirius's dimly lit chamber, they found no sight of him. The candles and torches illuminated the room in a soft warm aura. The stolen mirror glimmered faintly under Vesper's hold.She neared the table where it was previously founded and carefully placed the mirror on the it, her movements deliberate and precise. Allegra kept watching, her senses heightened for any sign of disturbance. Circe on the other hand, stayed far, knowing that they were just getting themselves in trouble by continuing to try outsmart Sirius.Unbeknownst to the sisters, he was hidden in the shadows, observing their every move. A wicked smile played on his lips as he reveled in their misguided attempt to rectify their betrayal."There, it's done. Let's go before he catches us." Vesper whispered.The trio retreated from the chamber, leaving it undisturbed as if they had never been there.Meanwhile he, walked out of the shadows, took the mirror and caressed it with his gloved hands."Pathetic witches, I have so many things in store for you, my dears." A mastermind in the art of manipulation, he had a lovely plan for them.The next morning, Sirius summoned the trio to his gothic study. The aura in the room felt tense, and the sisters exchanged uneasy glances as they entered. His commander was there as well, his expression guarded and cold."You've made a habit on calling us wherever you please, Sirius." Vesper inquired, her voice steady and annoying, but her eyes revealing a hint of nervousness.Sirius, sat at his imposing desk, looking up with a sinister smirk. "Ah, my lovely witches. I have a little task for you, a chance to prove your power.""Prove our power? What task is that?" Allegra questioned confused.Sirius leaned back, his fingers steepled in front of him. "There have been reports of trolls causing trouble near the outskirts of the dark forest. I want you three to take care of them. Show me that you're capable of handling threats to our dominion.""Are you for real? Trolls? That's so childish." Vesper scoffed."Yeah, that's some duty for little brats, not us." The blondie added, her eyes glimmering with tease."Childish or not, it's a duty need to be done. Besides, weren't you in need of some little action?" Sirius asked, raising an eyebrow."Fine. That's no problem for us," Circe said."Great. You already know the map. Go and destroy these trolls." Sirius said, his voice with an inner taunt, despite his feigned encourage.Allegra and Vesper threw glances at each other and nodded, "Fine. Next time give us a harder task." Vesper said as she glared at him. The trio left and slammed the door shut.Sirius chuckled darkly and turned his attention on Vlad."Well, general, it seems our witches have quite the adventure ahead of them. Trolls in the dark forest - a simple task, wouldn't you agree?"Vlad, ever stoic, responded, "Indeed, my lord. The trolls got the reinforcements you wished. But, aren't you being a bit harsh on these witches?"Sirius leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Harsh, Vlad? They've crossed the line, messing with her and attempting to outsmart me. Their arrogance needs to be lowered. A confrontation with trolls will show them of how powerless they are and who's the one in control."Vlad nodded, acknowledging Sirius's reasoning. "You're right. It's just that they'll think you're not playing the game fair. They'll think you're not on their side.""I don't care what they think. They're just pawns in all this. I'm the one pulling the strings," Sirius said, his voice filled with confidence and authority."Very well, my lord," Vlad nodded. "I'll make sure they realize who's truly in charge."They shared a sinister chuckle, reveling in the impending chaos awaiting the trio of witches as they ventured into the dark forest to face the trolls.The general, his expression unchanged, spoke up, "Lord Sirius, there's another matter that requires your attention. Finn, the infiltrator, has already revealed his secrets. What should we do with him? Shall we keep him tortured for further information or release him?"Sirius, contemplating for a moment, leaned back in his chair. A smile played on his lips. "Finn... ah, the betrayer. Release him, Vlad. He has served his purpose, and keeping him tortured won't yield more than we already know. But make it clear to him that any attempt to cross us again will lead to dire consequences."Vlad nodded, his gaze unwavering. "As you wish, master. I'll see to it that Finn understands the gravity of his situation."Sirius chuckled darkly. "Let him wander with the weight of his treachery, Vlad. Sometimes, the fear of the unknown can be more tormenting than physical pain."Vlad acknowledged with a curt nod and left the room to attend to his duties, leaving Sirius alone with his thoughts.