
Flames of Justice (Completed)

Ryu came to the Naruto World with one goal and one goal only! HE WILL DANCE WITH THE BEST BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs


Ryu caught them both with one arm, holding them on his shoulder like sandbags as he turned to Temari and Kankuro saying "Ehhh?"

Temari and Kankuro burst into a cold sweat and stammered "S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-Sir! C-Can you please le-let our brother g-go? We're here fo-for the Chunin Exams!" as they pointed at Gaara.

Ryu lifted Gaara up to eye level and said "Is what they said true, Panda-chan?" Temari turned white, muttering "P-P-Panda-chan?!" Kankuro trembled in fear and sweat a puddle on the ground.

Gaara's eyes widened and he pointed at Ryu, shouting "Y-Y-Y-Y-You!!!" before fainting from anger.

Ryu threw Gaara onto his shoulder and grabbed Temari and Kankuro, dragging them behind him like sacks with two fingers as he slowly left the area.

Sakura, Konohamaru, and his friends felt a breeze pass by that made their clothes and hair wave.

Them: …?

Ryu turned a corner and walked around, whistling. Temari trembled and said in fear "Are you going to kill us?" Ryu looked at her strangely and chuckled "Why would I? You're just kids."

Kankuro grit his teeth and retorted, "We're Ninja!" Ryu rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, ninja, right… This is a happy day, you should be celebrating, you know!" Temari and Kankuro looked at Ryu with confused eyes.

Ryu looked up at the sky and sucked in a mouthful of air, sighing happily "Happy times are coming, don't you know!? Chunin exams are the place for surprising events to happen!" he smiled happily and hummed to himself.

Temari and Kankuro were still confused but Ryu didn't explain either.

He walked around aimlessly before running into Kakashi!

Ryu shook Temari and Kankuro happily, "Kakashi~ Over here!" Kakashi looked over and his eyes twitched. He quickly walked over and rubbed his forehead saying helplessly "These are Sand Shinobi Genin you know! You could start a war like this!"

Ryu snorted and curled his lips, "Against who? The Village of the Sand? All 5 Ninja that they have?" Temari and Kankuro froze, glaring at Ryu, who rolled his eyes at them, smiling "You silly little bastards, your village is really trash! How about you join Konoha?"

Temari and Kankuro froze, Ryu grinned at them as his conqueror's haki exploded all over their bodies, "So? Do you agree~?"

Temari and Kankuro's eyes widened and they trembled in fear, staring at Ryu in horror!

What was this terrible pressure! They felt like they were being stared at by a savage beast! Even worse than the One Tail in Gaara's body!

Even Shukaku was trembling inside of Gaara, not even making a peep.

Ryu curled his lips and grinned in a bloodthirsty manner "I. Can't. Hear. You." Temari and Kankuro felt like they were gradually losing their ability to breathe as they stared at Ryu in sheer terror.

Kakashi cleared his throat and said "Alright, stop scaring them… If they're traumatized then you're in big trouble…" The pressure disappeared and Ryu sneered "With whom? That old trash? Heh…"

His sneer became meaningful as he added "He should be having his own troubles right now, right?" Kakashi didn't even ask and looked at Temari and Kankuro, saying "Alright, he was just kidding. He's actually really nice."

Ryu put the duo down and they shook, looking at Ryu in fear.

Ryu knocked on their heads, sighing "You're already scared like this? Why did you even come for the Chunin exams? Don't tell me you're trash like the rest…" he sighed again and shook his head, "If you're terrified already, you might as well quit now. The Chunin Exams are no joke, you'll die for sure."

Temari and Kankuro froze, looking at him as he said "I remember when I took the Chunin exams…" then he paused and frowned "Wait… I didn't take them." Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose and reminded, "We went to war…"

Ryu punched his palm and smiled happily, "I remember! I went to war! After killing the 100th Chunin alone I got the special Jonin title!" Then he scratched his head and muttered "Or was it 300…"

Ryu looked at the duo and smiled "Anyway! I bet the Chunin Exam is really tough! You guys have it rough." Temari and Kankuro stared at him blankly, saying "Us?"

Ryu nodded and said with a headache, "I can't imagine… Tests. Ugh." Kakashi grabbed his collar and couldn't stand it anymore, saying "Prepare well for the Chunin Exam. You're representing the Sand Village."

Ryu threw Gaara to them and waved, "If you don't become Chunin, I'm kidnapping you all~ Byebye~" as he and Kakashi disappeared instantly as though they were never there!

Temari and Kankuro looked at each other while holding Gaara, Temari said with a shiver "What a scary guy! Really handsome though…" Kankuro nodded "Yeah, rea-Eh?! What do you mean, Temari!?"

Temari blushed and retorted "What? Am I wrong?" Kankuro rolled his eyes and frowned "We better become Chunin, who knows what'll happen if we don't…"

Ryu and Kakashi appeared somewhere else, Ryu handed him the Sage Mode book, saying with a smile "It's complete! Did you study those scrolls yet?"

Kakashi rolled his eyes with his hands in his pockets, "What do you think?" Ryu gave him a thumbs up, saying "As expected of you, Kakashi! Then it'll be much easier. Think of Lightning Release, but constantly absorbing the Natural Lightning Energies in the air, it's more effective during a thunderstorm, but also more dangerous…"

Ryu opened the booklet and pointed out certain spots, saying "These are very important. If you don't be careful, you'll end up a stone statue!" Kakashi held the book and read it slowly, nodding from time to time, asking "Safety Method?"

Ryu smiled and said "Exactly what it says." Kakashi nodded with interest, "You surprised me again. I read that there was no reversal for Petrification via Natural Energy." Ryu spread his hands and smiled "Did you hear about those mysterious Stone sculptures recently?" Kakashi froze and looked at Ryu helplessly, Ryu just chuckled and smiled "Don't worry, it's foolproof! Although, just a warning… If you use the safety method and don't heal it before trying again, you will turn into stone if you fail."

Kakashi nodded and kept the book, saying "Got it." Ryu nodded and got serious, saying "Kakashi, if you can't handle it… Don't hesitate to stop and ask for help. I will help you, you're one of my only friends. I don't want to have a statue of you in my house, you know?"

Kakashi patted his shoulder and smiled under his mask, "Don't worry. I know." Ryu smiled and relaxed, adding "Anyway, you're the first. After you succeed, I want you to report your experience so that the next method will be smoother. Eventually we can skip the danger zone altogether, jumping straight into Sage Mode. By that time, there won't be any Petrification danger."

Kakashi punched his chest and nodded before disappearing, leaving "Let Sasuke and Naruto meet me at the bridge later~!"

Ryu smiled and grabbed Naruto and Sasuke by the ankles, jumping into the sky, shocking them awake.

Naruto and Sasuke were hanging in the air about Konoha and shouted "AHHHHHHH!" Ryu cackled heartlessly "WILL YOU EAT MY DANGO IN THE FUTURE?!" Naruto and Sasuke shouted in terror "NEVER! NEVER AGAIN!"

Ryu nodded with satisfaction and crossed his arms, saying "Good! Then we ca-Ah, shit!" Naruto and Sasuke plummeted to the ground and shrieked as Ryu accidentally let go of them. He shot down and grabbed them just before they became meat paste!

Naruto and Sasuke laid on the ground, staring at the sky, breathing heavily.

Ryu looked guilty and the devil's grin appeared as he asked quickly "Are you okay?! Oh shit, please be okay!" as he panicked, checking the two of them. Naruto and Sasuke felt a strange warmth but it was suddenly overcome with bubbling excitement as they jumped up shouting "Again! Damn, how exciting! Haahaha!"

Ryu froze and his grin disappeared, a heartwarming smile replacing it, as he rubbed their heads and laughed "You little devils, let's go get some food. Kakashi wants to have a meeting at the bridge."

Sasuke said "Barbeque!?"

Naruto said "Ramen?!"

They were almost in unison before glaring at each other.

Ryu rubbed his chin and smiled "How about… Barbeque Ramen?"

Naruto and Sasuke looked at him as though he was an idiot, saying "Baka Ryu, there's no such thing! How could that even be possible!? What a baka! I thought you were smart, guess not!"

Ryu's eyes twitched and he punched them in the head, shouting "Damn brats! I'll show you!"

A while later